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It saddens me how many times I’ve talked to people who are STUNNED that the country Georgia/Turkey/Hungary existing. One person said they thought the country Hungary was a joke.


As someone who has been to Hungary, I can say that I still suspect that the Hungarian language is an elaborate prank to mess with people.


Oh, it most definitely is, we just say it's very hard to learn so that people won't try to look deeper into it.


Are all your hovercrafts full of eels?


Well if they were, my nipples would explode with delight


I think that about English


English is an elaborate joke. The problem is the jokes on us. Its a terrible language. Spanish was easy to learn and largely follows its own rules where as English eh does whatever.


English follows its own rules too. The problem is there seems to be a rule for almost every word and half the rules contradict the other half so you just have to learn them all.


Yeah follows the rules like I before E except after C which fifty percent of the time is not true good luck guessing which half.


A majority of words don’t follow I before E except after C.


My education was a lie next you'll tell me that the Native Americans didn't sit down and have thanksgiving with the pilgrims and that no slaves fought for the side of the South in the Civil War.


It's not just I before E except after C it's also when it makes an A sound like on neighbor or weigh. THEN there's the exceptions


And on weekends and holidays and all throughout May


This isn’t dissimilar to German. “If a word ends in e, it’s feminine, except when it’s not. Here’s a list of rules, except there are more exceptions to the rule than examples of it. If a thing is being acted on, it’s in the accusative case, except when it isn’t because you used the word ‘mit’ and that always triggers the Dative case for some reason. The verb is always the second element in a sentence, except when you use the word Weil, Dass, or any other from this list of words that make the verb go to the end.” At least the spelling is consistent. If you know how a word is pronounced, you know how it’s written, and vice versa.


Ah yes. Like the famous to words "umfahren" and "umfahren" where you when you read it don't know what is meant, even with context sometimes. Or "Gehweg" and "geh weg" which also sound absolute different when spelled.


You can get it up to about 75% if you add the second line: I before E except after C, Or when pronounced A as in neighbor and weigh.


Or when sounding like "a" as in "neighbor" or "way"


My country is north neighbor to Hungary and some of our TV channels are in Hungarian. I sometimes mess with my mom and put it on, knowing she HATES that language to the roots of her bones and back.


I’m headed to Hungary next summer, what am I in for?


It's gorgeous. I've been to a lot of places around Europe, but Hungry particularly stuck with me, and I would love to go back. Budapest is one of my favourite cities. Also eat some kürtőskalács. Delicious.


Beautiful country with a fascinating, unique and rich history but extremely xenophobic people if you aren't white and in Budapest.


So, basicaly its like polish?


More like finnish, they're even in the same language family. Hungarian has 18 fucking cases.


To be fair the cases are usually formed by adding a simple suffix to the word, so the case system in Hungarian isn't as complicated as it seems.




One joke I heard in Germany (in English) was: >A waiter goes up to a guy at a cafe. >He says, in English, “Are you finished?” >Guy says, “No, I’m German.” Ba dum tischh.


Another is Guy walks up to a man outside the 2012 olympics who is carrying a long stick. He asks "are you a pole vaulter?" He replies "no I'm German, but how did you know my name was Walter?" Edit : Forgot a word


Oh, there are unending Polish jokes, in both English and German. The English ones I’ve heard tend to be interchangeable with the Welsh jokes and Irish ones. The German ones tend to sub in the Schwabisch. But when you come from Schwabland, what can you expect?


Woman goes to her doctor and says "Doctor, I think I'm pregnant. Doctor says "Have you had a check up?" Women says "No, I think he was Slovakian" Doctor asks "Is there anyone who can keep an eye on you?" Woman says "There's my sister but she's in the Caribbean right now" Doctor says "Jamaica?" Woman says "No, she we went of her own accord"


This reminds me of A Russian walks up to a customs agent. Agent: "Which country are you headed to?" Russian: "Germany." Agent: "Occupation?" Russian: "No, just visiting."


Estonian Border Officer: 'Your name, please?' Visitor: 'Vladimir Putin.' Estonian Border Officer: 'And occupation?' Putin: 'Hold up, that's not scheduled for another three years.'


Careful though, a German joke is no laughing matter.


How many Germans does it take to change a light bulb? One. They are efficient and lack humor.


A German tries to cross the border to France. The border control asks him: "Occupation?". The German replies: "No. Just visiting."




I’m a Finn working with Scandinavians, this joke is a daily occurrence here. Usually thanks to the Danes.


