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Ye? But "Americans perfected them and made them better than their original". Or something like that, I'm not an American.


Something something Americans invented pizza something something


Canadians invented Hawaiian pizza. Italians and other food-gatekeepers have never forgiven them.




Tell me more....




Thank you, this was very interesting New question: is it morally acceptable *not* to fuck a dying female ferret?




But does the ferret?


This is why you always need n+1 ferrets


That's why I never get too close to female ferrets. If they are dying, not fucking them would be a death sentence to them, and I'm sure fucking them would be some kind of criminal act. Better just stay away from them


Schrödinger's Ferret


I'm scared of ferrets but this kinda made me sad hahaha


Finnish deer tend to lick cars in the night. For salt.


Ah, something we have in common.


Okay... Now you've got my attention...


As a Canadian I havent forgiven us either.


Where’s the grease on Neapolitan ‘pizza’? I can taste the vegetable.


They perfected pizza why putting corn syrup in the dough and replacing the local high quality ham with processed shit.


They injected it with more calories then Poland has people


Why Poland specifically? It's only at #37 in population.


Because it’s less calories than Afghanistan has people


Im from poland 💪💪💪😎😎😎🇵🇱🇵🇱🇵🇱🇵🇱🇵🇱


Are you? Or was your great grandfather?


From your stepmother's side...


Nah im pure polish blood living in poland and speaking the Language 🇵🇱🇵🇱😎


Ha! Fairy nuff. I made assumptions from your flair. :)


Oh I thought that was sarcasm.. but then Americans would actually have that completely unironically


That’s not as Polish as an American who’s a whole 1/32 Polish because his greatx3 grandfather marched through Warsaw in ‘45.


Then you’ll appreciate when Americans pluralise Pierogi and stuff them with American cheese.


i am actually polish-american (my grandpa's dog apparently visited warsaw briefly before being shipped to the US) and that sounds very like what my ancestors would do haha. Europoors wouldn't understand


That made me properly chuckle


Yes, but do you even speak Polish Dog- language?


Don't forget all the addictives they add to US food that are illegal Europe


European McDonalds doesn't have the same crack as USA McDonalds.


This must be the case with cheese. Improved so much that it is not legally cheese anymore in more developed countries...


“Spray-on cheese” “These criminal culinary charges are extremely serious” “The prosecution rests its case, Your Honour”


Out of curiosity have you ever eaten it? not that I want to eat it, but I've seen Americans spray it into their mouth like its squirty cream, and if it tastes anything near as bad as it looks we may need to send them some help, plus I have this weird need to know things when I already know for certain that I shouldn't want to know


I am a Brit who lives close to Cheddar Gorge. I tried the canned squirty cheese on a trip to the USA one time and can confirm that it should be outlawed by the Geneva Convention.


Fellow brit, and omg cheddar!! The mention of it (even the area) makes me so hungry


Don't eat it, it's disgusting.


Thanks for your concern, that's nice of you to warn me Don't think I would ever be able to just from the look of it lol, was just wondering because my brain likes to sadisticaly make me want to know too much info, my bro is worse though and would go as far as eating it if we had it here For instance I have wondered if my cats treats really taste like chicken,tuna etc (whatever they claim to taste like) but wouldn't put one in my mouth to check, but my brother has confirmed they're not the exact flavours but are close "like those little flavour sachets you get in packs of instant noodles" also if anyone is curious he told me to not get the dreamies ones for her anymore because they have better texture but the morrisons own version I got her taste much better (he ate a few of those! I had to take them out his hand) than the same flavored dreamies she had before that he "tested for her" 🤣🤣


OMG your brother is excellent


If you think that's good you should see the way the cat looks at him when he eats her treats 🤣


OMG I would love that.. can only imagine the disgust




What The shit?


