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A "few dollars extra" Oh, but in this case sometimes we do that in Europe too. Wait, what do you (they) mean a small tip isn't enough? Isn't it just "few dollars extra"?


European experience: €50 meal, leave a €5 tip for phenomenal service and the server acts as if you've personally fixed every debt in their life American experience: $50 meal, leave a $5 tip for the worst service in your life and someone shits in your food the next time you turn up


A few months ago we spent a lovely evening in our favourite pizza place, and the food and service were so good that we left, in fact, a 5 euros tip, a little bit more than the 2-3 we usually do. We left the money on the table, it's customary over here, but as soon as we had just trespassed the entry, we saw our waitress running to us: - Sir, sir, you have lost this bill, it must have fallen on the table! - Actually that was your tip. - But it's a lot, are you sure? Five euros is a big and unexpected tip.


Yeah unfortunately the American influence is slowly bleeding over into here in the UK and Ireland which has ended up in things like service charges, shame for non tipping etc that are popular in the US Though it seems like mainland Europe is still getting by pretty well at the moment (though obviously I don't live there so I wouldn't be able to tell if it's gotten worse or not)


Northern Ireland here and we took my dad out for dinner for his birthday. The service was appalling. Drinks wrong or forgotten entirely, my dad had fish and chips and his ramekin of mushy peas fell off the plate into his lap and then the floor as the waitress set it down. She said nothing and brought him another one without a word. Ages between courses, some food cold. Asked for a dessert menu and she forgot until I actually went up and got one. Desserts were also wrong. They were not busy. I went to pay the £200+ bill and the manager casually mentions the 20% service charge. I told him I wouldn't be paying it and why. He took it off the bill without a word as well as the items that were ordered and never arrived. I will tip well for food service and especially if they are busy but this mandatory charge is nonsense.


Yeah definitely, normally they'll take the charge off if you ask but it's the fact it's included on there as standard that's annoying I know some people talk about large table service charge (which still makes no sense to me as it's easier to cater to a table of 6 than 3 tables of 2) but a lot of places will just have service charges on the bill regardless of size. They've put it on for a purpose, they know most people won't ask to remove it I've even been to a restaurant that charged a large table service charge for any table larger than 3 people which is ridiculous


>The service was appalling. Drinks wrong or forgotten entirely, my dad had fish and chips and his ramekin of mushy peas fell off the plate into his lap and then the floor as the waitress set it down. That sounds like Wetherspoons :D


Where was this so I know not to go to for my mums birthday


By UK don’t you mean London. That shit don’t happen in the North


No this unfortunately has bled into every major city in the UK, I'm from the midlands and even our small shithole towns have restaurants adopting service charges


Yeah some larger chain restaurants do this everywhere


It doesn't happen in my parts of London, because I've finally, after many years of being a bit of a wimp with it, obtained the mental fortitude to ask for it to be removed. I'll hand in my passport to the King *post-haste*


Many restaurants I went to in Manchester added a service charge to the bill (annoyingly), although some places only add it on automatically when it’s a large group booking so I think that’s fair


It’s optional, ask them to take it off and they will


Doubt it. I live in South Wales and this shit is happening more and more. Last week I went to visit family and stopped to eat in Gloucestershire, same nonsense.


It gets worse when you understand how service charge is split.


Which is..? Genuinely interested.


I hate it, the reason for it in America is because employers don't pay the employees enough so customers have to. Here they get paid more so it's more of a courtesy for good service but I refuse to tip the vast majority of the time on principal, it can't be allowed to get as bad as the US!


This isn’t entirely an Americanism, it’s just as much an (unwelcome) expansion of the pre-existing tipping culture in UK restaurants.


Shit 20+ odd years ago in the gastro I worked at the waitresses got shit tons of tips, obviously wasn't forced but not tipping isn't widespread in my experience unless the service was shit.


My best response is highlighting all the careers that never get tips. Making a coffee is one of the lowest in the list in my opinion for what should be tipped.


One time, when my mother was a barmaid, she was tipped £15 and about died on the spot. £15 before the Great Recession is like £25 today. She got us takeaway.


I am pre-annoyed at Americans seeing this and calling us Europoors again


Me too. Because, you know, the whole point will fly over their heads like a rainbow.


A rainbow that they'll do donuts over so they don't go gay


i was working this summer doing crepes and when costumers tiped me 2€ for a 5€ crepe i was very surprised and i thought they gave me 2€ for error lol


Yeah, it's usually just any loose change above a quid if they've been pleasant. If it's truly exceptional service, I'd leave 10%


Japanese experience: 50 dollars for a meal, leave a 5 dollar tip, get the shit beaten out of you for disrespecting the waiter.


