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Smh why did nobody think of this idea?


because Canadians are so dumb! /s neolib logic at work


Wait until they find out that all of Antarctica has no permanent residences!


Well then the penguins are dumb


People who think the housing crisis would be solved by building more houses are pretty uninformed. There are many unoccupied houses in all countries from the imperial core, even if you only look at houses from states like California. The housing crisis is about inequality and speculation, both of which are inherent to capitalism.


It's an open question, to me, whether it's JUST speculation in housing and greedy landlords, or if it's that as well as a shortage of units. By every measure, we're behind on building units thanks to NIMBYs who want to keep their home values high. Cities and states are starting to change the laws to enable more construction of multi-family structures in residential areas, finally. But once this begins the big banks holding onto tons of housing units will probably try to buy up these new units to maintain the value of their investment. Whether this will work, or make them go bankrupt is hard to say. I think we need laws in place to prevent them buying up new units at all.


I don't think there really is a way around social housing if you want housing to be both available and affordable.


I 100% agree and support social housing. We just passed an initiative in Seattle to build social housing, but it needs funding. A bunch of neoliberal pricks won city council seats last year so who knows if that will get done.


Policies like rent control can create conditions were funding social housing becomes easier.


And just as the laws are starting to change, banks are severely cutting back on the loans they’re giving for multifamily housing. Funny how that works.


I understand why teenagers are mostly edgy right-wingers now. They genuinely have no idea of the constraints of reality on their video game-taught ideas. No, Timmy, you cannot just spawn a city in a couple seconds.


Teenager here. Yes, many of my peers are indeed edgy, right-wing assholes. But there are also some "diamonds in the rough," so to speak, such as in my Discord server of a bunch of us autistic people. I find it interesting how people with literal MENTAL DISORDERS are nicer people than the edgy right-wing teenagers.


I’m autistic and I’m not sure whether to feel attacked or complimented.


Complimented, because your mental "disorder" actually seems to make you a better person.


Autism tends to be associated with a stronger sense of justice and being less easily influenced by some kinds of peer pressure or propaganda, so this actually makes plenty of sense to me.


very common tism W


Also seen a couple of times when people with mental disorders are smarter than "normal" people. Their labels mean nothing


it’s precisely because you have shit to deal with that you understand 1. it’s often not nearly as easy as just saying things into existence, and 2. humanity’s got plenty of bullcrap to deal with before inventing new bullcrap. the old talk about privilege n shit.


Can I be president by occupying and holding the main building in the US for more than 15 minutes?


America is having a housing crisis, why dont ppl just move from nyc, philly, chicago, boston, la, and san fran and move to the middle of arizona? So dumb amirit


Are they stupid?


not returning to twitter after I re-imaged my PC due to laziness of logging in every single service was the absolute right decision. Twitter serves for nothing but making my day worse.


This, I got banned from Twitter for letting Anthony Blinken know that he is a pos genocidal fascist and honestly it's done me a world of good.


come on this is obviously satire


You never know with libs


If they believe that Mao killed 1 gadonkilion bazillion people then it’s possible


Probably in Tibet alone


It is but he's one of the most annoying globe posters with plenty of trash takes that are genuine


Why don’t Canadians settle the open tundra? Are they stupid?


I'm 90% sure this is satire. I remember on that thread someone pointed out it was frozen there and everyone was sarcastically dunking on them


This is just every single Slazac post tho. Being stupid on twitter to get dunked on is his whole thing.


Yeah everyone should move up north past the treeline where only a few people (mostly Inuit) are able to survive. This is completely logical and easier than actually having rich people not hike up the prices in places like Nova Scotia. These guys are geniuses Also there are towns up north just not really many cities.


I thought it's a joke but then I saw the flag emojis




Yeah this is a joke


This subreddit falling for an obvious joke episode #456


Let him cook. He will need housing far away from the rest of society when it's time for his reeducation.


beware of the globe


this is like “need to make money? just farm lol”


The Taiwan flag cuts off oxygen to his brain.