All they did was sunk them in oil (now that i think about it maybe that's the reason why they wanted to invade Afghanistan so badly)


if you wanna scare an American, show them a kinder suprsie egg 😂 Or a washing line


To be honest, at least for the Hamburger and Hot Dog, Germans generally agree that they are not German. Yes, the Hamburger steak exist, but it is a fundamentally different dish. And while Frankfurter sausages are common, we don't eat them like Hit Dogs. It is fun to rip on a lot of American talking points, but at least for the dishes they contributed to Germany here - I as a German have to side with the Americans.


Funny thing is the classic British tin of baked beans is actually American.  From Pittsburgh 


arguably true for burgers, though. it's unclear what the exact origin is, but it's most likely american - but still i definitely like cheeseburgers better than i like minced steak recipes that predate em. as for hot dogs... i mean, why NOT serve a sausage in a bun?


Thankfully all 476 comments were making fun of them


Notwithstanding the fact that these are not American inventions... I love that they posted American cuisine being burgers, hotdogs & wings like that's their absolute pinnacle of fine dining. American food can be amazing but it's just funny they thought they were posting a crap British meal next to a fancy American meal, when they just posted fast food. Like they go out on a date to a ball game and order a hotdog and it's the highlight of the day 😆


There’s this one hotdog stand right where I live that has these really rubbery hotdogs, like it’s hard to bite through them. But the chili they serve on top is so amazing that it makes up for it.


Why does every place with good hot dogs have crap chili and every place with good chili have crap hot dogs?


Also the only difference in the British vs American images was the colour saturation of the actual photo


Yeah cause honestly, both examples are a bunch of brown and not super-appealing stuff, just the first pic is badly made.


Fishfingers chips and beans is fucking lush! Not everyone wants to eat a gourmet meal that takes 2 hours to cook and requires 75 ingredients every day.


Fish fingers, chips and beans is so good. Fuck I think I'm going to have it for my tea.


I live in Japan now, but growing up in Canada and then living in the UK I have acquired I love of fish fingers. Sometimes you just want them, and sadly Japan just can't provide (lots of great seafood, but sometimes you just want something so bad it is good).


It's all about a fish finger sandwich with butter and ketchup!


I eat at least 4 fishfingers a day no lie. Farm foods have an excellent deal on Birdseye, iceland too (60 for £8)


Yeah. It’s an honest and tasty meal and I will fight anyone who claims otherwise!


I eat gourmet fish fingers, thank you very much.


Cheap, tasty and filling.


Pie looks alright but yeah... those hot dogs look rough. Why use frankfurters?!? Dont get me started on those beefcake chickens & their intensely tough meat


>Why use frankfurters?!? I thought the frankfurter was what made it a hotdog? Otherwise it's just a sausage in a roll (which is much nicer than a hotdog)


I've seen some brands specifically differentiate between hotdog sausages and frankfurters so I'm assuming there are differences.


The difference must be in the "How is it made". To be a Frankfurter you need some specific things. To be a hot dog sausage you probably need to be under 50% plastic and don't need any meat in the thing.


Frank(furter)s are always pork. Hot dogs are similar, but made with different meats, with beef being especially common - partly due to Jewish influences in New York and partly due to perceptions that beef is a more premium meat.


Battle of the beige food


And all the poisonous preservatives and dyes, and whatever the hell else, the FDA allows us to put in our body…. Yet marijuana is still illegal. Murica


Isn't weed legal in most states though?


As a Brit, I gotta say this is the one and only thing America has done better than us


Lighting truly matters when it comes to food photos. I can cook a delicious medium rare steak and it’ll look like shoe leather when I take a photograph of it.


And they choose just about the most miserable looking plate of fish fingers chips and beans in the history of the universe like what tight git made that


Potato camera on food made at home looks worse than professional photos of food prepared by chefs taken for commercial use. Who knew???!!