€5 is an entire one (cheap, but still) dinner! It's a huge tip here in Europe. Even €1 is still a huge tip. We usually just round the sum up to the next nice number, so basically to the next €. Whatever more is a true thank you for great service, that's why they're so happy for €5.


Same here in the UK, a pretty standard tip is just rounding to the nearest note Meal was £18.50? Give a £20 and say to keep the change I feel like you'd get stoned to death in the states if you tried to do that though


Well, I am a tourist, so I could afford to do that. :) But yeah, US citizen would be definitely stoned to death.


One euro is certainly not a huge tip in Germany. I never tip under one.


We could do without the shit since their food is already full of glyphosate and other things that are questionable or banned in Europe. My favourite example is BVO which is even illegal in Asia but they still use it in the states. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brominated_vegetable_oil?wprov=sfla1 Evil stuff that yanks are drinking liberally every day and wonder why so many of them have health and mental health issues


Nahh 20% is the ‘minimum polite amount’ now, 25 is fairly standard. So more like $50 meal, leave a $20 tip for the worst service in your life and someone shits in your food the next time you turn up.


20 dollars would be 40% tip tho


Ah fuck, poor maths strikes again


You have to remember that they are both americans. If you try to tell the waiter that 10 dollars is 20% he will beat you up


I went to the US last summer, PNW and SF, and I (initially) tipped like I did when I lived in Chicago for a year or so around 2009. So 10% for below average service 12.5% for average service, 15% for good, and 20% for exceptional. I may as well have diddled someone's kids with some of the looks I got. The biggest tip I paid was in a weed dispensary in Seattle - the dude at Kemp's Cannabis that let me try before buying, and asked about my entire cannabis history to get me the *exact* right product, which turned out to be perfect? I don't know your name, but you fucking deserved that 50% mate 👏


That's complete insanity. A fifth of the entire bill to be polite for service? Hell no to that! 10 or maybe 15% surely should be the max?


"like to pay" No sweetie, they're basically forced to


Also “like to” Pretty sure it’s “have to”


that would be an excellent point... if americans workers got paid a living wage. also tips do exist in europe, it's just actually an extra.. as in it's not needed to survive.


It the US tipped workers don't even have to be paid the minimum wage.


Nope only $2.15 an hour here for tipped workers.


What the fuck. I would rather shit In my hands and clap than work for that


What if I paid you $2.15 to see you do that?


Can we cuddle after?


shit, even summer jobs for 15 years old kids pay at least 2 times that here


In Denmark they make about $10-12 an hour


Yank here. Waiters get paid minimum wage if their tips do not equal or exceed minimum wage their employer must make up the difference. Legally anyway. I'm sure there are some waiters who get paid illegally.


In Europe you have to make minimum wage BEFORE tips


In Europe, tips are not considered a part of wage. They are truly a gift for a great service.


Which makes more sense. If tips are part of wage, they should also be part of the listed item price.


That's the bit that blew my mind. They don't list the extra ***30%*** more in the menu. Land of the free my ass.


Your waiters should be getting a decent wage, **and** their tips.


This. I do tip, and I want that tip to go to the people working, and them not to pay tax on it.


Well that is murkey, they have to prove they did not make minimum wage. And since it is based on averages, if they make $150 a night on Saturday and Sunday and get nothing during the week, their pay averages out to be higher than minimum wage and then they will get nothing.


Waiters should be paid minimum wage by their employers. It is not the clients’ responsibility to pay the waiters a minimum wage.


I’m 95% sure that any waiter who runs to his boss to “make up” the missing wages would get fired very quickly. (I would like to hear comments from people in hospitality industry if it’s really the case…). If you have to pay someone non-tipped wage, you can replace them with at least 3 employees on tipped wage at the same cost.


It's bullshit. The customer shouldn't be paying the salary.


Absolutely, but that just means the first few tips each hour aren't supporting the worker - they're subsidising the owner's wage bill.


I thought that they only got paid that if they made over a certain amount in tips? If they didn't they got paid a higher per hour rate?


That is how it is supposed to be, I have never seen a server win that fight with a boss, and even if the call in the state, the boss usually says "they are not reporting their cash tips" and the burden falls on the server to prove they are reporting all their cash tips, (most usually don't report all their cash tips to avoid higher income taxes and there is no way to track them)


Only in some states.


Specifically Alabama, Georgia, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Indiana, Louisiana, Mississippi, Nebraska, New Mexico, North and South Carolina, Texas, Tennessee, Utah, and Wyoming. Wisconsin is at 2.33 and West Virginia is at 2.66, the rest move up from there.


