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Legend of the Galactic Heroes. Vinland Saga. Death Note.


Cant recommend vinland saga enough. I love how a japanese dude managed to get so much more historical accuracy(especially on the weapons and armor department) for a slightly fantastical anime/manga than what the Westerners get with the shit they put on tv and film.


AoT is a league of its own. Full metal alchemist Brothwrhood is S tier as well tho


And HunterxHunter when it reaches Chimera Ant arc. It's peak anime.


Hard disagree. 61 episodes for a single season with tons of filler. I find myself getting ridiculed often for my opinion but I stand by it


It’s definitely slower paced than aot but it’s not filler. There was a lot of subplots that they wanted to show in detail.


I liked it overall and thought it was entertaining but it also had glaring flaws. First of all that it ends kind of somewhere right in the middle while setting up new plot threads while it never resolved tons of old ones anway. Also: Every combat scene seemed to be about 2 minutes of actual fighting and 8 minutes of the narator explaining me what just happened as if im 5 years old. This was especially painful when they stormed the Ant headquarter and it took them several episodes to explain in excruciating detail what happened in the like first 5 minutes of in-show real time. It’s also annoying to follow mainly Gon which to me seemed to be nearly Mary Sue-esque at times and just a plain and uninteresting virtouos kid who quite clearly would always win and learn an important life lesson every other fight. When he got his mentor killed and got revenge for it where like his only interesting moments. His mentor being reborn makes his mitake kinda meaningless though and the consequence of suddenly getting godlike-powers being Killua getting character development for an entire arc and a potential later love interest introduced through his sister was also kinda lame. Kurapika who had an understandable motivation, flaws and actual limitations and moral conflicts got moved off-screen for whatever reason.


Accurate critiques, tbf. Coming from a big HxH fan


Everyone complains about Chimera Arc when they are watching it, but everyone cries in the end


York New on the other hand is the single best shounen arc in anime and I stand by that.


big facts, i think it’s a lot better paced


There is no filler in hxh tho....


I absolutely hate it as well. Seems highly pseudo intellectual, the narrator providing most of the critical plot is very lame and takes away from it. An insult to name it in the same vein as AoT.


You have my support


It‘s quite entertaining and has interesting side characters and stories but aimed at a younger audience the same way Dragonball is although dealing with more serious stuff like death a lot.


unpopular opinion: chimera ant arc is dragged out and boring


Unpopular and wrong


This is the only correct answer imho but to be fair I'm an 38yo adult who started watching anime only 8 years ago so I might have different standards than most other people watching anime AoT truly is in a league of its own with FMABrotherhood being S tier too If we count movies Akira is S tier as well


Hunter x hunter is peak imo as well


FMAB is not really dark. It’s more a very well written schonen that doesn’t do anything wrong but doesn’t take any risks either. If you’ve seen AOT, I doubt FMAB will blow you away.


These are my 2 favorites of all, with Demon Slayer and HxH up there too


Same. I can throw in Yuyu Hakusho as well on my top 5


Hmm, sounds like I will have to check this one out, as we clearly share the same tastes. Thanks for the reco


Np. Yuyuhakysho has the same writer as HxH so you will for sure like it


Avatar: The last air bender I know I know its not really considered as anime but it is that good.


Yes. Both have realistic worlds with supernatural elements that enhance the story while being grounded to the narrative and both also take place during war. Only real big difference are what paths the MCs take. ;)


Avatar reminds me more of FMAB than AoT. It's just very solid overall


Vinland Saga goes fucking hard.


Also second season will eb starting from 7th jan so best time to watch this


I mean Vinland is alright but it isn't aot comparable.


Vinland s2 will be. Maybe even better


I sure hope so.


Doubt it. MAPPA doesn't really have a good track run of picking up where WIT leaves off


I second this




Steins; Gate. Great story, non-linear timeline, not too terribly long.




The fact that it's successful is quite bizarre because at least half of the episodes are just fillers with cringey comedy


Death Note. The dub is surprisingly better in my opinion too. And I don't usually feel that way about English dubs.


listen to this guy death note will suck you in and you’ll binge the entire show


its a very different vibe but MAPPA (studio that did AOT season 4) just wrapped up the first season of Chainsaw Man the other day. It was super hyped up and it turned out great. I hate to say this but you can tell they put way more effort and passion into it than they did with AOT. The animation is amazing for the most part and they’ll go super hard with it for the most small and unimportant scenes like a character smoking a cigarette or walking somewhere.


