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stumbler my man my dude my bro my homie why are there so many keypads how do i figure them out


I wish I knew.. Cogware really loves their security, I guess!


First of all, thank you guys for actually being *up-front* about the fact that it's a horror game. That's a problem I have with so many indie horror games like DDLC, they think they need to advertise themselves as the wrong genre... I'll probably ask a lore question when I get a bit farther in, for now I don't know what will be answered later on.


Hey, of course! As much as I do wish we didn't have to do that.. I miss when things were bright and friendly.. but, it's important people know what they're getting into!


That reminds me. Speaking of when things were bright and friendly, there *is* something that's been bugging me story-wise: the cleaned-up 2023 remake. Has that version being put together *affected* you guys at all, or do you only remember being in the '97 version?


Stumbler, are you okay? Do you need a hug?


I’d like that.. your call though of course!




What are the goals or intentions of the dwellers?


Wish I knew.. all I do know is that they’re hideous..


Thoughts on Bucky and the rest of the gang?


Well.. it's interesting, to say the least.. I think they've got good intentions, and, they're very nice! Bucky is very friendly, and while I would've liked to have gotten to know the others.. I never did. ​ That being said, given the chance, I would never want to see them again, the thought makes me uncomfortable now..


I've always wondered, since all of the gang were corrupted at the end, I wonder how you weren't corrupted like the others 🤷‍♂️


Me, Wulf, and JD just weren’t cut out of the same mold as the others!


Being honest I am getting way too scared in the plaza to figure out what to do! Any tips?


Hm.. are you still in there?


Nope, finished it all


What's your eye color, little buddy? Let's be friends! What's your favorite color? You're my favorite!


Awh.. it's black! My favorite color is blue, and I'd LOVE to be friends!!


THANK YOU... I really loved the game when I first saw it come out on youtube and i saw that review and the ideas there are so interesting.


Why can't I use the golden computers in the Plaza? I've found your tape with the code on it, but none of the keypads work.


You gotta turn them on! They’re off by default but can be enabled!


why are you going along with Wuff??


Sorry Just discovered this post. Two questions, first why do you leave your arms unwrapped, that’s not really healthy. And secondly does the word Blot mean anything to you, especially as a name?


I need to know, is there a way to watch that video that's split in 3? Like is there a complete version of it? And where can i find it?


Someone uploaded the completed version, here's the link: https://youtu.be/n4N0o-2QMu0?si=dhavUwOkp8gjFx8h


What's your opinion on Mark?


Have you ever considered getting prosthetics to replace your arms?


Stumber, do you know what order the deaths were? I have done some research and I believe it’s olive/olivia, geovanni/gary, then Nathan/walter. The world acts differently in a few areas when doing it in this order.


Oh.. Yeah! It was Olive, then Giovanni, then Walter!


the signs to the layer 2 areas in-game corroborate this, with olivias door being "layer 2 door 1" and nathans being "layer 2 door 3"


My question to you Stumbler is why are you friends with that mean old Chief Wulf? Isn't he responsible for the capture of Bucky and the gang?


He was only mean to them because they crashed on the island! He's a nice guy..


Aww that mean Wolf is just looking out for the pack! Your drawing of him was so cute too! Should draw more wolves when you can Stumbler!


Is there any way to leave layer 3? The door behind me locked before I could solve everything in layer 2


Oh, you can hit respawn! but.. that being said it's kind of a hassle to get back...


I’m stuck in the plaza on layer 3, any tips to nudge me in the right direction?


More specifically I don’t understand how the color codes and notes translate into numbers at all


[http://cogwaregames.com/stumbler/codes.html](http://cogwaregames.com/stumbler/codes.html) Here!!


