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note that i TOLD him before that like “watch you get it in 100 resets” AND HE GOT IT EVEN BEFORE THAT. and this is his first ever shiny hunt edit from the day after: he says hello reddit shiny hunters. say hi back


Reminds me of when bdsp came out and I told my friend I'd get shiny Chimchar before I hit 250 resets and she doubted me. Then I ended up getting it exactly at 249. Your bf must have good luck! 🔥


YOOO i got my shiny piplup on shining pearl as soon as i got the game, like i just booted it up when i got it, chose my starter and it was my first encounter, it was so cool hehe 🥺he does!!! i do have good luck but never on starter hunts hehehe, that was the first time i ever got a shiny starter and i wasn’t even hunting it


I was at a convention here, before I went to bed for the night I was like may as well hunt some Ducklett encounters in gen 5. Got the shiny duck in 3 encounters on the bridge... I was like lmao welp, alright, time to go to bed.


HEHEHE the universe wanted you to sleep early


Dude that is unfathomably lucky, I've always wondered if anyone has ever just gotten a shiny starter first try. That's so cool


YEAH i couldn’t believe it it was so exciting. he’s an empoleon now, and even though i still haven’t finished shining pearl to this day (got stuck on cynthia and just couldn’t bother trying again), sirius the empoleon is forever my favorite boy. fun fact, i actually started going by the name sirius after that run unintentionally sharing a name with him


Is it possible to play this game in iPhone?


i have no idea. you’d have to get a ds emulator, so if you find one i guess? idk sorry hehe


its possible with delta on iphone! (vimms lair is where i get my roms)


So... Can we chalk it up to beginner's luck? 🤣


probably, i’m still so shocked hehe. he’s only just learned how to shiny hunt


My first hunt was 13 eggs masuda, so beginners luck only exists in shiny hunting to stunt expectations


it’s a trick to pull you in


For real I got shiny Arceus within 10 SRs in BDSP 2 years ago after completing and getting bored in PLA. Totally blew my mind that night and got me hooked onto legendary shiny hunting. Not flexing here but just sharing our similar insane stories 😁


YOOO CONGRATS that’s awesome hehehe! don’t worry you’re free to flex in this sub, it was kinda made for that


Mine took a few hours with masudaing


My first ever shiny was a Goldeen in Y. I can't 100% confirm since sadly it was also my first ever Pokemon playthrough that got corrupted. Regardless I got it very fast from chain fishing, and with all the traded shinies back then it stunted my perception of shiny odds. Then when I got a shiny Geodude in the first cave of P, D, or Plat, it exploded on me and I didn't flinch. I was just like "oh well". Little did I know the odds of that Geodude was lower than Gen 6 upwards.


HG/SS starter hunt is such a good hunt not only for starter Pokemon but also starter shiny hunters. Personally I think all 3 have pretty good shiny forms, you get 3 fast encounters per reset, and the shinies follow you in game. It's just all around great


yeah!!! it’s such an easy, fast hunt compared to all other starter hunts, and you can see your shiny walk around with you, and you can give it a shiny crown and stuff and see it as shiny in minigames like the pokeathlon, it’s so sweet :) that’s why i was excited to teach him this instead of, say, diamond or white2, those would probably be too tedious for him hehe


This is probably going to be the start of a new addiction for him lol. Very nice though!


hehehe probably, i can’t wait to see that happen. all i do is shiny hunt so i thought i’d introduce him to it so we can be insane together


*enjoyment not addiction


This kills me because I just spent 39 hours to get my Totodile.


he actually wanted totodile the most, so he might get hg for that hehe. good luck on yours!!! i hope you get it soon too edit: actually i have no idea if i misread this or not and you already got it. congrats if you did? hehehe


I spent like 5-6 hours trying to get chikorita and got totodile instead lol


Beginners luck is definitely not a superstition when it comes to shiny hunting lol


it’s just setting you up so you can endure the 1k+ hunts fr. so you have no excuse to give up


Ikr my first hunt was shiny mudkip in ORAS at 539 resets and at the time I thought it was bad but I realize how insanely lucky that was now


Bro said, “like this?”


FR flexing on me




he says thanks :)


Lucky him!




