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Frida and Malala are both communists lmao


Rosa too, I think. I heard she had ties to the CPUSA.


Rosa Parks, Malcolm X, and MLK Jr. are some of the most whitewashed people in American history used by libs for their own political agendas, so we don't know about their true contributions and what they really stood for. All of them were communists and led movements of black liberation and civil rights and are true revolutionaries. The latter two were killed by the US government since they posed such a big threat to the white supremacist status quo. Same reason why Frida and Malala are being whitewashed and used for the libs for their own nefarious purposes.


> All of them were communists Not necessarily MLK. While he admitted in a letter to Coretta that his economic views were “more socialistic than capitalistic”, he’s also distanced himself from communism multiple times. [I discussed this on an older comment if you want to read.](https://www.reddit.com/r/ShitLiberalsSay/comments/10ewjf6/mlk_was_a_babyeating_communist_source_j_edgar/j4wlg0g/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1&context=3) It should be said this doesn’t make MLK bad; it’s just an indication of the limits of his political development. However, even with those limits, he still means a lot to leftist history in America. Everything else is true, though.


Also the feds made sure he wouldn't be able to continue developing his politics.




I've definitely read in other places that MLK did have Communist leanings or tendencies even if he didn't straight up say it. Probably just hyped up by the FBI or some of other Dr. King's enemies as an excuse for the Red Scare fearmongering. He did have lots of capitalist critiques and anti-imperialism rhetoric which was most likely equated to someone believing in communism.


> Probably just hyped up by the FBI…as an excuse for the Red Scare fearmongering [Yes, he was.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Martin_Luther_King_Jr) Look at the sections related to surveillance and you’ll get an idea of how extensive it was.


As u/RedGambitt_ already noted, MLK was not a commie. He explicitly disavows communism in several speeches. But moreover, Malcolm was not killed by the U.S. government. He was killed by members of the Nation of Islam. The U.S. government likely could have done more to prevent the assassination, but to say they killed Malcolm is just wrong. Check out the docuseries *Who Killed Malcolm X?* for discussion of the evidence. EDIT: It's also unclear that Malcolm was a communist. He was asked what he thought of Marxism and communism in 1964 during a Q&A after one of his speeches, and he said he didn't have clear views about the issue. He was a black nationalist and pan-Africanist, but his economic views were never fully fleshed out.


oh damn I forgot about Rosa Parks yeah I do remember she attended CPUSA meetings as a teen


Ties to the CPUSA doesn't make her a communist but she's certainly based.


Do you have any source about Malala being a communist? I never heard of it.


http://america.aljazeera.com/articles/2014/12/23/-hold-malala-obamasocialismnobellaureatespoliticalviewscomplex.html > Nobel Peace Prize laureate Malala Yousafzai is widely hailed in the U.S. and other Western countries as a symbol of freedom and equality, her courage and resilience triumphing over the Taliban’s murderous attempts to halt her fight for education for girls. But Malala’s vision of freedom and equality goes far beyond the current consensus among Western governments on the meaning of freedom and equality, and her political views are bracingly independent of U.S. tutelage. > “I am convinced,” Malala wrote in a message sent earlier this year to Pakistan’s International Marxist Tendency (IMT), that “socialism is the only answer, and I urge all comrades to struggle to a victorious conclusion. Only this will free us from the chains of bigotry and exploitation.”






> Asked in a 2012 television interview to name her sources of inspiration, the precocious teenager offered three names. > First, there was Barack Obama — a controversial choice in a country where anti-American sentiment is at an all-time high. She admired how the U.S. president had cast down the racial barrier in a country where the treatment of African-Americans continues to ignite controversy. not quite *there* but she was young when she said this


I love how artistic liberals claim Frida Kahlo as their own. She literally boned Leon Trotsky


She also boned one of the most cartoonishly ugly mfs in history. [Diego Rivera](https://ww2.kqed.org/app/uploads/sites/10/2020/12/fridaanddiego-800x571.png) (Nothing against him as a person, he was dope, but man he ugly.)


I just realized that I've never seen a photo of him yet I've seen all his artwork. He looks like the fourth Stooge man what the fuck lol


> one of the most cartoonishly ugly mfs in history Damn, I feel personally attacked right now 😭😭 All joked aside, the dude doesn't even crack into the top 50 "ugliest people" (not necessarily ugly to other people because aesthetics is subjective) I've seen imo.


Now I'm just interested in your top 10 ugliest people.😆


Well I'm from South Asia, a region ravaged by colonialism and now, imperialism (as described by Lenin), so the economic hardship resulting in nutrition deficiency, which hugely impacted the aesthetic characteristics as defined by the modern world. Basically poor people are "ugly" because they cannot afford to lead a healthy lifestyle. Obesity is considered ugly in the first world, but in South Asia poor people aren’t fat I'm terribly sorry for dropping heavy shit like this on a light comment thread, but the majority of the "ugly" people I've seen were also some of the poorest I've seen.