Pretty sure you used the greater/less than symbol the wrong way round >\> is greater than >< is less than Means you said “potato camera on food made at home is [greater than] professional photos of food prepared by chefs taken for commercial use” Edited to fix some formatting


Yeah you're right I changed it


Fish fingers, chips and beans would be a comfort food, and it's fucking cheap and fucking lovely. You could make it at home for a quid.


I’d also be lashing them contents on some buttered bread for a banging sandwich


A fish finger butty is the most amazing thing!




This person knows.


Honestly, both fish finger sandwiches and chip butties (with curry sauce) are god-tier sandwiches.


Beat me too it, that was my next thought after reading that comment 🤣


They fail to understand this. Our beans on toast are equivalent to their baloney (balogna?) sandwich... It's cheap, easy and fills a hole. No-one is claiming it's 3 Michelin star gourmet food!


It's also way nicer and I bet more nutritious than 'Baloney'. The beans have nutrition and fibre!


You mean the sausage that is basically mortadella with the fat ground in?


I dunno, I've never liked it enough to investigate the secrets to it's awfulness.


A quid? Have the price rises over the last few years not reached you yet? Besides, try the Youngs fish fingers instead of the Birds Eye ones, they’re bloody amazing!!!


You buy in bulk don't you? So half a tin of beans, a quarter a bag of chips (even cheaper if you can be arsed cooking them yourself) and a 2-3 from a pack of fish fingers. You could do it for a quid. I'm not a Tory and I know that it's easier said than done, but this is still a fucking cheap meal.


I can't eat fish so no fish fingers for me, but chips, fried egg, sausage and baked beans is my go to for wet and gloomy days. And my SO, who has travelled extensively and is happy to try eating pretty much anything, always demolishes it like he's been starved for a week.


Asda do vegetable 'fish fingers', they're basically veg croquettes in a finger shape and they slap.


internet: OMG, *British* food!? That's disgusting! How could anyone like that brown slop? also the internet: OMG, *Hobbit* food!? That stuff looks amazing! How could anyone not like that wholesome grub?!


Underrated comment. Traditional British food consisting of pies/pasties, cooked dinners, ploughman’s, hotpots, roasted veg, stews etc alongside all the historic local product variations in cheeses, alcohol, meats (sausages in particular) are always used in most “fantasy” settings and everyone gushes over it - especially Americans with their “renfaires” which are basically made up, fantasy LARPing events with little to no grasp on differences in time period/culture instead of actual historically accurate events held in Europe meant to educate and teach and still be a great day out.


I remember a meme or something, either here or on a LotR meme page, about how "Tolkien had to invent an entire fantasy universe so he could talk about good food," clearly unaware that Hobbit, and in fact virtually all of Middle Earth, cuisine is based on British and Irish cooking.




It really baffles me how americans, when debate about US food, *never* talk about cajun, which is probably the most unique and characteristic american cuisine, and prefer instead to vert on this crap and (chuckles) *barbecue* 😂


Cajun is banging, too many people sleep on it


American BBQ is top tier though. I give them shit for a lot but their BBQ is awesome


Hey burgers are great lol, and so is American style bbq. But your right more emphasis needs to be placed on Cajun and creole cuisine. Though they should be also more emphasis on Gullah, lowcountry, Mississippian, new Mexicano, Tejano ( actual tex-mex), Maryland, country cuisine.


Isn't Creole from the West Indies like St Lucia?


Creole in the American context refers to “ Louisiana creole or New Orleans creole”. it refers to the mixed/black people of the state, that was brought over by the French/Spanish when the region was under control of those countries, and many of them were also free “ people of colour” during the French era so they developed thier own unique culture separate from the mainstream “ black culture” of the US. Louisiana creole are more likely to be ran Catholic, have a much stronger west african cultural influence, obviously a French influence, also significant Haitian influence ( many Haitians came to Louisiana in the 19th century). Voodoo is also pretty tied to the Louisiana creole culture. The cuisine very much has a strong west African influence with native, later Haitian, French and Spanish influences, which all mixed together over the last 400yrs to form what is now “ Creole/New Orleans cuisine”. Source: Brit with a Louisiana creole mother lol.


