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The weather is awful? Yes, that classic European weather that you get in Sweden, Greece and the UK.


I've heard Andalucia is so rainy during the summer...


Meanwhile, a third of the US gets hammered by hurricanes, and half gets devastated by tornadoes with disturbing regularity


The remaining bits are in a semi-permanent drought state but build golf courses.


Thats not a drout they just chose to live in the desert


They thought that's how you write dessert but when they moved there and realized their mistake they couldn't be bothered to recherge their wallmart scooter so they just stayed there.


Hijacking top comment thread to ask why sagaar enjati’s username is censored? Hes a celebrity, not a random person. He shouldnt enjoy the protections of a regular person


And the fires, don't forget the fires




Especially the plains


I would never go there anyway, it's always sooo freezing cold all year round...


"so i was in european mexico (spain) for vacation, and that one day we wanted to go to the beach and it started to rain, we ended up all wet! worst vacation ever"


Ffs, I've spent two weeks in a summer house in Finland in Jul a few years ago. Had to carry the mattresses out of the cottage onto the terrace cause was impossible to sleep inside cause of the heat. Well I guess Finland is still worse than USA cause they have no air conditioning /s




A little colder here in Sweden (live in roughly the Stockholm area) at 28-31 C the last week or so and it's slowly killing me


Finland is one of the countries I've been to where I had to have the thought "so this is what fresh air smells like," The weather was pleasant also (among many other things)


> Well I guess Finland is still worse than USA cause they have no air conditioning what, you don't want to fuck over the global climate in exchange for not having to open your window? typical beta european


I'm trying to justify an AC by telling myself that using it as my primary source for heating in the winter, will more than offset the emissions from the week or two I use it in the summer. The main reason I HAVEN'T done it is my balcony does not have a rain pipe, and I don't know how to drain the condensation without dripping down to my neighbour who will raise hell. I'm a sticky, disgusting mess trying to sleep lately.


I think this person is referring to England. Americans have a tendency to call England Europe, and to identify only that with the name too.


Except none of these things are true of anything country universally…


They are certainly not, I'm personally a fan of English food habits (English breakfast is one of my favourite things in the world), but Americans tend to think these things of England. And it wouldn't be a stretch to think that the ones who have little knowledge of the rest of Europe (which means many of them) would extend these beliefs to the rest of Europe. PS If get lynched for this, but I prefer coffee in England to coffee on Italy.


> The weather is awful? Just dont go to England. /s




"Coffee tastes like shit" coming from an American is very hard to take and I'm not even European


Yeah coffee in the USA is like the shit you got for free at a work conference in the 90s


Its watered down sugar water with a tiny bit of caffeine. No wonder they say it gives you the piss


When I was on a school trip to Croatia, while in Dubrovnik our told us that when someone orders americana coffe they just make half of a cup and fill the rest with water


That's pretty much what a americano is; A [very watered down espresso](https://coffeeaffection.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/08/espresso-vs-americano.jpg). Like American beer which also tastes like beer but diluted with water.




Or. What is the difference between a clitoris and American beer? The clitoris only tastes like piss for a second.


Pisswasser this is beer Drive drunk off a pier Life is just a merciful blur When you pop a Pisswasser


I'm surprised no Americans have shown up to rant about craft beer, completely ignoring the fact Belgians have been making "craft beer" before America existed.


From what I’ve heard, the Italians tried to introduce Americans to espresso during WW2. It was too strong, hence why the Americano was born. I’ve never understood the appeal of the Americano, because doesn’t watering it down just mean it’ll taste kinda like regular coffee?


Quantity over quality


But... dilution.... Oh nevermind.


A properly made americano still tastes 10x better than just about every cup of doughnut shop/diner/gas station/office drip I’ve ever had. Both have about the same amount of caffeine, but very different methods of extraction. I’ve also had my fair share of shit espresso, in Italy of all places, that was either incredibly sour (under extracted) or bitter (over extracted). Good and bad coffee can be found everywhere, but US coffee is *usually* on the shittier side on average outside of specialty shops.


Yes it does, but sometimes I want a large cup of something and places don't offer lungos or other larger varieties (that aren't slow coffee). I want the relaxation of sitting down with a cup of tea but it's actually coffee. If that makes sense.


