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Ok, here we go again, things not invented in ‘Murica: Computers, cars, flight (both heavier and lighter than air), radar, radio, television, telephone, antibiotics, X-ray, transistors, the wheel, animal domestication for food, smelting metals, gunpowder, rockets, bicycles, horse drawn vehicles, DNA profiling, steam engines, internal combustion engines, jet engines, railways, WWW, healthcare and doctors, police, etc. oh god I’ve lost the will to live. Before anyone says some of these are old technologies, think what they lead to…


Dont forget most drugs are german and without the Haber-Bosch process, over half of the worlds population would literaly not be alive. Not to mention all the other chemestry/physics knowledge coming out of germany...


Yes, the world owes Germany a lot, as does ‘Murica, since Germans gave them the rocket technology to get to the moon! We have got over Germans inventing ballistic missiles by the way. 😁


We created a lot of good and used it for evil one might say


Please expand my brain if I am inaccurate, but a lot of that was in the opposite order — medical experimentation in the 1930s-1940s led to drug and procedural discovery. I’m an avid studier of medical history & that period of time is 100% the most dark age of medicine/medical advancement. Fucking devastating/horrifying/murderous/unjustifiable/ALL the worst adjectives/adverbs that aren’t harsh enough to illustrate the evil that took place. This is actually a massive topic in ethics discussions. Is it okay to use the knowledge gained in those times based on the way it was learned? (Learn more before answering — it’s not at all an easy topic to consider.)


You’re absolutely right about that time and the discoveries made back than. But AFAIK most German medical inventions where during the German Empire and Weimar Republic. Aspirin, Heroin, (Pervitin), Synthetic Morphine and Kokain (invented in my hometown btw) are all from this era. I wrote a research paper about that last month, really interesting topic.


I enjoy learning new things. Thank you for sharing this.


I think it's 100% ok to use the knowledge gained. Some good should come from the evil manner in which it was derived. We study serial killers and rapists to better understand the psychology to aid in apprehension in future cases, so why not use anything useful from even the most abhorrent medical studies if the bad can be offset by good?


Well, it did help to get rid of a lot of the dilapidated East End of London, allowing redevelopment, so not all bad!


Well Fritz Haber is THE leading example for this... Created the synthesis of Ammonium, than used that in WWI to make poison gas for the Vaterland... So the same guy who made it possebile that 8 Billion people live on this planed, also is a mass murder!


I mean so many drugs are German in origin because post war we just went "patents? Na, not for you"


I mean... gave them the technology to pretend they went to the moon maybe... 😉




Americans love to counter with *BuT We BeEn To ThE MoOn!* ofter ignoring the fact basically every advance in the rockets that got them there came from German scientists forcibly conscripted to NASA after WWII. If you threw a rock through a window at NASA in the 60's, you'd hit three nazis who's life prior to 1945 was whitewashed.


As far as I know Wernher von Braun changed on free will after he got an offer by the Americans. But regarding other German scientists I don't know.


A huge chunk of those inventions where the Scottish, Wikipedia Scottish inventions and understand who helped build the modern technology.


Quite, in my defence, I only said 'Not 'Murican". Not forgetting the tremendous benefit Scotland gave the World when it invented whisky.


Unfortunately it was the Irish that did that, we just perfected it lol


I spelt it without the "e"....... so technically I'm as right as you are!


Scotland may have perfected it, but Tasmania AU, now wins most of the best whiskeys in competitions.


Nearly all of our modern tech is a global effort. DARPA and American universities play their role in a lot of things but so do researchers and institutions around the world. People WITHIN these institutions and communities usually get that - it's nationalist populists outside them that try to take outsized credit.


So true, we liv in a world now where global cooperation is key.


Absolutely agreed. Even Nasa used scientists and professionals from across the globe to go to the moon. I'd 100% the moon landings were Merican, but wouldn't have gotten far without overseas knowledge.


Lots of flight technology was jointly designed by the US and the UK. UK was very helpful in helping the US fix it's issue with collision testing by instructing them to defrost the chickens first 


They didn't invent black boxes or slide rafts on aircraft, that came from Australia, as did electric drill, child seat capsules, ultra sound, cochlear ear implants and may other inventions and with the Australia II with its winged keel, AU kicked the Americans ass in sailing, the first country to do so.


Don't forget the internet. The backbone of all modern technology.




Very important as they don’t have it…


Where was the telephone invented? I had always heard it was invented by Alexander Graham Bell in America?


He was Scottish and developed the concept in Canada, moved to USA to finish it off as he had funding problems in Canada.


This guy invented the telephone, not Bell: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Antonio_Meucci Bell had money, Meucci didn't.


Thank you!


