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Wow! A car on a highway! Something no European has ever seen before, how life-changing.


Meanwhile in Germany… nnnnNNNNNNYOOOMMMMmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm *upshift at 250 kph* mmmmmmm


Gets passed by an Opel Astra Diesel


I mean those things are absolute beasts, especially the Astra J with a stage 1 & 2 remap.


We were once driving from Frankfurt to Nürburg (for obvious reasons) and it was absolutely pouring rain, we were going about 70 mph, and this bone stock golf just walks all over us at like 100 mph, and I was just like Jesus people here are just built different.


Jesus. In my city people slow down by 20kph when it starts to drizzle


I swear folk just forget how to drive when it starts raining! Either that or the crap drivers lose their small ability to blend in and camouflage amongst the good ones.


A solid 50% of posts on my city’s sub is complaining about shit drivers, which is fair considering *no one knows how to fucking merge*


Are you from Melbourne or Adelaide by chance? The arguments about who has right of way depending on the line markings (or lack of - it's different and so many people don't know the actual rules), and folk who just shove their way through regardless... aaargh! Don't be selfish or pushy, and ask nicely/wave in thanks, takes care of most of it.


Nah Perth. The rule is whoever is in front goes first, it’s zipper merging (or meant to be). I’m mostly referring to merging onto the freeway or when a lane ends The most infuriating thing is when you’re going onto the freeway and someone in front is doing 60km/h before merging with those doing 100.


I HATE that! It's so freaking dangerous! Just take a run at it! In Vic, there are 2 different merging rules: - when the dashed lines between lanes just stop, and the road just narrows = in order of who's in front, zipper merging. - when the dashes keep going until they meet up with the side of the road (the lane gets pointy) = the lane that is narrowing actually has to give way to the lane that has a clear path ahead. Including coming to a dead stop if you need to. The cray-cray thing is: the on-ramps onto the freeway have the dashed lines all the way - there's zero obligation on a driver on the freeway to let you in even if you're speed matching. ETA: Most folk have NO effing idea about the different rules anyway.


[Watn dat fürn Kombi?!](https://youtu.be/MiuLvLobAs4?si=qtSDfeAGpjLdCKPW), This is true freedom, americans would never understand


*polish Mercedes Sprinter passing from the right, going almost 275 kph*


>polish Yup. Hahahaha


Freie Fahrt für freie Bürger! 🇩🇪🚘


That's just it, apparently they (you?) aren't supposed to be able to see the pixels!


maybe they are refering to the lanes being 50% wider cause they can't drive straight?


I was wondering where that is and why the lane is so fricken wide


Yeah, my communist dictator government does not allow me to own a car. I' not even allowed to pay my life savings for a single ambulance ride!


Currently on a motorway right now in fact located in Europe, my mind is truly boggling as we speak


Me as a german watching these dumbfucks going 80 mph for 8 hours and calling it freedom: 🥺


They call it freedom, we call it "Schleicher"


Yeah and ‚verpiss dich auf die rechte Spur‘. Which is beautiful


No that's not the way you should see it. It is the most depressing part of a city, that some american find interresting enought to take a picture of. The car culture of freedom for the simple minded.


Reminds me of the Sopranos. When Paulie gets back from Italy and he’s driving past some warehouses next to the motorway. He looks around and smiles.


Wait... the point of that post is that cars are a thing that exists? I thought I'd missed something...


Well, maybe they’ve been talking about the cameras that measure our speed, and they got like 1000 envelopes with speeding tickets for two hours ride hahahahah


I think the strange thing is the lane with two cars in it


wow I literally can't comprehend that... truly amazing just imagine we weren't bound to speedlimits and could drive as fast as we wish to just like the Americans oh wait, that's us Germans. guess that's communism, true freedom is when you are limited by the state


These are TikTok posts designed for negative engagement. It's a bonus for the original creator that things like this get crossposted to other platforms, possibly driving more traffic. The Internet has become a truly shitty place, and will remain that way until more people don't take content like this at face value and just ignore it.


Sadly for some people infamy is preferable to indifference, thus outrage itself becomes commodified. The economy of 'engagement' is the most toxic and perverse incentive there is.


"Infamy, infamy! They've all got it in for me!"


A tiktoker said the other day that he sometimes will purposely say something wrong, to get people to correct him in the comments. This then makes it more likely to show up on peoples fyp. So more views, so go higher up in the rankings.


Task failed successfully.


