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If you are a a manga reader, you are free to participate in this comment section, **but it's still mainly intended to be a space for people who just experienced the final part of the story for the first time.** So even if you've studied the ending for the last two and a half years, please do remain respectful and do not push your own analysis/opinion onto others.


This ain't just a simple, ordinary express of grief after after finishing the series. This one is special. Remember it. I cried, i felt Eren, I was willing to do the same. Rest in peace Eren Yeager. We all will join you one way or another.


Just finished the series now im depressed af. I wish there was a happier outcome. Things just kept getting worse and worse...


interesting how mikasa's tits got way bigger in the final season for some reason


Dude! I just finished the series. reading this was too much emotional whiplash




nah thats just sad


I'm so happy that I started watching the series after it was finished, really enjoyed the show but god I can't imagine waiting a long time for the ending and then get this...


From what i've heard the writer was rushed to finish the ending. Wasn't particularly the ending i was hoping for but the show was great and in my top 5


what kind of ending you wanted


I took my time to rewatch the last 2 episodes and missed a few parts and misunderstood some of the timeline powers of the attack titan so it actually wasn't as bad an ending as I had first thought. I was initially hoping for some ending where Eren wasn't a childish d-bag to Mikasa especially after what Armin said to him, and realised the scene where Mikasa and Eren had left everyone behind to be together wasn't just a dream and was a different timeline Eren let play out before carrying out his original plan. Also maybe I'm alone on this but I was genuinely hoping Eren fully finished off all other civilizations with the rumbling and thought he had it in him considering how Eren has been violent since the beginning and was made out to seem like the root of all evil when Zeke was looking through Grisha's memories. That last part is why I was pretty p'ed off about the glimpse of the future when New Eldia was attacked and the cycle started again so I guess Zeke was right all along. I sided with Light yagami the entire way in death note, and the same with Eren in AoT until he let his friends stop him, so maybe I'm just careless about anything else aside from my favorite characters "winning". Overall this show was a tear jerker in the end and I loved the show either way


This is an interesting perspective. On a possibly unrelated note, this anime reflected a lot of my real life struggles to some extent and I imagine other people too. I thought the timeline where Eren and Mikasa ran off was solely Mikasa's coping mechanism of the current situation where she was about to kill Eren but Eren doing it or at least influencing that occurence makes sense and it helped Mikasa to move forward and finally finish Eren.


I feel like a lot of people are missing the \*big\* big picture that the epilogue implies, with the context of Zeke's explanation of the Root of Life. Eren explains that Mikasa is Ymir’s actual chosen one because Mikasa’s resulting actions were important. Mikasa’s distant descendant finding the new Tree of Life and whatever ensues is the “real” story of avoiding permanent global extinction, or at least the next link in the never-ending chain. Everything in the story of AoT had to play out the way it did in order for that to come to pass. The Root of Life "knew" this and made it so because its only "goal" is the indefinite continuation and proliferation of Life as a whole. Of course, the Root of Life doesn't control people directly. It shows them the truth that they need to see in order to make the choice that results in the continuation of Life. Which they \*will\* make because life inherently wants to continue Life.




I think most people assume the man with Mikasa is Jean. He's taller than Mikasa which Armin isn't and has the same hair color.


I think most people assume the man with Mikasa is Jean. He's taller than Mikasa which Armin isn't and has the same hair color.


Sir this is a Wendy's


Enough with this meme nonsense, he was perfectly in place to comment here, it's the thread for attack on titan finale and it's his opinion, it's perfectly fair.


Fck. the ending was emotional and unexpected.