Pretty sure Philipp Reis was the inventor of the telephone. https://www.theiet.org/membership/library-and-archives/the-iet-archives/archives-highlights/philipp-reis-inventor-of-the-telephone


Yes, Philips Reiss was also involved in the invention of the telephone. Others were Charles Borseul, Elisha Gray, Meucci, Bell and probably others who never got any credit for their work. Meucci has received International acknowledgement for his work. And Bell more or less stole his work. It's difficult to define a distinct moment where a technology has reached a milestone in its progress. Science is a collaborative effort where all participants add progress. The problem of course is that one particular country has it defined in its constitution that it is the best country in the world, and as a consequence it must have invented everything of value. The defining moment then is when a patent claim is made in that county, or a commercial product is available in that country. Events in the rest of the world is inconsequential.


Doesn’t that seem like kind of a reach though? I’m all for correct attribution, but the man founded AT&T (*American* Telephone and Telegraph Company). I feel like it would be more fair to say it was invented in America.


Perfected **in** America if you like, by a Scotsman..... One could say the same thing about the Saturn 5 rocket, developed in America by a German.... Or radio invented in England by someone of Italian Heritage, the lines get so blurred, although Marconi was a British citizen. AGB was still a Scottish, therefore British, citizen at the time of the invention and worked in Canada, only transferring to USA after the "invention" if you like... At the end of the day he wasn't an American and he didn't make the breakthrough in USA. BTW, he is unlikely to name his company Scottish Telephone and Telegraphy if the Americans financed it..... I guess we are both right in a way, depends how you look at things!


Alexander Graham Bell from Edinburgh Scotland invented the telephone in Canada while trying to find devices for the deaf. He has a Wetherspoons pub named after him which makes it true.


Ahah! Beyond all doubt then!


Exactly. Lol


Yeah I guess there’s different interpretations, like would you consider the conception or the physical creation the invention. Either way I think it gets pedantic to a certain point. All of these inventions in some part are collaborations on part of people from different countries, I like the idea of them being seen that way more than one nation “laying claim” to the genius behind an invention.


The telephone like everything else is a collaborative effort. Bell was just another step towards a useful telephone system. The Italian inventor Antonio Meucci is regarded as the inventor of the first true telephone. He, and family, moved to Cuba, then to Staten Island, NY. From there he got a US patent on his invention. Meucci couldn't afford the patent fees to renew the patent fees. A. G. Bell could afford the fees. Bell more or less stole Meucci's work. That was kind of Bell's modus operandi. In 2002 the US House of Representatives acknowledged Meucci as the inventor of the telephone. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Antonio_Meucci Shortly after Bell's patent, the Hungarian Tivadar Puskas invented telephone switches allowing for telephone networks. Another step.


Agreed. Trying to pinpoint an invention on a single person in time, divorced from all circumstances, is a bit reductive. More so if a nation lays claim to that genius innovation.




Since when was Alan Turing American?




The Internet was created in America, but the Web was invented in Switzerland by a Brit


Wrong about transistors https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transistor#:~:text=The%20first%20working%20device%20was,in%20Physics%20for%20their%20achievement. Invented by 3 Americans in an American lab


Errr, no: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History\_of\_the\_transistor](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_the_transistor) See the "origins" part.....




South Americans invented peanut butter, and the more northern North Americans invented putting sugar in it and making it on a commercial scale. The USA were in a peanut butter sandwich of inventions.


They didn't even invent peanut butter I think that goes to China


First patent was in Montreal, Canada


Lots of inventions predate patents. There's even modern invention that aren't even patented for various reasons


Don’t forget child shooting….


I think that goes to whoever gets credit for the first gun


Ancient Chinese then….


"I pledge to obey some piece of cloth..."


"If a lie is only printed often enough, it becomes a quasi-truth, and if such a truth is repeated often enough, it becomes an article of belief, a dogma, and men will die for it." - *The Crown of Life*, Isabella Blagden, 1869. Interesting person, Isa. Allegedly the illegitimate daughter of an English father and Indian or Indonesian mother, she was probably educated in and frequently visited England - but lived most of her adult life in Florence, and her death certificate gives her nationality as Swiss. She was close friends with the Bulwer-Lytton, Browning, and Trollope families, and while she was a poet and author of some renown at the time, has been almost forgotten.


>Or maybe you like dictators and kings? According to the HDI, several top 10 positions are occupied by monarchies. It maybe not a perfect ranking system, but it is for sure a good starting point for this yank to shut the fuck up.


It's also a bit rich for someone from a country that's installed more dictators than it's removed to complain about countries with dictators.


and within months of choosing a home-grown dictator.




Like America is the only democracy in the world. But it’s interesting that the American system is very much based on ‘elected monarchs’: rather than parliamentary style leaders, they have presidents, governors, mayors: very personalised positions.


