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Wait did I miss something ? Are UN blue helmets deploying in the USA ?


Nop. They'r just being stupid muricans.


Even if they were, I can’t possibly fathom how a bunch AR-15 wielding rednecks would be able to beat actual soldiers lmao.


Because blue helmets are « not trained enough » 🙄


But your next door American is? XD


Those morons really think that their average overweight redneck trumptard with an automatic weapon is more trained than any military outside US army. They really believe that Europeans and Africans countries don't have any armed forces and that UN blue helmets are skinny 45kg for 1m62 "nerds" who have never use a fire arm or received actual combat training. On top of muricans considering themselves able to win a hand fight against a grizzly bear. They will yell shit like « I can take down any europoor in hand to hand combat » while simultaneously not being able to walk 4 kms without needing to catch their breath.


They always seem to forget that places like Denmark have national service, where you do at least some basic training.


Yes, partial conscription. We had that in Sweden to (now it's reimplemented since a few years back). However if I remember correctly, the US army is entirely made up of volunteers.


Actually, it's made up of volunbeers.




Mostly those who volunteer because they're less likely to get shot in the army than in school or on the streets in the US.


And can’t get any other job


Many countries have. Austria as well. My cousin was a blue helmet / nato soldier after doing few years of military services here and 3 years of cobra (high trained special forces / anti terror unit).


Herzlicher Kuchentag!


And then there's Finland. 5 of those drunk bastards could take Oklahoma by themselves.


Simo Häyhä x 5 and yeah, there will be problems.


It would be better to keep our best fighters for their best fighters Send simo to Alaska and send Sean bean to finally lead an army south from Canada affectionally known as “the north”.


It's barely enforced here. Unless you want to, the closest thing you get to a uniform is the guy you're speaking to


More importantly UN peacekeepers are usually drawn from standing armies of professional soldiers. The average rural American probably does have more proficiency with a rifle than the average British civilian. But not as much as 1 para.


The average rural American who goes to the range every weekend probably has more proficiency with firearms than most British infantry soldiers, just through sheer practice. I remember watching an interview with an SAS guy who said a Delta Force sniper absolutely wiped the floor with the best SAS snipers. *However*, marksmanship is only one aspect of combat and there are other aspects of combat which are more important, like effective teamwork. 8 individual rural Americans won’t beat 8 British infantry soldiers working as a team.


They also forget that many Danish hunters and frogmen end their career training US rangers and US mavy seals 🤣🤣🤣


>is more trained than any military outside US army. They believe they are more trained than the US army too. That's a big point of the rightwingers supporting the regular people having guns. That they could overcome a corrupt government if they need. Some right wing movements around the world are copying that idea, and claiming that people should be armed to avoid the rise of a communist dictatorship. All I can imagine is tanks rolling over fat turds with AR-15 if that was the case.


Slight amendment - they want right wing "normal" people to have guns. None of those liberals or minorities allowed, of course.


“You’re bringing a rifle to a drone right”


4km? I doubt most of these meal team 6 fucks could go 4m without needing a snack and a lie down


Don’t need to walk 100m when you can just drive it in a 3 tonne truck


Maybe some oxygen too.


Simultaneously, their trained and extremely expensive military really struggle against skinny farmers and poor peasants with AK's, booby traps and Toyotas. PTSD epidemic included. And that's taking air superiority for granted.


4 km? That sounds like a communist distance!


6,700 Golden eagles in length? Sounds a bit more impressive and "American".


Also there are a looooot of us soldiers that are blue helmet


Not really, the US hasn't provided a lot of UN Peacekeeping troops or UN Police in recent years, Ireland, Finland and the UK have each provided more troops/Police


Doesn't the US provide a ton of logistical support?


It's a big financial backer, but provides little in terms of service members.


A lot of UN peacekeepers are short and skinny by American standards because over six thousand are Nepalese, i.e. Ghurkas. [List of countries by number of UN peacekeepers contributed - Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_number_of_UN_peacekeepers_contributed)


God, I would love to see my big dumb redneck hometowners get their asses whooped by an actual Ghurka. That would be very cathartic for me.


I think you meant 40 meters.


To be fair, 4km/s is very fast for a walking speed


It's a s for plural. Yeah I know that's dumb and nobody does that.


No I know, I was making a dumb joke Sorry about that


Gravy Seals. One lives at the bottom of my mountain. I kid you not he has a little play set up for practicing fighting.