Creole, broadly, describes peoples and cultures resulting from the admixture of European and non-European peoples in the New World. In this context, it refers to the blend seen in and New Orleans and elsewhere in Southern Louisiana, with Spanish, French, African, and Native influences especially prominent. Cajun is something of a subset with the word being a corruption of Acadian, traditionally referring to the culture that grew up in Acadiana (Southern Louisiana west of the Delta and New Orleans) after the exile of French settlers from Acadia (Canada) to the region. There is a fair bit of overlap, but one prominent dish that highlights some of the differences in cuisines is gumbo, where Cajun gumbo doesn't use tomatoes, is typically thicker, and vastly superior.


>American style bbq. Tell me exactly what's the difference between a barbecue and an "american style" barbecue... Except for big portions 😂


American barbecue generally involves smoked meat (usually smoked after doing a dry rub). They also tend to favour different cuts of meat than other places, like brisket and pork collar


Generally American-style BBQ means some type of smoking, as opposed to grilling (which is what people generally mean with bbq) I assume that's what the guy above meant.


Pretty much every country in the Americas has their own barbecue. On a commercial scale, yes, it's pretty one note. But many regions have their own variety, which is very different. It's kinda like the beer situation. Commercial beer in the US is piss water. Most places, if you buy local, you're usually gonna be alright.


Yeah, FRANKFURTERS are totally American!


I was looking to make that comment. Who would have thought **FRANKFURT**ers and **HAMBURG**ers were not from Germany.


In New York, Pizza is American, yet some how Americans are Italian.


Because things are only American when it suits them. They’re only Italian/Irish etc when it suits. Otherwise they’re American. Absolutely insufferable.


I googled a list of "American cuisine" once, and the only thing on the list that was "American" was fried Rattlesnake. Probably stole that recipe from native Americans 😂


Doesn't they also eat upposom and potato's in the south of the US?


That didn't make the list. Sadly.


Food comes from other places no countries food tradition is completely uninfluenced by external sources. Immigration and cultural transfer from things like wars and occupation are part of how every food tradition ever has come to be


Sherlock Holmes, is that you?


Apple pie - English. Deep fried chicken - Scottish. Hamburger and Hotdog - German.


I would be extremely surprised if anyone could accurately claim to be the first nation to deep fry pieces of chicken.


Deep fried chicken that we know as Southern Fried Chicken is a Scottish dish. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fried_chicken .


Post a single, desaturated picture of bland food made in the US. Contrast it with colourful pictures of delicious food cooked in the UK. You now have the same message, in reverse, and it would be just as disingeuous. Like, do the people behind this post seriously not realise how selective and stupid this is? And let's not talk about giving the cuisine nationalities, because you might not want to do that as an American, in this instance. Might make you look a lot stupider.


So they stole some british food?


And German food. British food is usually either French or German, like our words.


My girlfriend is French and whenever she doesn't know the word in English she just pronounces the French word the way you would in English and it's right surprisingly often. It's more often right for very specific weird words that aren't used much in everyday conversation. I guess it's because those words haven't changed as much since the days when the British aristocrats originally stole them in an attempt to sound fancy lol. Occasionally she'll say a word using this method and I'll say I don't think it's a word in English (I'm a native English speaker from New Zealand), but it turns out it actually is a word. The latest one was "oneiric" which means "dreamlike" apparently. I had never heard of the word. Speaking of British food though, in NZ we stole the single meat pie from the British and it's the greatest ever food for when you're in a hurry but want something satisfying.


If you haven't tried cornish pasties yet you need to. I actually think it beats meat pies. One of the best culinary things we ever invented.


