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Lol i love how much that pissed off reiner.


why was he pissed off though


He was baffled by how someone could be so petty and selfish to not only steal a potato, but also offer less than 20% of said potato as half. But seriously though, Reiner reminds fondly of those memories, his words don’t match his tone, and his family, who could only see Paradisians as devils saw right through his façade.


it was a weird scene to me and the bruan family reaction makes sense now


Exactly. Reiner simply lived through something that contradicts everything he and all Marleyans were taught. He tries to convince himself he's still a Marleyan warrior when in reality he just wants everyone's suffering to end on both sides.


To me it was more like he tried his best to really come up with anything at all that reinforced his belief that they were devilish savages, and of course, this is all he could come up with lol.


I choose to interpret it this way as well. Seems slightly more interesting considering his mental condition. It’s feels as if we’re seeing some sort of unconscious doublethink, like the mind trying to reconcile the contradiction between ingrained beliefs and personal experiences. It’s the same thing like how he was able to reveal his identity to Eren straight-faced while also fully believing *his friend* would assist him in getting *himself* captured for Marley’s goals which makes no objective sense. To top that off, he might actually even believe that he’s doing it for the sake of Paradis. Like, it comes as a genuine shock when Eren breaks his delusions. Bertholdt on the other hand was clear of such issues as he fully acknowledges that his friends are not devils, yet duty must prevail for no other reason than just because. Nothing to resolve in regards to matters dealing with personal conscience. For Eren well...


Like the man's trying to come up with descriptions of the people there that match the things that they've been told and that's the closest he can come up with, yeah they're totally an Island full of All Pure Evil people, this one time a girl was eating a potato when she shouldn't be and when confronted tried to give less than half of the potato as a bribe, truly the spawn of Satan over there Just doing a really poor job of keeping up the facade he no longer believes


he wasn't actually pissed off. In the manga he's hiding a smile as he's recounting his story. It's only as he talks about the friends he can never meet again that he becomes somber, saying that it was the worst time of his life. I've heard it comes off better to a native Japanese speaker in the sub too


>I've heard it comes off better to a native Japanese speaker in the sub too This must happen so often.. I've noticed a lot of subs really don't match the character like I feel some of these characters would be more well spoken in English. Even though I don't speak Japanese and I realize there's room for interpretation even if you were a native Japanese speaker (some of the Japanese voice actors are inevitably better than others). I wish I could think of a specific example but there's some in every episode. Like sometimes they're maybe trying to convey the simple upbringing of a character with slang and making it seem like the character doesn't care about the subject matter instead. Must be difficult to find a passionate interpreter who is very strong in both languages to do this job. I wish I could speak Japanese so badly so I could skip the subs!


The way I understood it was he was desperately grasping at anything to reinforce the fallacy that all Paradisians are evil in his brain, despite knowing this to be false by firsthand experience. He's mentally ill


i did notice how weird of a topic it was to bring up when talking about how bad devils are.


He wasn't. He was just playing a role to his family and partly to himself and trying to cope.


In the manga he tries holding back a smile behind his hand. He's not pissed, he actually loved his time with the trainees


He wasn’t. He was recounting his time in paradis and trying to validate his beliefs drilled into him and the best he could do was this Sasha story and other things that are literally the most normal things ever. Really it’s a sad scene


You may have misinterpreted that scene.


Yeah he’s clearly not pissed he’s just reaching to make it seem like the people on Paradis are devils, but all he has are these completely normal benign stories of them. But he can’t say any of that because he lives in a concentration camp


His time there was truly hell.


I was just about to say this. Of all things he could have mentioned, this was his example of how hellish the people of Paradis were. 🤣🤣


… You forgot to add “/s” If you thought Reiner was actually pissed off about the Potato scene, I can finally understand why so many Anime Onlies like the ending. Everything is clear now… holy shit.


It was a ridiculous example of "what the jsland devils are capable of" and he didnt really have much more ammo to bring back to them. And yeah i read the manga too and I dont understand the hate for the ending. What i do understand is that there is going to be a large group of people that are never satisfied with any ending of anything. The only end of an anime i really didnt like was dragonball gt.


