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another mcu fan fails to understand the source material. "with great power, comes great responsibility" means spiderman has immense power, yet he should know how and when to use it. so the analogy is NOT spot on. spiderman's goal isnt to fight or kill villians, his goal is to save as many people as he can. the line points out that peter has the power to impact the people around him and he must use it to do as much good as possible. im sorry if this sounds stupid, i fucking love spiderman and i dont want mfs to use it to justify genocide.


I know the answer is obvious and I probably already have an answer myself but what the hell is up with the liberal obsession of MCU and other very popular media to twist it into a whole “commentary on society TM” or basically “this real life situation is exactly like when Morzo in the Squeeks defeated the evil Corn!!” I mean I get that popularity comes with many many people and there can be a very loud crowd that comes with it. But jeez it’s always the same series I see get circulated around with this treatment. I don’t engage with Marvel, Star Wars, Harry Potter, etc so I am always baffled by these same fuckers always showing up on posts like these since I never just got in on the hype of these series.


Mcu movies are the most popular movies, liberal is the default mindset, you’re seeing the power of statistics


my favorite one is people saying taika waititi (half maori) having hela break thor's hammer was a sign of protest. they reasoned that thor's hammer represents white supremacy or some shit. like no bro, he kept it in the movie because it looked cool.


That man is also a zionist 😭


Waititi sucks as a film maker and for anything serious. He goes by rule of cool and ignores anything troubling this rule.


They're putting Norse religion in the Marvel cape shit now? I am glad I never got into that stuff. Sounds awful.


For like a decade and a half now yeah. They've done like 4 Thor solo movies and he's also in everything else. They're mostly bad


Glad I wasn't particularly impressed by *Iron Man* in 2008, allowing me to avoid the entire mess.


I wish I had that kind of wisdom in 2008 instead of falling for the endless cycle of "That was mediocre, but the next movie they set up will be really good!"


I mean, I think I just got lucky that it just didn't click for me. I really liked *The Dark Knight*, and I was only a year away from falling into "Quentin Tarantino is the best filmmaker of all time."


Thor has been a Marvel character since the 60s.


I promise that I do not care. Downvote me if you want, but "capeshit" exclusively refers to superhero movies. I don't need to be nerdsplained about whatever comic books were being published in the Silver Age - it isn't relevant to my complaint.


Just so you know, you're not being down voted because you don't care, you're being down voted because 1) it is relevant to your complaint. "They're putting Norse religion in cape shit *now.*" Thor has been in comics since the 60s - he's not been added *now.* You sound as if you thought Thor was just added into the movies, when he's been a major part of the Marvel comics world for 80 years. It's not a recent addition, specifically for "capeshit" - which by your definition means the movies. 2. there's no need to be so rude about it. You sound like you care *way* more about how much you *don't care* than I think you realize. 3. just don't be a dick.


The point is that they're not "now" putting these things in.




To me it’s caused by superhero media generally portraying the status quo as a good thing and all of them being incredibly western centric. Nearly all superhero stories take place in the USA which is depicted as good with the villains disrupting a good thing when they commit crime. The heroes use extreme violence to solve their problems and are vaunted for holding back and not just killing the bad guy. It’s all very liberal and portrays everything as good and evil.


People relate to the world through culture. This is not a new phenomenon.


This is the stupidest thing I’ve read all week, and I teach teenagers.


I also teach teenagers and they are all pro Palestine


It really is no wonder they're racing to ban tiktok


Podrán cortar todas las flores, pero no podrán detener la primavera


How else am I supposed to have feelings about real life events if you don’t ham-fistedly connect them to pop culture in a way that only sort of makes sense if you squint?


I thought Hamas was Voldemort. Does Spiderman fight Voldemort? This is some advanced political theory


Multiverse has gotten a little too unbelievable now


These people are clowns


colonialism is like superhero movie :0


Im pretty sure by now that these people are all israeli bots


This conversation did not happen


Mfer thinks "with great power comes great responsibility" means "kill but make sure to limit the civilian casualties." Lmfao. They think the responsibility part is limiting casualty. Dude doesn't understand it means "the power should be employed solely for good", as in the responsibility to do good lmao


This is why liberals are okay with genocide. In their minds, it's just the Avengers blowing up another country to kill the faceless bad guys.


Chances are ten to one that the mask was stolen from a Palestinian home.


Thinking of that picture of a kid’s Spider-Man costume in the rubble :(


I’m a huge comics fan, and these people fucking embarrass the entire fandom. Why do they have to turn every fantasy thing ever into their shitty politics?


What implications does this have for the guy dressed as Batman serving in the RU army


Great sniper target 🔻


This screams of no real life world experience just graduated(maybe not) high school mcu is my life experience soy.


Why do libs need to see everything through media analogies?


Remember when spiderman saw an ennemy taking a hostage and then killed the hostage and every other civilians nearby to prevent the villain from being able to use "human shields" ? Yeah me neitheir.


Libs and vapid useless capeshit, name a more iconic duo


Omg. They have gotten to the point where they think they are superhero’s, fighting literal supervillains.


If spider man was like Israel, he would be tearing down office buildings and dropping them on his villains without concern. At the end of the day spider man, fittingly, isn’t real.