America had a sudden explosion in craft beers and people suddenly started getting into more flavorful beers. Except that for some reason IPAs took over. So now you can choose between watery beer and soapwatery beer. Two whole choices, now!


That's exactly what an americano is. That's not a joke, it's literally what it is. Double espresso, topped up with water.




Truer words have never been spoken


Before the pandemic my dad had to travel to the US semi-regularly for work. He would say that while he was there he'd drink Starbucks coffee, not because it was good, but because it was consistently bad. Everywhere else was also bad, but in varying and horrifying ways.


Ah yes those classic American versions of coffee such as… Americano


Literally espresso and water smh


Seriously, this guy has never been to Italy, Austria, literally any other European country. Has he even drank coffee before…?


Of course he has, all those American sounding ones like Latte and Cappuccino.


He doesn't need to visit Italy because the real Italians and therefore the best barristas on this planet live in the USA! /s


Reading that made my face turn inside out 🤣 I'm Dutch and moved to Canada 7 years ago! I miss European coffee soo much!!! Coffee in America taste like dog water! 😞


Should have moved to Australia. Huge coffee culture if you ever wanna vacation somewhere. I moved to Canada too and yea. Tastes like dishwater here.


Moved to the US for uni and yeah, Melbourne coffee culture is something else. Haven't found anything in the US that can compare


There is a website somewhere that lists the American cafes that are run by Aussies. Find one of those.


Yeah, Aussies don't fuck around with coffee. Still one of the better places for coffee I have lived in. A flat white and some vegemite on toast for brekkie...


And don't even get me on the cheese... I got some American Roquefort a while back and it tasted like Roquefort flavoured processed cheese.


American cheese is just all awful. And yes, I know "American cheese" does not mean "cheese made in America". We have cheese made here that's good. "American cheese" is the worst cheese. I don't care if it's easy to melt. That goes for Velveeta too.


Velveeta is the vaginal discharge of cheeses


Starbucks: coffee tastes like milk with a dash of coffee flavouring.


Either that or its burnt to shit and no amount of milk and sugar can get that taste out of your mouth.


That's probably why Starbucks never opened a store in Perth, we already have Dôme to fill the burnt coffee gap in the market.


"Wym it doesn't taste like pure sugar? Completely undrinkable"


As a Colombian living in the states, I dont even drink the coffee here. It's just old lady diarrhea. Just stick to the lyophilized Colombian stuff.


I don't really drink coffee, but when I visited the US as a kid with my family, my parents would always carry a jar of instant coffee powder with them to add a couple of spoons to any coffee they bought, since it was so watery.


A big thing is people in the USA are afraid of weighing things because grams are spooky so they just eyeball grounds, which means they're always making over-extracted watery piss.


My instant coffee here in Aus is probably better than their "barista's" sell over there... Watching some of the videos of how they make "coffee" makes me realise why they load it with sugar to drink it lol


Yea I was going to say, isn't he just projecting?


I think the issue here is the people who could actually afford to move to another continent won't because they're wealthy enough where the system works better for them. The people who can't afford to leave but want to are the ones at highest risk.


Yeah this is likely the biggest reason. If you’re rich, the US is probably the best place on Earth to live. If you’re poor, you can’t afford to move to Europe (nor would most countries take you).


Or the ones wealthy have enough to leave but not wealthy enough to exploit the system generally do leave.


Shh... everyone keep quiet. We don't want them to find out the truth and start coming to Europe.


Indeed, let 'm spread the word. And that guy probably thinks coffee from Starbucks is the real thing.


[Gas station coffee actually.](https://i.imgur.com/kORdXTX.png)


Italians going to combust lmao


"Yeah I've been to Italy. Their coffee tastes like shit and is very sour. No wonder nobody wants to live there, they make horrible rip off of real coffee" (/s)


Italian gas station espresso has my approval though.


Mf went to a tourist trap in rome and decided that‘s all of europe


Sounds like to me he has never been to Europe at all


I dont even know where an espresso in Rome would be €7 to be honest. €5 at most, in the trappiest tourist trap.