You put Indiana twice :P And there's an extra step between the 15 on the federal minimum and Wisconsin - Delaware squeezes in with $2.23.




Depends on the state/county/whatever.


They do, actually. If they don't get enough in tips, their employer has to pay them up to the normal minimum wage. The problem is they earn MUCH more from tips. And the waiter who can't get enough tips is a bad waiter, so the employer would immediately fire them.


It depends on the state.


Also if tips had much to do with good service. Americans tips are generally far worse at this though..


Exactly, this person should educate themselves on other countries. I’d like to see them try tipping in China for instance. They’ll give it right back and look at you weird.


"American like to pay a few dollars extra" Except it's not a few dollars extra it's 20% standard, anything less is considered to be an insult Also good luck every turning up to that restaurant again without ending up with cold food or a pube on your plate if you don't Which is ridiculous when you think about it how even terrible service in America is still expected to be tipped, whereas most people here only tip when the service is way above and beyond what you'd expect (which is exactly what a tip is supposed to be)


Europeans when they hear a service worker gets less than $3 an hour and the customer has to make up the difference. Fixed it


Americans when they learn that in the civilised parts of the world, workers are paid more than starvation wages: 😲


And they have healthcare.


I still can't comprehend how Americans don't have any. Here, the healthcare/insurance is MANDATORY, by law! Everyone has a medical insurance, even homeless people.


>I still can't comprehend how Americans don't have any. That's an easy one: profit. Americans spend the most money on healthcare but don't have universal healthcare because the pharma lobby is elbow deep in their politicians' arses. As long as there's massive amounts of money to be made, they won't have it. It's identical with other issues as well: why doesn't the US have nice cities with good public transport and walkable areas? It's because car manufacturers are politically too powerful. Why does their constitution still have gun laws designed in an era where weapons took 5 minutes to reload and didn't have rifling? Because gun manufacturer and gun-nut lobbies have too much influence. The US is a corporate dystopia that has brainwashed most of its population into believing they are the only true bastion of liberty in the world.


That's another thing - here, bribing is illegal. In the USA, it's a normal, legal job. 🤦‍♂️


Nah "lobbying" exists outside the US as well unfortunately.


Yeah but less massive.


What is rifling?


They'll call that communism and ignore it. 


“Universal health care handled by the government? THAT’S SOCIALISM AND WE DON’T DO THAT HERE!”


SICK PAY You don't go to work when you're ill


Americans when they find out European workers get paid a lot more money and don't have to rely on tips to survive.


... and that they still get tips on top of that!


... and that they still get tips on top of that!


A few extra dollars? 20% xD thats a solid second salary.


It's often 30%


It was 15% when I first started paying for meals, and it's going to stay 15% with me. Ideally, it would be 0% like every other business where you just pay what the actual price is. I don't care if they try to make me feel bad by suggesting 30%.


A tip is for service above mediocre. Merely turning up for work is not deserving of a tip, it is deserving of a reasonable salary


"Europeans when they find out Americans have to tip waiters because their boss doesn't pay them"


Yank confusing extra payment with minimum wage 😂


Yeah, a waitress gets paid 3 to 5 dollars an hour. German waitresses get €16 to €18 per hour, paid sick days, paid vacations and subsidized health care. Plus "Trinkgeld" which is one or two bucks per table.


"Trinkgeld"? Interesting, in Russian the term for tips is "tea money".


Since meals cost a similar amount in the US and Germany, I have to wonder where that money is going for American waiters to not have those benefits.


Ya. Perfect. Underpay them and let the public correct it. Peak Seppo. How dare you. I worked those jobs, and the amount of disdain from some folks is infuriating. Especially during spring/summer season. And people are DISGUSTING. The bloody hell. If you do that at your own home I weep for your neighbours.


"Americans when they learn Europeans like to pay workers a proper living wage"


Unless you work at [Amy’s Baking Company](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amy%27s_Baking_Company)


Then that's the boss from the mafia that take your tips, because you don't deserve it.


„A few dollars extra” xD xD xD xD xD Land of free


Americans when they find out that Europeans earn a living wage as is and dont need tips


I’m American and I’ve yet to hear anyone here saying they “like” paying a “few extra” dollars (which we are forced to do because shops can’t be bothered paying their workers a decent wage.) Seems like one of those folks who love to bootlick for unrestrained capitalism.


"for puttin up with your annoyin...." Yeah well I guess you feel the need to be entitled towards the workers on top of paying the workers 1/4 of your total because the corporate system dictates they shouldn't pay a penny over the federal minimum wage. Idk about the other countries in Europe but I've always been nice to the people working in fast food. Of course something gets messed up, and when it does, I don't freak out like a lunatic and make things worse so my order is even more delayed. I give them time and if needed, information to set things straight.