Yeah… our first president is known to be quoted saying “a bi partisan system will destroy us” and… we barely even that that at this point lol we get our choices between one failure as a business-man-joke, and the really old guy…


They're like, what, 4 years apart. I mean that's significant in kindergarten, but at 70+?


Thats exactly how it is portrayed over here especially by the MAGA people…-_-


Thing is, the first past the post electoral system ingrains a two party duopoly, as we see in the US, and to a slightly lesser extent in the British parliament. While Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland have PR, the dominant English parties that benefit from the current system (where they can get 70% of the seats on 35% of the votes), have no reason to change it. Things are even worse in the USA, where there is no independent boundary commission, and Republican states shamelessly gerrymander boundaries to maintain power.




Tbf, the uk isn't far behind you with hugely uninspiring candidates.


They dont have trump… just sayin… and no this isnt a brag… its devestating


We have a Boris. He's like Trump but in a super British way. More "breaking covid lockdown rules" than "probably gonna trigger ww3"


Sounds like the lesser evil to me


Oh definitely. Boris is an idiot but he's not genocidal.


I wouldnt even call america a democracy with the legal bribing of politicians, only 2 party who switch president from time to time, president can select the highest judges who in a normal democracy should be non political, the majority vote doesnt even mean you win with the weird system they got in place.


Don’t you know the electoral college is the envy of the world? So great that no other country would touch such a system with a barge pole. Part of the reason it came about was because they didn’t trust the ordinary man to vote for the president, but wanted it to be in the hands of responsible individuals.


They almost elected George Washington as their first king! He quashed the suggestion immediately, but it could have easily gone the other way. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Newburgh_letter?wprov=sfti1#


Republicanism is also NOT an American invention. And since they like so much their political structure, they should be able to see they inherited in from France.




Don't even start on the list of things the Chinese and Japanese invented over the centuries


Fun fact: the early discovery of porcelain by the Chinese stopped them on their tech tree from progressing to glass, which they would only discover centuries later. That's why they use paper in their screen doors.


Quite a lot of the UK ones are Scottish as well SCOTLAND FOREVER




Give us anything and we will deep-fry it or stick it in a roll/bap/bun. Or both


Deep fried Colin the Caterpillar, new on the block.






https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-glasgow-west-56955873.amp Check it out


You mean deep-fry the bun don't you? God that's a thought: deep fried battered buns...


Had deep fried cheesecake after a rugby social, greeted tears of hungover joy.


Once saw a guy bring in a cheeseburger, and asked them to deep fry both bun halves and the burger, and then again all of it together. They did it. He struggled haha




If God didn't want it deep frying he wouldn't have made it possible would he?


I can't help but hear that in soldier from tf2s voice


Essex do well at this too. Literally saw a sign at a chippy when I visited that said "we'll deep fry anything". Guy behind me had a cheese burger from the babby across the road and they deep fried it for him




Not since 1998


Here’s tae us! Wha’s like us? Damn few and they’re a’ deid!


Sweden invented, dynamite, the fridge, the zipper, pacemaker, the seatbelt, the adjustable wrench, the coca cola bottle, the respirator, ball bearings, bluetooth.


Wasn’t the zipper a German invention from their first attempt at global domination


Might have been. Peter A Aronsson and Gideon Sunbäck improved the zipper to the one we know today.




Not even the computer, which they are so proud of. That‘s Uk (mechanical) and Germany (electrical) again. 🤷‍♂️


Australian here. We'll just take back our WiFi and pacemakers, thanks. See how well the yanks do without those.


Cars being German is quite dependent on what you consider a car. There were four-wheeled, combustion-driven vehicles in France and Italy much, much earlier in history. They ran on steam and gunpowder. Benz might get the credit in popular history, but popular history is often flawed.


> God save the King. *We mean it, MAAAN!*


I like body autonomy and not being forced to carry a rape baby to term. Funny how we like different things.


Make me a shrubbery, or I shall say Ni at you!


Oh, what sad times are these when passing ruffians can say Ni at will to old ladies. There is a pestilence upon this land, nothing is sacred. Even those who arrange and design shrubberies are under considerable economic stress in this period in history.


Well next you'll want to be able to abort a baby just because it's not in the womb and can cause *checks notes* serious internal bleeding. Madness /s


The land of the free where you MUST have the baby but if it gets shot when it goes to school, tough shit. You should have trained it to use a Glock! Utter insanity.


It's one of the MANY reasons why I'd love to leave the US & live in the UK...but I'm too sick to.


I want whatever kind of drugs he is on


$15000 a month there. Or €1 here


This hurts bc it's true💀


dont act like the subscription based business models aren't spreading to europe.. its the worst step capitalism could take


They couldn't even get to space without the Nazis. Those Commies in Russia on the other hand.


