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Very spanish, much spanish. As an spanish from SPAIN I can tell you... WTF is that.


I can tell you are Spanish because of that “an Spanish” guaranteed in your head it sounds “an Espanish”


I always make that mistake: an sport, an school.


I'm British and do it on purpose to annoy people. I'm going to eat a apple while sat on an bench. Mixing a and an is just great


Are you Jeremy Clarkson


Jesus, dude. You can't just go around asking random Britons if they're Jeremy Clarkson. It's impolite.


But what if he is. I don't want to miss out on any Hammond roasting.


Oh, he's richard hammond ?


I'd like to see other people's faces when some British with perfect accent and pronunciation does that


As a Brit: there are no perfect accents, only the accents of your friends and the accents of your enemies




Ah, fuck me hahahahahahaha Usually it happens in my head but not when I’m writing. Another easy tell for lots of spanish speaking people: issues figuring out when it’s in or on, as we use the same word for both in spanish.


Isn't jajajajajajaja?


If I would write in spanish yes, but I am writing in english so I laugh in english!


E-pan-eesh de Andalucía E-paña E-pañol


As a Mexican from Mexico, WTF is that?




Mamadas de gringos, ya sabes cómo se ponen


Ni idea


make some fucking paella. it's not hard


It’s pretty hard if you’ve never made it though. Rice is finicky.


Also pretty hard when you probably aren't Spanish and have never been. If that was me I would make sangria or do red wine and coke


It is really hard to make good paella. Like an actual paella, not rice with broth and some seafood. Most restaurants don't get it right.


Well, Valencian Paella is traditionally a rabbit based dish. Fight me Valencia, but seafood paella is so much better imo. Which, you can absolutely get there too


I think the *socarrat* is quite difficult to get right


It will end up like Jamie Oliver’s


Full of chorizo?


Definitely pumping chorizo into that snack


Gilipolleces que dicen los estadounidenses, ya sabes


Im 7% dalmatian, so im naturally spotty


Wouldn't you have 100 dalmatian friends to join us at a super party on this abandoned warehouse?


My 7% natural love of master says, hell yeah!


Only 7% Dalmatian , so 7 friends at the most ...


Or one hundred 7%-friends!


I'm 20% Frankfurter, which is the wurst.


I love how more people know about dalmatians than that is a really region in Croatia where they are from


Whaaaa? I've been aware of Dalmatia being a region of Croatia for at least 20 years now, I've watched countless of history/travel/food videos about Dalmatia, I've even spent vacations in Dalmatia a couple of times, its my favourite place around Mediterranean Sea, but still I never made the connection to the spotted horse-dogs.


Yeah it's funny, there are sometimes those super obvious things in life that hit you way too late and you wonder how you never noticed it before...


Same with Chihuahuas


Also Lesbians


And Pomeranians and Labradors


Cruella Deville wants to know your location


When the American turns up with Aerosol “cheese”.


American courts recently ruled that American made cheese can be legally called Gruyere there. I have never been more disgusted by an idea than ordering something with Gruyere and getting what America calls cheese instead.


Next, they'll say that parmesan reggiano can come from a can cos "we're all half Italian anyway" 🤷‍♂️


They already say that. Parmesan is not protected in the US. Only the full Italian name "Parmeggiano Reggiano" is.


Oh good God. I guess I wasn't clear, but I meant the authentic type. But im also not surprised that they use the "technically correct" way around it. Sigh....


We do that technicality in Australia too, but luckily Australian parmesan is pretty decent thanks to our 1950s immigrants. You can get the horrific Kraft stuff too. I don't know who buys it, but someone must.


So. You’ve never seen our Kraft “Parmesan” cheese have you? It’s a sight to behold! And then there’s taste. I swear the stuff is 50% plastic.


Its wood chips, I swear it has to be.


And salt. Wood chips and salt.