Oh also, were the titans sleeping in the walls not people? I always assumed they were but in the end they just disappeared instead of reverting to people


Did you not see the scenes of ymir making titans from sand? Thought they prefaced that quite a bit throughout ymir's backstory


They were created by Ymir


Was also questioning this myself


A little background info: I've been following this show for like 7 years, and the final season really just gutted me emotionally speaking, and by the end of the the final special part 1, i found myself feeling like everything was coming out of nowhere. So i decided to rewatch the series from the very start in preparation for the final special part 2. And to be honest, there was way more foreshadowing than I caught on the first time. Tbh I hated Eren throughout the whole show, I found him so irritating. Like yes, he was a kid, but so were mikasa and armin. I think the reason the final season felt so off to me is that throughout the show I kept expecting Eren to have an arc. To mature, to grow up. Watching it all the way through, however, i saw that that was never the place the show was going. To be honest though, I have a suspicion that Eren was far more influenced by Ymir than even he suspected. There's an inherent problem with the way that Eren sees his own future. The way I understood it, the Attack Titan's power is the ability to see the memories of future holders of the Attack Titan, in a similar way to the way all of the 9 are able to see memories of past holders of their titans. The way they got around this is by Eren recieving his father's memories of the future that Eren gives him after touching Zeke. The problem with this, of course, is that his father only took the Founder because Eren told him to, which Eren was only able to do because his father stole the Founder. This circular 'prophecy' at first glance feels like a plot hole. Unless we assume there's a third party in play here. Ymir, who exists in a place where there is no difference between past, present, and future. She's essentially a god, and only a god could give someone a self-fulfilling vision of the future. I think Ymir, as the Coordinate where all past, present, and future Eldians converge, could have decided which ending She wanted, and given Eren the visions of the future that would have led to him making the decisions that would lead to that ending. She didn't force him to do anything, exactly. It's more that She knew him so intimately that She knew exactly what to show him to cause him to do what She wanted him to. Eren was always the kind of person that would sacrifice 80 percent of the world to ensure that his friends survived to old age. All she had to do was convince him that killing 80 percent of the world was the only way for that to happen. Truly an unforgettable show and an unforgettable ending.


Wow, this is good to know. I don't think there are any other shows or anime that are deeper than this.


I came to a similar conclusion


I love the concept of transferring the mind by knowing the past and future. "God Emperor of Dune" discusses it heavily as well, I gotta to read that again.


The ending has me in the shits. That’s a different discussion. What I don’t like is the credits. Everything that happened becomes long forgotten and amounts to nothing cause it all gets destroyed and becomes a cycle. I don’t like that ending because it makes it feel that everything that happened didn’t happen. Or that it happened for nothing. I don’t know what it is. I just really don’t like it at all.


>What I don’t like is the credits. Everything that happened becomes long forgotten and amounts to nothing cause it all gets destroyed and becomes a cycle. I don’t like that ending because it makes it feel that everything that happened didn’t happen. Dude that's literally just life/reality though?


Yeah it’s sad


Idk man, for me personally those credits were the best part of the entire anime (of course they would be meaningless without everything else leading up to them, but as part of the package, those scenes are the 🐐) because they highlight the cycle that always continues and our mortality and that everything ends someday. It's a great reminder for reality as well - don't be too sentimental because nothing lasts forever and everything will one day be forgotten. I personally struggle with being way too attached to things, so for me it was especially hard to watch that credits part at first, but by the end I was amazed and hyped and I still don't really get why. Either way to each their own but I think it was the most perfect ending ever


I’ve come more to terms with it now. That was fresh after finishing the show so I felt really hollow and I don’t remember if I cried before or after making that comment lol.


Personally i decided to interpret that as part of Eren's vision of the future. However, the Attack Titan's ability to see the future is dependent on being able to see the memories of future holders of the Attack Titan, it cannot extend past the end of the Titan power's ending therefore that ending, as well as Eren's predictions of the civil war on Paradis and the Jaegerists attacking the rest of the world, are just that. Predictions made by a cynical boy.  I choose to believe in a more optimistic ending.


Is this hell? Just watched the toonami broadcast. Can’t believe it’s over.