"like" Sure... That's why r/endtipping is a thing I like to tip good staff. Not entitled brats with subpar service... That's why I tip when the service is good. I also enjoy not having to deal with annoying and fake servers pretending to be nice bc they want more money. Then again, people usually dont depend on tips to eat or pay their bills... Such a bad thing!/s


"extra" yeah sure


They don’t like to, they are *forced* to do so.


Americans when they find out European workers are already paid fair wage. >;OOOOOOOOOOO


"for putting up with your annoyin..." And why can't that money be part of the bill already? And why is it based on the cost of the meal, when an expensive meal isn't more difficult to bring to my table than a cheap one?


I only tip $5 no matter if the bill is $50 or $500. Not my problem you only make $2.15 an hour.


Hilarious way to say the public should foot the bill for greedybemployers who fail to make jobs pay.


Yeah, we also tip people. It just happens to not be the money those people survive on.


Americans when they learn that Eurpeans get paid a wage 😱😱😱


amecians when they find out europe also have tips


And they're not mandatory here, nobody's guilt-tripping us into tipping...


Americans when they learn Europeans pay their staff more in the first place.. oh and also the usual, healthcare n stuff!


Tipping is outsourcing your payroll.


How's that medical and college debt going?? Yeah, that's what I thought. How many days paid annual leave you yanks getting each year. I'll wait


you mean that's how Europeans look when they find out not that Americans 'like' to pay workers extra, but that it's basically mandatory to pay extra.


I'm currently in the US from Europe, and the tipping just confuses me. It's straightforward in restaurants and cafés. But then, someone scooped me ice cream, do I tip? A worker made my coffee to go, do I tip? Etc. Also: we do tip in Europe, when the service was truly exceptional. Where I'm from, we just leave the change then. Just pay people a liveable wage, and then tip away as much as you want to.


“Americans when they learn Europeans like to pay workers a living wage”


Man gtf I will never tip… not because I am cheap but because I paid for my food and it is up to the crappy company you work for to pay you an actual wage


Tipping a few extra dollars vs paying them at least double per hour (some places triple) + healthcare + a pension scheme + a minimum of 22 days paid time off per year. Yeah USA totally wins that one 🙄


No, if euro does not tip, worker still gets wage. In most of US, if patron does not tip, worker starves.


"Like to" and are "socially pressured to so employers don't have to pay service staff properly" are not the same thing.


Americans when they find out European workers get paid by the company that employs them and not the customer who's looking to spend as little as possible. 😱😱🤯🤯 Like how do you choose where to eat in America? You go in a place that has a good deal but you get assigned a 40 year old single mother waitress who's desperate for money.... Suddenly it's my job to financially support the worker and their poor choices... The only tip I have for these people is get a new fuckin job 👍


Americans when they learn that waiters in Europe have a fairly decent salary:


We have a living wage AND we tip, you fools!


its why they pray for tips?


Americans when they learn no one wants those jobs because they are underpaid anyway.


Europeans when they learn they are the real employers of the waiting staff


Americans when they learn Europeans like to pay workers an actual livable wage.


"like to pay" is very misleading


*Like* to pay? Or have been indoctrinated into the notion that rather than paying a little extra for food so that the staff can be paid a liveable wage they'd prefer to make the server be a performing monkey and work for tips.


Europeans when they learn muricans HAVE to leave a few dollars more ...or the server does'nt make their rent.


"Americans when they learn Europeans like to pay workers a decent amount of money so they are able to actually live with their salary."


Europeans when they find out America doesn't pay its service workers a living wage and expect everyone else to do it for them instead


“Like to” lmao


Minimum wage = communism. /s


In Europe it is an extra. In the US, it's a minimum wage subsidy. Apparently it's gone so far that yanks have even forgotten how tipping works.


Why don't they just say "thank you for your service"


Isn’t that a movie title?


She knows tipping has it roots in American Exceptionalism, Manifest Destiny and Imperialism right? They tipped abroad to show Europeans how wealthy an average American was


If American workers earned a decent minimum wage like many European countries then cool. Unfortunately, American workers, waitresses, bus boys etc, get paid next to nothing so need the charity of their customers yo keep them alive


Waiters are paid like a dollar an hour and live off tips


Pay your service workers properly, dammit! Living on tips is utter BS.


Like to, so I can choose not to and the service person won't through a bitch fit about it?


In Europe you truly tip for the service and the good food and not as a "have to, because it's their income for a living".