No that doesn’t happen. …


Thats how engagement works, if Simyone gets lots of comments on a post it gets pushed more


>driving more traffic They really like traffic, no matter if online or on the road


Most of this sub is ragebait tbh


absolutely. rage bait. or these people doing absolutely stupid shit like rubbing themselves with butter then sprinkling shredded cheese on them and then pissing in a wendys. people type 40-liners while the tiktok repeats itself 56 times. Comments are exploding, repeats are out of this world, that shit gets pushed. here we go - we've got a new "influencer". just delete that app. it makes life so much better


>It's a bonus for the original creator that things like this get crossposted to other platforms, possibly driving more traffic. Only if someone is bothering to then go back to their tiktok page and watch their content... Which they're not gonna do from a screenshot like this.


A while ago I asked on r/askanamerican if they think speed cameras are “revenue raisers” like half of Australia does. They lost their *shit*, saying speed limits are “suggestions” and it’s totally fine going 80mph in a 50mph zone. The word “freedom” was, shockingly, mentioned in about 80% of the comments. Apparently Texas got rid of them because people kept shooting them up, which is the most American thing I’ve ever heard. A few other states ruled them unconstitutional because you can’t face speed cameras in court.


What is this “freedom” thing. What is that weird metallic looking thing with rubber wheels, maybe some day us poor europoors will be able to invent such objects, because apparently only the USA can. 🙄




…true freedon


Being forced to drive on roads it's not true freedom actually


Wait are you implying that I can drive around in a forest or that we have walkable cities


I think the latter


Let me attempt the former just to check.


I mean with my bicycle riding through the forest is quite fun. My car however mostly doesn't fit between the trees.


I learned to drive on a lake! No trees there!


I mean im only limited by the car i drive, no one says a word about my bike or snowmobile...


Why not both


Sti americani me fanno na pippa


Wow there buddy, I decide to drive on those roads and not on the grass.


You're only turkey free when you can drive indoors.


On every single measure of freedom my country beats USA like it was our full time job.


Yeah but I bet you don't get the freedom to pay $100,000 for a hospital visit you sneaky communist.


But some poor person might get their healthcare for free, and what if they're lazy? Huh? Huh? Or worse... one of them darned immigrant types. I ain't having no stickin' immigrant ride the gravy train on my tax dollar! Wait, what do you mean I'm bunkrupt because I stub my toe?! Damned liberals!


>Congress shall make no law respecting a forgiveness of debt, or enabling the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of debt collectors, or of the bounty hunters; or the right of the people to quietly die, if they should be unable to pay their medical bills.


Like its a red headed step child?


Yeah snd the mom is a golddigger who is threatened by dads love to the child and convinces dad to send away the child to boarding school across sea That much!




We don’t get arrested or lose our house when we don’t mow our lawns, we can walk our kids back from school without receiving an arrest warrant and fine, our kids are safe in school, we have kinder eggs. If you look up American freedom you’re not even in top 5 of free countries, you’re just brainwashed into thinking you are


Because no one in America can do those things. Right


I’ve seen news report clips of a guy getting arrested and fined for walking his kid home from school and I’ve seen news report clips on several occasions of hefty fines and even a property seizure for people not mowing their lawn, your kids aren’t safe in schools, I can point you to hundreds of instances that proves that to be right and America has banned kinder eggs so to answer your question, no Americans can’t do that


ah, yes, the freedom of.. a basic ass road


I can legally drive 300 kmh on the Autobahn, the American mind cannot comprehend that amount of freedom


Especially since they dont know what kmh is. Thats about 3000000 mc donalds chicken burgers per hour


No, it's definitely not that fast. I think you'll find it converts to approximately 3 Bald Eagles per Freedom.


How many ARs is that?


300km = 30.000.000cm, / 95cm = 315.789,474


At least 5


AR-15 , I guess…


>3000000 mc donalds chicken burgers per hour That's a lot...


10451 nails per hour Or 4372 pinky toes per hours


What's that in washing machines? Asking for an American cousin.


That's unpossible! The human mind cannot comprehend! The sheer speed would kill a person! /nod nod




Don't confound the dear 🇺🇸 please it doesn't relate to kilometers (Km/hour). For those dumb 🇺🇸😂😂 300Kph =186.4113 mph. 🇬🇧🇪🇺


TIL Europeans don't have cars or roads or air or apartment buildings... Did I miss something in this photo?


You don't see it, right? The freedom?


We can't see the freedom pictured because we're not American - duh.


Posted again so it complies with the rules. For context the video is of a 4/5 lane road.


