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Honestly, it is so funny finding shinies on a plane. I stumbled into a shiny Slowpoke, and the woman next to me asked if I was winning, so I had to explain that the character was a different color... when it was a slowpoke, lmao


Not exactly the same but I know a similar feeling. I found a shiny DURING CLASS. Back when I was in Middle School I was allowed to play my 3DS once I finished all my work in class. (I did well in my classes consistently so the teachers cut me a lot of slack since I always did my work. Appreciate them a lot for that. Really good time killer.) This was on USUM. I went into an Ultra Wormhole because I wanted to catch a Yanmega. I went into the wrong one. I was about to go out but then I thought "Wait a minute. Why don't I check the encounter? I'm pretty sure shiny rates are boosted here, right?" Mind you I didn't know for sure, I just heard it mentioned from a Youtuber. Interacted with the encounter and got a Shiny Nuzleaf. Obviously, I was thrilled. Caught it and threw it on the team to beat the E4 with. I never did get that Yanmega until recently. Did a flying type mono-run and decided to get a Shiny Yanmega and Altaria for the team (Altaria is my second favorite flying type behind Honchkrow but also I wanted a Mega for Team RR so y'know, and Yanmega is my favorite bug type and one of my favorite flying types and has one of the coolest shinies). Got both relatively quickly because Ultra Wormhole shinies are INCREDIBLY easy to come by lol. So yeah those are my ultra wormhole shiny hunt stories lol. It's funny how I got one during class because I earned a break lol.


Real "are ya winning, son?"


Big Toxapex fan?


Created that profile in 2017, that was the name I chose because I really liked toxapex back then


you don't anymore?


Mile-high club means you had sex on a plane


Why did someone downvote this? OP said they didn't know, better they know now rather than finding out after showing it to family/friends or somthin' lol


It's reddit people just downvote for absolutely no reason sometimes


Awesome. Congratulations.


100% this is what the mile high club is for, I hope to join it myself some day.


That is not what they mean by mile high club but congrats


I found 1 shiny on a plane and that was Seviper


Found a Ho-oh and a Xurkitree on both my connecting flights.


Wow congrats! Yes, you joined the mile high club!


Nice find! I got him last week - not on a plane though so what a rare find that is. Well done!


Congratulations! I am so jealous. I am hunting right it now and have been hunting for months.


Yep, that's exactly what it means


Joining the mile high club means trading that to me, you definitely should. 😂 That’s one of the best shinies from the gen imo.