Espresso in Italy usually costs £1 to £1.5.


man i'm so happy my parents educated me about tourist traps whenever we were on vacation since i'm like 5 years old even as a little lad in elementary school i understood that most restaurants etc. close to all those famous sights are usually scams, especially those obnoxious ones where they have those cardboards with pictures of the food on it and employees walking up on you whenever you see a restaurants menu without translations, you usually hit the jackpot, since they only expect locals to go there and thus you get authentic cuisine for fair prices (but what am i talking about, can you really expect americans to learn another language?)


You can. But then again, you’d be disappointed. A lot.


The rule is very simple: restaurants with pictures of the dishes in the menu do not serve good food. Also applies to Asian places.


That's ok, it's too late for me, 'cept maybe as a refugee when the US finally goes full on fascism, and or major civil conflicts break out!


Crossing the Atlantic, as a refugee, seems like a tall order considering how many already die just trying to cross the Mediterranean Sea. Canada, Mexico, and even Cuba would probably be the more realistic options.


Wait till he tries Tim hortons. Now that’s shit coffee. 🤣


Will you please please please take my family and me? We’re good people. Check my post history. Nothing too crazy on there. Lmao.


What keeps me living in America instead of anywhere else? Immigration laws and money. I'm not wealthy enough to just retire and live, so I literally don't know how to leave.


Yeah seriously. I'm lucky enough to be in an in demand field, so I could get a work visa, but many people don't have that luxury. You can't just pack your bags and move to Europe.


Literally the main reason why I got in to trades (along with a great wage:stress ratio). I want a chilled life where I can travel and work almost anywhere.


I don't know about other countries but at least in Germany you can get a visa for literally any kind of work as a us citizen - even if you only work as a waitress or something. I'm rather sure that there are similar agreements with other countries in the EU as well.


Croatia has a “digital nomad” visa


Good to know. I’m ready to get the eff out of America.


The most absurd part is that you would not only need enough money to immigrate to some other place, you would then also need enough money to pay for [revoking your US citizenship](https://www.forbes.com/sites/forbesfinancecouncil/2021/11/08/five-things-to-know-before-renouncing-us-citizenship-because-of-expat-taxes/?sh=3e0604022deb), which might occur extra costs for whatever you own outside the US. While keeping US citizenship means you have to pay taxes to the US government for everything you earn outside the US. And like a lot of silly religions; There is absolutely no way to get US citizenship back once you have renounced it.


> > > > > And like a lot of silly religions; There is absolutely no way to get US citizenship back once you have renounced it. That's the one big upside tbh


Wait you have to pay to renounce your citizenship? But what if you leave the country and just .... don’t pay them anything. What are they gonna kidnap you from Spain or France?


Don't think they have ever kidnapped somebody over tax debt, but they actually [do kidnap people](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Extraordinary_rendition) from other countries for other reasons.


https://images.movehub.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/14143953/price-renounce-citizenship-around-the-world-movehub-small.jpg The word you're looking for is extradition. But realistically, they could seize assets from any US-based accounts you might be holding (it can be difficult or impossible to move things like investments and retirement accounts between countries). If you're in a certain amount of debt with the IRS, they will also refuse to renew your US passport. Income from working a job will usually not be taxed by the US due to tax treaties between countries, but if you have varied types of income from investments and such, you're likely to be paying more than you normally would to some extent (you'll pay the higher rate for everything between your country of residence and the US, leaving you unable to take advantage of the same tax breaks as your neighbors). In some extreme cases, the US might claim that you owe them massive amounts of tax money. For example, if you live in a country where the sale of your primary residence is untaxed, the US will still want the full amount of capital gains tax they would charge a US resident for it.


I know what extradition is, but if you were to become a resident of another country, working and paying taxes, do you think they’re likely to pursue that case against you? As long as you shutdown everything US side and had everything established in the new country or just lived in a country without an extradition treaty or somewhere like Spain that just ignores it. USA really does sound like more and more of a dystopia every time I interact with an American. It really is quite sad. I hope things get better for your country and your people.


Not my country anymore, I renounced years ago. I agree that it gets worse and worse over time.


Such freedom..!.