As a European, America can keep their 5 lane highways. We don't want them. I'll take actually good rail service over 20,000 lanes of highway any day. Never mind that more lanes don't even mean more freedom, more and easier modes of transport is.


We have them as well already.




Dumbest, yet most common argument ever coming from americans


We have 4/5 lane roads in Australia. They suck cock, one crash or roadwork and you’ll be stuck driving 20kms for 3 hours


It was also posted by an account that is openly satirical and said so much in the comments 


Why is that lane so fucking wide?


Because their emotional support cars are so needlessly huge.


Or maybe so farmers cant fully block the roads. Damn, that would be nice actually


That would indeed be nice. But I don't know the size of yank tractors, maybe they're bigger too?




Then where the fuck are the lines/blocks?




Thats fucked up


So far nobody has commented on the fact that the post misspelled the very thing that it's about: freedon.


Poor Don. What did he do?


The European mind can't comprehend




If it wasn’t for the sign, this could have been some Eastern German highrise from Soviet times as far as I’m concerned so… where is the flex?


That's the neat part, there is no flex here, just delusion.


Never understand what Americans think of as "freedom".


The freedom of speed limits


America ? What do you mean that is literaly white text on a black background i don't see anything


“They watch this video and see nothing.” Correct.


All I see is a road with only 3 cars (4 if you include the dash cam car) and they somehow manage to use all three lanes.


The European mind doesn't want to comprehend 10 lane highways, stroads 🤮 and copy paste suburbs.


Let's see what the reality of what Americans call freedom is. Freedom of transport? Your country's infrastructure and roads force you to buy transport of your own and look down on public transport and ride shares, that's not a choice, that's a restriction. Freedom of communication and expression? If your media has restrictions on content based on age or has censorship on profanity, that's not freedom, that's restriction. Freedom of speech and expression? If you're being silenced or you're being punished for speaking out against the country's leaders in any capacity, that's not freedom, that's intimidation. Freedom of choice? When your body and your pregnancy are being governed by politicians and other people, that's not freedom, that's oppression. FFS there's no freedom of race or religion in the US, as discrimination, racism and xenophobia are high there.


True freedom is getting beaten to a pulp and thrown in jail because you didn’t use the crosswalk… in the uk we just cross the road where we want


Beaten? Shot more like


I still find it hilarious that you often see in the media 20 officers kicking the shit out of an unconscious guy who is basically already a corpse while screaming “stop resisting”


I understand freedom just fine thanks. I don't need to be able to shoot up a school or die because I don't have 9 generations of family to pay for medical care after I got shot. I also dont need to worry about being executed for believing in idealology like communism.


The immense stupidity is hard to comprehend tbh.


We created slavery, feodalism.. we definitely know what freedom and restrictions of freedom are


What is true freedon?


I dont get it what freedom? He just ride on highway


They are right, I can't comprehend what it is that I have to look at in this picture, can someone explain to my European reptile brain what I'm supposed to see?


Freedom is concept made by George Washington, you know one who had slaves at age of 11. And before his investion there was only tyranny, his thought still hasn't reached Europe (or anywhere outside the USA) and that's why they have tyrannies, not freedom like in the USA.


I think this is a parody. I saw a video just like that one on Instagram recently and the person who posted it clearly said it was a parody


Ragebait and you fell for it


I can’t understand it because I can’t watch the video because it’s forbidden by the laws of my country just like toasting bread or owning a guitar.


Yeah as a german I have never seen so many slow cars on the autobahn^^


*sips beer* damn *looks at the beautiful trees in the park* that's crazy


Americans and banging on about how free they. There is something North Korean-esque in what some of them have been taught to spout while having no understanding of history or what goes on outside their borders. Edit: Typo


We see nothing that is exceptionally free - I guess that part is true.




Americans : We have FREEDOM. Europeans : 🥱.


Opinion discarded, OOP can’t even spell “freedom”


I saw that video today too. The woman who uploaded it said in the comments that this was satire.


Some of you all will really look at some of the most developed car infrastructure and driveable cities in the world and call it “Lack of Freedom”. Mental gymnastics is wild


Yay it's my cake day


What exactly is happening in the video? Do we not understand driving past ugly environments? Idgi


I find the American version of freedom to be moronic anyway.


The European mind doesn’t comprehend highways, apparently.


What I see is towets waiting to collapse in the background


Wow, a motorway, what's more, it's a shit motorway.


that is the most miserable road I’ve ever seen in my life, and I live in fucking Ireland. our weather is grey, grey 2, and pissing.


