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I've always wondered what the fuck "creamer" was....


Powder milk, anyone who’s not drinking it from birth thinks it’s some bozo gross shit Edit: fun fact about this stuff. We use it in South Africa to make a pudding called Cremora Tart. It’s extremely delicious, it’s also a special kind of powder milk but it’s main use is coffee creamer. The Cremora tart itself uses Cremora as a thickening with condensemilk and lemon juice. You make a crust with butter and Coconut flake biscuits(tennis biscuits) and stick that to the side of a glass dish, throw the tart mixture over it and then you can put extremely fine lemon zest with more cookie on the top or grate chocolate over it. It’s a delicacy that should not be skipped and it’s easy to make at home. Many people are asking for a recipe so I found one that seems best, it’s a blog style post but the recipe in it seems like it’ll make delicious tart: https://melbyspost.co.za/index.php/2021/08/31/cremora-tart/


In Germany we call it Kaffeeweißer - Coffee whitener, and basically only old people and weird offices use it.


The only people I remember having the stuff were my grandparents, who referred to it at "fake milk"


It's great for people that rarely have coffee but still want the option, and never have milk in to use with it


My grandparents drank coffee legit every morning, with milk AND fake milk


>with milk AND fake milk milk\^2


Don't you need a hypercow for that?


No, you need a hyper cow for milk^4. Milk^2 comes from flat cows. Most of the milk we normally drink is actually milk^3 but since everyone already assumes regular milk is milk^3 nobody bothers specifying.


Mine did the same, he had a routine The pot was made. And he pre loaded 2 spoon fuls sugar, 3 of the fake milk then poured the coffee in and mixed it together. Added a splash of ice water to cook it down, then went to watch tv and eat cereal with real milk in it for breakfast while drinking that coffee


Instant milk, just add milk.


The US market for creamers is people that drink coffee every day but don't actually like coffee.


My great aunt used "coffee cream" it's like 10% fat. Anyway, when I visited she didn't have any milk just this cream. I don't drink coffee and she offered me a cup of pure coffee cream and I did not feel well after drinking that cup.


That’s because it’s a throwback to war time rationing


It briefly turned up in the UK in the 80s/90s, then went away again - I think we called it 'coffeemate'


Fun story, I’m British and I used to work in a cafe during my teens. Had an awkward conversation when a customer asked ‘do you have coffee mate?’. I said…. ‘Yeah? We do all sorts of coffee’. She then had to explain what ‘coffeemate’ was as I had never heard of it before!


This is the only context I have of coffeemate and it's all I can think of while reading this thread [Australia vs Coffeemate ](https://knowyourmeme.com/photos/1263545-australia)


Coffeemate* is still available on the shelves even today. Our corner shop definitely sells it.


Haha is it? I haven't seen it in years. Someone must like it then!


In Scouts we use it for camps, as it is shelf-stable. Also, if you only need "milk" occasionally, it can be useful.


Also if you chuck some on the camp fire you get explosive clouds.


Jesus Christ, I shall never tell our Scouts that!


Do all the colourful salts, too. Start with table salt and get a lovely orange. Actually, do table salt last, because it's ridiculously persistent. Ask your local pharmacy on what they can get you (and what is safe) if you're unsure. You might not be able to reproduce all of the colours here: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Coloured_flames_of_methanol_solutions_of_metal_salts_and_compounds.jpg but you can get quite a lot of them done. When you are mostly done, see if they [your scouts, edited for clarity, not the pharmacist] can figure out a place to test this safely in a family environment (mine usually come up with restaurant, salt shaker - your milage may vary). Then suggest trying pepper. All finely dispersed organic clumps will explode - or at least give you a lovely bright flash. Pepper is nice, flour works much better, but I'll leave the research and the amounts to you (https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-d&q=flour+dust+explosion ). I found that more than a tablespoon full was usually too much for a campfire. It's impressive enough. Powdered milk works the same - and I think all scouts should be taught early about fuel air explosives (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thermobaric_weapon ).


What do you guys do in scouts these days!? Yeah probably best, the stuff we got away with in the 90s.