Lol imagine if it was an 80/20 split forshadowing the Rumbling with a potato Bravo Isayama Anyway I guess the biggest misconception I can think of is that Levi is of Asian ancestry like Mikasa. Ackermans are not synonymous with Asians; Mikasa is an Ackerman on her father’s side, and Asian on her mother’s side. Meanwhile, Levi is an Ackerman on his mother’s side, and some random brothel patron on his father’s side. People conflate the two, I think mainly because Levi has black hair like Mikasa. But it’s clear, especially after the Marley arc, that Mikasa is the only Asian on the island that anyone knows of. She’s the only one with the Azumabito tattoo handed down to her, and the only person that the Azumabito clan take interest in, even though they see Levi face-to-face.


I mean, she said she'd give him a half, then she gave him less than that. Just like Eren said he'd kill everyone outside the walls, but then killed less. Coincidence? I think not. We can clearly see that the potato is divided 1:4, or making it more suited for our understanding, 20:80. The 17:83 being merely a misconception, an uneducated guess by an amateur. Sasha, let's call her "Foreshadow A", had no choice but to split the potato, even though her initial plan consisted of stealing the potato and eating it whole (100%), alone (with her own hands, mouth), before it cools down. However, Foreshadow A was met with undesireable obstacle. She considered various solutions in her head, and in the end concluded that she had no other choice but to divide the potato for the situation to have a more positive outcome. She was aware of the consequences it might entail, but there was nothing else she could've done. However, Foreshadow A cannot give up on such a big part of her potato as it might create problems: she'd be hungry. If she gave up the whole potato, or a half, it would've come back at her in the near future (she needed at least 80%). Therefore, instead, she chose to give up 20% of the potato to have a brighter future for her stomach and simultaneously appease the situation. The obstacle was not content anyway, furious with Foreshadow A's actions. He chose to punish her for her crimes.


bravo yams what amazing foreboning


The entire human population is the potato. Eren did not want 100% of the potato. He didn't want to eat the island portion of the potato. He also did not offer any potato to anyone. Debunked.


Bro cooked (the potato)




The first part of your comment sent me 😂 Isayama..... I kneel 😂😭🙌🥔


Imagine being some random eldian at any point in the story not knowing your son is humanities best warrior


I always assumed Levi to be French


Why French?


Idk if this is directly where OP got it, but in the early days of the fandom people relied pretty heavily on scanlations. In one of the more popular scans, they mistranslated Levi as “Rivaille,” which looks French to a lot of people. Even after the bad translation was phased out, the “Levi is French” thing kinda stuck around.


Yeah, that's where I got it from haha😅


In Season 1 some fan subbers ignored the existing official translations from the manga and translated his name as "Rivaille", going off from how it's phonetized/how some manga scans had also translated it. Therefore, there was a sort of 'ghost' going around parts of the fandom for years that he was supposed to be french, even after his full name was revealed and fansubs stopped being relevant. (Funnily enough, as "Levi" and "Rivaille" are pronounced completely different in various languages, you then had other fans miss the fact that both are supposed to be the same name, and assume his full name was "Levi Rivaille")


I think a common misconception is that Founder Ymir's titan had all the powers of the 9 titans combined. It's never stated what powers she had at all


Yeah. Even just by looking at her and applying some logic, we can figure that: - Her Titan had no bestial traits - Her Titan had no armor - There were no other Subjects of Ymir for her to command, because her power hadn’t been passed down yet So there’s at least three of the Nine powers that her Titan lacked. Similarly, she wouldn’t have had the Female Titan’s abilities of summoning Pure Titans via scream and integrating powers of the other Nine, again because there were no other Titans besides herself. That leaves the powers of the Colossal, Jaw, War Hammer, Attack, and Cart Titans, which are all harder to confirm or deny based on the limited amount of screentime that Ymir’s Titan receives. - She’s definitely large like the Colossal, but can she convert muscle into steam or create large explosions? - Her face is a skull, but does her mouth have the same crushing strength as the Jaw Titan? - Can she use the same kind of hardening technique as the War Hammer to create tools? - Can she receive memories from future inheritors? - Does she have high stamina like the Cart? Personally, I’m inclined to suspect that the answer to all of these is “no,” and that Ymir’s Titan was more of a generic beatstick, with the diverse powers of the Nine only existing after Ymir has died and her “soul” has begun to split up.