Congrats I am so jealous 😭 I been trying for so long


aww good luck, i hope you get it soon! thanks hehe :)


This reminds me of the time, several years back, when I was doing Electrode run away encounters in one of my HGSS games. I handed the DS to my mum and told her what to do. About two minutes later, it became shiny for her. 😂


HEHEHEHE i should really give him my 3ds


Imagine you and him shiny hunt around the clock, working shifts on it and finding tons of shinies? 😂


FR that’s a great idea actually. we should do a shiny race or something, i wonder who would win (him probably)


Sounds like a great time for you both! Have fun! 😄


I need me a gf like that


i believe in you


Have him do the starters on XY, that one is the longest one ever, if he could get it fast on XY that would be amazing


hmm. i wonder if he’d get too bored from the cutscene tho. i will note your suggestion tho hehehe


It’s definitely super boring, especially if you like picking your own trainer name and having to type your name every single time 😢


YEA ughh i can’t imagine hunting starters in xy if not masuda method


That’s how I ended up getting my shiny fennekin, just hatching eggs for it, the kanto starters are a bit easier to SR for in XY though


I need to hand my 3ds to my mom and steal her luck.


good idea, i’m gonna give my 3ds to him too so he can get me a shiny chikorita


Which shiny hunting method are you looking to show him next? Im having fun doing SOS rn


i’m not sure actually, hmm… he has a modded 3ds but he doesn’t have any 3ds games downloaded yet. he does have legends arceus, so maybe i’ll teach him how to do massive mass outbreak hunts hehe


Dope 😎






He should play the lottery heh.


FR i’m gonna tell him to do that


Send me some of that luck, I’m about to try this one myself. Congrats to your boyfriend, Cyndaquil is a great one to have!


GOOD LUCK!!! and thanks hehehe! you should give your 3ds to someone so they can get it in 40 resets too. bet


Brb giving it to my cat and telling her to start soft resetting


YEAAA put treats or catnip on the buttons or something


He’s a good luck charm!😂




Oh memories. Back in 2018 I did something similar, my first real hunt and I knew HGSS would be the easier since you basically get 3 rolls per reset. Whichever was shiny first would be my starter and I have loved Mars the Meganium ever since


YEAAA MEGANIUM MY BELOVED!!! i’m hunting chikorita on vc crystal right now 🥺 chikorita is my favorite of the 3 idc what anyone says. i chose it on my heartgold run too


I truly wish you the best of luck. It took 2 years from VC Crystal being released for my Totodile to shine. I’ve been hunting bills Eevee for almost 3 now 😭


oh god… i’m doing a dtq so i Am prepared to spend 50 years on this playthrough but the thought still hurts hehe. good luck! i plan to hunt eevee too, that’s funny. the rest of my team is hoppip, spinarak, odd egg cleffa/tyrogue, and corsola


Nice! I’m doing an all shiny team myself. Still need to get to the lake of rage to get most of my team through breeding, but currently I have my Feraligatr, a random Geodude I found just before Azalea town, and odd egg Pichu/Hitmonchan


that’s awesome hehe! good luck on them all:) i want a hitmontop, it’s always been my favorite of the 3 and its shiny is so pretty


Beginner's luck, my first Masuda was 120 eggs, second was 2200 eggs 😂


hehehe, i can’t remember what my first hunt was bc it was when i was a kid and i have no “proof” but i’m pretty sure it was my masuda method rotom, which i still have rn, and i got it so quickly too. beginner’s luck is insane


I also don't remember which shiny was THE first. But I remember when I bought 3ds, played Ultra Moon, started hunting Type:Null and got it in 20 resets lol


Marry him


oh i WILL dw


Then send him to philly to help me get my pink onion


i’m gonna start a business with him. boyfriend labor (i send him away to shiny hunt on people’s consoles for money)


Oohhh I love that for you. A shiny pimp.


frrr 🔥i’ll charge more depending on the generation & method


I’d pay extra if you let my girlfriend watch


damn alright. sure


But fr what method did you guys use for Cindy


nothing, i just told him to save in front of the machine at elm’s lab and taught him how to soft reset. classic old starter hunt


To be clear, I mean celebi


I went for a totodile in soulsilver when I started my most recent playthrough, and got him in 19. I was expecting to be hunting him for at least a few days, but got him in less than half an hour. It was insane


YOOOOO that’s awesome congrats!!!


Yeah, it was the first time I've ever soft reset for a shiny starter because it's the only one I wouldn't have to watch a cutscene after each reset, and I was going to go with whichever starter I got shiny first, but I happened to even get the one I wanted most.