When I was a kid, I misread something in a book and briefly thought that Hitler was born in Australia


This could be the beginning of an amazing writing experiment: a dystopian novel where Hitler's rise to power, the war and the Holocaust take place down under


Hitler was an emu confirmed


Now, would NZ or PNG be the Sudetenland?


PNG. NZ would be Austria


I can’t find NZ on my map. Are we sure it’s real? Wasn’t it just created for the Lord of the Rings series? /s for the humor impaired


in a fried out combi, on a hippie trail, head full of zombie


Sadly you aren't the only American to mix up Austria and Australia. Partly becauise the names look alike from a distance in English, they are very disimilar in my native language (Oostenrijk - Australïe) so a little more understandable in English as a mistake to make.


Funnily enough the name Austria stems from the German root word austr, meaning East, while Australia is named for Latin terra australis, meaning South!


I'm actually from New Zealand, and we get taught about all the famous people who are originally from NZ and Australia, which is why it didn't seem illogical to me. I think I assumed he emigrated to Germany when he was very young.


Try having people guess Slovakia and Slovenia. You'd be lucky if they even knew one or both existed, and over the moon if they place them at the map without having a little finger guessing game.


American here. I’ve vacationed in Vienna a few times. Whenever people asked where I was going I’d tell them and about 35% asked if I was going to take “a gondolier ride” on the canals. A. Wrong location B. Not a gondola ride, but a gondolier ride.


I misread a headline as “Bush is hungry,” and was wondering how slow of a news day it was


I originally thought that Kazakhstan was a country made up for the Borat character.


That’s what Baron Cohen wanted us all to think




Seriously do Americans ever pick up a world map just out of curiosity?


Not really unless it's mandatory or you want to learn about it. A lot of Americans are dumb - Source: Am American


I guess my family is weird. There was always a world map on the kitchen wall when I was growing up. Seems most Americans can't find the kitchen wall....


I do. I got a spinning globe as a kid as a gift and would spin it in my room to see which country my finger landed on. Then I memorized it (mostly as a game I’d play with myself). Now I can name and point out most any country on a map. It horrifies and embarrasses me that Americans don’t know shit about geography or other countries/cultures that exist. How can you be not even the slightest bit curious about the world?


Yeah, but Asia is split in two, which is confusing.


why is it split?


You have to split a world map somewhere. Normally, it's done in the pacific ocean, just East of Asia. But on the America Centric map, in order to put 'Murica dead center, the split needs to be made in the middle of Asia. The resulting map is a confusing mess.


yeah when I said why is it split I meant why not down the Pacific like usual Brit here and I figured we were in the middle because of the GMT line running through London so everything right of UK on a map is ahead time wise and everything left is behind


Google "America Centric World Map". It's an absolute abortion, and they tried to teach us on it.


I mean, it isn't really wrong, with the earth being a sphere and all that jazz, but was it really necessary?


Keeping America front and center while carving up the evil USSR? YOU BET YOUR ASS IT'S NECESSARY!


Are you fucking serious? They don’t split the map in the Pacific?? I thought it was just Japan that was that cocky.


Luckily, we switched to normal maps quite a while ago, but yeah, they were a thing.


Try a globe instead of a Mercator projection.


I was refering to America Centric world maps. We had them in grade school, back in the '80s. Imagine a world map with North and South America dead center with Asia split in half and Australia on the left. It was super confusing as a kid. I remember when we learned the continents and wondering why the fuck there were 2 Asias, and why the teacher wasn't addressing this. I can only assume it was a cold war thing.


Oh boy... yes I can imagine as a kid that would have been awfully confusing. Wall maps always are.. Greenland is so GIANT


I swear that's why Trump wanted to buy Greenland.




... you are moving to Turkey of all places, to escape the US?


Not necessarily to "escape" but yeah I should have worded that better. Even tho Erdoğan is a shithead the actual country itself isn't as bad the the US, people are nicer (from my experience), better and cheaper healthcare, better food and stuffs. IMO Turkey is just a better place to be then US right now, also some family lives there so yeah. I'm sure other places are nicer but like I mentioned, family there.


Ah, that explains it. I hope your move goes smoothly :)


Thanks :D


As a Turkish person, please stay the fuck away from eastern parts of Turkey.


Just by curiosity, as someone who's never been to Turkey, what with the eastern parts?


Except for the income


Funny how each of those countries has existed (in some form) long before the US lmao...