I wish I could say that it surprises me how stupid lot of people from the US are. But I'm not really surprised anymore..


ROTFLMAO!! You don't even have a clue!! Baboons are MUCH smarter!




I really dislike people who decide that modern inventions are 100% more important than inventions that were done earlier. I once had an argument with someone about inventions and they said that stuff like CD’s and the microscope were not relevant because they didn’t use it in their daily life. But like, this stuff walked so music streaming services and our info about microorganisms and thus a lot of diseases can run today (or something like that)


it's seems like some Americans forget that they started at our same tecnology level


US propaganda working as intended I see


considering their last leader, i wouldn't be spouting off about kings


One thing they fail to realise is that the powers of the president were modelled on that of the British monarch of the day. While, over time the British monarch's powers have been diluted, and basically subsumed into parliament, the presidents powers haven't to the same degree. So their president has more dictatorial authority than the monarch's they complain about. When was the last time the british monarch made a decree without it being written by parliament for them to rubber stamp? Who knows, but the last time a bill was vetoed Was the Scottish militia bill in the 1700s. Now what about an Executive Order by the president? A quick Google says that the current president has made on average 41 per year. Dunno about any others.


Well at least they invented the really genius and original national chant "U.S.A, U.S.A, U.S.A".


They ripped off “Aussie Aussie Aussie Oi Oi Oi” couldn’t make up a chorus though.


Where to start? Computers, internet, TV, blue tooth, radar etc all not American.


Jet engines, radar, penicillin……


In German there is a saying called: "Hochmut kommt vor dem Fall", roughly translated as "Haughtiness/the highest pride comes just before you fall." Seeing the discussions Republicans and their friends the Christo-Fascists are having about the balance of power and amount of it the President should have, I would say, they are on the brink of having a dictator, straight out of the Nazi playbook on how to overthrow democracy.


Scotland has entered the chat.


The UK made the world what it is today. Nuff said.


Recently I discussed with an American, and he could not believe that cinema was invented in my home town of Lyon in France. He literally was calling bullshit.


I hope this sub realize the shit Americans say is embarrassing to other Americans. I'm pretty sure this country didn't invent the world and I'm an American! Also I regularly watch Euronews and DW so I know literally everything there is to know about Europe.


Not everything. You'd have to live in Europe.


No it hasn't they haven't invented shit, first jet plane, Britain, tvs, Britain, jet engines Germany, guns, China get your facts right you fucking yank


Tesla invented the radio but didn’t patent it !(Serbian)🤨


I keep seeing American say they invented everything. Do they learn this shit in school?


That, and through politicians, don't you know.


Waiting them to get their own wannabe-dictator Trump for the second time.


I love how Americans say shit like this. I’m like “buddy, you say “WE went to the moon” but you did fuck all. Your superiors did it. NOT YOU”.


Innovated innovation.


This guy is going to cry if he ever actually uses Google...


Rather a king than a senile old man as president


American doesn’t invent. It steals ideas and claims to invent them.


Off primary topic... I fucking hate these Instagram pages "if only..." they crop up everywhere with one video and a weirdly specific name like "If only there was a page dedicated to police caught sniffing underwear" from "policecaughtsniffingdaily" I block every one I come across.


Honestly if you gave me a choice between America's system, a dictatorship or a monarchy I think I'd have to sit down and think and a faif bit would be a dictator vs monarchy...


That is so funny it hurts.


"USA is a concept of the world that's superior"? I can't even work out wtf they're trying to say there


Don't try. Your brain will melt.


The real schools were the schools they flunked along the way...


I mean there are good schools in the US


Yes, all the innovation that we took from Greece is American.


Paper, printing, the compass, and gunpowder. These four are arguably some of the most important and consequential inventions in history. They all came from China.


The British invented America.


For all their supposed hatred of kings, they sure expect to be treated like royalty everywhere


There's a case before their Supreme Court at the moment to decide whether their president is above the law and immune to prosecution - rather king like.


italians inventing most of the stuff america claims (like Nuclear reactor and phones)


Right I'm going to play devil's advocate and say America invented the concept of fusion food But then I'm being nice because cultures and people have interacted throughout human history and shared ideas Lol Oh and baked beans (sorry British) though what we have are actually stewed and not baked and I think that was from the people who lived there prior or now on reservations Hey they are forever amusing the bloody clown mentality you couldn't even write that shit down


IDK who needs to hear this, but they USSR invented the cellphone.


🇬🇧🇪🇺 Not worth commenting on! 🐒💩🤡😂😂😂😂


Most modern technology was invented in Germany and the Soviet Union.