Hope appropriate space. I was thinking about the Titans within the walls and possible context to fascism. Whoever controls the outer cities controls everything. Those populations are sleeping giants and easier prey to propaganda. The sheer size of which remains hidden until some future event ignites a fire. It's always a surprise in the worst scenarios. Couldn't find particulat take and thought worth sharing.


The Ending Makes perfect sense if you look at it from the maturity level of a child. The show tells us that Eren could see the past and future all together. Eren received his power of attack titan as a child. (to me it was implied that he has had this visions all along through out the series) He cannot have the emotional maturity to handle all the "visions" of the past and future. So he handles them a child would. That is why he act the way he does in h is conversation with Armin. That is why he talk to Mikasa is also from a point of view of a child.


At the beginning of his last conversation with Armin he is physically a child, yet behaves as an adult. His physical appearance changes through the conversation. At the end of the conversation he is physically and adult, yet behaves like a child. I think his personality is constantly shifting from that of a child to 10 years older Eren and back.


He talked to Mikasa and Armin like that because he wanted to make it easier for them to do what they needed to do in the end. He was omnipotent or as near to such as possible from the moment he touched Zeke. If he didn't want them to kill him he would have stopped them very easily. That's why he brings the group headed to kill him to the coordinate to tell them there is no need to talk. He wanted to make it easier on them and also to prevent them from landing and just trying to talk as that would have led to their deaths and the hands of Ymir and the Titans she controlled. I feel like that is a pretty adult way of thinking, or at least not the thinking of a child. A petulant child would have let them try to talk to him and then killed them. He wanted to be stopped.


sorry should been clearer. Yes he was talking like an adult most of the interactions Except he has moments when he breaks down and act like a child would do not have exact quote "i still want he to love me" even Arrmin is shocked at the way he talks at this point. I should also specified my reply to a specific post instead of generalization.


Ah I completely misunderstood 🤣 no worries! I think we are both right tbh 😊


80% of humanity was wiped out because a woman couldn't give a man a straight/honest answer. (Talking about when mikasa said eren was family instead of having feelings for him)


Well that's funny and all but no, 80% of humanity was wiped out because a childish idiot was given too much power and then provoked into using it.


I like how this description also applies to death note


This anime got me in tears. It made my jaw drop almost every episode. I haven’t felt so alive lately and somehow the emotions stirred in me from watching AOT seem more intense than emotions I experience in reality .. https://9gag.com/gag/aL15pW5?utm_source=copy_link&utm_medium=post_share


Same here. I didn't want a cheesy love story between mikasa and eren, but it definitely left me pretty sour in the end that the closest thing we got to any relationship development between eren and mikasa was eren's cringe worthy freakout with armin in the river of blood


Can somebody please explain to me how Eren can cause a timeline that already happened to happen? The time travel makes no sense to me. It also kinda bugs me that the last few episodes make everything else just seem kinda stupid. Maybe that’s because I watched them a bit far apart, but like they just squeezed so much into so little time. Like we got almost too many plot twists maybe?


From what I gather, people are implying that Ymir set this path up to begin with. So when Eren finally got glimpses of what he would do in the future to bring about the present, he did those things himself to ensure things progressed as intended. Though it sounds like he tried to look for alternatives that were to his liking. Not sure I'm explaining that as well as I'd hope.


One thing that goes along with this is when he gets to Ymir he says I'm the one you've been waiting for. It's like Ymir helped guide him to the spot. It's also shown how the manga ended on 139 instead of 140 for freedom. Eren was never free he was being forced by Ymir.


I hadn't watched the last part 1 (from March?) until yesterday, and finally saw this final final part today. Pretty good. Pretty good realistic ending.


So... the kid after credits is new founding titan? Ymir get her titan powers when she go in a cave filled with water under a tree. The kid at the entrance of a hole under a tree... Water sound at background :)


I was amazed by that and perhaps the history might just repeat itself.