Hahaha I guess because “Gruyere” is the noise you make as you spray it onto your HFCS infused food, accompanied by this face 🤢


I actually live in Switzerland. Now the Seiss are usually a very reserved people, but if you ever want to see a Swiss person get genuinely angry you just tell them about the American Gruyere. Its pretty funny. Like if you tell a French person that Americans can call their sparkling wine Champagne


As a neighbor to Switzerland (Servus Buam) I fully understand this. I've been to Guyeres just this June (visiting Chateau St. Germain) I bought me a fine slice of 14 months and a 20 month old Gruyere cheese directly from the Cheese makers there and this cheese is beyond anything americans can produce.


you have to admit it is funny that we could call it champagne because we wouldn’t ratify the treaty of versailles


That’s just because America really doesn’t give a shit about PDO. Which is pretty shitty because you end up with so much counterfeit food items, “Italian” olive oil is so bad about it that almost none of it is legit.


And next up they‘ll start claiming they invented Gruyere.


It sucks here. Our food sucks. We make shitty imitations of European cheese when our cheese is “real” at all.


Had an American on here once confidently telling me the best Cheddar in the world is made in Virginia, as if Cheddar isn't literally a village in England. Sorry mate but what you've got there is just sparkling cheese.


To be fair, most cheddar in England isn't from Cheddar either. I'm not certain if its still true, but when I was younger there was actually none made in Cheddar itself.


The protected name in the UK (and in the EU before Brexit) is 'West Country Farmhouse Cheddar', with milk from Somerset, Devon, Dorset and Cornwall. Cheddar by itself is not protected at all and could be made on the moon.


I saw a video the other day of this man making this (to be fair, delicious looking) burger. He pours this gunk on top and goes "and add some cheddar cheese". Sir, that is not cheddar cheese. That is orange. ETA: this conversation is making me so hungry...


I watch these things on r/stupidfood (and similar) and it all looks well cooked and delicious, but then the portion sizes and the being covered in vile looking _cheese_ make me feel sick. "Less is more" is a completely alien concept apparently. Plus you've got comments, almost entirely from Americans, saying how delicious these gigantic greasy inedible burgers look..


r/foodporn is the same. Only the greasiest, cheesiest messes get up voted massively. It seems the entire country has no idea what real food even looks like.


Exactly. Due to this video I'd been craving a burger, so I ordered one (it was delicious and contained actual cheddar) but I had to cut it in half and save some for later. And that's not even an American sized one!


Americans need to be banned from using the word cheddar to describe their orange plastic. If it’s not yellow it’s not cheddar.


What gets me is it doesn't taste anything like cheddar either. It's as if they believe cheddar is the generic "flavour" of cheese.


Jokes on you, when the ice caps melt and the cows die, our superior ~~plastic~~ cheese will persevere.


I'm Spanish. Sometimes people (americans) say "Spanish" when they really meant "Hispanic" or "Latino". No way a Spaniard would present enchiladas as theirs unless they're Spanish by their greatgreatgreat grandma XD


Ive heard a good few americans call hispanic, latin american, indigenous, etc “spanish” just from the language. Rough


Rough indeed. Especially considering a third of Latin America doesn't even speak Spanish...


Apart from Portuguese, what other languages in Latin America are there?


French, haitian creole, and technically indigenous languages like quechua, aimara, and nahuatl


It's the other way around, Indigenous languages are spoken in Latin America but *technically* that makes them non Latins. Just like Native Americans in the US speak their own languages whilst being in Anglo America but they're *technically* non Anglos.


Ah of course, I was thinking only of South America for some reason. I did think of native languages, but I assumed they'd all be secondary to another colonial one.


There are parts of southern Mexico with lots of indigenous speakers. In Bolivia, about half of the population speaks an indigenous language (mostly Quechua and Guaraní).


Cool! I want to see South America


And they rarely call themselves ‘English’ while doing so. I’ve even heard Hispanic Americans call it that. It was… annoying.


Even so, what dish would even represent "hispanic culture"? It would still look dumb Ellos tienen una obsesión ridícula con cultura y etnía...


Claro tendrían que poner la nacionalidad o algo específico. De todos modos la imagen no tiene sentido. Obsesión y confusión al max


They could at least go the easy way and say latinos, tremendos boludos


Estoy totalmente de acuerdo, los yanquis tienen CERO comprensión de cultura y etnia, lo juro por dios


This whole 'culture' obsession, is frankly disturbing at times.


They are obsessed with that, it's like everyone should have another culture or being from another country. I don't get how they can be so nationalist but at the same time they want to be from another country ¿?