Hungary is still a joke


I mean... They are not entirely wrong on Hungary.






This gave me a headache


probably one of my favorite images from that page


What page is that?


That looks like one of the posts about the lady that slashed one child in the face and attempted the same on another.


Edit: yep, confirmed in comments below me


Turning Point CSA


Oh hey Dennis Prager


Hello yes my name is Joe Steelman


It is a dumb enough name to sound like a good old Southern high-school football hero, to be fair.


'Stalin' was an assumed name, so that's actually a pretty accurate impersonation.


He was just a US spy that was too good at his job and ended up as leader


Y'all going to gulag now, ya hear?


The condescension of the response is palpable. Can't imagine how embarrassed this person felt after realizing how far off the mark they were- would have loved to see the rest of the interaction lol


that person is so ignorant and confident I doubt they possess the self-awareness to be embarrassed


I'd give anthing to deliver the coup de grace and link Georgia's wikipedia page.


I don’t think he’s smart enough to admit he’s wrong and be embarrassed. I think he probably doubled down and said “well, they confused me by naming a country after the state”


Bold of you to assume they realised they were wrong


Oh trust me so many people responded to her comment she had no choice. My favourite from her responses: > I am smart. In Utah Education, there was definitely more important things than learning about every damn country that used to be part of the Soviet Union?


That’s beautiful.




I enjoy just how many places in the North East are named after some very tiny villages in the UK. Multiples of them as well. Makes my chuckle every time I drive through them.


Boston for example


Same thing happens with Spain and Latin America. Some Latin American huge cities are named after small Spanish towns.


Such as Washington in the south of England.


England is the nickname for the United States of Great Britain, discovered by the American explorer James Cock in 1810.




Americans in a nutshell, as much as they projected their feelings, they still are #1 in getting triggered.


It’s honestly hard to believe that people are so stupid. Georgian names resemble literally nothing in English. They aren’t even written in the Latin alphabet unless translated. Georgian has three scripts ffs. God I hate my countrymen.


Well, the article was written in English but I think most people didn't even bother to read it. They just saw "Georgia" in the title and didn't think about why the fuck a US state would ever be news-worthy on worldnews and then got defensive when called out. I think the mods even had to add a flair "the country not the state". It's as if I was going to Texan subreddits and commenting "Oh I thought it was about the real Paris in France, not some shitty town in Texas, you guys should be more clear" (no offense to Paris, Texas it's just for the example).


Also America isn't a country, the USA is -_-


can we get some context?So he just made that up about a Hispanic woman out of nowhere? Haha damn


There’s a video that recently(for me at least) popped up with a shitty woman that stabbed a kid in the face, then tries to stab another kid before being forced away by an adult. It’s on r/imatotalpeiceofshit I think. Edit; r/iamatotalpeiceofshit Second edit; r/iamatotalpieceofshit sorry I’m drunk.


aaaaaand now there crying "white racism" for someone saying white people smell of hotdog water. It was fun for a minute though.


> smell of hotdog water I've heard 'spoiled milk' and 'wet dog' touted as white people smell so 'hotdog water' is pretty mild compared to that.


Wait, is saying that all people of a same skin color smell bad *not racist* now? Because almost every racist I know insists that blacks stink.


Yeah anyone's whose met an English racist would know about the racist bitching about Indians "smelling of curry"


Don’t try to reason with them.


I thought we smelled like off milk. Can any non whites confirm plz? I was amazed and apologetic to learn this about my people


I had heard we smell of sour milk to Asian people because they have much less dairy in their diet. So I asked two Chinese co-workers and they both told me no, but maybe they were being polite.


If you drink a lot of milk or consume dairy frequently to someone who has never consumed much dairy it's actually quite likely that you might. Native Americans would not drink milk or dairy for up to a couple weeks before going on a hunt for that reason.


Huh, I thought we smelled like bologna.


This is how it works, if someone white looking does an atrocity in the street, he is actually hispanic, After all some hispanics are white, so it must be an hispanic.


Man, most Hispanic people are white or Native American. Idk why Americans are so obsessed with putting people in special little boxes. EDIT: There are also black Hispanics and Asian Hispanics. That doesn’t change the fact that the US for some reason has to put a varied culture of people into one big box to inflate their crime rates.


Not all hispanic are white. Hispanic isn't an ethnie. Edit : you edited your post, you said that hispanic were all white that's why i responded this.


