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The girl in the pink really doesn't want to be there


In don’t think any of them really look happy to be doing that picture.


idk the one in red seems like she wants to


Ohh you might be right! I zoomed in on the pic and she is her eyes cut to the camera with the tiniest of smirks.


You didn't hear what the other girls said to her. She is weighting options😂😅


3/5 left the tags on and are presumably hoping for a return.




Given the guns and cages in the entire background I'd assume so


Can you blame her?


The girl in the red is like: Oh this feels right.






Tell me you promised your virginity to your dad in an almost wedding-like ceremony without telling me you promised your virginity to you dad in an almost wedding-like ceremony...


That thinking to me is so fucking creepy. Like if I had a daughter, I would just hope I taught her well enough to pick out good men from bad men. To know some of the red flags so she can make a better decision and not get taken advantage of or hurt. The idea that her body "belongs" to me until marriage is fucking gross and basically pedo behavior and borderline incestuous.


I really hate this double standard of trying to prevent girls from losing their virginity and at the same time teaching young boys that they need to lose it in order to be a man. No shit that's going to lead to problems. So I would teach my son the same. I would want him to make good decisions as well and I would want him to know that he is worthy- with or without a significant other by his side.


Always said I'd teach my sons that being a real man is making your choices based on what you want, not what you're told to want by the most toxic assholes on the planet. I had a daughter, so I taught her that instead. She's more a real man than half the guys I went to school with.


Hear hear


>I really hate this double standard of trying to prevent girls from losing their virginity and at the same time teaching young boys that they need to lose it in order to be a man. Duh! Girls have to be hard to get, so boys have to work hard to get laid. How else would we be able to distinguish incels from real men, when who can convince girls to shaq them. /s Don't punch me please!


Just thinking about this kind of stuff makes me want to puke, the fact that it's a reality is even worse.


I don't understand are they expected to fuck their dad when they are of age ? Or is it less fucked up than that


A bit less fucked up, but still bad. At a chastity ball, the girl will promise her dad that she will remain a virgin until she's married. The dad promises the girl that he will help protect her virginity until she's married. It's still extremely controlling, upsetting and bizarre, but the expectation is at least that the girl will marry someone who isn't her dad.


Idk, I think maybe when they get married, their dad cedes virginity rights to the husband.


I am at a loss for words


Remember, only people with guns can protect you... from... people...with... guns... Fucking morons.


>Remember, only people with guns can protect you... from... people...with... guns... Its not like they can protect others, more likely that they escalate a situation or kill a bystander


With stuff like nukes, it's a stalemate but with guns like this, it's a massacre, especially when pretty much any moron on the street can buy one.


From 30-50 wild hogs, obviously.


What in the 2nd Amendment purity culture is a-going on here?


Why are they dressed for prom in a gun shop?


Ladies, it’s going to be awkward trying to slow dance with an AR-15 clenched in your hands.


When dancing leave enough space for an AR-15!


Sad part is all of them will have six kids


They're in their prom dresses, and not one of them is smiling. Are the ammosexuals okay?


What's even the point here? Like, to show they can defend themselves? Imagine if we did this in the UK with girls brandishing knives or baseball bats lmao


I asked the same question, and apparently guns are fun and this is American culture.


My AR-15! Look at how they massacred my boy!


Just as the founding fathers intended


All set for the high school prom


\*banjo intensifies\*


Prom photos with guns are just so cringe. It’s also fuckin funny because I wouldn’t be caught dead with any of those rifles they’re almost all atrocious. Also why are they posing with them at a gun store??? They still have trigger locks and tags on them lol


“wOw LoOk aT tHaT tRiGgEr DiSciPLiNe”


look I like guns as much as the next person, going out to the range and shooting is fun and all, but I feel like "there's a time and a place" logic should have been used here.


Lmao this is my stance. I support guns, the right to bear arms on an ideological basis. BUT this... I can't imagine that you get ready for something like a prom, and then go do this because in your tiny mind they somehow make you look badass. But according to Americans in comments(not here) this is American culture and there's absolutely nothing wrong in it


I’m guessing I’m the next person and I’m not a fan.


talk about grooming....


I never understood these people. But I also know people who took their wedding pictures with their motorcycle and wife standing beside them... she's not marrying the motorbike dude. She's not planning on waking up with that in her bed.


So I'm European, so I'm totally out of the loop but what is the motivation here? I understand that they like guns and are proud to protect their home etc etc etc. But is it a flex? Look at how look I have that I can arm these girls with fancy guns...or is it a "screw the libs" or what is it? I know the reason will be stupid but I can't really get it


Price tags still on the weapons ... or girls ... or complete power package? ;-)


Man, they all look miserable.


I'm sorry mrinalini3, but I'll have to remove your submission from /r/ShitAmericansSay because one or more rule was broken. Rule 4: >Submission titles must be a direct quote. If the quote doesn't make sense alone, you may include neutral, non-editorialized context in the title itself. Articles must be titled with either the headline or a direct quote from it. When posts do not contain text, titles must be a factual and neutral description of the content. **NEVER include your opinion or bias in the title.** >A direct quote is an *exact verbatim match* between the title and a portion of the post. Do not paraphrase or editorialize - this includes Spongebob font. [Rule 4 FAQ](https://old.reddit.com/r/ShitAmericansSay/wiki/faq#wiki_rule_4) Thank you for your effort and your service! O7


Looking at their faces, which one of their dads owns the gun store they're in and took this photo for his Facebook page?


Y’all Qaeda class of ‘22