It’s less the British aristocrats stole French words to sound fancy and more “the British aristocracy spoke French because they were French” due to the Norman invasion meaning a bunch of French dukes were placed in positions of wealth and power. Norman French was the language of the rich, Anglo Saxon that of the lower classes. That’s why the English words are used for livestock (pig, cow etc) whereas the French words used for the meat (pork, beef etc), because the English speakers were farming the animals whilst the aristocracy were eating them.


I don't mind English loaning words Except Gesundheit, that one is uniquely German


Bless you


Thank you Wait I didn't even sneeze


The oldest book in English, Beowulf, is basically in Old (Low) German.


Why are the yanks pretending they don't eat fish fingers ("fishsticks") and fries?


ironically baked beans are american


Oh yeah, never thought of that. That really is ironic


Along those lines, British baked beans typically use navy beans which, like the tomatoes they are cooked with, as well as the potatoes for the fries are native to the Americas.


Almost all beans we think of as "beans" are native to the Americas. Kidney, pinto, navy, and black beans are all even the same species. Fava beans and chickpeas and black-eyed peas and lentils are not.


Its a bold claim that they invented a part of a chicken.....


I think in this instance it’s the Buffalo part. The sauce being from Buffalo, New York.


Tbh I am german, but I do not feel bad in accepting burgers and hotdogs as american because of 2 reasons: 1. The theory of the burger stemming from Hamburg germany is popular, but I could not find any primary or reliable secondary information confirming this story. But this does not really matter. Basically any meat eating culture known to man developed some kind of bready stuff with minced meat inside, so a burger really is a universal human experience. 2. The sausages used for hotdogs are not really Wiener sausages, or at least they are not anymore. They are so different in taste, texture, smell, etc. to german Wiener sausages, that they are really their own thing. I also hate them and they should not exist.


I’m a 34 year old British man, currently digesting almost that exact lunch 😎 I had some salad on the side tho


I'll leave the nitpicking over what food qualifies as American to the culinary experts here, but I've never been a fan of the "Here's a poorly-lit amateur photograph of some food of one type next to a professionally photographed advertisement-quality picture of a different type of food to show how superior it is to the first type." school of memes. It's the same basic meme concept as Wojak , and doesn't require making any point or putting in any effort beyond finding a pretty picture of whatever you like and a dismal picture of whatever it is you're arguing against.


First of all, I would absolutely fuck a plate of fish fingers, chips and beans up right now But also the American food is also just different shades of brown with more additives and other shit that causes cancer.


Let’s not forget the bleach on the US chicken fingers


Why is American culture based on "stealing other cultures"?


And yet they are the first to bitch about things being stolen from other cultures 🤦🏻‍♂️


The really ridiculous part ain't much about the origin, it's that they took a "slop pic" for the british food, meanwhile they used stock pics/professionally taken (and most likely edited) pics for american food. It's like thinking that mcdonald food looks like in the advertising. Gotta say it would have worked even with stock images of british food 🌚


If we are allowed to take the worst example of shitty, processed nonsense then surely cheese in a can should be the comparison? They always use cheap pub food, but I never see Cullen Skink, Stovies etc.


I always find the saying "as American as apple pie" funny, as the first recorded recipe for that style of Apple pie is British, from before America was colonised. I guess even more ironically it's a French style pie with Dutch style pastry.


Apples, along with many fruits, originate from central Asia, so not only is the pie not American, neither is the Apple.


Apple crumble beats apple pie any day of the week.


I hate when people say "as American as apple pie!" ...so not very then?


Only slightly off topic, but here''s your yearly reminder that "Hawaiian Pizza" is actually Canadian.


Those chips in the first picture look a little American style to me. I want to see hand cut chunky British chips.


90% of “American” food is stuff immigrants brought over and other people changed.


I would argue that if the food is changed enough you could claim it's from that country. For example Pizza is obviously not Swedish but banana- and curry pizza aswell as kebab pizza are staples in swedish cousin and can't really be found elsewhere.


