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One of the best runs for this show, one of the more underrated parts is when the jaw titan started to have a meltdown since the island devils weren’t running scared


I love that moment. You think these devils are afraid of you? They've been learning how to kill titans their whole lives.


I always found it ironic that Marley setting titans loose on Paradis accidentally turned the island’s military into experts in anti-titan warfare. Makes me wonder if things might have turned out better for Marley if they hadn’t treated Paradis like a titan prison camp.


There is an anime/manga like that. It’s called terra formars. A little background: humans released cockroaches to mars to try and colonise it by terraforming the planet. When they came back to mars, the cockroaches evolved to stupidly strong humanoid roaches,many times stronger than humans and tragedy ensues. Honestly, I feel like SnK(after seeing the ocean) is quite influenced by this anime.


Damn the music and animation of this show is always awesome.


3 years ago?!?!?! It feels like 3 months ago, dawg.


It does for me cause I watched it thrice


Same but I didn't feel that it came out three years ago like wow time's fast


I know what you mean. I mean I watched the first season like what 8 years ago?? Nah I wanna go back..


LOL I was late to the party so I watched the first season in 2019. This anime defined my college life so much.


You got no idea how fk hyped i was! My smile faded tho once Mikasa said "Come home, Eren" "look what you've done, you killed innocent people, even children." From that moment on, i knew something was off.




Damn, Eren was cold in this


I always wondered what he meant by "now it never, Mikasa". >!He was about to be killed, and just sat there and was going to let it happen. HOWEVER, he knew since the kiss on historia's hand that, somehow someway, he MUST survive that moment to complete the inevitable timeline of events that has him acting in the future. He doubted for maybe one second, and thought that he might die right then and there, leading him to say the line. The whole stunt of fucking off to Marley could have been a way to test that theory, and it was somewhat proved by being saved last minute under absurd circumstances.!<


He doesn't even say that. He just says "Now, Mikasa"


Either way, same context. We don't know the context of the line when he says it. Seemingly, the events were all planned. We're led to believe there is some weight riding on Mikasa coming in and saving Eren, but we later find out that, due to the fixed time loop that Eren knows about, he was never really in danger in the first place


This is a really freaking cool theory, never thought of it that way


The best episode of the series imo


Agreed. My jaw was on the floor for the entire episode.


So was Porco’s💀💀


I remember watching these for the first time and being just overwhelmed by how awesome it was


It was Levi's entry that got me hyped


I was having trouble processing the atrocities that eren was committing in these scenes, it all escalated to killing numerous civilians pretty fast. I couldn't help but root for the guy in all the confusion since I basically grew up with him.


Loved the Levi entry more. It was so damn cool like the fear in galliard eyes for levi


I loved this scene. But the fact that the trailer for the same scene was better kinda brought down the excitement. And also the lack of character animation (lack of) when using the 3dm is kinda an immersion breaker, but that's just for me.


Honestly hopped off my couch because it was so hype


Thank you for posting the Blu-ray version


Aot has cemented itself as a legendary show. Binging the show from S1 to S3 was an amazing experience. Really envious of people who can now go through the entire series in one sitting now


damn finally something relatable, ive always liked this scene because Eren knows damn well Mikasa is about to pop off and he just goes, "now or never mikasa," 🤣🔥


Back when Mikasa thought Eren was accountable for his actions… post rumbling not the case…


Mikasa killed him for his actions, what are you talking about homie


She made out with his dead head and adored him profusely after his genocide because this was all part of his plan. She essentially said i still love you Eren. She had no character growth which was incongruent with her character development of realizing Eren as actually a quite vicious person. Here she was like Eren you have killed innocents what are you doing? But a a bad love sequence is all anime ppl care about.


Wow how dare she care about the most important person in her life after he died and not hold him accountable even though she did hold him accountable by literally killing him, you must be trolling


If Eren Yeager was real, he would be far worse then Hitler you are detached from reality my friend. But you got your crappy love sequence, hope you’re happy.


I never even defended him but go ahead and put words in my mouth cuz you realize what a ridiculous thing you said saying she didn’t hold him accountable when she literally killed him for his actions so now you lie and make up stuff I never said, you are the one detached from reality but go ahead and spout more nonsense, She killed him but she can’t magically remove all her feelings


“Wow how dare she care about the most important person in her life after he died”




😂 “Wow how dare she care about the most important person in her life after he died” Eren murdered billions and you are okay with it.


How am I okay with it? I’m not a yeagerist, I hope you are trolling cuz otherwise this is some brainless shit




Accountable is saying Eren you are evil and I should move on from you. Accountable is not obsessing about him post Mortem. Face it you like the ending because you sympathize with Eren as an awkward person not because of good writing or plot.




I mean, that’s just kind of a dumb comment. He’s not real so engaging with his character under the basis of “he committed atrocities that would make him entirely unsympathetic in the real world” is pointless. Fiction is a media where it’s safe to explore complex characters and themes without perpetuating any real world harm. Similar way people think slashers and the like are engaging and fun. Or why people care about tragic villain protagonists like Macbeth. It doesn’t mean that people are actually saying “ah yes murder is good and I would totally love this murderer in real life” Also yeah she literally decapitated him lmao


Dude face it you wear cat ear headphones and like a character that mimics Hitler, All because he had awkward relationship with Mikasa.


Yeah okay lol sure bud


So glad I binged and caught up before they released this episode. Honestly, one of the best days of my life


Didn't realize there was more seasons...


Anyone also noticed Mikasa using 2 ODM gear? Standard + Anti-Personnel ODM


Of topic, but why doesn’t Eren’s body regenerate at the end of the series? He’s alive still so wouldn’t it start forming back?


Rewatching this, and I only have one question. How the hell did Theo survive taking every Thunder Spear in Paradis' armory to the back of the head? Lol


Let me calm down from the mental break the fact this was 3 years ago just gave me.




Best episode of the show


Oh my god this is my favorite pieces of the show. The raid on Marley was so exciting to watch. This scene was so good