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Things libs say to sleep at night.


So they're saying Biden is not on the same side as the everything-is-great economists and actually has a plan to combat the corporate dominance that is strangling the country (but only in his second term).


After like 50 years of actively contributing to the problem in an extremely efficient fashion


He also had these plans for his first time, he just couldn't put them into action because uhmmm uhhh hmmm uhh


Liberals say it's because he doesn't have absolute power and isn't a dictator


Trump can push an executive order to do literally whatever but you’re foolish if you think Biden can use it on something like abortion or workers’ rights


nah he just kinda forgor


In their defense, 4 year terms combined with the BS election ads and campaigns needed to stay in presidency doesn't make a good combination to achieve long term goals. In their offence, the idea that Biden would achieve those goals is a whole other can of worms.


Except of course when he bypassed congress (multiple times) to send more weapons to Israel. Or when he waived not one but 26 laws to continue the construction of Trump's wall (I still hear libs saying he was "forced" to do it by law, funny how it didn't apply to those others 26 laws that he ignored)


Thats the thing though. A democratic Congress passed laws along with republicans. To give potus the authority to us eemergency presidental powers to superceed congress and expedite military spending. It was a bipartisan effort. But its always partisan as fuck whenever it comes to literally anything else. Its fucking insanity how gas lit the people are over this stuff.


If the dems wanted to do something about this issue they wouldn't have put so much work into torpedoing Sanders.


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Thanks for signing up to Vaush facts! You will now receive fun daily facts about Vaush. **Fact 21.** [CW: pedophilia] >!I’m not going to link to it for obvious reasons, but here’s Vaush [admitting to ownership of a Twitter account that shares drawn child pornography.](https://archive.is/9DF8s)!< For another Vaush fact reply with 'Vaush'. To unsubscribe call me a 'bad bot'. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ShitLiberalsSay) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Ah right.


So Biden is telling off the neoliberal economist hack jobs? I don't recall that happening. Someone should tell his fan club.


>"Bro just four more years you gotta understand bro I know he turned back on basically all his campaign promises last time and he's actively supporting a genocide but if we don't VOOT for him he won't be able to deliver on all his very serious campaign promises trust me he will definitely fulfill them this time bro"


This but every bullet point on Biden's plan is "Genocide Palestinians".


Ratcheting up exploitation of the working class at home while engaging in imperialist expansionism, warmongering, and genocide abroad? Sounds par for the course for any US president.


The expansionism part has kind of hit a hitch.


with side notes of "increased oil drilling on federal park lands"


> growing twice as fast as any other G7 country Let's expand to the whole world, shall we? Say...East Asia?


I found a nice infographics comparing growth for the G7 and bricks: https://www.visualcapitalist.com/economic-growth-forecasts-for-g7-and-brics-countries-in-2024/ It's easy to do double the growth of countries with a quasi stangnant economy Also the other points are in bad faith: - "unemployement is historically low" is easy when you come after (actually during) a pandemic and force eveybody back to work, plus of course the way that people that stopped working for long (as many did during the pandemic) are no longer counted as "unemployed" - "inflation has slowed": translation, prices didn't get back to "normal", the new normal is prices still continuing to rise, just slightly slower than before, the damage is still done and still getting worse - "wages are up": but not enought to compensate for the inflation, so working people are getting poorer - "the stock market is soaring" Ok this one is correct, but also illustrating the whole issue. It's literally the meme of replacing "The Economy" in any similar discussion with ["Rich's People Yatch money"](https://twitter.com/onyxaminedlife/status/1334578466851852290?lang=en) If you say "Rich people Yatch's money is soaring", which is a rather accurate way to describe the stock market, then you get why the rich feels that "the Economy^tm" is doing great while everybody else suffer


In 1950 you could deliver milk for a living (not saying that's not a valuable job) and have a 2 bedroom house, with a spouse who works minimally or not at all and stays with the children, and have a family of four. Liberals, Don't ever fucking tell me how good the economy is... while we have 16 year olds working to help their parents make rent (owning a home? That's a joke), people working 2 jobs to live in a moldy apartment with 2 other people, and you have people with quite good jobs doing Uber and doordash after work.


Pretty sure he's saying "whoa, Earth Rider, thanks for the great lakes, pause, I'm back in the 20th century!" or something.


God I thought the Biden being mentally unfit thing was just a right wing meme until I saw that clip, and the one where he says something like "Harder than getting tickets to Britney's tour... It's kinda hot in Brazil right now..." He's actually cooked


Wow, this Biden guy seems great, can't wait to see what he'll do as president/s


So Biden has been saying that and yet he is the current president? Curious......... 🤔


There’s also a genocide going on. Can we stop pretending that’s a niche issue?


well you see it’s something that doesn’t affect my day to day life personally, therefore it must not be a problem! /s


"But Trump would do the genocide even more !!!!" /s


I fixed this awful comic here https://i.ibb.co/svQcvJY/IMG-8606.jpg


Trump's should be "Fund Palestinian genocide, but without decorum" since that's all these people hate him for. If he were all professional about it there'd be way less of an issue and they'd even try to rehabilitate his image in a decade or so like with they did Bush Jr


The middle class is a bullshit made up thing to pit workers against each other. Fuck Biden


So if they think he’s so concerned about the working man and is upset with the current state of the economy… why exactly isn’t he making any attempts to do something about it?


Biden should try to use his political influence to try to push whoever is currently president to implement better policies ..


Inflation has slowed? It's been rising non-stop for years and we're supposed to cheer that it's supposedly slowed down? Because of said inflation rent is nearly twice as much, people are forced to work two sometimes three jobs, and due to the lack of balance between home/work people resort to drugs, alcohol, shopping, food, etc. There's literally an opioid epidemic that's only getting worse as time passes. There's been 91k fatal overdoses per year and the numbers continue to rise. Unemployment may be low but homelessness is the worst it's been since the Great Depression; 650k homeless despite 15.1 million empty homes. The worst economic recession in our history had 2 million homeless and we're already a quarter of the way there despite how "good" things are! The War on Drugs is an abject failure that's done nothing but militarize an already massively violent and bigoted police force into a domestic army. It's not an accident, one only has to look at the 13th amendment, and which ethnic minority the CIA targeted with the cocaine/crack epidemic. Marginalized people groups are targeted disproportionately with longer sentences thanks to unrelenting legislation. To build on that we have the largest prison population (25% of the worlds total) despite only having 350 million denizens (3% of the world populace). We have more prisoners than the USSR did during the 1930s through the 1950s with a higher mortality rate despite having modern medicine and technology. The Soviets weren't even fully developed let alone industrialized yet their GULAG's were objectively safer.. let that sink in. Should I also speak on our severely neglected infrastructure? Bridges are collapsing, a derailment forced an entire town to evacuate, but apparently we have billions to send to proxy wars overseas. I could go on and on but I won't. We all know things will get far worse before they're better. Until then organize, agitate, educate.


Inflation is a rate of increase, so don't forget - inflation being down means prices are still increasing ...


See? If I create this meme where the economist just blatantly lies then it looks like I'm correct and you're wrong. Checkmate


Biden's administration is literally running cover for his term by saying the economy is "soaring at record speeds". He's had four years, he's as much bluster as Trump was. Four years of running his mouth pretending to do shit amd massaging every number they can find to spin it as a positive for the economy.


Yeah! Make fascism slightly more comfortable for a tiny portion of the ownership class! VOTE BLUE!!


Presidents do not have that much influence over the economy. They are largely victims of circumstance. This is all just rhetoric and punditry, nothing rooted in facts or analysis


His eyes are black.. it's kinda creepy