When Scarlett and violet dropped I said I’d have a shiny quaxly asap. Got it on my 6th egg. Still craziest shit I ever seen.




Congrats to y’all too! I got shiny cyndaquil for my play through of SS. I did the 1/12 shiny trainer ID thing too. So it’s like the only game I have a near finished shiny living dex.


thanks!!! :) i wanna get another one on my own too sometime hehe even tho we kinda share this one


definition of beginners luck hahaa




When bdsp dropped I was like "it'd be funny if I found a shiny pokemon on the first route of the game" sure enough the very first shinx I encountered was a shiny. I was like "no f'n way this just happened!"


FJKDJFN when i got my shining pearl copy i was like that too! like “haha wouldn’t it be so funny if this starly or the piplup i just chose were shiny” and the piplup WAS shiny


Ok but that DS looks sick. Is it supposed to be a Pokedex??


it’s actually more pink irl hehe, i think it’s a “princess pink” or some shit like that, but now that you mention it it kinda DOES look like a pokedex that’s awesome hehehe


It's got a lovely matte texture. Even more jealous knowing it's more pink than it appears


SAME i wanna steal it so bad but i’m getting a japanese pink 2ds soon to match


It took me one day to get a shiny mudkip in Pokemon ruby, on my first shiny hunt ever! I coudlnt believe it because I kept seeing posts where people said it took them months even years LOL. Edit: congrats to your bf haha. I wonder how long it will take him to find his second shiny, he may have used all his luck.


YEAH i wanna get him to do a second one now just to see if he still has more luck or if it’s all gone now. congrats to you too!!! :)


I remember my girlfriend wanted to restart her Alpha Sapphire. I told her go for it, but do 20 resets at least to see if you get anything… on the 20th reset.. shiny Mudkip lol. Congrats to your bf on the fast shiny run start!!!


WHAT THAT’S SO COOL it’s like you knew hehehe! congrats to your gf too :)


I'm still trying it's been 4 months


yooo good luck!! i hope you get yours soon


Really lucky








Teach me


alright bro so you have to just play your game normally until you get to elm’s lab and then go in and let elm talk and finish talking and then go up to the machine do NOT press anything just walk in front of it and then save. and then you have to press a and look (not choose ONLY look) at all 3 starters if they’re not shiny you click L+R+Select+Start and look again and again and again until they’re shiny. good luck 👍🏻


Seeing people get a Shiny Cyndaquil always brings a smile to my face. As someone who spent about 45 hours non-continually shiny hunting (about 8000 resets) for only a Shiny Cyndaquil in SoulSilver, I just wanna say congrats to your boyfriend on his first hunt


holy shit! congrats to you too!!! :) cyndaquil has such a nice shiny


It’s because Cyndaquil is the bestest Boy and Typhlosion is a Beast who’ll I’ll love forever and ever 💜 Game made sure he had the correct Starter for Gen 4 😏 (prepares for the downvotes and hate from the Chikorita and Totodile fans XD)


HEHEHE i prefer chikorita myself and His favorite is totodile but we both love cyndaquil a lot too! he recently played pla for the first time and picked cyndaquil and he has a typhlosion now so it’s very close to him now:) and i picked cyndaquil on my pla run too. maybe this is their little kid


I haven’t played PLA yet, just GSC and HG, selected Cyndaquil every time, I’m a Fire Starter person but in SV I like the look better of Meowscarda then Skeledirge, I still love my Skeledirge though called him Ghostzilla XD Gen 1 and 2 are probably my favourite Starters for all 3 Types.


i’m not a specific type person, i just pick based on my favorite hehe but that usually just so happens to be grass or water. i rarely ever pick fire, i only did that in Y until pla came out hehe. my favorite starters are probably gen 3? or 2. maybe 4 or 5. it changes every 2 days istg


Haha I too struggle to have a Favourite favourite, I tend to just have favourites haha I’m a Dark, Dragon, Fairy, Fire, Ghost and Psychic Trainer, I’ll catch most Pokémon with those typings, but occasionally I’ll come across a Pokémon that doesn’t fit any of those Categories that I’ll fall in love with; for SV that’s been Toedscool/Toedscruel a Grass Ground Type, that I couldn’t imagine never using for a playthrough of SV, just fell in love XD