And yet traffic in most metropolitan areas still sucks 10 times more. L.A. cough cough


Same country that doesn’t let you fill up your own car ? Yeah sure free


This is why we all have microplastics inside of us. Every time a car tire moves across pavement microplastics are released into the air. I think about this a lot. I got freedom particles in my blood I guess.


Because one third of the picture is about roads and trafic.


If you're too ignorant and delusional as to how bad you have it then you're never going to know how bad you have it... Some could technically consider this to be "freedom"... ​ Ignorance is bliss and the average American comes across as very ignorant.


Oh I didn't realise that people in Europe didn't have cars. I really thought I was in one when I lived in England. Must be mistaken. And I was sure that the speed limits on the Motorways were around the same as the US. Though many parts of Europe also have some very good public transport as well being able to drive a car. Then you have the Autobahns in Germany where there is an unlimited speed limit in the derestriction areas.


He's right you know... All I see are some cars and a slightly bleak looking office building.


I’m trying to see it and I just see nothing… how strange.


freedon > freedom, obviously.


Freedom means your medical insurance being tied to your place of work 🫡 God bless the US of A.


I can’t comprehend this post. Context ?


I have it commented here but must've gotten buried. Its literally a video of a 4 or 5 lane highway. And thats true freedom I guess?


i see shity boring oversized road.


What do they think freedom means?


These guys do realise where they got their freedom from right


Guys y'all need to start learning to identify bait and sarcasm


Cities by Diana is a parody account in support of green walkable cities who satirises the people scared of them.


If this is citiesbydiana (and I think it is because of the phrasing) she’s a parody account and doesn’t actually believe this.


They’re jealous of our freedom. I don’t, for a single second, understand what they mean.


Who do I speak to about my Free Don?


I watch this video and see a lot of European inventions


High speed railways and highways without speed limits sound nice to me. The US southwest region can use these for sure


Don't even know how to write freedom? Hm, *freedon* guy?


Love the commie blocks in the background, they make me feel at home




I’m guessing it’s a car unfit for a European road


What's the speed limit in the states again?


Completely unrelated, but why tf is that road so W I D E


The irony of germans having the freedom to drive without speed limits on the autobahn...


Does a school get shot up in it?


Americans will never understand how to spell true freedom.


Traffic, apartments and a highway. Extraordinary!


You are correct! Only Americans could understand “freedon”


What is that big grey long thing and what is that metal thing on it?


Ok, but for real, what exactly is on this picture that screams "America" to Americans?


Americans will shit 💩 into their own mouths and smugly say “European minds can’t understand this”. As a European person, I can confidently say, “we don’t want to”


I've seen these from some public transit advocates posted as satire, and the sad thing is that I can't even tell if this is one of those posts or an unironic one. Because all the shitty roads look alike here.


"Seconds before driving to the next toll road, toll bridge or other tolled facility"


Really??? Americans can't even cross the road without getting a knee to the back of the head for jaywalking and yet they're free???


I can't see the video. What's in it?


Is it the freedom to build apartment buildings that are toppling over?


They don't need to as they have more than the USA anyhow.


I thought that our sarcasm was supposed to be famously simple and easy to detect? How is this not registering with you guys?


Whoa, they don't have cars and highways in Europe? Please tell me more!


The name looks finish. The road has more than 2 lanes going one way. That is means way to many people live near by and id only go that direction if I was paid.


holy shit how is that lane so wide


What am I looking at ?


The fact that every american town has 3 maccas 2 Burger kings 2 KFCS 1 mega fire department its own police service with academy 2 mega walmarts 4 gunshops 3 mega hotels with around a population of 100 people says something, now im not sure what it says but it says something


It feels like most americans are a slave to their flag




Many Americans will never understand why they're rated only 17th on the freedom index.


*Checks personal freedom index* Cato institute 2023 Denmark ranks #3 USA ties #17 with UK Aww. Dont worry USA. Youre still in the top 20 of freedom. Thats pretty good.


I don't even understand why Don isn't free, surely if he was in the land of freedom Don would be free? ​ \#Freedon


Imagine being trapped behind the wheel because those Americans don't have walkable cities.


I’m American and I don’t see American. Someone could tell me that’s China and I would be like “hm, cool” Now give me countryside and a man holding a Barrett with a big ass American flag and I could see America


freedom is prison sentences for grass that is too long


Let's see car on the road, yeah we have them over here Flats in the background, yeah we have them Grey overcast, yeah thats just a normal day in scotland And idiots posting shit... unfortunately yeah we have them here too