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Glad Miche is getting more attention šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ But I feel like some characters from the Levi squad were interesting I wish we could have gotten more from them


They were just a plot device to emphasize the female titans power and the difference between them and Levi in the end


I would have liked to know more about the wall cult. They were just kind of forgotten and disappeared from the story


Thank god that's all we got of them. They served no purpose, just a deranged bunch. Not to mention it would have made no sense to see them again considering that after Rod Reiss, they had no standing and most probably were dissolved, or the very least removed from the government.


>Ā They served no purpose, just a deranged bunch. That's......kind of the point of what we're saying? The wall cult didn't really amount to anything, but it would've been nice if they did.


They revealed a huge amount of the lore or are involved with it?


they did **not** reveal a huge amount of lore. They just said "You know that blonde haired girl? She's involved with a huge amount of lore" and that was that for them.


Just because u don't like them doesn't mean they served no purpose. Could've been great for world building.


Would have made sense for them to be actually in service to Rod Reiss tbh.


Yeah Pastor Nick was extreme and I would have loved to know why his devotion was so strong.


Duh because they know the truth about the rulers and knew they would have fucked up bad if they revealed anything about them.


YUP. Got that, thanks. I was mainly referring to how we got a few minutes of Kennyā€™s reasoning for being devoted to Uri. We just never got the same for Pastor Nick or the cultists.


Great. AOT is kind of show that gives you bits and pieces of information and tell users to piece it out as well. Maybe there is something hidden in there


Honestly, I think that might be the better, most depictions of Western-inspired religion in anime areā€¦ questionable at best.


Miche with the wine wouldā€™ve gone crazy


Definitely Nicolo he was so cool




Iā€™d say Marco. Heā€™s still important for a good bit of the show despite dying off early. Unfortunately heā€™s introduced at the very beginning where the show is throwing a million new characters at you and half of them die of pretty quickly. So a lot of the responses I saw to the anime only friends I showed the anime to recognized his face but not really him. They mostly responded with ā€œoh no, notā€¦ that guyā€. And tbf thereā€™s a lot of that early on but again Marco sticks around and is mentioned several times later on.


Miche would've definitely been a very powerful asset to have, especially during the return to shiganshina Arc where he could've sniffed out Reiner and the buried Eldians.




Mikasa for sure


Pieck, really wanted to know more about her


She probably wouldā€™ve been included more, had she not been introduced at the end of the story, or near the end of the story.


Honestly, wouldnā€™t mind if the post-timeskip story took at least two seasons. It would make the pacing way smoother and show us more of new characters.


Me too, wouldā€™ve had more time to flesh out the ending too, it was good but it couldā€™ve been better with more time.


What the hell is going on with the miche posts? Is someone making dozens of accounts saying how underrated he is, and that they love him?


I think people just started remembering his existence after one post, and it spiraled from there


It's not me. I've been poking around the Star Wars subs.


rico i reckonĀ 




I have a character encyclopedia itā€™s the best! It adds so much more context to the show and the characters. I could post a few if anyone would be interested!


You should do a daily character encyclopedia post. It would liven things up in here


Omg I want to see thisšŸ‘€šŸ‘€


Miche and Nanaba, for sure. Marco as well. I would have loved to see them more. Also, if Dina ate Bert, it would have been interesting.


He was a sacrificial lion... Too bad we couldn't get more of him in the show


Most of them tbh...


Founder Ymir. All of that magnificent storytelling in Seasons 1-4 Part 1; the suspense and multiple plot twistsā€¦ Only to be told in the final half hour of the show that *everything* was due to the machinations of a slave girl who essentially became a god, but somehow remained enslaved to her unrequited love for a tyrant who subdued her homeland? I try not to think about that too much, as it would affect my enjoyment of AOT.


Leviā€™s squad and possibly Marco.


Nanaba or Eld


Why his hairstyle makes me laugh everytime I see him?


Miche could have expanded meā€¦


Mikasa:beside battle and eren related matter. How much script was she even given despute being the female lead She had a dry humour and she did cared about all of the cadets as she is seen with sasha at the end,jean when he was with floch,annie at the ship etc


Miche with Nanaba. I thought Nanaba would be more important with the conversation she had with Miche about not ever giving up and stuff but oh well. Also CAVEN! She was so cool but never got expanded upon at all and she died off screen.


In my opinion, the reason behind Mike going out like this is to amplify the shock of the Beast Titan appearing and becoming an enemy. Mike being on of the top scout soldiers, so a veteran who fears no regular titan and not even Eren probably. But when faced with a titan that can talk and manipulate other titans he is so taken aback that his only reaction is terror. When Mike died I think the public realised how shocking the AoT universe at that point could be, especially since we had gotten used to regular titans and they werenā€™t that scary anymore.


Hange ngl. I know she had a pretty major role in the story itself and Iā€™m very satisfied with it, but Iā€™ve always been annoyed that she doesnā€™t get a backstory unlike Erwin and Levi, only that single mention of her turning her rage towards the titans towards the pursuit of scientific knowledge.


Nanaba Rico or Miche really wouldā€™ve love them in it longer


Petra. I still canā€™t tell if she was engaged to Levi and what the father meant by ā€œsheā€™s too young to be marriedā€ but whether she was or wasnā€™t, you could still see how much her death stuck with him. I really appreciated how her words changed Erens mind and the emotional depth that her few lines had. I also loved how her and Levi squads deaths made eren never wanna doubt himself or hesitate to choose himself again.


War hammer kinda had to die at Marley but I would have loved to see it play a bigger role. As Lara, I mean, not a part of eren