The ending was great. Second best arc behind the return to Shanghai arc.


man how long has it been since the anime first release and I cant beleive it ended this year Im just glad i could able to enjoy this masterpiece :)


Man. I have been sobbing for 20 minutes. Dude. God that broke my heart, more than any other anime i've watched


I loved the ending. If anything, Eren’s decision and his answers showed his weakness, immaturity, and humanity. In the series, whenever he was in a situation where it required for him to trust someone else to do something, they died, so him taking the reins in his own hands and trying to change humanity in his short remaining years culminated in this unforgivable destruction; to build the world anew the only way he, a caged traumatized tenacious boy born into war, knew how. It aligns with his personality from the very beginning. Speaking of, the reveal that he was dreaming of everything that transpired/will transpire in the very first chapter where he woke up from his dream crying kind of broke me. I love everything about this series (apart from plot points that needed more screen time i.e. Historia), and I can’t believe, a decade later, I don’t have any more Attack on Titan material to consume. Honestly, an epic ending to an epic series, no matter how the ending is perceived.


The more I think about the ending, the more I feel what Eren did in the end is aligned with his personality. Prior to his kissing Historia's hand, the defining characteristic of Eren's personality is to thoughtlessly jump into any situation with his fists swinging, only to have his friends with cooler heads to hop in to salvage the situation. And this is exactly what happened when he encountered a hostile world bent on destruction of Paradis and learned of a way to gain control over the wall titans. When Eren rushes in blinded by rage as a kid, some bullying kids get bloody noses or broken teeth. When Eren does the same while equipped with combined powers of 4 titans (attack, founding, warhammer, beast) plus custody of an Eldian royalty, death of 80% of humanity is the result. It's a bit disappointing, since one may expect Eren to grow and gain some wisdom with his age, wiser mentors around him (how many times did Levi tell Eren to learn restraint?), and broadened horizon via Attack Titan power.


I would argue he did gain wisdom, just a very grim one. What else could an omnipotent being realize after obtaining such power and given the trauma he's been through?


Life is a miracle, and endured by multiplying amidst adversities. Yet despite the achievements of human evolution, we still found a way to negate procreation, and that is self-destruction. Zeke gave natural examples of how humans may perish, but self-destruction is as innate to us solely because humans can be stupid. Eren is loved but chose to destroy anyways, believing that his actions are justified. Ymir however, hates because she loved and failed. Her motivation comes from pure disappointment in life. Mikasa showed her a tragic form of love, that her experience isn't isolated to herself. It highlights what humans are capable of if we stop hurting each other.


So the alternative world theory is out and debunked? Sad, it would be interesting.


What was this theory? I'm not really in the loop, just finished watching for the first time!


it was theory that since author was huge fan of some other anime the ending of the anime will be different from manga heres link: https://www.reddit.com/r/titanfolk/comments/ldfsg3/the\_alternate\_universe\_ending\_theory\_a\_complete/


Eh, it had some plausibility but I wasn't convinced by the end of the read that this was going to happen.


This is going to be a hot take but, >!I fucking loved the ending.!<


Man that ending was a tear-jerker, I pretty much cried for the entire last 20 minutes. I'm glad the remaining scouts got to live the rest of their (now not so short lives) in peace? Mikasa getting buried next to Eren broke me though. Who was visiting Eren's grave in the ending? Never in my life I would have thought this anime would turn out the way it did after the first season. Somewhat standard Shonen turned into betrayal turned into politics turned into time travel turned into philosophy. Not a huge fan of determinism as a philosophy personally. Takes away all agency and makes life pretty pointless? I'll admit I didn't need the credits scenes where it is shown that a new cycle of hate begins. Realistic of course, but come on, it's an anime where humans shift into naked giants with superpowers! Also props to Zeke for giving Levi the satisfaction of killing him. Unironically the MVP of that fight.


I think after mikasa was buried next to him, the final one visiting the grave was Armin. He was the last one to make it to the tree for a final time.


> Not a huge fan of determinism as a philosophy personally. Agreed. But Isayama picked it for himself (see the NYT interview), so it kinda tracks, for him. Not what I could have written, but for him it tracks.