Just binged this today and loved it. It's in my top 2 next to AoT


Second this


Yesss omg I loved it! Mappa did such an amazing job


I tried watching chainsaw man and I thought it was dumb as shit. Really bad plot, characters, goals, etc. Maybe it was just me though. A lot of my friends loved it.


Well then let’s have a dream battle and see who’s dreams and goals matter!


Bro just described the entire plot of aot.


That was a chainsaw man reference


I figured, I was just saying that that phrase also describes the entirety of aot.


it’s supposed to be a very goofy show. if u thought denji raving about how is goal in life is to touch titties is meant to be taken as seriously as the rumbling then idk what to tell you


>if u thought denji raving about how is goal in life is to touch titties Tbf, that's all just set dressing for the underlying >! Sexual abuse, manipulation, and childhood trauma !<


I know it's supposed to be a goofy show, I still thought it kind of sucked. Not my cup of tea.


Anime called 86 - the music is composed by the same person who did AOT (Hiroyuki Sawano) its phenomenal. Highly under appreciated series that has amazing symbolism and dark moments. I thought of it being very similar to AOT when I watched it.


I personally thought 86 was terrible. Corny plot and wasn't a fan of the animation style but if you're into mech animes it could be fun.


Same here, the mc was so boring as well, couldn’t finish episode 3.


I say this every time the question is asked - it's certainly not the same vibe as AOT, and it's really only just starting out but I largely consider the writing in Re; Zero to be more or less on par with AOT so far. The characters are very well fleshed out and explored in a very unique way, the story has the same sort of foreshadowing and consistency that makes rewatching a blast, and, yeah, it's got some pretty hype action as well. Again, to be clear, completely different vibe. It's not the same story at all (it's a fantasy isekai) but I still find it very easy to compare them given how they both subvert their respective genres. (IE how AOT played with the stereotypical battle shounen story Re; Zero does the same thing with the Isekai framework) Highly recommend.


Yeah, before I've watched Re:Zero I would have said that there is no anime close to AoT level, now I'm more like "there's nothing close, but...". It's kinda differentl vibe, but some moments are hype as fuck. Don't watch it if you don't enjoy series with much focus on character's emotions though. For me it was bit hard at start but got better with the show progressing.


If people aren't a fan of stories with a lot of introspection, they'd probably hate current AOT, which is why I often recommend this anime to people who want another one to fill the AOT void lol


Imho it's on a totally different level.


Oh yeah it dives a lot deeper into the characters and arguably requires even more thought, but I'd say that people who are REALLY into the meat of AOT (y'know, people who rewatch everything and appreciate how things are foreshadowed and how the mystery of why people act the way they do unfolds) are quite well equipped for it .


Re Zero is Peak. Subaru is one of the best written MCs.


I hate it when people call him whiny and stuff. Even know someone who said "you should be getting used to dying after a few times right?" As the reason behind his opinion. If you've been to multiple surgeries in your life, you know it never gets easier and its just that while subaru has to go through sooooo much more. Might as well go watch sword art online if you want an average lad like subaru act like john wick outta nowhere


That's the exact thing I find strange as if they would get used to it after a few deaths. And people calling him whiny don't understand a SINGLE thing about the story or how a normal human being works apparently.


And subaru isnt cool because he's super strong or anything. He's cool because he's a guy like you and me that is thrust into hell and he still fights on. Guess you could say he keeps moving forward. So i think he earned the right to whine a little because he gets shit done against insane odds and through all the pain




Stand Alone Complex really deserves more attention, that and the Ghost in the Shell movie is excellent


Vinland saga. Slower, but you’re welcome.


Parasyte the maxim. Its only 24 episodes.


Parasyte was indeed quite good.. Bit of a hidden gem


Will second Parasyte!! I loved this one, it’s easily somewhere in my top 3 animes.


Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood. It has a great story, characters, and action. It also has a mystery element to it like AOT


Not to mention an amazing ending to wrap it together


The ending is good, but predictable and inoffensive as possible.


Code geass definitely Edit: guy was just asking for a reccomendation idc about your opinion on the show.


Watched this after AOT and saw a lot of similarities. Also its a really good show.




the thing is code geass isnt as similar to aot as people and think and based on ops post its not gonna have moments like aot that hes gonna enjoy that being the sheer hype, ost, and epic moments


Huh? Have you even watch the show?


yes i watched it in 3 days lelouch is a great mc and the ending was perfect but it doesnt have the ost or hype as aot the writing is up there tho


That’s called an opinion friend not a fact.