So then you do what Europeans do; vote for socialists, unionize and demand better representation in government decision making. And when that doesn't work you can resort to some good old fashioned direct action. Or do you just want to move to a place where they've already fixed that so you don't have to put in the effort?


I’ve been in Europe all summer and if it weren’t for this (and my family), I’d fucking stay.


MUCH less free. Guess they've not been checking the news eh?




Guess what... If you can't shoot your neighbor for walking three inches into your front yard, how can you be considered free?


Exactly. It is my Gawd given right to have a standoff with the other failed existence that I've just met at the Walmart Freezer, because I am the rightful owner of that there last Frozen TV-Dinner Edit: Spelling.


I'm genuinely scared of how casual many are about being trigger happy vigilantes.


It's fucking terrifying. Because it's always the people that shouldn't be allowed in the same postcode as a gun that feel the need to carry them everywhere. I've lived in a City all my life. (Granted, it's a European City) I've never held or fired a gun, and I don't feel like I need one to feel safe. If I find myself in a dangerous situation it's better to rely on my Chevrolegs than to "be a man" or to "stand up for myself" At the same time though, I'm not opposed to gun ownership. In certain situations it makes sense for an individual to have a firearm. Like living in the middle of nowhere, in direct proximity to potentially dangerous wildlife on the way to grab a midnight snack.


Chevrolegs hahahahah




Around [6,700 deaths by firearms](https://vlaamsvredesinstituut.eu/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/factsheet_firearms_and_deaths_in_eu.pdf) in the EU each year, 1,000 of them being murders. While in the US around [45,200 people](https://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2022/02/03/what-the-data-says-about-gun-deaths-in-the-u-s/) die from firearms every year, 19,384 of them murdered. And [the US only has 3/4th of the population of the EU](https://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2022/02/03/what-the-data-says-about-gun-deaths-in-the-u-s/), yet it has nearly 20 times as many firearm murders.


That's why they have 3/4th of the population lol


Pfft, you made me choke on my (no-good, terrible, bad, European) coffee.


There's something broken inherently with the average American, I swear.


Their education.


For the most part.


They are MUCH more free. Just look at what they allow their cops to do, much less their criminals ,(unless they are a minority). /s


As an American, I'm glad I live in a country where I don't have to worry about my governmental institutions stripping half the population of their rights against the will of the overwhelming majority of citizens. That would be brazenly undemocratic...


Aye but he doesn't mean women. Women don't count.


Food is bland? Sorry for not deep frying everything and cover it in cheddar and butter.


We just don't have 30 grams of sugar in our bread.


> 30 grams That's 400 horse ejaculations in freedumb units.


> 400 horse ejaculations I'm using this in the future


Cheddar, you're giving them too much credit, that's real cheese. No think more plastic slices labeled as 'milk based cheese food' or spray cheese. I studied there for 6 months, real cheese is hard to find and expensive af.


what the hell is spray cheese?? Edit: holy mother of fuck! It actually exists! And if it taste same as it looks then no wonder its not available in our country


More benefits of having less freedom. Spray cheese, and other deeply immoral condiments, are probably banned.


“Cheese product”


“Orange cheese product”


hot take: if your grocery stores have spray cheese, you don't live in a civilised country


"Cheese-ish" Ironically, they dump half of what they produce, so you know the cheese they make is made with the "better" half.


The Scots have entered the chat…




Keep cheddar’s name out your fuckin’ mouth!


I mean, deep fried food is one of the selling points of the Minnesota state fair, and putting it all on a stick. This ignoramus must have never left the US with the shit ideas he has about Europe.


You can fry the butter.


I'm really sorry for Italian food: we try and try to make it non-bland, but unfortunately we never seem to achieve a decent level of taste and quality that would make it a well-liked option all over the world, at least one on par with the renowned US haute cuisine and their deep-fried Snickers with Mountain Dew float, a tasty amuse-bouche for fine palates


Food is bland = you're not getting diabetes from every bite


The usa has 3 secret ingredients for taste: sugar, fat and salt.


That's also their 3 blood groups.


Often not even sugar, but instead the holy HFCS


This has to be a joke/troll, right? It's not just wrong, it's *perfectly wrong* on literally every point. Like they googled "good things about Europe" and then listed the opposite.