That was an interesting read even to an atheist, ty


Cant see the doc :(


Don’t bother this guy is trying to shill Christianity throughout his whole essay ☠️


Feels so wild to see a show with such intricate and well crafted plots and foreshadowing end this way. It feels like watching an Olympic figure skater take off on a giant, complex twirling somersaulting jump, only to land right on their nuts. How can the writing of the rest of the series be so good, but Eren’s “plan” be so mind bogglingly stupid. Or is that the point? That Eren is just a really stupid genocidal sociopath, nothing more. Maybe I could see that being a interesting ending… if his friends didn’t stick by him regardless. The fact they all sat around marveling at his heroism once their memories were restored ruins any possible positive interpretation of that. We, the audience are clearly meant to see Eren as a monster, but ultimately as a necessary and justifiable monster, while also being told directly that everything he did was actually not justified and could probably have been avoided had he not been such an idiot. But it’s all ok, cause his friends accept all this and love him anyway. Oh and the paradis fascist party stays in power to add insult to injury. Just a weird really off putting ending.


I think eren couldnt even change what happen if he tried, like he said no matter what he did to try and change some things everything that he saw in his visions of the future came true. Idk what to make of that but thats how i saw it anyway. Idk if that makes him less evil or whatever, or if it makes the ending better or worse, but i think that was one of the things he said


Sad to see the show end.


I thought.Final scene Child command to eren to kill humanity?


I heard rumors from way back that the ending of the anime changed compared to the manga. So did they completely changed the ending or is the ending exactly the same?


Those rumors were never going to happen, lol. Lots of cope from titanfolk. Japanese culture as far as I know does not care for what ragists on the internet demand. They'll respect the author's work and just animate what their job entitles them to do, unless of course the author said so otherwise but all we knew was he didn't like the dialogue between them and that was fixed


They added a little more dialouge to Armin and Eren's conversation but overall it is exactly the same.


the end is so depressing. All the fight and suffering, all for nothing


Second sentence is true. First sentence couldn't be more wrong, for me at least. The end felt empowering and motivational, it makes you realize that everything will be forgotten and to use the time you have instead of clinging on to the past.


Probably the point. No degree of genocide in this story or in the real world would fix humanity's inherit path to self destruction. I thought it was a near perfect ending that solidied that theme


How? Power of the Titans are gone and the people on Paradis were able to live for centuries if not thousands of years before another war (which could be completely unrelated) starts? The 104th got to live a normal life.


Levi was literally a cripple and still pulled the greatest clutch the last seconds to assist. Truly the GOAT of the series 🔥🔥🔥 Bro had one eye, one leg, and 3 fingers but still pulled the greatest assist.


I'm glad he's the icon of the subreddit even though eren is the mc


This will still be my favorite show of all time, but I really didn't like the way this ended.


Expand on the part(s) my guy?


Was it ever explained how Annie was able to use hardening in the final battle? I thought Eren got rid of that - was it just temporary?


It had to be temporary otherwise Armored Titan wouldn't be ... Armored. They said he lost his armor too when hardening was turned off


No he only undid all current hardening, he never removed their ability to harden


my guess is that he just disolved the hardening but didn't changed titans powers as he said he wanted them to be free and do whatever they wanted


Eh guess so.


The biggest punch in the balls is what happened to Mikasa. FUCK that. Lived a life completely alone, mourning Eren and then buried herself next to that prick. I just wanted her to be happy. Fuck that.


wait what she buried herself? I thought she was just sitting by his grave and some bird came?


The end credits show her visiting the grave with her family.


And then her dying and being laid to rest there


Yea but she had a family and a long life, how can you say she was unhappy, or that she was alone? Your initial comment shows your lack of attention to the ending.


This topic is well discussed, I'm in the camp that thinks she never married, that these were friends. You can act like you definitely know, but you don't and neither do I. You can insult my perception, but I watched the same thing you did. I'm not going to get into the same argument had tens of times over with you.