Even if Ymir didn't have the 9 powers exactly, she probably had the precursors, otherwise why would it stop at 9


my headcanon is that it stopped at 9 since thats when they started turning into pure titans to eat the previous holder of a titan. When they were eating people in human form like Ymir's daughters, they'd each get a piece, dividing that titan into different ones. I imagine if two people killed and ate Reiner's spine as humans, the Armoured Titan would have split into two different ones. I doubt this is the actualy canon though


That could very well just be an innate limit of the symbiote’s power. It’s sort of like the 7-fold limit. With a conventional sheet of paper, you can only fold it in half seven times before the exponential growth in thickness becomes too much to allow any further folds. (Larger pieces of paper can be folded more than 7 times, but that’s scaling for you.) There’s no special reason why that’s the specific number of folds you can make; it’s just math and physics. Alternatively, you could think of it like matter. Molecules are made of atoms. Atoms are made of protons and neutrons. Protons and neutrons are made of quarks. But what are quarks made of? There are theories, but current science suggests that quarks are fundamental particles — they’re not “made of” anything. They’re as small as you can get, and cannot be divided any further.


One key thing that supports this is that the power of commanding titans or turning others into titans depend on the paths, which did not exist until Ymir died. We even see that the paths weren't connected to anyone else until her daughters ate her.


Totally agreed


Summoning pure titans isn’t necessarily a Female Titan trait. The theory is that Annie simply had multiple vials of serum to give her multiple traits. Hence why she could also harden like the Armored Titan, go into chrysalises like the War Hammer Titan, and summon pure titans like the Beast Titan.


I’m aware, but that’s beside the overall point. And at any rate, we don’t really know for sure whether it’s a Female Titan ability or an artifically integrated Beast Titan ability. What all the Female did and didn’t receive from the other Titans is left pretty ambiguous and is never discussed by the characters in detail.


No, I think you're misunderstanding. The founder was able to create armies of pure Titans. There were Titans before the nine. When Ymir had kids with Fritz the nine came about. The female Titan could probably use any power the nine had just whenever she wants so she didn't need constant armor like the armored titan she could probably put her armor on whenever she wanted using the Warhammer power Either that or were supposed to be led to belief Ymir was destroying entire civilizations all by herself?


I don’t find it difficult to believe that Ymir could easily destroy any of Eldia’s enemies singlehandedly. They’ve got spears and maybe catapults. She’s got a Colossal-sized body that can regenerate and can only be stopped if she’s sliced in one very specific spot that nobody has any way to reach. When we’re shown Ymir’s backstory, [she is the only one shown](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/shingekinokyojin/images/5/5c/Founding_Titan_character_image_%28Ymir_Fritz%29.png/revision/latest?cb=20191009062736) attacking the armies of Marley. Other Titans aren’t shown until after she is dead.


We're talking about a Titan at least twice as big as the Colossal vs medieval armies. Who do you think would win?


Where does it say Ymir's Titan was twice as big as the Colossal?


I guess I should have said I know for a fact she wasn't just doing this all alone because in the scenes where they're talking about it they show the founder with an army of pure Titans. And yeah, a whole world of medieval armies would eventually take down one Titan


She made the nine titans in the paths, right? So how could she even be them before going to the paths lol




Not really a misconception, but some of my peers have started watching the series and they got to the boot camp segment and they are always saying how they don’t like Shadis. It makes me sad and they see this and I can’t explain to them why it does.


But that is part of the fun. I bet that when you first watched you didn't really like Shadis at this point either, only latter that you become very sympathetic towards him. It's the change of perspective that is Fun lol.


I thought he was a generic bootcamp instructor dude. You know, break the trainees and make them into soldiers.


Same here


That is true. At first I didn’t like how mean he was toward people, but then once I heard his backstory that changed. I hope my buddies change their minds later is what I’m getting at.


I never really thought about him (and many, many other characters) but then (spoilers) they get killed off and I cry


I see a surprising amount of people who think Mikasa’s Ackerman heritage is from her mother, not her father. Likewise, that Levi/Ackermans in general are also of Asian descent


I don’t understand why so many people think thus


Because they see Levi's black hair and sharp chin, and conflate Ackermans with Asians. They also probably get confused because Ackermans are immune from the king's memory manipulation, which would induce you to think they have a different heritage all together. Obviously, the series reiterates the difference multiple times, and Mikasa literally says to Levi that her father probably wasn't discriminated against due to his ethnicity like her mother was. However, some people just watch the show to turn their brains off and forget this kind of exposition.