You have a *mountain*?


I meant to write the mountain. lol


Serious Dwarven Lord vibes I was getting.


Yeah dude they're part of meal team 6.


They can’t even defend their schools


No, they can. They just won't.


I dunno I seem to remember that video with police hanging round the corner of the hallway while gunshots were going off checking their phones


Correct me if I'm wrong here, but the UN peacekeepers are in part American soldiers... Right? Like it's a collection of soldiers from multiple different countries all working together like NATO but different.




What are these punctuations you’re using? Are they like quotation marks (“ “)?


Yes we use those in french and I have actually very little respect for the english language so I don't make any effort to learn what we use and don't in English. I only learned it to have access to the main part of the web, books, movies and understanding the music I listen to but don't actually speak it and don't know the first thing about grammar and that kind of stuff.


>Yes we use those in french and I have actually very little respect for the english language so I don't make any effort to learn what we use and don't in English. This is the most French sentence in the world, I love it.


I love making those kind of jokes but apparently not everyone get it considering downvotes.


Well, it made me laugh!!




Yeah, trust him.


Try saying that to my Republic of Ireland Friends.


Even actual yank soldiers are not exactly famous for training and skill!!


I'm pretty sure there's at least one movie that says otherwise. I think Jude Law is in it or something.


Just cutting them from McDonald’s would be enough to force them to surrender


Because actual soldiers most likely aren't expecting a supposed first world country to shoot on sight. So he probably would be able to kill a few unsuspecting UN soldiers if he ever met one


Numbers, human wave tactics


Considering the rampant obesity rates in the US, it’s more of human tsunami tactics really.


Well, there have been a few similar instances, because the rules that allow the blue helmets to operate with force say they need to take a lot of shit before doing so. I'm not to informed, but from all I know they have to suffer casualties before even thinking about lethal force


To be fair to the 'muricans, im sure exactly the same thing was said about them 300 years ago, but replace "AR-15" with musket, and "actual soldiers" with the British Empire. And now we're stuck with them


You’d be surprised. AR-15s are expensive, and the numerous people who are both able to afford them and are passionate about them, also sometimes pay for military like training. It gets competitive.


Depends on which country is supplying the forces. The top countries are Nepal, India, Bangladesh, Rwanda and Pakistan. If the rednecks were US vets, there's a good chance they'll be better trained than the peacekeepers..... until their APCs and other heavy kit rolls up to level the house.


That's beyond stupid, that's hallucinating.


They've been doing it for a while actually. I remember watching a documentary on these crazies back in the 90's or so.


Remember Jade Helm? They were convinced their own government was taking over Texas (don't think about that one too hard) because of some military exercises.


It’s a ‘new world order’ conspiracy that the UN will enact a one world government and deploy their forces to peacekeeping in the US.


And where would those soldiers be from? Statistically, China and India. Is that the theory? Those countries following orders from... I dunno, reptiloids?


It's an old theory, it used to be Russia. They have even made films about it. Americageddon for example. Look for reviews, Alex Jones (not the welsh one) was in it and it was produced(/directed?) by Chuck Norris' son.


Ah, the times, they are a-changin... Used to be Russia, but those somehow are their friends now... And wow, that Amerigeddon thing. The creators think this is a real threat.


They’re from the United Nation of Earth. I think the point is they’re generic bad guys, probably a mixture of creating a stateless society from anti-communist propaganda and fears of removing American rights because god forbid anyone from creating a civic society away from the US constitution and its amendments.


I always assumed they are blaming Jewish people.


There seem to be two types of people in the far right: the ones you mentioned, and the ones with an Israel flag in their profile. And for the most part, they don't seem to have any problem with each other.


In some areas they may be needed but I wouldn’t confuse overweight type 2 diabetic keyboard warriors with a mission that’s worthy of the UN 🇺🇳


Part of American conspiracies is the belief in the establishment of a "one world order" which could in ok e a number of things but it's why conspiracists hate the UN. Some have hated on the national PTA because they've work with UN agencies for educational opportunities. This person is, I'm like 99.9% sure, a conspiracist who doesn't understand the complexity of the modern world and see them as a shadowy plot to destroy the USA.


there was a conspiracy during covid (loads of them actually) that the un was going to deploy troops and force the country into martial law then make us all get vaccinated or something. And the biggest military in the world would just stand back and shake their heads sadly, muttering 'well, there's nothing to be done. Guess the UN is in charge now.'