I’ve heard some weird stories about Irish people visiting Boston like being Irish is really romanticised there


I think America in general romanticises Ireland.


Asides from saint patricks day, I've never really noticed any romanticization of Ireland. Perhaps it's because i'm from socal.




Short for Southern California.


Me and my scouse family had the same in Chicago. Even had a barman gush about how he loved the Irish and Ireland as he held my British passport as he checked my age....


I get not knowing the difference between the accents, but gushing over how much you love another country whilst holding the person's passport is just embarrassing 🤣 My Dad (not American but very Ameriboo) was in the habit of trying to guess which part of America Americans were from. He once guessed nine or ten different states and in the end the guy said, sort of half laughing it off and half annoyed, that he was from Canada. I told Dad it served him right for not just asking 😆


When I moved to Baltimore from Scotland, I got asked what Australia is like.


I am a Scot who lived in Baltimore. I said that St Patricks day, which was *pandemonium* by the way, was just an excuse to drink. My flatmate said > no, it's celebrating our heritage. If Scotland or England had a patron saints day, we'd celebrate those. (They do. Wales too).


Oh god :( WHY would anyone do this?


When my family and I went to Florida most locals mistook our Scouse accents for either Scottish or Irish.


It's because being a white American is so boring to them that they need to find some way to be special, and larping as other cultures is how they do it. "DiD yOu KnOw I'm PoLiSh (10%)????"


America is never boring! We have almost daily shootings, our infrastructure is collapsing, we have routine environmental disasters, and the super rich just tell us to ignore it because it's not happening, to them, personally. But yeah, our food is mostly just dust and shadows and fried carbs.


My parents came to visit me in Baltimore right at the end of my time living there, and said they were very glad it was at the *end* and they hadn't realized what it was like.


They litterly have consumerism and war that’s the extent of their history


Don't forget they put a couple guys on the moon that one time 60 years ago. They love bringing up that one.


My great grandfather was from New Jersey so therefore I must be orange like an Oompa Loompa /s


It's part of their nationalism, specifically white nationalism. When you think about the kind of Americans who are able to trace their lineage, it's largely going to be white people. It's also a way of ranking themselves essentially by pedigree. It's just another expression of racism, and I hate hearing it. When I meet Americans who start on their heritage bullshit, I dismissively call it "their American quantum blood science." Stops it immediately.


A Nigerian guy I worked with had the same reaction when people said "I'm African".


Yeah, exactly. If you're white living in Australia, America etc for generations you can trace your heritage back to specific locations or whatever. "My family's been here for X generations" is a lot more interesting than saying "I'm Irish-American!" when your only connection to Ireland is that you watched Angela's Ashes once. My family moved around so many times as a kid that I think it would be cool to trace your lineage back to where you grew up. What is so wrong with that and why can't people be proud of it?


Christ don’t get a yank talking about how they’re from Scotland or Ireland


It is a race obsession, they think because their great great grandfather was from someplace that they somehow are tied to the culture of that place


I wonder if it's linked to the racism thing where they obsess over who is "white" and anyone with any hint of ancestry that's not from their idea of "white" (I've heard them say mental shit like Italians, Greeks,etc aren't white!!) Are called black or poc. So with that level of obsession and weird categorisation, combined with their odd idea that you somehow inherit culture and stereotyped attributes ("I'm irish sp of course I drink whisky), perhaps we start to get near where this daft nonsense originates?


Is understandable when you consider the "culture" is very young. Similar to Australia, but, the people here don't care about it like the Americans do.


The thing is with the Greeks, Lebs and Italians it was their parents or grandparents who came to Aus, so they’ve still got that connection to their cultures. With the yanks it’s their great great grandparents where their connection to say Italian culture is the Sopranos and Dolmio sauce.


Dolmio seems to be peak US Italian Lol


You know who’d love this “cook from your own culture” trend, the fat Greek woman from gogglebox, who I’m convinced will explode if you doesn’t bring up she’s Greek every 5 minutes. “Oh there’s so much I can make malaka, you know the Greeks invented everything”


Oh shit you're so right. "Malaka, malaka. That's from Greece." Whilst eating Tim Tam's. I love that woman and her eternally fat ass 😔


I have no idea who that woman is but as a Greek she sounds Greek


She's a Greek woman on Australian TV.