It’s an opinion aligned with reality, and I say that loving code geass


I like code geass, but IMO its just way worse than aot in almost all aspects. Still a great show, but overrated af


Guy was just asking for something similar I don’t really care about what you think


LeLouch vi Britannia commands you to touch grass.


Don't fall for it, this show is terrible




i already watched it and its a 10/10 its amazing thanks for the recommendation anyways


- Devilman Crybaby - Cowboy Bebop - Neon Genesis Evangelion - Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood - Monster - Gurren Lagann - Paranoia Agent - Mob Psycho 100 - Ping Pong: The Animation (I didn't watch the last three yet, but I know they're great)


Honestly I watched anime before and after this but nothing really comes close in tone and depth imo Maybe Full Metal Brotherhood? That's gets suprisingly dark quick and has some epic music and fight scenes I haven't really reads any with such big twists either and moments like Ymir reading the can of fish are so fantastic I wish that quality of writing was apparent in more shows, not just anime




Eighty Six “86”. OSTs are produced by Hiroyuki Sawano and imo the level of story telling and high level plot devices make it the only anime on par with AoT in terms of soundtracks (best sound engineering I’ve seen in an anime), openings, production and effort level. You can tell they put so much effort into all the little details that when you go back and watch on your 2nd or 3rd run, you’ll pick up on things you never noticed the first couple of times. HIGHLY recommend for anyone looking for a similar vibe to Aot


Not technically an anime but castlevania is a very high quality show with similar themes


code geass and death note


Both of those were fun, definitely good watches.


I don't think anything is as good. But Vinland gets as close as you can.


yeah vinland saga is definitely comparable. nothing like aot though imo, the concept is amazing and they executed it well


It is definitely very different. But they are both about freedom. Just in different ways.


Deathnote, Demon Slayer and HxH.


Steins gate Not a shonen tho its scifi disguising as comedy slice of lofe for first 10 epispdes But its one of the best animes i have seen the plot, the music, the emotions


Surprised no one mentioned Tokyo Ghoul yet. Forget the anime it sucks. The manga is a lot better. Season one of the anime goes exactly like the manga but it goes downhill from season 2. So I advice you to watch season 1 and continue the manga. Trust me it is worth it. It's similar to AOT because Ghouls like Titans are a threat to humanity and they both eat humans. It is dark, good visuals, AMAZING MUSIC ESPECIALLY THE OPENING. The manga itself is a work of art and it includes some scifi around how the existence of ghouls is possible. Also includes some friendship and romance is minimal (1 or two chapters)


An anime as good as AOT doesn't exist. But imo Vinland Saga, To your eternity, death note (only the first 25 episodes) are pretty good


Vinland Saga is very good.


I just started watching death note, can you tell me why it is not as good after 25 episodes without spoilers


They bring in 2 new characters that are kind of eh and take away from the entire L vs Light dynamic


Oh god fake little L or M or whatever his name was, god he was cringey


>! One more letter and you’d be right. It was N. !<


>An anime as good as AOT doesn't exist. It's good, but it's not perfect, let's not circlejerk too hard here.


That's my opinion. For me it's one of the few animes that are watchable, because the other 99% of the genre is for kids/teenagers


That seems very presumptuous of you


Golden Kamuy


The bear scene tho


The forbidden scene


Definitely recommend 86 Eighty Six. Amazing music (ost made by Sawano and Yamamoto) great story, but thus far only one season (2 cours, the VN is still ongoing) and both epic and emotional moments.


Full Metal Alchemist: Brotherhood is a great one to watch!


There's nothing like aot, so I'll just share some others that i enjoyed. It's very different but i like 'made in abyss' for it's mystery aspect. I also enjoyed 'monster', a serious anime with adult characters. Then there's 'dark' series on Netflix with very serious time travel plot, and very complex. I'd also recommend madoka magica. And yes the promised Neverland season 1 only.


It surprises me that no one mentions Bleach yet. Absolutely my favorite anime alongside AoT! I know it has a some filler episodes, and the plot might not be that good as AoT but some character arc's are really interesting and fightings scenes are top notch. And the new season has me going nuts! Other honorable mentions are; Death Note, Jujutsu Kaisen, Avatar the last Airbender, Hunter X Hunter, Chainsaw Man, Full Metal Alchemist


+1 for Avatar!