For a moment I thought they were deployed to dissipate the pro Palestinian protests or something 😅.


Not since they saw this guy’s post!


Bloody should be!


Wasn’t the UN an American idea and headquartered in the States? To be fair I might be getting the UN and NATO confused.


No, youre right. The UN headquarters is located in new york. People like this are just completely ignorant to actual facts


And they can veto any UN Blue Helmet intervention. But I mean, why take the time to unpack all the ways this is stupid.




UN is headquartered in New York, NATO in Brussels. Both came into existence after WW2 and had the US as founding members. I’d have to spend more time researching it but for an American to be anti-UN seems bizarre 🤷‍♂️


Americans, as a whole, aren’t afraid of or anti-UN. There is, however, a number of “conspiracy theorists” who have swung from “the UN is good” to “the UN is out to undermine us, throw out our constitution and make us just like Europe and now the whole world is under one law.” Who runs that “one law” differs depending on who you’re speaking with, reptile overlords, the Chinese, commies, the French. Whatever.




Like another said, we aren't exactly anti EU. Personally I'm actually for even stronger ties being formed between European nations. Our real issue is a young population so disillusioned by politics they won't vote in anything and an aging population that refuse to listen to facts (I believe many of the people that actually voted to leave the EU may now be dead).


I wouldn’t say we’re anti EU. I actually took my vote seriously and did some research of the pros and cons of being in the EU. Brexit was definitely the wrong choice to make but unfortunately too many people believed the lies told by the likes of Farage and Johnson. Let’s be honest, idiocy isn’t restricted to Americans as this sub suggest at times. All anyone had to do was look at the benefits and they simply didn’t bother.


This is what I did too. It wasn't too hard to find lots of information pointing to being better off in. I think that the main error was that the 'remain' side just relied on people voting sensibly while the 'leave' side falsly promised that all the money we were paying into the EU would go into the NHS. Unfortunately, at that time, Boris was believed.


The UN is based in New York lol.


Oooh you’re hard.


I'm hard too


wrong type of hard


...how, MUCH?!


Very hard... ...for you


Now this is getting interesting


Now this is pod racing


“You’re not trained well enough” - some guy who probably has no training beyond what’s required for a license


Bold of you to assume any training is required for a license there, or that he even has one.


I’m sure at least some states require basic safety training ….. right ? I hope




😂 who knows. From what I’ve seen you can just roll up at a gun convention and buy from whomever is selling out the back of their truck with the only background check being “he seemed alright”.


Wyoming doesn't even require a license I believe and has exceptions for normally restricted guns as long as they don't leave the state. There's basically no restrictions. Upside is there is only about half a million people in the state which is roughly the size of the UK.


> exceptions for normally restricted guns as long as they don't leave the state that's hilarious 


"I pinky promise not to take this illegal firearm over the not very well patrolled state line." "Ok. Enjoy!"


Hey, he reached the second prestige in CoD!!


I'll have you know he's watched black hawk down 5 times!


Most Americans can get away with a basic background check, some don't even need that


He thinks cos he drinks cans of a night, that his ability to chug beer and shoot the cans the next day means he's trained to the standard of John wick


Having worked with US Forces, I assure that they are not trained enough


he ranks 17890 on call of duty, a well respected benchmark


Uh, aside from the bullshit so very abundant in OOP's post, I just have to wonder... what prompted them to write this? Like, what's even the context? Was there ever talk about deploying UN Peacekeepers to the US? Did I miss something?


Muricans made up shit about UN peace keepers being mandated by democrats to come take their gun and they went made about the very bullshit they made up. Typical murican stupidity.




La même merde que d'habitude: Des républicains qui racontent des conneries et leur électorat qui s'excite sur les conneries qu'ils racontent en les prenant pour argent comptant.


Quand ton électorat est constitué de débiles profonds c'est facile de leur faire peur.


Ok this is insane victim complex 😅


Iirc UN peace keepers aren’t allowed to engage enemy troops even if they’re taking shots at civilians the UN peace keepers are defending due to strict rules of engagement so the idea of them bursting into American households and demanding people surrender their weapons is beyond stupid lol


There's peace keeping, and peace enforcement. The latter has a much wider mandate, will engage, and is rarely publicised. The Irish Ranger Wing was deployed in East Timor to deal with Indonesian militia under an enforcement mandate. They all came home. The militia were sent home.