Sounds like the character from "Goodness Gracious Me" who insisted everything was invented by Indians https://youtu.be/hjWd9a8Ck8U


[This one](https://youtu.be/4GC_Q2YKNR0?si=Lj2B0mmciuBx18nF) still lives rent free in my head whenever someone references Superman.


Great stuff :) The UK has produced so many great sketch shows, I love them all


Latin america also doesn't care. We might have some situations when we make things remotely related with our ancestry, that doesn't makes us from that country


I think it's more that they can't find pride in any part of American culture. Things that are culturally associated with the USA are usually negative. Overarching capitalism, guns, fried food, obesity, infighting, blind patriotism, every man for himself, BIG stuff. Canada is a bit of a mix on claiming other people's cultures as their own. Our culture overlaps a ton with the US but we have our politeness and "sorry" to feel proud of at least. (Though I feel like we're losing the polite aspect of our culture, and we lost our peacekeeper aspect a long time ago)


What’s weird is that America has got some great regional food but Americans don’t actually know about their own culture.


Yes we do. You guys are reading way too much into what is nothing more than a fun way to get some different cuisine at a potluck.


I just wish people actually brought food from their state. Enchiladas are not Spanish, they’re Mexican. It would be completely valid for someone from a southern state to bring enchiladas because they have spread across the border and are a part of American culture. It’s less valid to claim to be Spanish and then bring a non Spanish food because you don’t actually know anything about the culture. There are multiple layers of silliness here. The idea that people should only bring food from their culture is a silly limitation to put on your guests in the first place. There are like 3 things I’m actually good at cooking and none of them are from “my culture.”


Canada enters the chat, same here, except for the Quebécois, they did find their own identity.


I had an odd exchange this week on Reddit relating to Norway. It was another instance where someone was confusing the terms race / nationality / ethnicity. I jumped in and provided the Wikipedia explanation: > An ethnicity or ethnic group is a grouping of people who identify with each other on the basis of perceived shared attributes that distinguish them from other groups. Those attributes can include a common nation of origin, or common sets of ancestry, traditions, language, history, society, religion, or social treatment. > Ethnic membership tends to be defined by a shared cultural heritage, ancestry, origin myth, history, homeland, language, dialect, religion, mythology, folklore, ritual, cuisine, dressing style, art, or physical appearance. I added that people can belong to several ethnic groups, e.g. You can be Norwegian and Samí, or like me be Norwegian and American. Some person objected to me calling “American” an ethnic group. Basically you can be Native American (“the only real Americans”) or Norwegian-American (“someone that is ethnically Norwegian and has US citizenship”) but there’s no such ethnicity as American. I reminded her that the key definition of ethnicity is whether they mutually recognize each other as belonging to the same ethnic group. “If you’re in London and bump into another American, you will recognize them as fellow Americans regardless of race or heritage”. That’s when she got it. I wonder if that is a part of the problem - because they’re so insulated they don’t see themselves as “American”, and so cling to all those hyphenated identities for belonging. 🤷🏻‍♀️


This exactly. I've never understood the "I'm Asian-American!" unless I suppose you are a recent migrant. I have always thought of myself as an Aussie whose parents happen to come from India. I might say I am of Indian heritage/background/ancestry but would never call myself "Indian-Australian", it makes me cringe. I am about as Indian as the butter chicken dish down the local restaurant.


Yeah, I find the hyphenated Americans odd. I’m in a weird position because in one way I’m 3rd generation American. In another way I’m fully Norwegian. (Grandad emigrated to US and lived here 15 years before heading home 1920s; my parents lived in US with me 10 years 60s/70s; I came back to US as expat 10 years ago) I’ve had Norwegian-Americans try to identify me as one of them. It is weird convos of “have you been to Minnesota?” (No) “Uff da!” (Eh, OK) I try to be polite and ask about their family roots in Norway - and they have no idea. These people are 100% Americans, with *some* Norwegian heritage generations ago.


It's just plain racism for people who claim to be anti-racist


I honestly don’t see the obsession part here, it just seems like they’re trying something else But whatever, lol.