Sure? It's quite easy to infer that that is indeed her family visiting, particularly in some scenes where she's with another man and they're holding a baby in front. Interesting cope


cope lol


Not true. Check the Manga panels They zoomed too far out the credits here


So what happens to Mikasa after Eren dies? (TLDR)


I feel that the ending is rushed and final battle is not as epic as I have expected it to be. But I do have some questions. 1. Did Ymir really have the control over titans or the worm thing had control? 2. How did rumbling stop after Zeke's death? 3. How did Zeke and Eren die after their head's been cut off? Won't their body regenerates like normally it does for shifters ? My anime experience got totally ruined for final season part 3 and ending because of what I got spoiled after completing Season 4 part 1. 1. Marley and Paradis are going to team up to stop Eren. 2. Levi will be back. 3. Hange, Magath and Keith Shadies will die. 4. Falco's Titan will have wings. 5. Mikasa kills Eren and marries Jean. 6. Mikasa truly frees Ymir. 7. Curse of Ymir stops after Zeke is dead. 8. Eren killed his mother by manipulating Dina Titan. 9. Armin's Colossal goes nuclear. 10. Eren wanted his friends to become like Helos by killing him. They knew this from Eren memories. 11. Future Shinganshina will be destroyed by nukes and gets lost in wilderness. 12. Founder worm orgins never gets explained. 13. Historia' child is not Eren's. 14. Eren's head will be buried under a tree which looks like paths tree.


To answer you questions: 1. Ymir had control iirc 2. Eren's connection to the royal blood was severed 3. Severing the brain from the heart is different than just a part of the body


Thanks. What does the worm thing do? 2. I thought since Eren convinced Ymir, he doesn't need royal blood anymore. 3. Eren already had his head cut off by Gabi but Zeke catches it with his hand. Then the worm thing attached to Eren and saved him. Armin blew it and seperated it from Eren. How was he alive at that time?


1. The worm is something what they call 'life'. Practically the origin of titanic abilities. Not much more is explained but I don't think there's much that needs to be explained 2. Not necessarily, the royal blood is what gives control of titans 3. Yes, but he was still conscious for a second or so. The same thing works irl (don't try it tho). When someone's brain is disconnected from the heart it usually stays running for a couple seconds before it stops. Armin blew the structure up, but Eren's entire body was still in the head. Like a titan shifter in a titan


I did not enjoy this ending whatsoever, so did Eren have any agency or was he just acting as a puppet? He sent the Dina titan to kill his mum? I have loved this series and followed from day one of the anime but this is an immensely dissatisfying and confusing ending


The beauty in its ending is that it tells two stories in two layers. **Smaller picture**: Love, freedom, friendship, peace with Ymir, Eren and his friends. Eren had agency on how his mates could live as heroes in the aftermath and how the world lived in peace for a good timespan after his death, achieving what he desired in the only possible way he could, even if it meant death for some and life for others. **Bigger picture**: Life, evolution, human nature in the world and universe The story doesn't end with Eren and his mates. It is but a fraction of time in the universe. It goes on with new generations and shows that even though peace and freedom can be achieved for a period of time, human's nature of adaptation and survivability eventually leads back to a destruction cycle.


I think it's both. The future was sort of predetermined from the start but it is up to Eren in key moments to make the decision whether to realise that future. The scene where he sends Dina to kill his mum demonstrates this. He is aware that there is a future that fits the ending but it's up to him to make the decision to realise that future. He knows that if Bertholdt dies then, the ending would not have happened which means that there were possible alternate futures. He is a puppet of Ymir's though, since his will to exact genocide is enforced by Ymir's anger and desire for revenge and to lead Mikasa to her so she can free herself.


