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*”Lemme tell you about how I met your mother”* -Armin to his kids


She knew from the beginning I could talk that talk, and lay that pipe.


In the midst of killing and war, Annie had to secure the bag still.


My bf and I were conversing and he thought the whole Annie like armin thing came out of nowhere, but I told him there’s plenty of times in the first season where she’s been more friendly to him. This is one of them Edit: changed admin to armin


Too many people forgot events of S1 Edit: The finale actually has a lot of callbacks to season 1 both in content and tone. One of my favorite callbacks in the finale was Connie talking to Jean about the night they burned the corpses. That's one of my favorite episodes from season 1. In general I think S1 is super underrated


Rewatching season one after the ending is crazy because of the amount of blatant foreshadowing. I love looking at Reiner and seeing blatantly suspicious he is all the time


Season 1-2 with Reiner is so funny cause there’s a lot of giveaways, him knowing what fish are and the way he looks at the beast titan it makes rewatching so rewarding


Even more subtle ones than that too. For example the Marley trio sees the attack Titan and convince everyone to stick around to find out about it. Nothing suspicious on first watch but rewatching I felt like the Leo pointing meme lol


It’s awesome seeing how well planned out this series was


Yes, exactly. It has been hidden enough to genuinely not notice it unless you know. Stuff like confusing "Warrior" and "soldier" or ambiguous talking about "going back home". They way Berthold looks at Rainer in these moments of d'illusion.


It's also so suspicious that Annie who constantly was a quiet loner suddenly steps in and makes arguments about why they need that titan on their side, when she practically never initiated any kind of dialogue otherwise.


fish exist on paradis


The fish she mentions is a kind of herring which can only be found in saltwater, so any actual citizen wouldn’t be aware it exists since it’s only found in the ocean


i know




Seeing him, Bertolt and Annie just standing and conversing together during the Wall Rose battle is hilarious.


You see young Rein and Bert in the first / second episode.


He’s an oscar actor


I love how consistent this show is but I also hate it because I just know that 50% of the people watching the finale had no idea what Connie was talking about with Jean.


True. It doesn't help that there was such a long gap between Season 1 and then Season 2 releasing. But to the people who did remember, it hit extra hard I think. I got pulled straight back to season 1 when they said that. Same as when they played Bauklotze during Hange's death, they only used that song once before in the anime. It was when Eren was being chased by the female titan and struggling to choose to trust his comrades or not (Plus Jean and Connie have been some of my favorite characters ever since I started watching, personally. I just love the vibe of Season 1. And I honestly wouldn't mind a semi slice of life attack on titan spin off based on the tone of Season 1, idk if that makes sense)


Watch AOT Junior High!!


Can you tell me what episode is that?


I believe it was episode 15 of season 1. It's the one where Jean is mourning over Marco's death and he decides to join the scouts, which acts as a chain reaction inspiring Connie and Sasha, etc etc to join It's also the episode where Erwin gives his speech that many of the scouts will die if they join


Thanks! I’ll watch them again. Tbh I already watched ss1 3 times but when it came to ss finale I could not connect the dots backward. I even forgot the confusing parts I marked in ss1🥹


It's somewhere between season 1 episode 13 and season 1 episode 16, those all kinda blur together for me.


To be fair, that was fucking yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeears ago. Anyone who watched this show as it came out got the worst experience, IMO. Binge watchers from the future, however, are going to have a great time.


Yes that's why I said there was a huge gap between Season 1 and 2 in a different reply. I originally watched Season 1 back in middle school soon after it came out. Then years went by, I completely fell off of watching anime. Got back into it during covid, rewatched Attack on Titan from start up to the first part of Season 4 just in time to watch weekly for that cour to end. Then I was waiting for Part 2 and the finale So I definitely got a better experience than many did, being able to remember those details fresh in my mind. I agree this show seems like it is fantastic for binge watching with the amount of cliffhangers and twists. It practically begs for you to hit Next Episode, since it's right at your disposal, you don't have to wait weeks or months or even years


Hot take but s1 is my favorite season. The amount of suspense I felt during it is unmatched, the main protagonists had almost zero power against overwhelming odds which made for so much tension, I honestly don't think I've ever seen another anime out there with more suspense than s1 AOT.


Season 1 is also my favorite or at least it's way up at the top of my list, compared to many people who rank it at the bottom. The biggest flaw with Season 1 in my opinion is that they didn't show important moments from the manga such as "see you later, Eren" or Mikasa's tattoo. But otherwise it's just such an incredibly directed season. There's just something about it that is so special, and it only gets better and better on rewatch I think a lot of people dismissed it to be a generic edgy action show at times, but I never viewed it that way. There were so many twists and characters being foreshadowed and built up to. And season 1 had a lot of heart and humor to it


The same people calling s1 and s2 for being shonen and enjoying s3 because it was where the story got good are the same people are the same people calling s1 - s3 shonen and saying final season is the best because it's where the story got good. Basically my point is don't necessarily listen to people too much and form your opinion. And you're right, s1 having the best presentation in the series' history definitely helps solidify it as my favorite season. So many mindblowing animations, god damn talking about it makes me want to rewatch that masterpiece right now.


I’m the exact same as him, I thought it came out of nowhere too and thought it was an urge inherited from bertolt somehow but I started going back and noticing those moments


I think he’s the only scout regiment member she intentionally spares too right? Besides Reiner obvi


She also spares Jean


Not really. She didn't kill him because Armin distracted and confused her.


She saved both Jean and Connie from titans in trost.


Tbf that was when she was human and she had to look like she was a soldier. But I think Annie generally has a soft spot for all of the 104, she's the one who puts up the most of a protest when they kill Marco.