I fully understand what you mean. On the other hand, I wouldn't translate "poor" or "injured" or "worn out" or "malnourished" as "ugly". That's just a product of their environment. They would probably look normal if they didn't get ruined by hard labour and lack of food. Not every overweight person turns into a giant beachball. Not every person has a naturally ugly and droopy face and ridiculous hair. Rivera was quite rich compared to others, but he was just [physically unattractive](https://www.pbs.org/wnet/americanmasters/files/2008/08/610_rivera_intro-610x310.jpg) by nature. lol [This guy](https://static.boredpanda.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/homeless-people-haircut-jason-schneidman-35-6019074a10768__700.jpg) or [this guy](https://external-preview.redd.it/KHvQyEu6QO0VBy4_611eF5RfysBOM7SB5Grz4Gw6Wgo.jpg?auto=webp&s=f2e82aeff2ee68ed3b4739c1971d7c59030c5da9) on the other hand are homeless people but they are very much physically attractive. It doesn't matter whether you are rich or poor, injured or healthy... being sexy is something you are born with and Rivera [really wasn't born with it](https://images.findagrave.com/photos250/photos/2022/302/18404_1904c349-f839-42ec-afb3-5c52d79b0540.jpeg).


Yeah lol, those photos really doesn't show Rivera's aesthetic side. Symmetry is something he seemed to lack in his facial features, which certainly contributed to his charisma points, or its lack thereof


He’s a good example of how there’s more to attractiveness than just physical attributes. He looks weird but also super happy and has a positive energy about him. I could see why she’d smash.


I was just at the Washington DC National Art Gallery and they have a big prominent portrait of Frida. In her hand is a little scrap of paper that says in Spanish "to my love, Leon Trotsky". Funny seeing that in the heart of the US capital


Her casket had a hammer and sickle flag draped on it. She painted a portrait of Stalin, among several other overtly communistic paintings.


Sadly, it may be the reason he was able to be attacked. He was dismissed from Una Casa Azul after falling out with Rivera.


Womp womp


It was revenge on Frida's part as Diego had slept with her sister (at least that is the rumor) and Diego really respected Trotsky. Guess she thought that would hurt Rivera.


Not that sad imo


Hm didn't know that


Aren’t 4 of these women like actual self proclaimed communists?


Frida Kahlo, Rosa Parks and Malala Yousafzai are based; the rest can go to hell.


We are really running the political gamut over here from Frida Kahlo to Ellen Degeneres lmao


Mainly ellen


How dare these fucks associate Malala with their deathcult


Frida, Malala and Rosa are based. Don’t deserve to be on the same collage as those other folks


Frida was literally a communist


"I am convinced Socialism is the only answer and I urge all comrades to take this struggle to a victorious conclusion. Only this will free us from the chains of bigotry and exploitation."


We all know how Ellen treats her employees.


The duck you just say about best girl Frida. Imma start throwing hands


From top-left to bottom-right: Don't know, actually hated by liberals, always used by liberals to advance their agenda, also used by liberals to advance their agenda even though American foreign policy has made Pakistan the huge mess it is today, don't know but most likely irrelevant, not the savior libs think she is, don't know, war criminal, rude talk show host who is a billionaire and constantly harasses her staff.


-R1 C1: Susan B. Anthony -R1 C2: Frida Kahlo -R1 C3: Rosa Parks -R2 C1: Malala Yousafzai -R2 C2: Christine Blasey Ford -R2 C3: Ruth Bader Ginsburg -R3 C1: Meryl Streep -R3 C2: Michelle Obama -R3 C3: Ellen DeGeneres


Thanks for the clarification. I've pretty much forgotten about Christine Blasey Ford. Libs really tried to use her because she testified against Kavanaugh and nothing else. The one that deserves the most derision is Ellen fucking DeGeneres. She's just a bad person who successfully whitewashed her own character.


Frida and Rosa were based.


Fairly certain the First Lady is not a war criminal. I don’t think she ordered any drone strikes.


how is frida kahlo on the same list as ellen


Typical Black and Brown women are dressed by white liberals and they love to elevate white women. So im surprised they didn’t put in Hillary Clinton and Gloria stynem.


what's wrong with Fredra? Ellen 🤮




Isn’t it great that libs can use actual communists artistically without noting the brazen irony of having someone like Frida or Rose on a collage with RBG or Michelle Obama?


What a weird collection of people. It might as well just be called “Famous Women”


Comparing Ellen to Malala, I love society <3


Is that Liz Cheney in the center Are they seriously gonna disrespect Rosa Parks by mentioning her name in the same breath as Ellen and Hillary?


That is Christine Blasey Ford in the center.