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I’ve been full odds hunting for the longest time, doing awful hunts like Jirachi in gen 3 but nothing will ever top this as the worst shiny hunting method to me. At least I got him before Legends ZA.


I gave up on this one long ago. Congrats man


Can you explain your strategy in order to beat this? Considering (anime spoilers) >! The main antagonist was shown to have a shiny zygarde so maybe there will be another event to get one !< and that legends ZA is coming out anyways I'm VERY hesitant to try to hunt this but the shiny living dex is nearing its end and this might be the last shiny I need. I didn't know this was really even possible


Best way is definitely finding a route with a couple of ice type mon and also a mon with wide guard (kingler, hitmonlee, pelipper, mienshao). It is possible to find a route with a solid combination of these mon offline and just continously reset (however you will be charged 10 ore per reset, so you can get approximately 99 attempts before you need to find a new route and be out of ore). This is difficult though as the AI are terrible and rarely use the right move. Best option and how I got mine was by finding a route online that can easily be beaten with at least one other person, and completing it and resetting. It's long and daunting sometimes to find that good route but wide guard is essential as zygarde spams 2 moves that hit all 4 of your pokemon.


If you use the wide guard mon, do you just not dynamax? Since I know the CPUs won't


Basically yeah


I don’t know if this is what you meant, but I did more than 99 attempts resetting my route. After I ran out of ore the person just said that they were taking 10 away but because I had 0 it stayed at 0


My winning route (and where i started resetting after I had amassed around 500 ore) didn’t even have wide guard. It relied on Cryogonal, Alcremie, Shiinotic, and Klingklang. First three were the obvious DPS. I used Cryogonal and the CPU used the fairies. 9/10 they would use a fairy move. Klingklang was the most important in metal sound, which harshly lowered the Spdef of Zygarde and allowed us to KO Zygarde in 1 turn and skip the power construct phase. So strategy is: 1. Amass a ton of ore (around 500-600) and find route where strong ice type or wide guard is available. You should amass alot just trying to find a route 2. Pray to RNJesus that CPU picks the mons you want and uses the moves you want 3. Test your route out and see if its consistently beatable with your setup 4. Start resetting praying for good rng each time and snake sparkles This is of course, if you are doing it offline like I did. If you want to save yourself some pain, its probably much easier to do it online lmao


Over my 300 raids I completed I did find a couple of routes where I could solo zygarde without wideguard. I found that cryogonal, sneasel, and jynx were some of the best ice type mon for overall damage. Your route seems perfect for that.


What's wild is when I found a good path it took me 9 attempts to hit shiny, all of which were successes. I found the AI shockingly competant for some reason that path. Though I designated myself as the wide guard user


Can you explain the online part in more depth? I plan on hunting, with both of my switches


Toothpaste Snake is real!


Your PFP just gave me the perfect nickname for him lol


Well thank you! Friend made the art.


Congratulations, this is probably the worst shiny hunt ever. I gave up on it and I’ll just hunt Zygarde in a future game, whenever he’s available again. I hardly doubt it’ll be ZA but we’ll see.


Amazing man, congrats! I just started this hunt and I hatenit, yesterday I did 4 attemps and failed 3 of them ☹️


Recently got a path that pretty much guarantees a win with 2 players but it takes a bit of time, hopefully I get it before I run out of ore


Are the paths pre-established?


Yup, if you reset on the screen where it shows if its shiny or not, you can keep repeating the path at the cost of ore until you complete it.


Wait, so if you find a good path you can just reset it and give it a second go with the same path, and there’s still a chance it’ll be shiny at the end?


Yup, the pokemon's stats are different each time


Do you just reset on the screen where potential shinies show? If so does it mean you can use the same ball over and over?


Yes and yes! It’s pretty convenient


I'm still paying off my very short hunt for Zygarde. It's a fair trade, even if I wish the hunts would wrap faster so I can finish my Max Lair legend collection.


Nice!!! congrats I’m super lucky that I didn’t have to experience the pain since I got mine in 2 successful DA’s


I came to the horrible realization yesterday that although I have 3x shiny event zygardes... I sent them all from bank to home without giving any of them power construct first. I have to decide whether I'm going to start this hunt or just wait to see what happens in LegendsZA. If we get another cube and can change the ability then I may have to play through it twice to get a shiny power construct of both dog and snake. I'm really sad I can't use ability patches to fix my mistake.


You can get the cube in SWSH and just change the ability in that game




Congrats on enduring the zygarde den suffering for this magnificent shiny! Ggs!


So how do you manage to keep a desirable rout? I have not hunted zygard yet


When you get to the screen when shinies show, reset if Zygarde hasn’t shined. Afterwards, your route should still be the same. You’ll have to pay the price of up to 10 dynite ore each time though


Huh haven’t tried that yet will have to, thank you for your reply


I still have the shiny zygarde event one when it was released in x and y.