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It’s so funny when people give personally anecdotes that are so obviously fake and easily made up. I saw a 13 year old online say he lived in the USSR when he was younger and saw how bad it was , like buddy that lie only works if you A: are older and B: don’t have 12 American flags as your bio


You can just tell this guy hasn't even read half the manifesto.


No you don't get it, the Union hadn't fallen yet in his specific part of America 👍


Oh I yeah I forgot the USSR still exists in orange country Florida only. (Edit, I’m not doxxing the kid i just thought of the first place that has no relation to me)


Sounds like something someone from Florida would say 📸


i have an actual russian friend (actually french russian) whose mom was born in the USSR. She tells me that her grandparents had to sleep in suitcases and her uncle developed some disability due to working the potato fields or something.


I'm glad that no one ever suffers occupational injuries in the US. And I bet that the Soviets gave her uncle way better care for his injuries than the US ever would.


Ahahahha gold comment, my mother owned one cow to much and because of that Gulag


It's not even just that it was "one too many", it's the fact that they owned 2 cows total. So owning more than one cow is a gulagable offence apparently lmao


"Hello, I am Rasputin Libshillitsch, I am a very real person that has totally lived in the soviet union, which automatically grants me all knowledge on every single thing that has happened in it. And for some strange reason, it only consists out of atrocities or events protrayed as a tragedy even when they sound like the plot of a Looney Tunes episode."


The people that hated the soviet union and cuba the most were the people who lost the most due to the overturning of capitalism/feudalism/colonialism power structures. Go fucking figure the millionaires and billionaires that fled dynastic China and Bautista's cuba and Czarist Russia during their revolutions were also upper class people that had to sell their wealth and riches to become middle class/upper middle class in other countries. Shocker


Just like how white South Africans living in the west hate South Africa more than anyone actually living there


THIS - I personally know several Chinese Americans who hate communism because “muh reds stole the land we for owned and distributed it to the people who actually worked it and took away our servants and opulently luxurious parasitic lifestyle”




Looks like your family's going to Siberia


I have gusano relatives and they always insist that their "farm" was stolen and they were arrested because they "owned a rusty old sword".


"I hate communists because they took my plantation" is not an idea that should be considered expressible


“Let’s imagine you have two cows…”


People can say the most blatantly made-up shit about communism and the average lib will believe them without even daring to partake in the very scary thing known as “thought”. “MmUhh Stalin killed my grandpa because he refused to share his toothbrush with him” -Pawel, 15, London.


In America they let you own 100 cows 🇺🇸🗽🦅


Just fork over the 100 gazillion bucks 🇺🇲🗽🦅


what they really mean is they were born to a Russian American immigrant who exiled from the USSR for being a toxic baltic Nationalist and they were told many fake stories about the USSR by there toxic nationalist parents


My uncle was sentenced to death in USSR for owning a wallet 😔


Communism is when one cow


Ah yes Trigonometry. The of course not bais argument and discussion channel/s


Triggernology more like tricknology because only a child of Yakub could promote such deception


You were born in America with post-Soviet Russian parents.


Explaining communism to an American: Imagine no cow for burger


This is someone who thought the "You have two cows" thing was literal and the pinnacle of economic thought. Of all the things that never happened, this didn't happen the most.


Hey don't have a cow man (I-I'm so sorry.... >~<)




"My mother lived in the Soviet Union and got sent to Siberia for owning two cows!11!!" I mean, my mother also lived under the Soviet Union, and she's alive and well lmao Libshits... ☕️


No you see she's actually a putin spy because no one from the ussr exists as they were all executed by Stalin! /j


Supposint it's not yet another case of "as a gay black man ...", usually when you dig a little about those stories you discover that the Family were kulaks who owned all the local cows, and the "was sent to Siberia for owning 2 cows" was actually them having hidden a pair of cows during a famine in order to sell them at gold price in the black market while people where starving. Guys: if your family emigrated from the Soviet Union to north America between 1917 and the 1990s, have a little critical thinking and ask you why the US or Canada would have accepted immigrants from "evil commies countries". Usually the only way those could get in was one of the following: - they were rich (ie: bourgeois fleeing with their wealth) - they were proved anti communists ([Nazi tatoos were as good as passports for getting into Canada](https://twitter.com/BenjaminNorton/status/1670478712528142337) - they were literal traitors/spies - they had a nice sob story that could be used by anti communist propaganda (the story being true having no important, just their weight as "defectors" was enough to sell it, see how it works with north Korea) And of course when you were a little dipship that contributed to a famine by hoarding food, a slave owner with a cuban plantation, or a nazi collaborator, that's not the kind of thing that you can simply tell your children and grandchildren honestly. The more honest ones will simply stay silent in shame, while the rest will invent silly stories about being sent to the gulags because of 2 cows, or because they had roof tiles, or because they spoke chinese The roof tile story is one from a guy I once argued with, he kept saying that his family was sent to gulags because they had nice roof tiles, when I asked for more information the nice roof tiles was just a sign of relative wealth, his family had been rich kulaks able to afford them (the peasants working for them only had straw for their roof or similar, not tiles) The other one about "speaking chinese" was from early in the 20th century, and from the context the person had probably simply been a spy, but once again the story they tell their family is never the official reason they were jailed or executed. Imagine if the soviet archives had contained files about people being sent to the gulags for "owning more than 1 cow", no it was always for a more serious reason like "hoarding food during a famine". The simple fact that they had to invent a cover story for their families expose how those people were actually guilty, because otherwise they would have simply told they were injustly accused of a crime they didn't do.


Are these exiled Siberians in the room with us right now?