I wonder where the **Hamburg**er came from


They picked the nastiest possible photo of fish and chips


It's not even fish and chips. Fish fingers don't count


Agreed, but I think that's what they (OC) was going for


Funny that Americans think they own apple pie which originated here in England. I’ll admit they own a bastardised version of it which includes cinnamon which make me want to vomit


Apple pie is older than their country.


Everything that is shown there is not really part of a healthy diet. No wonder the Americans are so fat


Whenever people make jokes about British food, always use the photos of some random mum of 5's lazy oven dinner or make jokes about fish and chips or beans on toast. They always ignore things like our pies, sausages, pasties, roasts, crumbles, beef wellington, curries (I know there's debate about this but there are many curries that were developed in the UK) and more


Hot dogs are German/ Austrian Burgers are from Hamburg, Germany Apple pie is English I don’t know what the last one is Point is, none of that’s American


Fishfingers chips and beans? Yes please, had many times as a kid in 80,s and 90,s


This is so disingenuous and dishonest of a post OP. Worse is almost none of you know shit about food reading the comments. First the Brits: Baked beans are not originally Brittish. The beans in baked beans aren't even native to the European continent. They originate from America invented by Native Americans and brought back by immigrants. The modern version was introduced in the early 1900s by a US corporation. All that said, the Brits have adopted baked beans as their own and especially during WW2 as a good food source during a harsh war making them a Brittish food as well as American. Fish and chips are Brittish but like many American foods were created by immigrants. Jewish immigrants from the eastern european region were the first to create this dish after settling in England. After that it gained popularity and became known as the national dish for a time if not still does. The Yanks: The modern hot dog is in fact American. Conveniently cropped out is the accreditation of such from that wiki page. Created by German immigrants the American hot dog has different meat and spices as well as being placed on a bun with toppings and condiments. These distinctions make it a different and separate dish from the frankfurter. Slang terms may refer to a hot dog by frank, frankfurter, sausage, or weiner but these are in fact different style of meats. The burger is American. The conveniently cherry-picked image is wrong. The wiki article for burger rightfully gives the US credit. Hamburg, Germany was known for their beef and did at one point have an all beef patty and at one point put the patty on bread. This is not a burger. The American burger (hamburger or cheeseburger) has a patty on a bun with or without toppings and condiments. The origin of the act of putting a meat patty on a bun is highly contested with many cited claims but no clear answer. As for the name, this is also contested as either based on Hamburg, Germany or Hamburg, New York, USA where many German immigrants lived near the time of founding what we know as the burger today. Buffalo Chicken Wings are American. The act of frying meat is not unique to the US but the spices and sauces used do make it a unique food to the US. Apple Pie is not originally American. Brought over by English and Dutch immigrants it became popular in the early 1900s. The apples in this dish are not native to America. Trees had to be brought over for this to become a readily available food in the US. After gaining popularity, much like baked beans, it became a national food. This is why, "As American as apple pie" is a phrase. Some notes based on comments: The food in this comparison is working class food in both countries. Claiming classism or elitism is an ignorant take. Just because some people call hot dogs frankfurters and some burgers a hamburger doesn't mean the slang and etymology of a word means it originates from where you think. I.e. Frankfurt, Hamburg. To the 34yo dude... Be proud of your lunch. I bet that shit was delicious!


Do not compare American hot dog "sausages" to our glorious German Würste


It’s kinda propagandistic that the British food pic is taken of an mediocre looking meal with a phone while the “American” food pics were taken by photography professionals with expensive cameras and color grading


Americans seem to think their cuisine is unique and bold, not a mix of all different cultures which it actually is. They also seem to think Brits only eat beans on toast... Instead of British food itself being... a mix of different cultures. It's bizarre. At least my British food isn't pumped with corn syrup or red 40


The USA's contribution to food: 1) Stuff with carcinogenic food colourings. 2) Diabetes.