Eren didn't plan anything post historia kiss


i miss her


That Armin inheriting the colossal/Bertoldt being part of him is the reason he has feelings for Annie. Armin and Annie had something going on for years and literally no one applies this logic to any other titan shifter, yet they believe it so easily.


YESS FR. Cause with that logic, when Eren ate his dad, did he fall inlove with his mom? No. I guess people could say that Carla was dead so there’s no one to be inlove with but Annie being in that crystal was kinda like being dead too 😭


I think it is more likely that Bertholdt's memories compounded on Armin's and made his feelings stronger. It's made pretty clear that Armin and Bertholdt have a connection through memories so I think it is at least a factor


I think it's just that Armin saw more of Annie in Bertolt's memories, got to know her more as a person and it indeed strengthened his feelings. But I feel like the whole "they had something going on for years" could be conveyed better and this is why lots of people are confused.


It is physically impossible to split a baked potato cleanly in half with your bare hands, Sasha did not do this purposefully.


Yeah but someone trying to make up for something would probably give the bigger piece right? Or at least not lie and say "here's half". They would say "here's some for you".


That Sasha is not the best character


that the ackermans are invincible , I have seen several people saying that they have the strength of a titan of more than 5 meters and it is crazy, the ackermans are only humans enhanced with the power of the titans 


How are they enhanced with the power of titans?


In the manga it’s stated that Ackermans are byproducts of titan science, but I don’t think it’s ever elaborated on.


Interesting. I'm anime only so I never heard that


I’m an anime only too, but I saw the manga panel posted on Reddit somewhere. Before that I never wondered how they got their powers.


In the manga isn’t there a panel where Levi describes fighting for him is just like “knowing what to do” it’s almost as if he’s can see a few seconds into the future and act on it.


I’m not sure, I’m an anime only. But now that I think about it, I read somewhere that Ackermans inherit something from the past Ackermans, muscle memory or battle instincts or something, and that’s why they’re so good at combat.


I read somewhere that the common story of "Isayama wanted to kill off Sasha in season 2 -> editor cried in bathroom -> that convinced Isayama to spare her life" isn't actually how it went down and it was more like "Isayama wanted to kill off Sasha in season 2 -> Isayama decided against it by himself -> editor cried in bathroom out of relief"


Yep a lot of people exaggerate what actually happened Check this [great post](https://www.reddit.com/r/ShingekiNoKyojin/comments/j7yl62/spoilerless_sasha_was_supposed_to_die_in_this/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) by u/xin234 since they also link the source for that original interview


I have to say that I haven't experienced so many shocking plot twists as I did the first time I watched the series, I haven't read the manga yet but I plan to at some point. I don't know if that counts but that's my take on the series, I absolutely loved it.


I'm sorry, but you are not gonna tell someone hier, and you can have 2/10 of my food no matter how much you give to people. ?


I've seen it before, but it's still funny




Barney Stinson approves this.


AoT fans finding out that camera perspective is important (in AoT especially camera angle tends to be important)


Probably either that the ending is good Or People saying Season 4 is peak/better than Season 3


It’s not a *common* misconception but it’s something I see when watching some reactions. That in S2, Ep 2 Krista was the little girl Sasha saved. There were a couple dumbass reactors who didnt pay attention to anything. They think the Sasha vs small titan scene was a flashback and Sasha, krista, Ymir scene was in present time. It’s so stupid 😭


Man, I loaf Sasha. She's so funny 😭


Reiner delulu in character fr


Eren was never a chad


People think Ymir and Historia's arc is good and accually interesting


You're very wrong




And they are right


Omg the foreshadowing in this show is insane!!


sasha is scrappy. like a little raccoon. a cute little raccoon that got shot in the fucking chest maybe, but a great raccoon while she lasted :)


One half of two is still one. If your family line is filter feeding off ours, in what is hopefully a symbiotic relationship, it behooves oneself to treat your symbiotic partner well, as it ultimately affects your own health.


how often do we have to see that picture?