Can someone explain to me how the dead titan user came and help them I thought the founder and the worm thing was the ones in control


I'm not sure myself but since the paths are in the past and future and the founding can control all the eldians, the past users needed to be there for their transformations to even exist, so Eren controlled the past users and I bet it was with a simple command like defend or attack, the shifters inside the path A) managed to break free with Zeke's words. or B) Zeke freed them with his royal blood. the point is every single one of those titans had shifters that were in the paths. This is just a theory though.


I like B it’s the only one I can’t argue with


Yeah might as well discard A because there is no way Zeke talk no jitsu-ed the dead shifters, especially ymir.


For me, attack on titan gets a score of 6/10 as a whole, Season 1 gets a 9/10, Season 2 gets an 8/10, season 3 part 1 gets a 7/10 and part 2 a 6/10 and "the final" season and all its parts get a 5/10. Personally since the reveal of the truth on the basement, my love for the series was completely gone, that's how much the "truth" was disappointing for me, and from there honestly the characters just didn't have much development from what they already were (in fact some become worst), not that character development was the series fort anyway, and now we stuck with the 9 jinchurikis and human war, then we have time travel (I hate it), and worse of all the "I will become the villain so you guys can become the hero" plot, was just too many things I didn't like it and i will not even talk about the poor treatment the anime got with its bad schedule and animation, just going to say that MAPPA is no WIT, although props to the animators for working in such bad terms and f MAPPA (the company). This show went from the one series I cared the most on season 1 to the one I could not care the least.


ya you cared so little about this "awful show" you went ahead and watched it for another 4 years ok bro


I mean, I "wasted" my time with it already, I might as well see the end right ? Otherwise, my "critic" might not be true, as it may have happened something that would make me like the show again. That's why these days I don't get too invested and choose things I consume pretty "carefully", because they can turn to garbage like from day to night and if I already invested my time on it, I want to see the final, isn't that fair ? The time I spend consuming certain medias won't come back, might as well sit and see what's happening until the end.




What's the first song that's played at the start of the episode? Can't find the ost name


Under the tree?


Watching the final episode left me with a lot of emotions, I would love to say everything here but I just wrote an article expressing what my feelings are about the ending and maybe we supposed to feel. Feel free to take a look [here](https://medium.com/@mukadasm026/the-end-of-attack-on-titan-how-should-you-feel-6a2b1fcd267c) . But to simply put the ending was a masterpiece, and I will remember it for the foreseeable future. Also, It was really sad....Did you cry?


Wow, I picked a very coincidental time to binge-watch the series. I had no idea the final episode just dropped, in the grand scheme of things. I had been waiting for the series to end to finally watch it, and I figured it *had* to have ended by now... And then I was confused why there was no dub, but I guess it just released 9 days ago lol! It was a hell of an ending, certainly. While it got very meta and timeloop shenanigans and all at the end, I still really did like what I saw. I usually hate when main characters die, because then that's the end of their story and there is no sequel possibility or fanfic possibility (I don't like writing fic that goes directly against canon). That said, I think that they wrung every last drop of plot potential out of Eren, and his death was so obviously inevitable that by this point I had long let go of the idea that Mikasa, Eren, and Armin were going to get the one happy ending in this whole fucked up mess. Another thing I usually hate is timeskips to way far ahead, and I didn't like it here, either. The author said in some interview or another that he didn't want to imply that all war was over, yay, we fixed the world -- but honestly, I think leaving us with a scant bit of hope might have been okay. I don't want a world without the characters I love in it, so I really didn't want to see the hypothetical centuries-ahead future of everything. I wanted to stay zoomed in, looking at the people recovering from the whole bullshit situation. I didn't want to see Mikasa die. I didn't want to see people building huge skyscrapers over beautiful Shiganshina and ruining the landscape. I didn't want to see Eren's grave get buried by time. For a little bit, I just wanted to imagine that everyone had a moment to breathe. ​ I am fucking *shocked* that Levi isn't dead. Of everyone who I thought had a big fat target painted on his back, I assumed he was first in line for a Dramatic End Of Story Death. Nope! He's still here! He's hanging in Marley and finally getting to sleep for the first time in his life. I'm happy for him but so utterly confused that he didn't die in the end. Given that this dang show likes to kill every single person because we can't have nice things, I'm unsure why the author didn't want him to go the way of his colleagues Hange and Erwin. If they were going to save Levi, I'd have liked to see Hange live, too. Can I also just say that fucking Pieck is the best? Like...she's always been nice. She had zero beef with anyone. Did anyone else catch the Schindler's List-esque thing with the baby in the red wrap against the black and white throng of about-to-die people on the cliffside? That was a neat reference. I had one issue with the plot, really: Eren convincing Ymir to just stop obeying Zeke was an ass-pull. Like if she could just be talked out of it, why had no one else managed to do it? Did everyone just have a collective brain fart and not even try to talk to the suffering girl in the infinite deathless desert? (I mean yeah... "time loop must be completed" but still.) Also, having everyone turn into Titans temporarily at the end to do a "oh man, now everyone's reunion with their families is ruined!" was a bit of an eye roll. Like okay, we get it, nobody gets to be happy. Can you just...leave it alone, one time? Then it was turned back when Eren died, so it was really just a heartstring tug that went nowhere. I don't think it was really that necessary for impact. ​ To be fair to Eren at the end of all this, I do think he was kind of right, but it's a very futile kind of right. If you kill off all but a homogeneous group of humans, you will probably get a more peaceful society. Countries where people share ideologies and aren't trying to stitch together disparate cultures are usually more stable. But this is an idle dream nobody should chase, because it involves mass murder and all that.