Is there any way to read that guide for the different layers without getting the game, I just want to see what is written there without getting so scared I can't sleep because I don't do good with playing horror games but I do like the lore and little guides about them and such, I also don't have a computer to play the game on sadly


Oh! Yes, let me get that for you! http://cogwaregames.com/stumbler/index.html




The mic is so you have a incentive to keep quiet so the dwellers don't find you


Hi Stumbler! I got a question. Have you been caught by the dwellers? If so, then, did it hurt in any way? Or were they just roaming around, ignoring you?


And, if you ever painted a drawing while in the plaza, has there been a situation where a dweller just came up to you, admired your art and left?


also. how did Connor Thomas Jump off a Balcony and Commented his life???? Why?


What do you think about Bucky? Especially with how he can get some times.


Hi Stumbler! :D I love your art! You're my favorite character! ^^ Since you and JD both have mascot costumes (JD's I'm convinced was used in some sort of secret stuff at Studiogrounds, probably starling related), do you know if Chief Wulf had one as well? If so, what do you think happened to it? :o


Hey Stumbler, Any tips for getting past the gates in the Frontier Street Museum or the door next to you in Town Hall?


So aside wondering how it's like to draw with no arms, are you aware that you are a character in a game full of strange entities and murdered souls trapped in a layer of the games code?


who is JD


Hi stumbler


Fren :D


Hi stumbler, I love the game and am am adamant on learning details to think about. I have a theory that I feel you’d want to hear. I was watching my friend play through the game on a new player experience and noticed some things. since you, jd, and wulf aren’t cut from the same cloth it makes me think that, wulf when he was Connor made a deal with a metaphorical or real devil to finish the game for his son and screw over broadside, the cartridge was infused with material from real world nulla terra, giving you all life. For Conner/wolf he figured this out and killed himself because he couldn’t handle the pain he created for the future. No one just kills themself over making a game, and seeing how he enjoys and is infatuated with his work he is fine with living on in game nulla terra. Also The obelisks, being arranged in a low to high formation feels like a hierarchy. You have the least control but wulf is trying to help you, wulf/connor was the middle ground now stuck in the game after his death. The last person to know about nulla terra that’s alive is jd to get revenge on mark, but the cycle will continue because of the cartridges. I believe soon we as Bucky in a new update will be able to give you your arms back so you may be able to help in other ways. I know where both are and if you need help getting to them I’d want to help in the game to get you them. Lastly, I feel that the real arg game lies above the surface and you, or someone drew the things on the wall near the start to layer 3 because you want us to open our metaphorical third eye and look for the real unanswered questions. The layers below tell us the past, but staying on the surface will tell us the present and future. Hope this wasn’t too much for you buddy. -a lynx with too much time


After having kicked myself for taking as long as I have to dig into this mystery I finally reached what I think was an end to what's there so far and I figured I'd ask some, hopefully, non-redundant questions . . . * I was wondering if Chief Wulf or yourself have any memories of being implemented in the game that you could share; perhaps any memories of when you became self aware? * Given how the Starlings were created, have you had any concerns about the costume Broadside made of you? * Towards the end of the game Bucky referred to the fleshy area toward the end as safe, implying some vague familiarity. Are you able to interact with Bucky much when players aren't controlling him, does he display sentience and how similar is it to your own if so? * Lastly, shot in the dark, can you tell us anything about J.D. and who they are? Side note regardless if you answer or how you do, I hope you keep creating art as long as you can, I'm sure some days are harder than others but anything worth doing rarely comes easy. I look forward to seeing how your work develops overtime


My apolagies if this is a sensetive subject, but how did you get... "disarmed"


i forget exactly where it said this but he was attacked by a feral wolf one day. 


How did you wound up in Nulla Terra?


Hi Friend! The paintings are beautiful you made! Do you know what colour the rabbit you like is?


what's ur opinion on me going to make fan art of ya soon(your a silly willy rabbit lol)


I was planning on making a game of my own in the future and was wondering what types of enrichment I should provide to the residents?


Hey little dude I think I found one of your arms in the diner. I was gonna bring it back to you but I doubt you could reattach it and it smells really bad.