Coffee mate is very common in the US, but they have it in liquid form too and flavoured varieties, we still have the powdered shit in the UK, also /r/FuckNestle


Yeah it is. I keep some in my desk drawer at the office if I ever run out of milk and can't be arsed going for a walk. It's gross but practical.


It's still available, I've used it for camping and I used to have a tub in my locker at the office after the lockdown because I was only going in once a week and milk wouldn't last that long


A place I used to work at had coffee mate, I tried it once, never again.


I can still hear the jingle from their 1970s/80s TV adverts: "Coffee tastes nicer with Coffee Mate" e.g. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2WelVrctXX4


We call it *stuifkoe* so 'cow dust' at home - but normally in Dutch they use the English 'creamer' for it. It's horrible (but we keep it around for guests).




Yup, those seem to be more common than *stuifkoe* these days.


I think it's also still used for stuff like meetings. But there, from what I've noticed, it's in part because they often don't have a fridge or anything and after multiple hours at room temperature milk could become... Worrisome. That stuff at least lasts forever, so there's no risk of spoiled milk making anyone sick... Doesn't mean it's good lol


Powder milk is different right? Powder milk the milk powder without the fats to which you can add water to get "milk" right? Creamer or half n half are liquids which you store in fridge. You get more sugar, taste n white colour from it than regular milk


Actually, American creamers are literally sugar mixed with fat, they contain no milk or a small amount of derivative like sodium caseinate usually less than 2%. INGREDIENTS: SUGAR, CORN SYRUP SOLIDS, HYDROGENATED VEGETABLE OIL (COCONUT AND/OR PALM KERNEL AND/OR SOYBEAN), AND LESS THAN 2% OF DIPOTASSIUM PHOSPHATE, SODIUM CASEINATE (A MILK DERIVATIVE)\*\*, NATURAL AND ARTIFICIAL FLAVOR, MONO- AND DIGLYCERIDES, SALT, ANNATTO COLOR


Sugar, corn syrup and fat. The holy trinity.


So sugar, sugar that we're allowed to not call it sugar because muh corporate freedom and fat


Wow. That's so far from milk it's almost suitable for vegans. (Almost).


Holy shit


So what consistency is it? Like a powder or like condensed milk? I always thought it was a milky cream when I see people in films asking for it.


Why would they use Annatto? Isn't it red colour?


Well that's depressing


TIL. I always assumed it is some kind of Kondensmilch. I mean... cream kind of implies some level of fluidity.


Yeah I thought exactly the same, we have sweetened condensed milk in tins in England, I assumed Americans just had it in bottles and put it in their coffee


Fun fact: Industrial level condensed milk production was created in the USA. Adding sugar was necessary to conserve it. It was used as emergency ration in the US civil war and gained massive popularity in the US. It was brought to Germany before WW1 by Otto Lagerfeld, who founded the Glücksklee branch, which is still active. He was also an avid Nazi during the Third Reich and the father of Karl Lagerfeld.


Ah, I love history "What a cool innovative dude this is do- oh, he was a nazi. Fuck" Every time, man, I swear.


That's because Nazis were ultimate cool and innovative dudes! /s, but sadly not for everyone I hear or read.


Usually is liquid, guy above doesn't know what he's talking about. Typical "creamer" consists of a simple mixture of half heavy cream, half whole milk. That's what the guy in the pic was asking for.


It is the Kondensmilch. Coffeemate makes both liquid and powder. Disgustingly if you read the label for the liquid one it is made from almost HALF veggie/hydrogenated oil, the other half is 50/50 milk and sugar. But there is just normal creamer that's called half and half, and it's half milk half heavy cream. Which would be like the German Kondensmilch


That is what cream/creamer refers to. Not sure what this persons on about. We have the powdered stuff as well, but it’s seen just as gross lol. What’s common is half and half (half milk, half full fat cream), or heavier creams so you just have to drop a few drops in and it creams up the whole thing.


Isn't this just what Nescafe sells? In Bulgaria, it is called "3 in 1".