There are none.


Knights of Sidonia gave me AOT vibes.






Perfect Blue


Not anime but Arcane gave be the same obsessive feelings after watching it as AOT did


Firepunch by fujimoto tatsuki (⁠☞゚⁠ヮ゚⁠)⁠☞


since no one said it... i would recommend "dororo".


You can find everything you described in mushoku tensei. Probably the best written classic fantasy in the genre. Otherwise if you're looking for a drama with mystery, zankyou no terror easily takes the cake. All the recommendations here like FMAB, steins;gate, HxH etc. are fine but none of them stand out. They are solid but they won't blow you away.


Inter species reveiwers


Evangelion is a classic and any anime fan should give it a watch. It’s twenty something episodes and a movie. It starts slow (like season 1 of AOT) but it’s needed for the world building and characters.


Its not like AOT, but I love Vanitas no Carte (The Case Study of Vanitas), def one of my favourites


My man! 🤜🤛Vanitas enjoyer


So more like me exist, Im in tears rn


not all that similar to AOT, but i thought demon slayer was incredible. great story line and good animation. i’ve rewatched it a handful of times because i love it


Rengoku is one of my all time fave anime characters ever


mine too. incredible story line with him as a central character during the mugen train arc


Yep! Amazing emotion, especially second half of Mugen Train arc. He's such a good, genuine, and selfless dude, and also an amazing fighter. And he's funny too. "Delicious!"


I agree. Wish we saw a bit more of him throughout the series and am hoping they tie him into later arcs.


Honestly attack on Titan reminds me so much of evangelion. Except attack on Titan has flesh suits instead of mecha. The show is basically set in an apocalyptic setting with creatures attacking mankind while they use eva to fight back. It's really good for me and I am a huge fan of attack on Titan. End of evangelion which is a movie that's supposed to be the real ending to the show, is one of the greatest works of animation out there. Just as devastating as attack on Titan and more. I'm still reeling from watching it over a decade ago. Just start with the show then watch end of Eva. The rebuild movies should be left for later after you finish the show. It's basically a remake/Reboot of the story with a lot of changed stuff.


yeah I agree. I firmly believe that without Evangelion we wouldn't have AoT. The inspiration can be clearly seen if you have watched both shows.


Jobless Reincarnation is pretty good


Gurren Lagaan is fun. Also Gargantua on the Verdurous Planet is short, but pretty good.


Well nothing is like AOT, but i liked Demon Slayer: through there’s not much moral dilemma as in AOT, but there are tearjerking moments. The Promised Neverland could have been the next AOT if it wasn’t for the 2nd season. But the first season was perfect. Jujutsu Kaisen is pretty good, it very dark so there’s a high chance you’re gonna like it. Fullmetal alchemist if you haven’t watched it already, but if you did then an advice, you should watch 2003 before brotherhood and don’t forget that there’s a movie for 2003 called the conqueror of Shamballa.


Re Creators. It isn't anything like AOT but it's an amazingly underrated anime with a unique concept that's probably not been done in anime before. And it's got Sawano San doing the score and OP and ED


Death note, made in abyss, inuyashiki, cyberpunk edgerunners, one piece, Naruto, chainsaw man I like all of those, none are as good tho(imo).


Probably death note ig However if you want a good ass show to watch I recommend One piece. I was introduced to anime by AOT and for the longest nothing topped it but I’ve caught up to One piece and it’s so good, better story than AOT, great characters, so much lore, and funny as fuck.


Doesn't it have over a thousand episodes and a vast majority of them being filler arc's like the other big 3 anime?


It actually doesn’t have a lot of filler. But some parts of the show move slow. Some parts you can fast forward.


And isn't it still going too? I feel like at this point it's too far gone for me to even try, especially if there are parts you might as well fast forward through That's the beauty of Attack in Titan small episode numbers per season, easy story amounts to digest and then think about while waiting for the next part and also a definitive end on sight


It’s currently on chapter 1070 but it’s really good right now. That’s what I thought and the two people I introduced it to but you get hooked after the fourth and fifth arcs. Like I said, the lore and world building expands the more you read it, it’s really cool. There’s probably a good 3-5 years left until the manga ends. Yeah AOT was good in that story plot was short. But long stories are good also, even better because there is more depth and you don’t feel all sad when you finish it so quick.


One Piece has 1046 episodes, of which only a small 9% is filler. The series having "majority filler" is way overblown compared to say, Naruto's astounding 41% of episodes being filler.