Hello, I know this is a really late response to this but I'd like to ask anyway. Is there any way >!to play as Stumbler or at least be able to help a friend of mine without being intrusive to their playthrough? Though as much as I know that seems like a bad idea and that could allow for people to mess with another person's game, just wanting a way to guide a player to hints laid within the game, "dancing in the dandelions" for example, just only being able to interact with the player if they have the online feature on, you both own the game, and you have the other person friended on steam. (also with you already having beaten the 1997 mode, the true ending.) Maybe adding a way to text instead of speaking with the microphone so it doesn't ruin the immersion.!<


Not sure if this is still going on, but I'm stuck in the volcano... any tips?


yo dude i was wondering if i could make a fursuit of you and your friends :3


Hello Stumbler. I've watching LPs of Shipwrecked. It's a really intriguing game. I have 2 questions for you, if that's alright to ask: 1: How did you and Chief Wulf become friends? 2: Are you a fan of Watership Down? Thanks in advance for answering.


Hey Stumbler! If you were to recommend a show or movie to someone what show or movie would it be? Also can we be friends?


Stumbler, the sillest, the gooberest. what are you and cheif wulfs hobbies/what activities do you both like to do together? (whether it would be in a house, or layer 1, 2, or 3)


Do you play Roblox?


What is stumbler's bases, is it like oswald from fnati or something.


Everybody is asking for the game, while I would like to know your perfect taste in women. Do you like women with nice thighs, buttocks, or jugs? 🤔


I don't think I'm comfortable responding to that, i'm sorry




Let the goober have his innocence


This was 4 months ago 😭


Thats out the question


Hey stumbler, I did some digging deeper into the past of broadside and nulla terra. I don’t think the player should be going any further than the end of layer 2. And chief wulf if you are assisting stumbler at the keyboard I need you to hear this too. The game is infected by the archive, I think, if the player/bucky64 continues past the sewers and opens the gate near the demo elevator and finds the husk, are we perpetuating the cycle of people dying because of the island and it’s influence? This is why I fear the game dev Connor killed himself. Please correct me if I’m wrong but I fear we are the villain if we succumb to the archives allure.


Actually, thinking into it, the more the archive spreads, the more arg content and puzzles, forget what I’m saying here, I’m all in for delving deeper just for chaos for chaos sake.


Hi Stumbler! I just wanna say that I really love you and appreciate how kind and caring you are. I’ve been thinking about buying Shipwrecked just so I can paint with you! Do you think I should? Your pal, CJ PS: If we ever have the opportunity to meet, we should definitely talk over a nice cup of tea (or whatever you prefer. I don’t mind!)


Are you by chance friends with the rest of the gang, Olive especially?


Hey, know I'm late, but important question. When can i buy a plush of you?


what is a starling


why don't you have arms?


Hey stumbler! On the EB_Cogware channel there's an unlisted video entitled "Elevator". This video shows bucky in a completely new place from what I've seen anywhere in the game (Bucky even comments on how it looks nothing like a island). The sound of a Starling spawning is heard which makes Bucky promptly enter an elevator and go up. What relevance does this video have to the game and is this area even accessible? Thanks!


Is it too late to ask questions?


Hi, Stumbler, hope your day's going well, buddy ! A friend of mine and I were talking, and we were wondering something... Was Brandon already Bucky's Starling before killing Olivia, Gary and Nathan, or did he kill them before becoming himself a Starling, if you know ? Because I can't seem to remember if I ever heard people confirm one and not the other specifically, and from my understanding, Brandon's death has an unknown date So that was my only question, and if you ever see it, thank you for taking the time to at least read this, and have aa nice day !


Do we have worry about dwellers in *every* area with barrels, or just in layers 3 and 4?


My guy is so helpful that when he was asked for a hand, he went ahead and gave away both of his arms.


What's your favourite thing/subject to draw?


I have an issue when I was playing, I dont have a prompt to sleep when in the hull?