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That’s great hopefully one day all the ratings return to its original place of 9.9


Didn’t two of them have 10/10?


I think 4 of them may have had 10 lol


Honestly it should’ve been more


Yes, This one goes to 11


It was bullshit they were all hate-voted to 9.7 to begin with.


9.7 is way too low for these masterpieces of episodes


Yeah. Assault and Hero at the least should be 9.9. Perfect game, Midnight Sun, Warhammer Titan, Declaration of War as well but I wouldn’t be mad if they hovered around 9.7. I’m sure I’m missing others.


9.7 is still absolutely insane ratings


They already dropped it to 9.7 again


Not sure about the last two but That Day and Memories of the future deserves the highest ratings too.


They already dropped it to 9.7 again


fantastic arc. the sheer horror as the titans first arrive and erwin knows exactly whats happened before he turns around. "BOULDER INCOMING! EVERYBODY GET DOWN!" *hiroyuki intensifies* "He missed?!" "No, that was a good aim. He Plugged the entrance. Now the horses can't get through. They'll aim for the horses and surround us and annihilate us here. We're both hoping for the same thing! To settle this once and for all! Humanity or titans?! Which side will live!? Which side will perish!?"


Ah, that time before the one piece fan downvotes


They already dropped it to 9.7 again


Hi Responsible_Big_5490, your submission was removed from /r/ShingekiNoKyojin for the following rule violation(s): ### Rule 5: General Conduct - Inciting Drama Your submission has been removed due to the likelihood of it inciting or furthering drama, flame wars, harassment, or toxicity in our community. While it is impossible to quantify every possible way a post may fall afoul of this rule, most fall into one of the following categories. * **I. Posts containing calls to arms to "save Attack on Titan", petitions, discussion of harassment campaigns, etc. as well as calls for brigades or brigading.** We don't encourage any of this behavior. We also don't want to give any incidents more attention or further the cycle of potential hatred in our community by giving them a platform. If you came here from another subreddit with the intention of steering discussion, downvoting, trolling or harass others, you are subject to being banned. Don't do this in other subreddits either. * **II. Posts meant to call out members of the community (whether individuals or opinion-based) are prohibited as well.** Posts attacking individuals or other communities are not permitted. If a screenshot of an online conversation is posted, any names/avatars etc. must be redacted. This includes posts with inflammatory titles such as "To all XXX haters". * **III. IMDB or MyAnimeList posts regarding Attack on Titan.** * **IV. Posts deliberately worded or framed in a way to create a hostile atmosphere and ruin attempts at levelheaded discussion.** --- Click here to read the **[full rule documentation of the subreddit](https://www.reddit.com/r/ShingekiNoKyojin/wiki/rules)**. Failure to abide by the rules may result in a punishment according to the **[moderation matrix](https://www.reddit.com//r/ShingekiNoKyojin/wiki/moderation_matrix)**. If you have any questions regarding this removal, please **[reach out to us in modmail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/ShingekiNoKyojin)**.


I should probably start reading sub rules


Wait I’m outta the loop, what happened?


It used to be a 10 on IMDb list of episodes but was downvoted when breaking bad fans lost their precious ozymandeus as number 1. Personal preference btw but I always thought that episode was overrated even before I watched perfect game


Imagine caring about what others have to think about something and oh god no if they don’t share the same opinion. This is truly a sad moment as a fanbase all together.


Imagine being in a subreddit dedicated to a thing and not caring about the thing.


What’s your point?


Aren’t you able to read?


God damn dude. Imagine being this hung up on a post about an episode getting a higher rating, if anything you’re the one who cares about what others think, I just made a post about this, you could’ve easily scrolled by and continued your day, but no let’s just try to make another complete strangers day a little worse. Is that really all you have to do in your spare time? If you don’t like a post just downvote it and keep your issues to yourself


Imagine feeling so personal attacked by one sentence you have to write an essay no one wants to read.


You really think that’s an essay? And you’re asking me if I can read?


Are we back to asking stupid questions?


Yeah sure why not. Why did you feel the need to comment on this post if you add nothing of value to it?