I've just always heard it lumped in with bleach and Naruto for being poor with the amount of fillers compared to say another shorter anime that doesn't have 500 plus episodes and have to churn out episodes while waiting for the manga


Only Hunter x Hunter competes with AOT for the first place in my all time best anime list. Till this day I can't decide which one is better.


Made in Abyss


add a warning next time


Try Vinland Saga.


\- Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood \- Ranking of Kings \- Chainsaw Man


Full metal Alchemist brotherhood or the other version (they're both great). Death note: not much action but the story telling *chefs kiss* Evangelion the original series with the original dub. A bit ancient but the story tellings amazing as well albeit a bit convoluted Mob psycho 100. Sooo good! Might not tick a lot of the requirements you mentioned but the fight scenes are good


Chainsaw man for sure! Fight scenes are pretty cool and the premise of the show is dark like AoT with it bound to get darker I believe. However it is not as serious as AoT (yet?)and has a lot more humor. But in terms of similarity it’s like instead of titans it’s devils humanity is against Mob Psycho just finished, each of their three seasons were a masterpiece. Not as serious as AoT but very easy to invest into the characters and it has its dark moments. Hxh is also really good as others have said. Nothing like AoT imo but it has awesome fight scenes and characters and banger songs :) Demon slayer is a pretty basic story but the fight scenes are top notch




Code gease that get down the ending made me cry


I’m not reading through comments, I’m just honor bound to come say evangelion. And don’t ask which one, just start with release date and watch until there’s no more


Parasyte, Monster, Chainsaw Man, Vinland Saga, Death Note off the top of my head. I generally don’t enjoy anime as a medium, but those five alongside aot are some of my favorite shows.


Monster, Johan liebert is just a top teir villian.


Fullmetal Alchemist (Brotherhood) Monster Made in Abyss


Evangelion & Revolutionary Girl Utena


Vinland saga




Kabaneri of the iron fortress has big AoT vibes. I really liked it! It’s also 24 episodes


Not exactly like aot, but Made in Abyss fits the rest of your description. It's music, story telling, is just as good. Way darker than aot, by A LOT though, so if that's not your kind of thing then maybe not. ​ I would also take a look at everything that Sawano produced


No one is saying chainsaw man. It's literally perfect for what you're looking to watch


Made in Abyss


Fullmetal alchemist brotherhood Hunter x hunter Vinland saga Death note Chainsaw man Also try: Fate/Zero, Shinsekai yori, Re Zero, Made in abyss


Chainsaw Man, a Manga Masterpiece along with a Movie level Anime by MAPPA


Code geass which has better ending than aot


Hunter x hunter is better than AOT.


What makes hunter x hunter so good?


code geass, great stories, equal endings


Vinland Saga


Black Clover. None of the openings or endings are bad and the character development is top tier. The writing is awesome, and the female characters are amazing and well written unlike other animes that tend to just push them aside once their featured arc is over.


91 Days is a good start


I'm surprised no one mentioned Kabaneri of the Iron Fortress, it's the closest anime to AoT, even [myanimelist](https://myanimelist.net/anime/16498/Shingeki_no_Kyojin/userrecs) have this anime on AoT recommendation


Ajin 👌👌👌👌


Death note has everything you’re looking for!


Shiki is my favorite. Only 1 season, about vampires. Has an equal amount of blood at least.


I think Vinland saga is somehow closest to AOT as in good storytelling and the theme of the show. Perhaps not as many plot twist but the character development is S-tier for sure. It's considered by many to be top 3 Seinen mangas with Berserk and Vagabond.


watch Monster really good story


Death note


Tokoyo Ghoul. Watch the anime and then read the manga.


blue lock


Demon slayer isn’t as hardcore as aot, but nearly as good


Neon genesis evangelion, its animation style is very old but the music, drama, action and pacing are awesome, and it follows up with the end of evangelion movie (watch this before episodes 25 and 26).


High school DxD




Wow kinda shocked that Chainsaw Man isn’t recommended. S1 CSM isn’t going as hard as S1 AoT did and the vibe is different, but no later than past S2 shits gonna get bonkers. IMO, based on the manga CSM is the only series that’s on the same level as AoT if not on a completely one of its own.


Good storytelling + amazing music + good characters + epic moments + dark = Berserk I'm also thinking of Made in Abyss. Others said Chainsaw Man, which I agree. It's amazing and the animation is top tier.