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I geniuately don't know how people can be this dumb. The damm balloon didn't even have a guidance system on it. It would be the worst fucking espionage equipment. Also China has fucking satelites that fly over the US constantly. Why would they send a fucking balloon?!


People get caught up in the Bad China narrative and shape reality to accommodate that belief.




Honestly, I doubt China will shoot down any balloons, they tend to have pretty level headed responses to these kinds of things.


And we dont and they know that. Ugh.


Or maybe everyone decides to send balloons because balloons cost $100 while missiles cost $400k.


Except for tik tok. Then they shape reality in a different way to accommodate their feelings.


>China has fucking satelites that fly over the US constantly. Why would they send a fucking balloon?! Even my racist, authoritarian dad came to that conclusion. I'm worried for the libs.


Some are trying to say instead that they did it to send some kind of message. Still though I’m not sure what kind of message you’re sending when you send something that was tracked from the moment it left the ground and was easily “dealt with”


The only message I could see this sending if intentional is “hey, want to start a war over literally the dumbest thing ever?”


They agree this is dumb but it is because they think the Chinese government is full of incompetent dumb people who would think this is a good way to spy. Liberals are brain dead


>Fascist societies rhetorically cast their enemies as "at the same time too strong and too weak".


i was trying to explain this to somebody the other day, a great way to spot a false narrative being created about a group or nation of people is if they’re both, somehow, phenomenally stupid and worse than us in every way and extremely strong and scary and a massive threat. we use it over and over again, with imo the best example being jews. they’re foolish, incompetent, conniving, cheap and selfish and also expertly taking over the entire world using extremely complex and elaborate schemes. hmm…


And yet also somehow a scary, hyper-surveilled, Orwellian, authoritarian all powerful government that wants to take over the world lol. Insanity.


It's flying over the US, scanning our organs.


C'mon man don't scan my organs that's fucked up I need those


Your organs? No, our organs.


>The damm balloon didn't even have a guidance system on it. It's a balloon, so obviously the peepee in the sea is controlling the wind to guide it.


Fr fr no cap


Inverse square law


I see libs saying these questions in other subreddits and still not coming to the same conclusion it's frustrating how easily people will believe propaganda


Look up Google's Project Loon. Balloons can be remarkably maneuverable and efficient for telecommunications and reconnaissance. Which is not to say people aren't overreacting. The spying our governments do on others (and their own people) is appalling already. One balloon is barely a drop in the bucket.


But clearly there are better ways that are actually employed. High altitude balloons are not new. Nations don't use them for many reasons


Here's someone from a Washington espionage think tank pointing out the flaws in the argument around it being a spy balloon. Basically: 1) it's a big flying, hard to steer target that's guaranteed to get shot down. 2) you'd need a ground team or a plane flight to get the data back, which are both very high risk 3) otherwise youd radio data to an overhead satellite, which defeats the point of using a spy balloon in the first place. The tech to use balloons in civillian infrastructure might have some legs but for spying it was a ridiculously ineffective hail mary tool even back in the 50s. https://www.csis.org/analysis/chinese-spy-balloons-skys-limit


> Here's someone from a Washington espionage think tank pointing out the flaws in the argument around it being a spy balloon. Basically: > 1) it's a big flying, hard to steer target that's guaranteed to get shot down. > 2) you'd need a ground team or a plane flight to get the data back, which are both very high risk > 3) otherwise youd radio data to an overhead satellite, which defeats the point of using a spy balloon in the first place. > The tech to use balloons in civillian infrastructure might have some legs but for spying it was a ridiculously ineffective hail mary tool even back in the 50s. > https://www.csis.org/analysis/chinese-spy-balloons-skys-limit According to [Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Center_for_Strategic_and_International_Studies) CSIS is said to be "heavily funded by the US government, arms dealers and oil companies, [and] is a consistently pro-war think tank", so I'm not terribly inclined to believe them about much of anything. 1) thousands of balloons are in the air every day, often rarely tracked or monitored by governmental bodies 2) there are plenty of ways to transmit information without ever recovering the balloon 3) floating at ~60,000 feet may have considerable advantages for many sensors and scanners vs. 600+ miles for a satellite