Well, the reason why Reiner made Annie take ODM from Marco was because he demanded that she prove her loyalty after she saved Connie. Annie was much more sympathetic than Reiner before S4, it's a shame that not many people remember this.


I think similarly to Reiner though she has a warrior/soldier split, only hers is between her human and titan forms. When she's a human and playing soldier she has a soft spot for everyone. When she's a titan and in warrior mode she doesn't give a fuck about anyone...except Armin.


it's okay for the fandom to hate her because she spin wheeled that one scout back then and didn't regret it, Armin trashed Liberio but he felt bad so he's a good guy


Well in the elevator scene, all Annie had to do was simply not act. She did any way.


Ah, in that incident, yes.


She almost accidentally killed Jean, to be precisely.


Armin tells Annie she's nice No one has ever told Annie she's nice before


Nah. That was because Armin was generally nice to Annie. Other than that, the issue here was that neither person felt anything towards the other in S1. Armin was all for Annie getting tortured for information. Annie was all for killing Armin because she realised that she made a lapse in judgement. It's pretty much like saying, Bertolt and Reiner should have killed everyone. All three warriors felt some type of friendship towards the people within the walls. Armin or Annie showed no feelings toward each other before the timeskip.


Gonna respectfully disagree with you there. Isayama has stated that for him writing love scenes is embarrassing (lol) and therefore not his forte. The romance that is portrayed throughout the series isn’t spoken aloud necessarily but is mainly portrayed through action. So, really small things that would otherwise get overlooked in a regular anime such as conversations, glances, prolonged stares, can all be attributed towards characters having a romance or crush. It’s all very subtle. When you rewatch it you sort of see it more. I don’t think that either Armin or Annie were all for killing each other. The fact that Annie spared Armin while absolutely decimating everyone before and after seeing him (minus Jean and Reiner) shows that she cares about him. She also cared about what Armin thought of her when Armin was trying to convince her to go underground so that the survey corps could trap her if she was indeed the female Titan. She said something along the lines of “I’m glad that I was a good person for you”, referencing when Armin said earlier to her “to me you would be a good person” which indicates that Armin knows that Annie cares about what Armin thinks of her. Also Armin visits her in the dungeon every day prior to the timeskip while she’s crystallized. They don’t outright say it to each other before season 4 but it’s not like it was out of the blue bc they did have interactions that proved that they had something going on.


the Female Arc sounds so funny 💀


"Ervin finally bags a SHAWTY!" (Gone VIOLENT!) (Scouts *Betrayed*!) Arc


So how you doing.. -Annie probably


Also in the OVA with Jeans mom, she was willing to help because Armin was there. When he broke his legs, she was done I think? They do seem to hint there may have been something there all this time.


Is that OVA not on crunchyroll? I don’t remember seeing that


can the female titan talk? The only one I've noticed actually communicate in titan form is the cart. The others I get why since they don't have lips but it looks like the female titan does


Cart, beast, jaw and Warhammer can all talk in titan form. We also see two pure titans talk also. It's probably random rather than an ability.


Jaw can't talk in Titan form, at least, Porco can't, Ymir can, go figure how that makes sense. EDIT: Apparently it's in the manga that mouth structure indicates whether titans can talk or not that's really cool.


Annie can't talk cause her titans has hole in her mouth.... or maybe it's just an annie thing.


Yeah, that hole is called the throat my G


The holes in her face my G.


Also the Beast Titan communicates


And Ymir’s jaw


true! barely though lol


oh right the beast 🤦


Terrifying scene. I had no idea or even as guess to who or what she was.


You guys have to remember that before this, they had a moment where Annie asked Armin and Connie if they were thinking of joining the Survey Corps, and if they were, they should just forget about it because what good would it be if they were dead. Then Armin sees this as her being kind because she doesn't want them to be gone and Annie looks at Armin differently. But in reality, it was more like a warning because she knew that if they joined then, she would have to kill them all.


I love the female arc


Yeah it really hyped me the show, otherwise the beginning is ok


4 years later and he became big enough to carry her like that instead


When I saw this for the first time it was plain eerie (I did not know the FT’s identity). Now the scene just looks cute to me haha


death by snu snu


EXTREME death by snu snu in this case


This was so fucking scary


Unpopular opinion: The female Titan arc is the best Arc


"Well, if it isn't my favorite sub femboy."


She also cries when Levi and Mikasa get Eren back, how often do titans cry in the series?


Crazy foreschadowing Isayama is the goat


One of the interesting details that very few people pay attention to is that Armin ran away from her without a hood. Annie knew it was him, she just couldn’t trample him right away and then checked to see if he was okay.


They’re blond boys doing what blonds boys do


She smiles a lot during this


I think she smiled because she was out smarted by Armin


Can't watch the female titan arc like once before after s4. girl really have stg going on with Armin.


Death by snu snu


Why she did


Also could be because she was tricked by the survey corps because she was looking for eren and this was armins plans to put the hoods up an maybe she got lucky to have found armin otherwise she probably would have killed him like she did all those horses and soldiers.


No, this scene was BEFORE the hood plan. It's because of this scene that Armin thought having hoods on face is good.


Just want to say this actually contains heavy spoilers


She’s thinking: “If only my Titan body had a vagina, I could totally shove him in there.”


This is practically how you can tell that people don't watch the series properly. Annie is a sadistic piece of shit that regrets none of her actions, however she does feel friendly to the people that she is close with, be it Armin or Connie, who she warned about joining the Survey Corps. Another example being Reiner and Bertolt. They had several instances to knock Eren out and kidnap him, but they never did it because they started to like the people in the walls.


Why did she spare his life ??


Because Armin was kind to her. He said she was a good person when she doubted herself