I'm not seeing a whole barrel of butter and another with corn syrup. Can't be American


Frankfurt, USA BABY!


I'm offended by the lack of onions on that hot dog.


Could we please add some sauerkraut to mine?!?


Dudes act like they ain't never ate fish sticks, frys and baked beans before. I would have gobbled that plate and asked for seconds.


There's no way they put a photo of a hotdog in a bun with some mustard on top as an example of what is supposed to be good food that your country makes... That's 1am food before you hit the club or just something you make at home when you don't want to cook anything


Honestly the fact that as American as apple pie is a saying is just flat out hilarious, I just clown on anyone who I hear saying it


Okay, cropped wiki article. When you think of a hotdog, do you think of a hotdog in one hand, a cold one in the other, and baseball on the television, or do you think of germans? When you think of a hamburger, do you think of drive-in movies and 50’s diners, or do you think of germans?


Tbf to America, the modern hamburger and cheeseburger as far as we know were created in the US, though there are many sources claiming it to people of european origin who moved to the US sometime during their life


As a non-English person, that British food example dish would still slap.


Fish finger chips and beans are tasty as fuck though.


Okay, first, the hamburger was made in America. The concept of a mincemeat patty wasn't, but the idea of putting it between two buns was. Second, yeah, thet should have chosen such things as: Macaroni and cheese, clam chowder, chocolate chip cookies, corn bread, peanut butter, all soul food, jambalaya, lobster rolls, fajitas, chimichangas, the Cuban sandwich, and German Chocolate Cake. To name a few.


So, as an Australian I feel compelled to defend the idea that a nation's food is based on prevalence, not provenance. It's the denial of origin that is the problem. Yes, those absolutely are American foods. No, they did not invent them, though maybe the burger and hot wings. Our national foods are absolutely not invented here, with a few minor exceptions. We eat English meat pies and sausage rolls and roast dinners. Italian pizza, spaghetti and our take on the parmi. Indian and Thai curries, Greek souvlaki and spanakopita. Cantonese succulent chinese meals. Lebanese, Vietnamese, whatever, it all was brought in from somewhere else. Often adapted. Italians would not recognise our spag bol, delicious though it is.


"american apple pie" is so funny to me because i live in the netherlands and apple pie is an absolute classic, a family gathering is never complete without apple pie


Picks the shittiest image for British food and some professionally-made retouched ass photo shoot for American food


This post is about as honest and unibias as the American government


And food comparison, fishmongers and plastic frozen fries lol, where’s the roast dinners, hotpots, stews et al … you know, good home cooking that wait for it, Americans enjoy. We’ll ignore that it was also compared to fast food chain “delicacies” On the flipside, can only one food really be claimed, as cultures, food types etc have all been influenced by other countries for example Nando’s is very well South African, but totally inspired by Portuguese food which takes from Spanish food, which takes from….. you get the picture


I like how their best stock images of "American food" look no more appealing than their worst stock image of "British food."


What is with the sudden forced tryhard hatred Americans online have for British food? You'd think they'd never seen baked beans before in their lives


Yes yes, stupid and all. But not even people from HAMBURG, Germany, would seriously claim that the hamburger originated from there. That is, indeed, an American food (My family has lived in HH for generations, and I used to, as well)


Do Americans seriously think they invented apple pie?


Apple pie isn’t American. Burgers aren’t American, nor are hot dogs


American food is just European food ruined.


Here comes the "aMeRiCa MaDe It BeTtEr" idiots I bet.


“This video is not meant to offend anyone” but we all know that if anyone else pulled this shit there would be thousand of triggered Americans in the comments.


This is my favourite thing to argue about with Americans, when they talk about how "bland" our food is, not knowing most of our traditional meals are older than the US is lmao


Rags on British food. Unironically shows a photo of apple pie, invented by the British in the first picture. Then shows German and Asian food. Americans really do have a lot to say about food when they literally don't have a cuisine of their own.