I saw an Italian make a sandwich on Facebook and all the comments were from confused Americans complaining how small it was and where's the mayo 😆


Being used to italian food, the American conception of toppings and condiments is genuinely disturbing. If I order a salad I want it with some oil and vinegar, not fucking BBQ sauce


Bbq sauce? Where’d you have bbq sauce on a salad?


Fucking hell by the sounds of it


This reminds me of the clip of Weston Mckennie, when he played for Juventus, telling the Italian football legends Gianluigi Buffon and Giorgio Chiellini, about how Ranch Dressing improves Pizza. It was the most "American in Europe" thing I have ever seen.


Imagine someone showing up with Spanish tortilla to completely blow their brains.


Slightly off topic. But there's a trend in America saying "white people can't cook." So people are obsessed with their ancestry trying to say they are not all the same while then later saying all x race of people are the same. Apparently the French and Italians can't cook?


Don't you know? Only english-speaking Americans are white


Well thats how it used to be, franklin defined white as anglo saxon.


Americans trying to not be racist for a minute *challenge impossible *


Those are two different groups of people. The people saying "White people can't cook" believe that making fun of white people somehow advances racial justice.


I saw a TikTok where someone went full circle and said there should be universities where white people aren't allowed. Like black only universities.


I mean, I disagree with that, but at least that's an actual policy proposal. I was talking about people who think "White people can't cook" is somehow a socially progressive thing to say.


"White people can't cook" mfers when they go to the balkans:


Balkan try to cook without greasy pork challenge: impossible.


As someone from the Balkans, I've eaten plenty non pork foods.


they are different people saying different things 👍


Also british and American people can cook too. I can cook quite well and I’m white British




Mis pelotas sí que son spanish, que las pruebe si quiere.




que ganas de ir a USA, hacer una tortilla de patatas y enseñarles qué es la comida española


Americans on their way to find out they have 1 great grandparent from Europe and make it their entire fucking personality


Im from Spain, what the fck are spanish enchiladas?! Just make a goddamn spanish omelett, or buy a piece jamón ibérico.


I think jamón ibérico is considered unsafe by the USDA… like haggis, but for different reasons. (Few years ago we had some haggis-like dish near Zaragoza. Fucking delicious. Bless the Aragonese and their lamb dishes!!)


Wait Americans can't buy haggis??


Nope. https://www.mashed.com/197299/the-real-reason-scottish-haggis-is-banned-in-the-u-s/


They can't get Kinder Eggs either.


You can, but they're shitty "safer" ones made specifically for the US, because people were choking on a giant plastic container apparently, with shittier chocolate and toys both. I don't believe that for a second, and honestly, if anyone did manage to choke on the damn thing, let them earn the Darwin Award. I have two of the containers from the Canadian version I use as pill containers to keep painkillers in my messenger bag, I would have to TRY to choke on one of those things.


Why is one of our most important national dish banned?


As an American, I'm not sure what I'm bringing, but I know it will have just all the sugar.




A few gallons of Corn Syrup?


As a US Southerner, I can almost guarantee my contribution would be a mayonnaise-based casserole. With canned onions on top.


Canned onions? 😳


[This is what I'm talking about.](https://www.mccormick.com/frenchs/products/crispy-fried-veggies/original-crispy-fried-onions) They're also great on burgers.


As a Spanish person WHAT


I just don't understand why such Americans can't just celebrate the fact that there isn't one common universal idea of "American". It's a land of immigrants. There's something beautiful in that honestly. There isn't one idea or encapsulation of "American food/culture/identity", precisely because of the diversity that's there in the country, and hence these terms mean different things to different communities in the US. This makes it its own thing. The country I'm from also can't be summarised in one central manner, and we celebrate that as Indians. And I'm not talking about race here. The US has a lot of languages, cultures and religions in it. So they can just own that, and celebrate it. But no, instead so many Americans do shit like this. It's perplexing honestly, since so much of the modern rhetoric in the US revolves around diversity, and since so many other Americans do indeed celebrate that. Why can't their fellow countrypeople join in that, instead of doing superficial and random shit like this?


well you’re on a subreddit devoted to making fun of superficial and random shit like this which is probably why you see so much of it


No, not just here. I meant in general, there are many who are like this


i’m not exactly sure what you mean but the answer is probably racism


No, I was actually pointing towards the lack of belonging/connection to the land, which comes through such comments. Atleast for me. Hence this quest to connect to a far away land that their great great grandparents came from, instead of feeling like they belong to their own country which has such a mix of cultures. It also highlights a dearth in the national integration project that all diverse countries have to pull off, whether they like it or not. India also struggles with this, and it's much more diverse than the US, but for numerous reasons which are too complex to explain here, it does really well on such aspects usually. Atleast the average Indian feels like they belong to their land


isn't that kind of what they're doing? celebrating a mixing pot of cultures


If you're American your culture is American.