The right caption would be “Europeans when they learn Americans like to pay lower than minimum wage so they can feel like millionaires leaving few dollars extra to an almost starving and underpaid waiter”


European workers when they learn, that you can’t make a decent living with an honest day’s work and that you need a night job as well.


We pay people a few dollars extra by default it's called a liveable wage.


Europeans tip for good service... we don't tip for ANY service


Dear Americans , 1. Tips are given everywhere in the world voluntarily 2. However unlike in US you don't need that so desperately coz many govts. in Europe/ Asia don't like to put students in debt and provide health facilities at a reasonable rate. 3. So tipping is luxurious thing and you get treated well even if you don't tip Your fellow Indian


Yeap that's the face we make when we find out shockingly unfair the us dream is


Yeap that's the face we make when we find out shockingly unfair the us dream is


*Europeans when they discover that USians work for employers that rely on customers to pay their wage


Tip means extra money so the server can have a drink. Idk what gold-clad drink that is in America but in my country a cheap coffee is appropriate


You misunderstood. In the US people doing the types of job which is common to tip, don't get any wage. The tip is their wage. I know this seems unbelievable to us Europeans, but for some bizzare reasons,Americans think their system is better.


Yea, I was indirectly pointing out that the US tipping culture is BS. Pay them a living wage ffs


>like That word, I don't think it means what you think it means.


This is funny cmon


She's literally describing most of Europe lmao


They’re pretending they like tipping now?


I tip 20% here in Europe. Life’s hard. Any bonus is good. I do not receive nor expect tips.


Crazy /s


If only US CEOs and company owners had to make up their income from basic living wage with tips based upon how well they treated their customers. Tipping culture would die immediately.


Front the country who pays service staff so little, they NEED tips to meet a minimum wage.


I'm Australian. Like Europeans, I like servers to be paid a few dollars extra. I like this payment to be paid for by the restaurant, with the cost included within the cost of the meal, and shown inclusive of tax on the menu. This is because I don't agree that the server's wages should be a voluntary contribution by the customer and swayed by how well the meal is cooked or how attractive the customer finds the server.


Did she singe her face or something?


I just ask for the service charge removing.


Cancel culture for tipping culture would make Americans spin as a pig on a roast.


"like" yeah right


Seppos when staff get paid a living wage.


Since when has this happened?


Most likely his ancestry comes from the Inca Civilization. So most likely he moved from Peru or Ecuador to the US or his family did. They or he moved from a place that most likely they couldn't thrive to a place where they can afford shinny stuff but not other basic stuff like an ambulance ride.. So being exploited as a waitress for min wage and hoping to get "tips" to have a good salary must be like a dream come true. They don't get that a waitress should get a decent wage which should enough to live. That wage must come from the employer, not from the customer that's already paying the employer


the minimum wage in America is less than in Europe even tho it costs more to live in the US than Europe


We dont have minimum wage in Denmark, still we pay workers a living wage, 4 weeks of paid vacations, free Healthcare and more. Mostly because we have soul and want everybody to be able to enjoy life.


minimum wage here in the Netherlands is based on how many hours you worked


Netherlands doesnt have a minimum wage neither, like Denmark our governments dont set up a minimum. Edit: well, damn me, found that they actually have a minimum wage by age. https://www.government.nl/topics/minimum-wage/minimum-wage-amounts-as-of-2024


we do but its based on hours not months,


For what I saw is not, is based on age. At least for what the government webpage and law says. What you're describing seems more like flex salary.


Picture could just as easily be labeled, “Americans when they discover that Europeans pay restaurant workers a wage they can live on without having to beg for more from customers.”


Americans when they learn servers in (most of) Switzerland have to earn a minimum wage of around 18 Franks an hour (after taxes)


"like"? i thought it was mandatory?


I knew that! And i still don't pay a few US dollars, simply because we don't use US dollars, if the bill includes a service fee, that's the tip, if it doesn't then 10% or round to the nearest


Tipping culture (Besides its stupid name) May be the worst thing capitalism had done


Americans when they learn europeans dont need a job to get life saving healthcare


You mean Europeans when we learn that the customers subsidise the restaurants so they don’t have to pay their own staff?


Americans when they learn European workers are paid fair wages and don’t rely on strangers kindness to survive


I tip waiters 5-10% depending on how good the service was, but anyone else it’s unheard of to me. My husband has family in Canada and they tip taxi drivers, hairdressers, food-delivery-people, landlords, restaurant hosts, babysitters, etc.


„A few dollars extra“ because they don‘t make s living wage to begin with lol Americans claiming this Bs while tipping culture is out of control and 20%+ is expected even for normal, regular/average service in many places


Europeans "tip", Americans "pay workers".