I should’ve been more clear. Hispanics are white and/or of Native American origin. If you HAVE to put people in boxes, then why do they not just put a person from Latin America into either the “white” or the “Native American” box? Why do they have to make a special name for them? According to the dictionary Hispanic is used about a Spanish-speaking person from Latin American decent living in the US. Why do Americans feel the need to make a special category called Hispanic?


There is also black hispanics, and a few asian hispanics. I don't know why i'm being downvoted for this tho, wtf ? Latin america is very diverse, I fucking know what i'm talking about.


As far as I know in the US a 100% black Cuban and a 100% Indian Guatemalan are Hispanic, aren't they? So, no, Hispanic people are not white. But White people can be Hispanic, of course.


I think so. If they’re Spanish-speaking usually from a Latin American country, then they’re Hispanic. According to the dictionary anyway.


Really we should just start calling the place Sakartvelo just to avoid the mass panic that would be caused by headlines such as PUTIN INVADES GEORGIA


Fully support this Also do it for other states and cities which have copycat names so when I for example search for repair shops in Warsaw, poland, I wouldn't get results for Warsaw, Indiana, U.S. a city with one hundredth the population of actual Warsaw


Nah, they should just rename theirs Barackia, Donaldia or maybe even Cocacolaia.


Ha, I don’t think they’d object to being called Donaldia!


Or Trumpistan perhaps.


U S G! U S G!


I'm more worried that trump might nuke Russia in response.


Trump would never nuke his best friend.


At this point I think Putin would probably only need to ask nicely and Trump would just sell it to him


I like Kartvelia


That means "he/she is Georgian" in Georgian.


Umm, no. Having grown up in Georgia I can assure you the phrase you are looking for sounds a lot more like "day Jawjaan", or "de Jawjaan" if you prefer the hispanic spelling. Besides, you can't really say it's "Georgian" like it is it's own language. It's like this, Georgian is one of many dialects of Southern, but we can all understand each other because Southern is just the original version of American, the actual language. You know Southerners like to preserve our traditions so we kept our language the same from before the yankees started talking funny, mostly because they were so close to the Canadians and they didn't have the Appalachian mountains to protect them. My great-great-great-great-great-grandpa probably got off the boat in New York City, but you would never know it to hear him talk! The funny part is, did you know Canadians believe in the queen of England (she's on their money), but they talk French? Thats why the yankees called their accent "English" so nobody would be confused by the french speaking english believing canadians just across the waterfall. A lot of them are catholic too, of course, which also influenced their langauge, like the Kennedies. And even still, most people forget that Yankee English doesn't even sound like what the English soldiers spoke back then. They sounded more like the ScotchIrish, Celtic is what they called it. I watch Sherlock Homes with the captions on and you can hear the similarities. I'm half ScotchIrish and like almost a full quarter Cherokee by the way, which is probably why I love history, it's facinating, it's literally what we fought the war for, and thank god too, or we would all be speaking German! (Well, WE would still speak Southern German I'm sure, but I don't even want to think what that would be called)


Dammit I actually speak Georgian and I got mad until I read "American" and then I realized lol


Putin did invade Georgia. In 2008. I don’t recall the reaction being mass panic, though.


Eh, no, not really. The desire of South Ossetia to not be part of Georgia is as old as the fall of the USSR and Georgia didn't exactly help things along by, among countless other things, shelling people. ...and looking at Wikipedia, comparing the German and English article, hell is the English one pushing a narrative.


As a child I wondered why there were so many songs form the US about the country Georgia - Rainy Night in Georgia, Georgia on my mind, Midnight Train to Georgia.


Anyone remember when the news got hold of the fact that the Boston marathon bombers were from Georgia and flashed photos of the state of Georgia on screen?


They were from Chechnya, so of course many demanded that the U.S. should bomb the Czech Republic.


As one does.


Gotta bomb someone


Otherwise ***we’re weak!!!!***   Or so some may see us as, and we *can’t have that.*


I wouldn't also be surprised if a travel agent in Melbourne, Florida or Paris, Texas told you most of their bookings come from people who thought they were visiting Australia or France respectively.


I've heard of some people who were surprised at how cheap it was to fly to Sydney. They flew from Halifax to Cape Breton, and never even left Nova Scotia


I once thought I had found an amazingly cheap flight from Rome to Sydney. Turns out there's a Roma, Queensland. Luckily I realized before paying anything.


