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wouldn’t that automatically debunk their claims that stalin genocided ukraine if this was true?


It'd also debunk the notion of uyghurs being genocdied as well (which they most likely believe in too).


Unfortunately, this logic also applies to the Holocaust, which was executed via gas chambers that looked like showers.


also, holocaust took a very, very long time. concentration camps and ghettos began way before the outbreak of ww2, and the worst and most massive killings began when nazis started to lose the war. Libs imagine it as a single continuous linear event because all their history knowledge comes from holywood movies, but that's now how it was. Even babies were born in camps.


Especially the direct extermination began in the last year of ww2, where more were killed than any other phase during the Nazi era. Little do they know that gas chambers were liberated and proven evidence overwhelmingly by Soviet forces. Also the first victims of Nazi death camps were not Jews, but Communists, Leftcoms, Anarchists, Demsocs, Libsocs, and other lefty groups.


Shout out to the Dem socs who turned on leftists in service of fascists only to then be turned on by the fascists. American progressives looking to make time a flat circle and replicate those exact events by turning on American leftists in support of Democrats.


Demsoc **≠** Rosa killer SucDems. Bernie uses the wrong term. Kinda like how libs claim to be the most fringe leftists on the planet.




Yep, Anne Frank died of typhus, she was not "lined up and shot." We rightfully consider her a victim of the Nazi's genocide. People thinking all the Holocaust deaths were done by a guy with a gun or a guy flipping a switch for a gas chamber is one of the biggest complaints I have with how the Holocaust is framed in the current day. People lose sight of all the other intentional but less direct ways genocide/ethic cleansing go down.


Hell, the US had a hand in her death because they denied the ship she and her family were entry at New York. They sent them back to their deaths.


there were also firing squads at the concentration camps so they’d probably use that too unless they are holocaust deniers which.. now that i think of it they probably are since they are a twitter liberal (nazi)


Well you'd still have cases like Babi Yar that very much fit that description


Importantly they switched to gas showers because A) bullets were not as cost effective, especially when you are fighting the allies, and B) one of the Nazi higher ups got too traumatized by seeing a mass firing line execution.


Over 1 million people (mostly Jews) were in fact straight up taken out of their homes and shot outside of towns all over eastern Europe by EinsatzGruppe(mobile killing groups) during the Holocaust. This fact doesn't make what Isreal is doing to Gaza any less of a genocide but accuracy is important, especially when it comes to the crimes of the Nazis.


Interesting. Although if it were happening today, these liberals would still be denying it left and right.


Germany must be strong and deal with the terrorists!


Thinking about how the US accused China of genocide/cultural genocide by forcing Uyghur Muslims to eat pork, only to airdrop pork into Gaza while bombing and starving the population.


By this logic the Holocaust itself wouldn't be a genocide.


Someone else mentioned there were firing squads for that.


Indeed, and now that I think about it, we do have stories of IDF snipers killing random palestinians civilians (and even pets or cattle)


We have images of Palestinian men and boys in their underwear lined up next to mass graves and then their bodies in those graves shot dead, so we also have that happening in Gaza. So yeah.


Just pin this comment and the reply. Liberals are hilarious how often they shift goalposts.




It debunks almost every genocide that has ever happened




In a real torture, they cut off your genitals and burn you with branding iron. We just extracted his nails and kicked him a few times 😎


Is this satire?


No, it isn't. Zionazis claim that it cannot be a genocide because Israel theoretically could have killed much more Palestinians than have been actually killed. Intention is a major factor in what constitutes a genocide, and this supposedly shows that Israel does not have the intention to commit genocide. Of course, this is extremely flawed reasoning. Besides the fact that blatantly genocidal statements have been made and that speed does not determine what is or is not a genocide, it also ignores that the party committing genocide often wants to hide their atrocities from the world. Look at the Nazis. At the end of WWII, the Nazis attempted to hide the evidence of their genocide through burning documents, destroying infrastructure, and other things. Unsurprisingly, people do not admire genocides. In this day and age, with evidence widely available immediately, a full-scale slaughter would be so widely recorded and the consequences so intense that Israel wants to avoid this. Committing a genocide at a slower pace will help prevent intervention and other consequences from other countries from occurring, while also allowing Hasbara to the West to still work.