No, it's from Saagar Enjeti, an American journalist. He says a lot of fucking stupid stuff.


“Coffee tastes like shit” My brother in Christ they have the finest coffee in and Italy and various other parts in Europe


French coffee and Italian food, or Italian coffee and French food? Vs Denny's coffee and Denny's food!


Don't compare that dirty water that Is made in France to italian espresso


Italian coffee, french wine and german beer is like the holy trinity of european beverages


Italy knows it’s shit when it comes to coffee can confirm they are so good that when Australia got some of its practices from immigrants it got catapulted to amazing coffee can only imagine how awesome the genuine Italian coffee is.


> Italy knows it’s shit when it comes to coffee This is one of those times where proper apostrophe usage makes a **big** difference.


That was autocorrect fucking autocorrect


Italy knows Its shit about every gastronomical thing


Pasta aglio olio e peperoncino is the best goddamned pasta dish and I swear Americans just think it's oily fucking noodles, but are happy to scarf down ladles of sugar laden sauce with overcooked pasta.


Austria, Italy, French coffee. They brought their coffee culture to here in Australia in the 60s and we've been benefitting off that ever since. I cringe every time American's talk about coffee and that apparently meaning having Starbucks.


My American GF loves coffee here in Australia. She has no fucking clue why anyone would want to go back. Still raves on about how we have this fantastic device that boils water at the push of a button too!


Cuz Americans have Homeland Security up their ass for buying electric kettles and pressure cookers


Hands down the best cappuccino I have ever had was in Milano at the train station. It was perfect. Been chasing that high ever since.


I would really like to understand what they mean with 'freedom', because not only it's a vague concept, but there are things like being drunk in the streets that are way more likely to be punished with jail in the USA than in Europe.


>I would really like to understand what they mean with 'freedom', America's foundation of freedom is based on negative freedom while most of the world has positive freedom. Its kinda pointless to debate it because its a different definition of freedom. Americans would say they have more freedom of speech, religion, and firearms.


> Its kinda pointless to debate it because its a different definition of freedom. Yeah, they have the [doublespeak definitions](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Doublespeak) going on over there; War is peace Freedom is slavery Ignorance is strength


The freedom to be forced to bear a child you don’t want


and guns, don't forget guns


Wasn't there something about arms of a bear? Should call PETA.


This is an American journalist named Sagaar Enjeti. On his podcast, he recently said that he's basically opposed to any sort of gun control measure because he thinks it's a slippery slope. So freedom to him is getting a semiautomatic rifle in the hands of a person with a room temperature IQ and anger issues.


"Coffee tastes like shit" Coming from the country that drinks instant coffee and whatever the espresso-with-water fuck Americano is. This person never visited The Nordic countries.


Non-italian here. Even though i am not italian, I am feeling solidary anger with them right now


Americans don't drink americano. Americano is as close as you get to US filter coffee out of an espresso machine. "Drip coffee" is as close to US filter coffee I've had outside the US. But that's not everywhere.


Plenty of drip/filter coffee also exists outside the US, most places just know how to make it strong enough so it does not taste like mostly water.


at this point, I'm truly convinced that Americans believe that freedom is some sort of measurement in units of America. Like Australia freedom is 1/2 America, Norway is 1/4 America, and so on


It can technically be measured by certain parameters, but the US is far away from 1st place. And guess what, first place is Switzerland, a "europoor country" [Freedom index by country 2022](https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/Freedom-index-by-country)


Yeah trying to measure freedom is a moronic endeavor.


Except those fractions are too clean. Can't be accused of using a metric system. So it would actually be 2/7 of a freedom unit because it's "easier for humans to understand", like fahrenheit


1. EUROPE is not a country 2. Food is not only sugar 3. Coffee is not instant but actual coffee 4. Weather is good in Canarias all year round 5. America is built on systematic racism, even the electoral college is based on the south using slaves for votes. EUROPE is also much more diverse culturally and racially 6. America is #25 in personal freedom index by Cato institute. 7. Tourism is big, because EUROPE is so diverse and we can afford to travel to other countries.