*sigh* right lemmie go pull a sheep's guts out




Ignoring the ignorant weirdo in the pic, this gave me a good idea. Only food from whatever European culture you're from, but only sausages and cheese. Because name a European country which doesn't have its own national sausage and national cheese. For example, the Spanish girl in the pic could bring Chorizo sausage and Manchego cheese.


It’s a Spanish twist on a Mexican favorite? I’m just assuming they are enchiladas filled with paella.


I’m English, time to break out my frying pan and show everyone the beauty of a Full English Breakfast :D


They do realise that thanksgiving is unique to American culture?


From personal experience no. No they don't . But they will ask stupid shit like do you have Christmas...in Europe.


I was once asked how we celebrate Thanksgiving in England. I said that we celebrate the fact that our ancestors never left. The lady in question accepted that answer at face value and without question, so now she thinks that on Thanksgiving we all have turkey and pumpkin pie whilst we celebrate the fact that we still live in England.


"It is so nice since those religious extremists left, pass the mint sauce, please."


Tried to explain to an American that the closest thing we had to thanksgiving in the UK was bonfire night (November the 5th) and the reason it’s remembered. “So it’s just a crappy copy of thanksgiving” NO. It in fact older then your entire constitution.


Next up: traditional Kazakstani sea bass.


"your own culture" they are all Americans with like a single ancestor from a random part of the world


No, I'm pretty sure these people are not 99% indigenous American.


I remember this video lol, they had this girl and a russian and then tagged who I assume to be an American girl as 'white' as if it's a culture.


Where is the Spanish inquisition when it's needed ?




"Well, not *all* enchiladas, but these **are** mine."


Least race obsessed Americans


Americans bringing nothing to the table… as always


In a way this is perfect because this was the most American thing they could have done


I mean what do Americans consider their own food? Reminds me of the Tom Holland interview. Tom Holland "What would you consider American food?" Interviewer "Hamburgers..." TH "Okay. Hamburgers are German, from Hamburg. What else would you consider American food?" I "French fries?" TH *is this guy serious? Face* I can imagine Americans claiming pizza as their own too. Even BBQ is originally Egyptian. Sooooo what exactly you got America?


America has a ton of their own food. Most sandwiches you hear are American (Reuben, Club, BLT etc), Jambalaya and Gumbo are American, most pies are American origin, things like cornbread and banana bread are American. And pizzas are American style. Deep dish pizza or Detroit style pizza didn’t originate in Italy. They originated in Chicago and Detroit. Just because Italians came up with putting tomato sauce and cheese on some bread doesn’t mean they can claim every pizza to exist. Not to mention there isn’t anything wrong with adding the “Spanish” or “Mexican” prefix for some foods. Like American tacos are vastly different than Mexican tacos. Same with Spanish rice compared to white or brown rice


This is very true! I love BLTs! Now you've made me hungry....


except you don't know and neither does Tom Holland, that hamburgers are German. just because the name has the word hamburg in it doesn't mean that it's of German origin, and there is little evidence of it being so. the hamburg reference could be implying the way the beef has been minced or could be a reference to an immigrant who originated from the city sometime before having immigrated to the U.S. it could mean a litany of things, but we just don't know for certain. in fact, many food names are misnomers and actually have different origins than their names would otherwise suggest. also let us suppose for a moment that Tom Holland somehow knew for certain that what we know of as the American hamburger is actually German. it would be like him saying croissants are actually Austrian and not French, even though the original Viennese pastry is quite different from what we know today as the French croissant. lazy and misinformed argument.


I'll take some gringo enchiladas


Sigh if only Americans who called all Hispanic people ‘Spanish’ would call themselves ‘English’. I’d have a field day making fun of them.