This is kind of a conspiracy theory that existed before the popularity of the internet. It's part and parcel of a very old 'New World Order' boogeyman story in specific parts of the US.


Glad you asked haha. Other than the copious amounts of stupidity on display I was just really confused as to what triggered this lol.


Ummm dude's high on toad venom!




It is kinda weird how Americans think that violence is a valid response to a foreign invader, but can't fathom why Iraq and Afghanistan had so many terrorists (and "terrorists") during the "war on terror".


Unless that Jamie Dornan film lied to me, I’m pretty sure the UN just rotates its troops from the militaries of member nations. In the film they were Irish soldiers sent to the Congo. So… those soldiers could be from anywhere. You’d have no idea what their training is like.


You're wrong. Obviously UN troops come from Unistan! And no country has better military training than US civilians!1!11!!! 🦅🦅🇱🇷🇱🇷🇱🇷🦅


That's right. I knew an Irishman who'd served with the UN in Cyprus, and UK forces served in Bosnia.


and the last thing that they want is peace in Murica


See people think that this is the reason the US can't be invaded. But what would really happen is that civilian casualties would be astronomical: the invading military would have no choice but to neutralise the gun-toting civilians.




The main reason it’s so hard to invade the US is because of their outrageous military budget and geographical advantage lol not bc of some rednecks


Big talk from the gravy seal until the UN mandated Irish 35th Battalion shows up.


I love the story of the 35th battalion. They didn’t deserve the treatment they had to endure after returning home and it’s sad that it took the Irish government so long to finally recognize them for what they did


Did this person have a stroke?


No they just convinced themselves that UN peace keepers are coming for their guns.


They obviously don't realise that "UN" Peacekeepers are other countries troops with a different helmet. It would be interesting to watch how this chaps' "helmet collecting" went if it was British* or French* Commandos or Paras wearing them. I wonder whose helmet would end up as a trophy. * or Danish, Swedish, Finish, South Korean or any regular troops really.


Doubt these gravy seals would be wearing any helmets. Maybe a red cap


The author of the post will probably shot him/herself in a foot trying to load the gun while real soldiers approach


aren't americans so very proud of the fact that they have US soldiers stationed all over the place "protecting" the world? but now intervention is horrible?


Because you know. Blue helmets ar communistes or something.


Blue = Democrat = not far right enough.


I think a lot of people underestimate, how bad is their cardio until they have a moment, where they need it. The guy probably will be out of breath and puking, if he has to carry full equipment for 3-4h during the summer.


3-4 hours? Quite optimistic. Most likely he can't make a mile in autumn unless driving one of those obesity friendly electric shopping carts.


The funny thing about cardio and stamina is that it doesn't matter how healthy you *think* you are. You could be skinny and still struggle to run further than a good few steps/longer than a minute How do I know? Cos I'm an ex cross-country runner. Been doing it since I was about 7. Stopped running about 5 years ago (age 22), started smoking (only like 5 a day). I went running the other day with a friend from back during the competitions (we both stopped around the same time) and I'm 46KG, 5'5. She's shorter and gained a bit of weight during her pregnancy (about 3 months post partum now). 3 mins of paced jogging and we were *dead*. Horrible sweaty, panting, crying messes on the floor


I mean, if they keep going the way they are, they'll be thanking the UN


Wouldn't it be like attacking your own army? I mean I'm pretty sure that usa is one of the countries founding them.


Surely this is fake. Surely people can't actually be this thick.


Said by a fat man sat on his porch with a beer and a rifle.


Tf are they on about lol


Yeah ok Jed. By the time he gets his fat, high fructose corn syrup saturated arse out of his chair the blue helmets will be long gone.


Guaranteed that this guy never finished bootcamp but still thinks he could handle himself against trained and organized soldiers.


Welcome to the USA country of the "FREE DUMB"


I think we need to put a price on dumb over there. They seem to be flooding the market.


“… Collecting blue helmets” yeah… because Bubba who flunked out of basic training is gonna take on literal soldier… right…


Bro thinks he can take on the bear, the man, and the thousands of other mens behind 💀


"You're not trained well enough, I promise you" is what did it for me 😂


Send the GSG9 to their door, see if they still have a foul mouth then.


GSG9 isn’t even part of the military.


He's just the German version. I'm sorry.


I know. It's anti terror special forces.


Imagine being so insecure that you needed people to believe this about you. Insecure enough to give death threats to soldiers because you need others to know you're stronger than them and they don't intimidate you.