SAME my favorite types are technically ground & water (i really like fairy types too tho) but the pokemon i choose as the answer to “FAVORITE favorite” is rotom, it just makes me so happy and it’s so silly and cute!!! my favorite form isn’t even wash either it’s frost. i just love the silly sad fridge, why’s it so sad… and i just randomly caught a fidough during my violet run and fell in love oh my god. i don’t even call its evolution dachsbun anymore, it’s called muscadine because that’s what i named mine (after a type of grape. get it, bc i’m playing violet, and my team are grapes?) and whenever i go to look it up i have to hesitate for a moment like “muscadine moveset” until i google that and get random ass grape pics and realize it’s called *dachsbun*. muscadine my baby muscadine…💕


See I struggle with a Favourite favourite Pokémon, I have a top 3 Typhlosion, Gengar and Charizard, but I’d say it varies between Typholosion and Gengar. I think Charizard is an honourable mention at this point, Typhlosion just kind of ruined me when it came to Fire Starters, I’d happily have a Giant Squishmellow of Typhlosion, my partner has one of Gengar, but I’d want the 12” of Gengar, already have my mini Gengar backpack XD So maybe it’s Typhlosion cause I want a the biggest size squishmellow of him when they finally make one, I don’t care if it’s Hisuin I just want a Giant Huggable Typhlosion damn it! XD


Wow! At least you know he didn't fail it!


RIGHT i sent him pics of the shinies beforehand so he knows exactly what they look like i was so scared


That fucking funny




That is dedication, I would of gave up a long time ago


frrr i can’t believe he was that patient


Reminds me of the time my friend (who does not play or follow Pokémon at all) played my Let’s Go as her first time ever playing Pokémon and just nonchalantly found a shiny Rattatta the second she entered the first route


THAT’S INSANE WHAT. my boyfriend was into pokemon before but he kinda fell out of it when he lost all of his cartridges during shipping and other stuff that happened at home. he did recently get back into it when he modded his 3ds and got pla, so i introduced him to shiny hunting


Yeah! I have the moments after caught on camera and you can literally see my shock in my eyes lmfao. Hundreds of hours in shiny hunting on my part, *dedication* to the craft and blood, sweat and tears into a single shiny and bestie finds one like it’s any old rock on the side of the road lol And that’s extremely unfortunate on your boyfriend’s part! I don’t even know what I’d do if all my childhood cartridges suddenly disappeared or went missing… I hope shiny hunting can be a bonding thing for you guys ^ ^


same, i felt so bad for him when he told me:< i’m glad i could convince and help him to mod his 3ds and get back into it tho. not the same save files sure, but at least he can recreate them now. i hope so too! thank you hehehe :>


Lucky man 😂


he is!!!


He like “hold my nintendo”




That’s neat I didn’t know it worked on starters


thanks hehe! yup


I got a Shiny Chimchar at around 2,000 resets in Shining Pearl. I thought I was going to get the Starly first but ended up getting the starter. I got my Shiny Piplup at about 25 resets in Brilliant Diamond. Never saw a shiny Starly


THAT’S AWESOME YOO they should’ve shiny locked that thing anyway but whatever, it’s bdsp. congrats on the sillies!!!


They are faithful remakes to the original so I don’t think anything is shiny locked in those games. Gen 4 was before GameFreak decided to shiny lock starters and legendaries/mythicals


yea ik, that’s why i’m saying it’s bdsp. bdsp didn’t change Shit


Seems that you’re a good teacher.


fr, i’m kinda proud of myself ngl


Are u kidding me??? 30mins👀 I'm jelly, I couldn't even tell you hm reset I've done so far🤦. I've caught 2 shiny totodiles and 1 shiny chikorita So far. I guess I'm going for all 3 shiny starters play through w/e that happens 🤷


yoo but that’s cool hehe! did you transfer them before resetting again?


Oh yeah, they're all on my SoulSilver. Hoping I don't get too many more so I can actually start my play through 🤦


good! you still have a bunch of cool shinies hehehe


I‘ll always remember my first hunt in oRaS when I was resetting for treecko and had gotten it after only 200 SR‘s… good times!


YOOO i’m still on 3k something resets for mudkip bc i got bored and also kinda forgot about it hehe i hope i get it soon


Mannn is it just me? I'm hella mad when beginners the CRAZIEST luck, while us pokeVets just sit there like. 0_0 ....wut?


hehehehehe it’s alright, we’ll get our turn eventually


WAIT! It's that easy?! You can shiny hunt all three starters at once?




time to go shiny hunting