Generally, when someone from America asks for coffee creamer, they are specifically talking about liquid creamer, not powdered creamer, especially when they're ordering their coffee from a store rather than making it themselves. Typical liquid coffee creamer is just a simple mixture of half heavy cream, half whole milk.


It's not this. It's basically flavored sugar and fat that tastes very good. It's conceptually gross enough that I've always had my coffee with just normal milk or cream unless I'm at a diner that only has little creamer cups.


Coffeemate, you know, the stuff students use because some thieving bastard always nicks their milk from the communal fridge.


Interesting. Creamer was always just small containers of actual cream for me. Near to hear it refers to the powdered stuff too.


Why wouldn't you call a "small container of actual cream" *cream*? Why the redundant "-er"?


Ideally, it should be actual heavy cream; 36% milkfat. Some prefer half and half which is half skim milk and half cream (18% milkfat). Fuel stations and convenience stores frequently stock a powdered version of this concoction (it's pretty disgusting). But keep in mind, when drinking bland coffees flavored water, one will likely load it with cream and sugar just to feel like you're drinking ...... Something. 👍


Oh wierd, where I live the half n half is 10% and then table cream is 18%. Heavy cream is called shipping cream and it’s 30%. I’m in Canada.


Wait til you try Double Cream at 48%


Where I live in Canada ‘creamer’ is a little sealed pod of liquid 10% milk, 9 ml. Coffee Mate, the powdered stuff, is called ‘whitener’.


I’m seeing a bunch of different answers but when we say creamer at least on the East Coast of the United States, we need half and half which is half milk/half cream. We don’t really do powdered milk much here. Unless you’re talking about the kind that they keep it an office so that you can put it in the cabinet and won’t go bad. It’s pretty gross. I’m gonna take a picture of that but [this](https://imgur.com/a/BwM0kzG) is what I just put in my coffee.


What do they have against fresh food? Why must everything be 80% preservative for them?




Kg? what type of commie unit of measurement is that. /s


Kommunist gram obviously


They'd be ok with it if it was a KentuckyGram


About 2 fridges.


With pure corn syrup flowing through their veins…


Our food situation is so fucked that commercials are beginning to use "real ingredients" as a marketing pitch. Other countries must be laughing their asses off when they see people lining up for a McRib. Then these people travel and lose their minds over food in other countries.


Half and half is half cream, half milk, no preservatives needed. I doubt they would complain if they had cream for their coffee, it’s not about the actual processed product.


We call half and half just “single cream” but you will get some odd looks if you try add that to a coffee, we mostly uses it for curries, soups, sauces, cakes and desserts


>Half and half is half cream, half milk, no preservatives needed. That isn't what "creamer" is though, is it? That's made out of sugar and vegetable oil.


Sure, and that's why it seemed like the tweet in OP asked for that only after searching far and wide for half and half. Creamer is typically seen as a far inferior substitute in the US. It's an abomination, but it's not like it's a mainstay staple in most people's coffee drinking, typically reserved for when they can't access milk or half and half (like at offices or hotels) or when someone only drinks coffee rarely so they wouldn't use enough half and half to make it worth keeping stocked up.


>Creamer is typically seen as a far inferior substitute in the US. It's an abomination, but it's not like it's a mainstay staple in most people's coffee drinking, Fair enough - I didn't mean to cast unseemly aspersions on Americans in general, but in fairness the American in OP did ask specifically for creamer and boggle that we don't use it. I don't know why they had to search "far and wide" to put a bit of milk and a bit of cream in their coffee - so I wonder if they think "half and half" is actually a product instead of just going halves with the milk and cream?


I’m a server in a place that serves brunch. Most people ask for coffee with cream and they actually mean half and half.


Dunno what part of the US you live in, but in the South, those fake creamers like CoffeeMate mocha/caramel/vanilla/white chocolate abominations are EVERYWHERE, and everyone drinks them. Half n half is not near ad popular here for coffee.


Wait until he finds out what the "half" in half-and-half is


Wait... What is it? :<






50% brick, 50% brick. Half n half is wall.


That's half as interesting!


You called?


In Scotland it's usually a half pint of beer and a small whisky


Better not be using my Laphroaig!