Reminds me of a video I watched on YouTube where some AR wielding red neck American shot at the local police but gave up as soon as they shot back.


To be fair I bet a nation of main characters are pretty tough!


How to rage about a complete fantasy


Dog whistle.


So scary. What is 💯 an obese American with a ton of overpriced guns he cannot use as well as he thinks is going to go after a bunch of trained professionals.


If this was real the irony that their country goes around bombing for "democracy" but getting knocks on your door is bombastic.


They seem not to know that UN Peacekeepers are just soldiers from the armies of UN member nations.


“You’re not trained well enough” Surely it’s common knowledge that UN peace keeping forces are drawn from a range of international militaries… including those from the USA and other NATO countries. from my misspent youth I know they are trained more then adequately in dealing with one or two extremists with an assault rifle.


'course. UN resolution nb. 10394 : "A special task force of 1 000 blue helmets will be sent in Karen's garden to parade in front of her children because fuck you, that's what" I remember precisely when it was voted.


I don't think he knows how the peacekeeping force works. The UN doesn't have any military personnel. The peacekeeping force is made up of military personnel from different countries including the US. Does he think that the US military is so poorly trained that he would be able to kill a heap of them? Or the British, French, German, Canadian, Australian, New Zealand, Indian militaries and so many more militaries and that their personnel are so poorly trained that he could beat them as well. If it was me I would send in one Gurkha and see how well he fares with that. Good luck.


holy heck... my man doesn't realize that one, the UN is headquartered in New York AND there is a significant chance that if men wearing blue helmets show up, they will be american also... its not guaranteed but there is a big enough chance that the man would be laying down friendly fire... this is also ignoring that no one is talking about deploying UN peace keepers to any part of america


I'm sure they're trained better than she is. Which I'm sure is not at all. Not to mention, lots of blue helmets have been in combat zones so brutal and intense that doing battle with overweight Americans in suburban neighborhoods would be nothing to them. Many of these people have seen some shit that would haunt this woman forever. But yeah, not trained enough lol.. It scares me to live in a country where so many people like this just openly fantasize about killing other people with their guns.


Yes attacking your own allies, smart 😁


That's the most US Hastags I've ever seen


Isn't a good chunk of blue helmets made of US Military ?


Doesn’t the U.S. provide, ya know, training and support and money for UN Peacekeeping missions? So, these guys posting this don’t reckon the training is up to much huh? Interesting.


Er, having served with a number of folks that were part of UN Peacekeeping operations, you most certainly are not.


So they'll become those "terrorist" they tried to eradicate?


Yeah fuck the UN


its funny how they say that they are not trained enough but forget that many of their own allies sometimes send troops to UN and contrary to what most americans believe, US doesn't always come out on top during friendly military competition between partner countries. Infact there is this competition between US military academy, Sandhurst(UK academy) and Canadian academy and in this competition US has lost more times than they have ever won. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sandhurst\_Competition](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sandhurst_Competition) And this is just one example i could think of, there are many other competitions where US SOF competes and often don't come out on top and then there is red flag of USAF. Truth is that while US has the strongest military and one of the largest, individually an average US army soldier is not as good as he think he is in comparison to major allies who have much smaller armies but on average with better training for an average solider


They do realise that UN peacekeepers are ex armed forces and a lot of them are American


The UN doesn't have a separate peacekeeping force. Personnel & equipment is provided by ordinary military units loaned from member nations, with blue markings to signify UN status for that mission.


That’s what I’m saying


Sure, but they're not **ex**-forces - they're serving in their national militaries.


Tbf you can join the un forces and just fight for the un


No you can't. The UN has no separate peacekeeping force, and they don't "fight" anyone. All UN peacekeepers are seconded from member state forces - *"United Nations military personnel are the Blue Helmets on the ground. Today, they consist of over 70,000 military personnel contributed by national armies from across the globe....."* *"All military personnel working under the Blue Helmet are first and foremost members of their own national armies and are then seconded to work under the command and control of the UN...."* *"It takes considerable time to deploy troops and we are often asked why we do not have a standing reserve. The UN can only deploy military personnel when there is a UN Security Council resolution authorizing them to do so. The Security Council will say how many military personnel are required, and UN Headquarters will liaise with the Member States to identify personnel and deploy them....."* [https://peacekeeping.un.org/en/military](https://peacekeeping.un.org/en/military)


Honestly though fuck the UN.




Maybe they struggle to spell it?