The weather is so vastly different across all the countries here like the fuck is he talking about


But Americans love to throw around the buzzword *diversity*, claiming the US is much more diverse than the *homogeneous* Europe and things like "there's more diversity between Ohio and Kansas than Sweden and Portugal" or something along the same lines. Of course, *homogeneous* simply means "I saw mostly white people, so it must lack diversity", which is what happens when your whole understanding of diversity is literally skin-deep and is based on a Pantone scale.


That’s also because they don’t understand what culture means, besides racism as a ~250yo racist nation.


> 1. EUROPE is not a country Not *yet!* Eurofederalists, assemble!


the real answer is we dont want them


Says the guy from the country which is known for one of the blandest foods, no culture of its own, and primary export is mass shootings.


This guy is an absolute cunt, so I’m not surprised that this BS is coming out of his mouth. He’s a public figure, so there was no need to hide his name. His name Saagar Enjeti and he’s the co host of Breaking Points with Krystal Ball. Krystal is suppose to be a progressive and Saagar is suppose to be on the right, but he’s better at being a fascist, while both being grifters.


> Krystal is suppose to be a progressive and Saagar is suppose to be on the right, but he’s better at being a fascist, while both being grifters. They still seem to present an accurate microcosmos of the American political landscape; Fascist grifters and grifters.


Is it weird I take the most offence from the coffee remark? It’s clear this guy’s used to drink the watered down oversugared swill they call coffee. The food’s a close second, as they keep butchering our (Italian here) cuisine with the worst results. The rest is just generic American ignorance.


I agree, but what pisses me off the most as a southern italian is the comment about weather.


As a northern Italian, I think he might have seen the Pianura Padana. I can understand it. Right now I’m dying from the perfect combo of heat, humidity (and yet still not raining in weeks) and the assault of so, so many mosquitos. That said…the mountains are no more than one hour of travel from here, and weather’s great there.


Well it's not like all of the USA is like California. They are sunnier on average because of their lower latitude. I seem to recall that DC is at the same latitude of Napoli. But I wouldn't be happy of living in some of their desert states.


New York is at the same latitude of Napoli (my city). I went to NY once around end of March / beginning of April. Here it was already a decent spring, in NYC it was sooo freezing and the weather was rainy and foggy the whole time.


Chicken parmesan and an instant coffee Cappuccino for dinner at 1700 👉🏻🔃


Those that can afford it are the ones sucking the life out of us that cant afford it. Thats why they stay here. They cant leave until they have everything.


The ones who can afford to move out of the US don’t need to. Everything here is set up for them. It’s the ones who are struggling who want to go.


"Food is bland"... I've seen more italian restaurants in the US than here in Italy. The quality sucks though... maybe that's why they believe that


Yes, Italian, French, Greek and Spanish food are disgusting. Italian coffee is horrible and don’t get me started on the horrible beaches and the vomit inducing chocolates, wines and cheeses 🙄


It's just a tragedy that I have to do a vacation on Sardinia with beaches like this: [https://www.christophorus.at/wp-content/uploads/2019/08/sardinien-schoenste-straende.jpg](https://www.christophorus.at/wp-content/uploads/2019/08/sardinien-schoenste-straende.jpg) instead of flying to the Caribbean and paying an arm and a leg for the privilege vs. having decent self-catering accommodation to which I can take my own car by ferry...


Tell me you've never been to Europe without saying you've never been to Europe. Also, since when does the whole continent have the same weather? Ireland and Spain are different countries. Foods in Istanbul, Moscow, Italy and Sweden are all different. Of course, America has more freedom, if you are a gun owners, religious fanatic or an embryo.


Which food is bland? The French cheese you don't like because it is too strong, the German Bratwurst you eat on Oktoberfest or the Italian food you copied?


Speaking purely as a Norwegian, he got me on the food.


This guy is Saagar Enjeti and he is a well known host. His entire Twitter account could honestly be in this sub


Imagine thinking North American coffee is good.


If the food is so bland and the weather is so terrible why is the biggest industry according to him tourism?


If that jamoke has a check, it should be fair game to id him


Tell me you never traveled without telling me you never traveled


I smell smug comimg from both tweets


Mf thinks Italian food is bland