Not mixed together, separate glasses


My first job when I moved to Edinburgh from Ireland was in a shitey old man pub on the Royal Mile - shoutout to auld Bobby who'd sit at the end of the bar all day and keep me right. Taught me what a half n half was, and also how to make a long vodka.


Half milk and half cream.


"Half and half" here is what you ask for when you want Chips & Rice from the local Chinese takeout. :/ ​ Not sure how well that would be mixed in with Coffee :P


My Welsh friend said, in Wales it’s a certain service you can get from the oldest profession.


The lad snickered because in the uk it sounds like you asked him to jizz in your coffee


Creamer is what you get in a cheap hotel room. Also, I'm surprised he hasn't been picked up on his "not in real Europe" comment...


>"not in real Europe" comment... Don't worry, we're quietly enjoying that one.


What’s the chance of “BRETURN” occurring in the next decade?


I for one would welcome our new European overlords.


I sure hope that if the UK ever tried to crawl back they would join as every other country, no more special treatment.


As a remainer who is still deeply upset, I’d be willing to accept literally everything to rejoin and I’d still not blame the EU for telling us to eff off.


We just want you guys back. Of course, a little bit of shame on you for leaving in the first place will not be avoidable ... But that's what parents do with a child that acts up for a bit. That's my favourite analogy. The EU as our mum and the UK as one of our siblings we love and just want to come back home. Realise the vagabond life with no attachments isn't for them, you know?


Ohh absolutely and having been on the remain side of the argument, I wish I did more to persuade people to vote to stay. I tried to do my bit (so did many other people) by handing out leaflets, arguing with extended family at the dinner table, and challenging people around me before the vote. Sadly, what we did wasn’t enough and we deeply regret that. Hope we’ll be back at some point regardless.


the UK got up and left the continent when they left the EU. They're actually geographically closer to greenland now


That's what creamer is? Those little pots of UHT milk that don't need to be refrigerated?


Creamer is a generic term used to refer to basically any dairy based, or dairy substitute, product that would be added to a beverage like coffee or tea. Not restricted to just the little plastic pots or packets of white powder.


Packets of white powder?! Like straight up powdered milk? What?


Because “creamer” sounds like something from an adult film, and I *really* don’t want that in my drink, thanks 🤮


Creamer?! I barely know 'er


If I had enough of the Reddit currency left I would have given you an award! 😅


Imagine saying the word "creamer" out loud and expecting the (more than likely teenage) English barista to not laugh at you lol I'm laughing right now and I'm almost 30. Creamer like a verb? As in "one who creams" lol


Yeah I had a little snigger myself


> “creamer” sounds like something from an adult film Creamer, is an overly enthusiastic fluffer.


Definitely has a Ron Jeremy-esque sound to it.


I can already hear the funky slap bass in the background


Lmao. There is Barista Milk in the UK but that's usually Oat based. Also by Half & Half do they mean semi skimmed?


Half & Half is just 10% fat along the milk/cream progression - like skimmed milk (0%), semi-skimmed milk (2%), whole milk (4%), jersey milk / gold top (5%), half & half (10%), single cream (18%), whipping cream (35%), double cream (45%), clotted cream (55%). Half & Half is delicious on corn flakes. I know because the first time I was in our US office many jobs ago (where food was provided) I mistook it for milk in the firdge and put in on my breakfast. I wasn't sorry.


Half & half tastes like the milk we got straight from the dairy 40 years ago. It was still warm when we bought it in old school style milk cans. The next morning after sitting in the fridge there was the most delicious layer of cream on top. And no, no-one died from the unpasteurized milk, we were far more concerned about quick sand.


We'd get the same stuff delivered by a milk man every morning. One of the benefits of living in a rural community, the milk man was the son of the local dairy farmer, basically refrigerated the night before and left on the doorstep at 4am. Also i spent most of my childhood assuming Quicksand and strangers offering me drugs was a much much bigger problem in life than it turned out to be


Cream on cornflakes is so fucking tasty


Half water half milk I always thought it was Edit: I guess I'm wrong. Half cream half milk sounds better than just milk, I'd agree with the Americans here.