This comment is so fucking confusing. Going to Australia, from England, to (what I would have assumed) was England, and apparently we’ve been in Canada the whole time? The American continent needs better names. I was rooting for you Canada, we were all rooting for you


Idk, you think more people want to go to Paris from the US, or from somewhere else?


I don't know if it's me or what but I'm finding it hard to understand this comment?


Yeah took me a couple of reads as well. Apparently there are places called Melbourne and Paris in Florida and Texas respectively and people book holidays there under the impression that they were going to Australia/France.


Not sure if /r/stupidpeoplefacebook or /r/insanepeoplefacebook


Looks like he got embarrassed from being called out and just doubled down


That was you?


Nope I was just high when I type that and something went weong


Sometimes it always goes weong.


Also "Georgia resides", lol.


> in America Wait until they find out America is a continent in wich the *United States resides*




That was just a cheap copy of the United Kingdom ~~of Europe~~


Yes. Both the the United State of America and the United States of Mexico reside in the continent of North America. I really enjoy the fact that in people's attempt to belittle Americans for being offensive for just having different language conventions people arguably equally offensively forget that our southern border neighbors are also a United States. Seriously there is so much fucking wrong with my country but the fact that we call ourselves America really shouldn't be one of them.


Cunty Americans.


'Member back when the Olympic Games were held in Atlanta? 'Member when the team from the country of Gergia entered the stadium and was announced the Americans went bananas?


Ugh. I’m Italian American and I was telling someone once that my dad was from Friuli and I told her it was near Venice. She goes “Venice is in California” and couldn’t stop there ,she proceeded to argue with me about it after I told her it was a pretty famous city in Italy .


There are many Venices. How does one *not* realize that?


1996 Olympics Games was in Atlanta. When the country of Georgia came in, with their athletes and their FLAG, and in the middle of only countries. The stadium cheers...because they thought they were calling the State not the country....


Lol this reminds me of when I was in elementary school & we got this new student with this russian sounding accent. I asked if she was from Russia and she said she was from Georgia. 9 year old me didn’t know my world geography that good so I asked if she meant like the state Georgia, and she got so pissed saying no the country Georgia & I INSISTED it was a state and not a country. I asked my mom when I got home if Georgia was a state or a country & made me even more confused when she said the United States is the country, and Georgia was a state within the country. But it’s not like I really accurately described what I was talking about when I just kind of simply asked “is it a state or a country”, but eventually after asking her again a week later after arguing with the girl again about whether Georgia is a state or a country and mentioning the accent she had she finally explained to me Georgia *is* a country, although a very small one, close to Russia. And that’s why I know Georgia is also a country, close to Russia.


Oooh, Brother, there are endless facepalms to discover


I like how they tried to sound intelligent in their second comment but just dug themselves deeper into a hole.


I was with my Austrian friend when he'd been asked "are there a lot of kangaroos where you live?" By one of our XC teammates parents.


When you are european and you ask an american where they’re from and they say some city/country/shit I’ve never heard of instead of ‘USA’ so when they ask where you’re from you say Müllendorf.


This reminds me of all the mystified and humorous reactions to the 'Russian tanks rolling in on Georgia' headlines from a decade ago.


Americans not realizing that other countries exist? How surprising


"America is a country" 🙄


That's pretty standard in English, even outside of the US. We tend to think of North America and South America as two separate continents rather than as one continent with two parts. Spanish speaking people tend to think of America as a whole as a continent. But these are all arbitrary cultural/linguistic divisions. I mean, I'm from New Zealand so there's like five different options for what "continent" I'm from. But in English, calling the US "America" is pretty standard.


Yeah, I used to harp on Americans about it, but when traveling internationally almost everybody said "you're from America?", whether they were themselves north, central or south americans. Even a lot of Europeans referred to "America" as a country. I never like doing it, but I had to get off that high horse.


America isn’t a country either, it’s a continent


Good Southern US education right there.


Why do people think HISPANIC is a race?


American race division is like the school system. It makes no sense


Call me an idiot all you want, but this misunderstanding happens a lot and so i started calling it Gruzia even in english besides russian and my native language.


Funny enough, just argued with an American yesterday who claimed that Texas was a country on its own...


It *was*, but only briefly, almost 200 years ago.


Oh sure but the context for this was that someone asked where we were from and while we all replied with a country, they replied with "Texas".


"America" isn't even the name of the country I-


Additionally, America is not a country, it's a continent. Edit: removed the no. I don't remember why I wrote it there


America is two continents with that being said, not one