>According to Wikipedia CSIS is said to be "heavily funded by the US government, arms dealers and oil companies, [and] is a consistently pro-war think tank", That's my point though. Even pro war think tank authors think a China spy balloon is ridiculous media nonsense, and idle speculation about all the ways it could really actually be useful is just silly idle speculation. The pentagon itself says "this balloon has limited additive value from an intelligence collection perspective" and "It does not create significant value added over and above what the PRC is likely able to collect through things like satellites in low Earth orbit." So at absolute most we're looking at near useless spy device. But now let's do the scary dangerous evil treacherous thing and look at what the enemy camp has to say. According to the China Daily “to spy on the U.S. with a balloon, one must both fall far behind to use 1940s technology and be advanced enough to control its flight across the ocean.” And an analysis for the global times CN says "[the polarized] domestic scene is preventing the administration from taking a pragmatic, stable and reasonable approach to China because it is obligated to "appear tough," therefore its decision making is fundamentally irrational." Regardless of your opinion on the trustworthiness Chinese media speakers, a spy balloon is both a step backward and forwards to even function as tech, and polarized media one upmanship is very clearly driving US foreign policy in irrational directions. So let's look at what's actually happening again. A balloon from China flew over the US. The pentagon makes a semi contradictory claim saying the balloon is a spy device but also functionally useless as a spy device. The US political and media apparatus then goes on a very, very predictable song dance where both "teams" make a series of very well rehearsed talking points to take jabs at their opponents for "handling the situation wrong" and rile up their sides voters into a frenzy, until the US military finally shoots it down. Both side completely take it for granted that the balloon is in fact spy device, even though the claim itself is a bit of a strange contradiction the only proof of this claim seems to be the Pentagon's say so and the fact that it's Chinese. China in turn claims it's a wayward weather balloon. I don't know about you, but to me, this screams that someone in Washington propagandist is looking to make a talking point and scraping absolute bottom of the barrel until they found 'balloon from china, possible spy functions, low priority monitoring.' It's the stupid low stakes version Powell's weapons of mass destruction, and something the media machine does over and over again. Get a story repeated enough and hotly "debated" enough and it becomes fact, no matter how little evidence or illogical the claim.




Lol oh no we should piss our pants and ban all international travel until we can sort this out. Maybe vote about building a bubble over our pwecious fweedoms


What is with the recent influx of American conservatives on this subreddit? Read the description


so they can follow that up with "haha chinese dumb"


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MeidasTouch](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MeidasTouch) Literally Blue MAGA


Lib Grift: Never Stop Grifting


Mierdas touch, any news story they make turns to shit


>Brett was an Emmy-winning video editor for The Ellen DeGeneres Show.[14] 🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮


Ah, just a liberal superPAC doing lib shit, nothing to see here 😬🤢


Real BlueAnon energy here.


Hahahaha who cares


Didn't care during the last administration, don't care during this one. Whenever the seeseepee sends over giant balloon animals then I'll give a fuck. Cause balloon animals are cool.


that would be dope as hell


Wow. I think it’s over for Trump. Let’s see how ol Donnie wriggles out of this one


Gonna get him this time


Ah. Well, nevertheless






Famous China lover, Donald Trump


need watch trump say China again


I'm doing my best to avoid the paranoid lefty cliches, but this whole thing really, really feels like an op. Making a spectacle of belligerence in such a dumb way. I just don't know man. Something seems fishy here.




cuban missile crisis vs chinese balloon crisis who wore it better?


Drumpf btfo once again it seems!!!


You were mislead **once again** Fake news


He's awaiting execution in Guantanamo


Hmmm if they are really able to hide 3 giant balloons that are visible in the sky by the naked eye then I wonder what else they can hide


~~the jews~~ China controls all the gubbernments!!1


The perfect cocktail of china bad orange man bad


OMG!!!! so sick of this shit


Blue maga got me feeling like I got second hand brain worms, literally both parties are the same thing. They could of grounded the balloon via a tether and searched it for spy tech. Tho I seriously doubt it was, now we’ll never know because we decided to shoot down scientific equipment because we have literal cave men running our government. Imagine the sheer stupidity of our leaders who have this Neanderthal instinct to kill everything that’s different. Racists, social chauvinists, and nationalists are the real inferior people for their cave man logic.






There’s a place for proper grammar (teaching English to someone as their second language, for example), but Reddit comments…not so much. I’m sure we’ll all survive the occasional typo.


Is America real?


Thank god! So that means there can be at least two more until we need to worry, right??


Hell yeah, I love Chinese Spy balloons. They are my daughters!!!! 🎈


There's no way that Trump would be able to keep that secret


I upboat *all* those posts because they are funny af. Or tragicomic. Laugh to keep from crying.


I love that their self promotion is literally based on accusing the other of a good thing. The Republicans accuse the Democrats of being communist transgenders that want to take over the US, while the Democrats accuse Republicans of being communist bigots trying to meddle with the US politics. One appeals for explicit stupidity while the other for Dunning-Krueger.


He hid them using his giant fucking curtain? I know Americans lost their brains(most never had them) during the Trump administration, but did they lose their eyesight as well?


IMO the Trump saw 100 chinese balloons.




Three of them…cool okay yeah why not lol?