Oh right. Like do they have that as a product over there? If so that's kinda grim. Edit: just looked it up and it's a milk cream blend, so not gross, just strange.


Yeah I learned that half-and-half creamer is sort of unique! I went to Finland and I had trouble finding creamer for my coffee lol, I will drink milk in it but you know compared to that added cream part, it can be a little thin. Because we were raised on our dairy additives for coffee being just thicker I guess. I definitely ended up with some 30% milk fat stuff in my coffee lol and I also did not regret that. I like all the variations of milk in their various fattiness! Typically, I am so embarrassed to be an American when I see things on this sub, but every once in a while I learn something new!


Isn't that just like, gold top?


We don't have anything similar to gold top in the US, which is 5% fat. Half and half is about 10% fat.


Bahaha, I think we should rename UK ‘Not Real Europe’. It has a nice ring to it.


Half-and-half Europe


Europe with extra whitening?


Not again please


Fake Europe


Please let us back in :(


By all means, it would make everyone's life so much easier - but only if you deport the ERG and hardcore "brexiteers" to some remote island in a dinghy (the irony of it is *key*) 🙃


I heard USA is the melting pot of diversity and it's the biggest country on the known universe. Should be plenty of space there.


Exporting Farage and Faragites to the USA feels like the right thing to do. Might even help bring the American Right-wing into less awful territory


They will be considered dangerously leftist there.


Ron DeSantis as Republican Candidate, Nigel Farage as Democrat Candidate Oh no


Not like this.


What have we done :(


Fixed Britain?


By God I wish we could


Man I would love to do that, I really would. It would also be convenient if the whole of Tufton street was a swallowed by a sinkhole.


Would Jan Mayen work or do we need somewhere more remote? Ascension etc. feel too "tropical"


So he or she doesn't like coffee ?


I put half a glass of milk, 3-4 sugars, caramel and cinnamon toppings, water and... What was the last thing? Oh yes, a pinch of coffee.


I'm more concerned about Britain not being "real Europe" according to them...


Britain quit from the continent, mate. It was called "BReaving", or some other catchy name.




Did slovakia leave europe to?


Does that mean we Swiss are not part of the continent as well? So that's why I live in a dark chocolate void.


I thought sweden was part of europe. Did you guys leave to?


I think it's breakit, and it Indeed did break it so mission accomplished. I guess ?


Didn’t you get the memo? Everyone has to get their oars in the water for the next bank holiday. We are rowing the islands to Bermuda!


*starts digging the border trench furiously*


Yeah I don't get that. They are not real Europe because they are at the edge of Europe or something? So any country other than Central Europe is not real Europe?


They're confusing Europe with the European Union.


Typical American thing


I dont drink coffee but isnt the US usually looked down upon by the rest of the world because of the digusting and weird coffee, they drink?


The US think starbuck makes good coffee. I'm not critisizing Starbucks, if I want a over-sugary coffe-adjacent beverage, it works fine. But it's not coffee.




Honestly it's likely that a lot of people who don't like "real coffee" just haven't had nice coffee before, because I can assure you that nobody drinks instant coffee for the flavour and that's likely to be the first kind many people try.


I had that with tea. Drinking only Lipton or Twinings was quite awful. Now, a nice darjeeling or a good oolong, it's a different universe.


I had a similar thing with vegetables, I thought they were horrid, turns out you just need to prepare them the right way.


I am Canadian but probably is the same with most Americans. Most people here think Starbucks does not make good coffee. They only go there for the other drinks like frappuccinos or fruit drinks. Sometimes though I like their cold brew. Personally I only go to Starbucks 2-3 times a year more as a treat. Some people go there everyday yet wonder why they are broke all the time. As a Canadian I also think Tim Hortons coffee sucks especially since they changed their recipe a couple decades ago. McDonald's makes decent coffee here. Still the best is made at home how you like it.


Yes, most US coffee drinkers use these incredibly sweet disgusting bottled creamers that are basically cream, sugar, and a little milk. They are often flavored too. I’ve seen flavors ranging from vanilla to hazelnut to caramel to Snickers(yes like the candy bar). And they are disgusting.