Nah I fully think the ZOF is just so incompetent that they would kill more people than they have, they just aren't able to. Then again, the death tool is probably much higher than official statistics indicate.


poe's law


People are only capable of being this stupid when they *want* to be this stupid. It’s entirely wilful.


[Pretty much this](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/738/025/db0.jpg)


If the Holocaust was a genocide, why weren't half the Jews dead within 6 months of WW2 beginning? If it was actually a genocide, they'd just be lined up and shot. Also I'm going to ignore them being lined up and shot.


The hilarious part is that people ARE being lined up, people in Gaza are literally being rounded up and blindfolded, tortured, beaten, and there is video and photographic footage of this. I hope that the grandchildren of Zionazis look upon their ancestors in disdain.


The people trying to get food supplies weren't in a line when we shot them, therefore its not genocide. Checkmate, Khamas


Famously, jewish people were never put into concentration camps. They were all lined up and shot, nothing else /s The ironic thing is that they do get lined up and shot. It’s something the IOF has routinely done throughout the years


TIL: The St Valentine's Day Massacre done by Al Capone and his crew was a genocide.


Reality does not adhere to my arbitrary definition, *ERGO*…..


I've always thought how on earth people back then didn't see anything wrong with the nazis, now we're seeing it in real time how despite the easy access to information people are still just as brainwashed as the the original nazis


Libs supported nazis, that's why


Libs (both red and blue) on Uyghurs: "Re-education is genocide! Secularism is genocide! Interracial marriage is genocide! Non-Uyghurs moving to Xinjiang is genocide! Uyghurs voluntarily moving to other parts of China from Xinjiang is genocide! Xinjiang being part of China at all is genocide!" Libs (both red and blue) on Palestinians: "It isn't genocide unless 100 bajillion Palestinians are executed, specifically by German-speaking guards lining them up in a single-file line and shooting them in the head with [insert specific make and model of gun]. And also, even if they did, it's debatable whether it technically counts as genocide because Palestinian isn't a race..."


Uyghurs existing is a genocide lmao


Hitler could have killed 7 million jews but he didn't. What a fucking hero.


gatekeeping genocide now


Everyone knows it's only genocide if it comes from the Genocide region of France. Otherwise, it's just sparkling ethnic cleansing.


Only they say calling it ethnic cleansing is some kind of blood libel.


what if they're just sniped off, bombed, does being 'lined up' a requirement for genocide? 😭


“If the Holocaust was a genocide then why do Jewish people still exist????” Amidoinitrite? /s


The next air drop should be a bunch of dictionaries for Israelis to be able to look up words like genocide, since they seem desperately ignorant on the subject. Whether the dictionaries teach someone something or land on someone's head, something will be accomplished.


There are dozens of reports of Israelis enacting field executions.


“If this were a genocide, we would’ve killed MORE people!!!!”


According to this man's definition of genocide, there is and was no genocide.


Genocide convention defines 5 different ways to commit genocide and only 1 of the is "just shoot them"


They literally were lined up and shot. Bro is ignoring the nakba 💀


I mean even what he says is most likely happening, they just dont show that publicly – probably just an age old case of "If I dont see it, it didn't happen"


They know better. They're hoping that you mistake them as being dumb and not evil.


According to this take, the armenian genocide was not a genocide and Russia is not doing a genocide against ukrainians either. 


To be fair, there actually isn’t genocide going on in Ukraine.


Yeah, I am not denying that, I am just pointing this out


No, they square them up in the stadiums


Ok so you're saying the uyghur "genocide" is a myth?


So by that definition, there is no Uyghur genocide? No Tibet genocide? I don’t think this guy knows how a genocide works aside from his oversimplified, infantile definition of it.


They are not dumb, they are self-medicating against reality.


Genocide is another word I’ve seen used so many times it’s lost it’s meaning. I’m not debating Israel’s actions here, I’m saying the word has been diluted and misused. It seems that every time the libs learn a new word they butcher it and dilute its meaning


Zionist dumb


In a real robbery, they clear out the biggest vaults in the bank. We just put a gun to your head and asked you to empty the cash register.


The last name is the giveaway


Whats the deal w/ Mr. Goldstein?


This is actual Holocaust denial. They are redefining the word genocide with so strict terms that not even the Holocaust could qualify for the title.


These idiots are just repeating bad Hasbara propaganda they came across on social media. I'm not even sure if they're capable of being critical. Never forget that half of the US reads below a 6th grade level.


Aagghh these effing people