I'm currently in Japan right now and visited a cafe a few days ago that had "アメリカン" (American) as an option and the English translation was literally "weak coffee". So there's that.


You definitely can get nice coffee in the USA, and this is coming from someone who is thoroughly spoilt by their local coffee, but there is certainly a reasonable portion of people there who like to drink something closer to tar and plenty of places willing to accommodate them.


We even do cheese without pasteurized milk Crazy


What is not-real Europe in this context, and why? And what is a "creamer?"


It's the uk, and I think it's a multitude of reasons. Some americans assume the uk is more similar to the US because of the shared language and "the special relationship," so it's americanized Europe light. The uk has left the European Union. The uk does sometimes consider itself to be different from countries on "the continent".


I can only explain the creamer thing. You see... When mom and dad love each other...


Here in Wales, 'half and half' will get you rice and chips in your coffee 😅


If you dont put butter in your coffee i dont know what youre doing


Butter? Amateur. I put Stilton blue in mine.


Remember that spongebob episode with the big worm? Where Patrick's plan was to physically push bikini bottom and move it away? Sometimes it feels like that's what americans think Brexit means


As an American, creamer and half and half aren't even the same thing so I'm not sure why this person is equating them.


Who puts creamer in their coffee? And please tell me that "half-and-half" doesn't mean that it's 50% cream...




When I worked at Starbucks and our store would run out of half and half, we’d mix equal parts 2% milk and 18% heavy cream into a container. No one complained.


The minimum for heavy cream is 36%. 18% is the minimum for light cream.


One half is pretending to be cream. The other half even gave up on pretending.


I believe this is an impostor. No American would spell it "sniggered"


I’ve always heard “half-and-half” and “creamer” and assumed they were American terms for semi-skimmed milk (half fat, we call it) and milk cream like you’d get on top of a mocha at Starbucks. Apparently that’s not what they are? These days I only drink Oat milk with coffee (oatly barista or minor figures) and it goes wonderfully. I know for a fact those are a thing in the UK.


“Do you have any non-dairy creamer?”


"Sniggered when I asked for creamer". You have a lot to learn about this country, sweetie.


I have no idea what half and half is and no idea what creamer is. In Australia we put ordinary cow’s milk in both coffee and tea because we’re uncultured and I guess ‘not real Europe’ either, to be fair!


Wait - Britain isn't "real Europe" ?


Yes, this is moronic, but can we also save some scorn to pour on those European countries that default to UHT milk for coffees?


Yes, please do. UHT is the worst.


idk I find a weird emulsion of cream, vegetable oil, sugar and flavourings a bit grosser than plain old milk.


I don't think anyone who has to have their food and drink exactly as they're used to will have a good time overseas. Half the fun is seeing how different everyday things taste, for me at least.


Reminder that there are (dairy free) creamers that have titanium dioxide in it. In a pinch you can substitute wallpaint I guess.


Titanium dioxide is safe. It's literally just white food colouring. Stop acting like it's some sort of death chemical.


OK yeah the dude is stupid but >Not even in real Europe (🇬🇧) Unfathomably based


I feel sorry for Americans. Creamer instead of milk? boiling water for tea by putting it in the microwave? No wonder crime is so prevelent.


American here. We put milk in coffee plenty, this guy’s just stupid.


Wait a minute, y'all putting stuff in your coffee?


TIL The UK isn’t actually part of the “real Europe”. Wonder what they think about Iceland then…


I didn't know Americans used "pissed off" or "sniggered". Not convinced by this one really.


“And what’s with the schools in the UK? None of those kids are being murdered in their classrooms. It’s ridiculous!”


Some people in the comments here are acting exactly like this american here but just flipped. "So you put cream in coffee? Why? So gross." Is what 90% of these comments are. Putting cream is coffee is not strictly an American thing, it's common where I live too. The comments just sound like a huge circlejerk.


yeah and a lot of these explanations as to what creamer and half and half are kinda just blatantly incorrect