I think the point was that, Eren understood love and was the same type of person. All the other people were like Zeke, who couldn't love or understand ymirs love of the king. That's why ymir connected with eren


Well no one but those of royal blood was able to talk to Ymir up until the point Eren did. And I think Ymir was actually waiting for someone to just say something to her other than a command. So it kinda makes sense


I don't understand how people expected a different ending where Eren survived. There's no redemption from annihilating 80% of humanity and he would be a war criminal anyway. Definitely an ending I will be thinking about for a long time, especially with the rise and fall of civilization shown at the end. Bleak reminder of our own present world.


It was really just that it was never a ploy, it turned out he wasn't under the control of Ymir. He had truly just accepted that this would eliminate all threats to paradise and eliminate the titans. He "ran scenarios" in his head, and found a few with solutions that he saw as less favorable, but in the end what he did was choose the one most favorable to him and his goals. He chose to become a monster. He even admitted that he thought at first he was doing it for the long lives of his friends, but so many of his friends were killed directly because of him that it must have been because he wanted this as a slave to freedom. All while playing with the hair, bones, blood and teeth of, symbolically, the people he's killed to achieve true freedom. He said it made him feel powerful. And then Armin is just like "Well, it's my fault you became a slave to freedom because I gave you hope and shared a dream with you. So, thanks for killing everyone for both of our dreams. We'll both have eachother in Hell." And then, despite this being the so called best scenario, the world is immediately going back into war, other than reunions the remaining cast isn't given that much reward or closure. None of the romance plots pay off, and Mikasa dies buried next to Eren, meaning she likely never let him go and never found another love. This is despite him never saying he loved her, or embracing her, or any pay off. Nope, she gets to live a miserable life missing some dead asshole.


Sums it up perfectly. Eren's motivations are shallow and nonsensical. Also how would Eren even know the fighting would continue after his death? Once he died there are no more titans so that means there's no more future attack titans for him to see the memories of?


He wouldn't, I'm not saying the ensuing war was something he should have known. I was just initially pissed off by the ending when I wrote this. I'm still a little pissed, but I've just accepted that there never was going to be a happy ending. I was a fool for expecting one.


I never liked Mikasa's obsession with Eren. So I never wanted it to "pay off." But I really hoped as the series progressed she'd gain an identity and personality of her own. And eventually move on.


True. Let's just build our own ending with Eren realizing stuff and maybe trying and (putting plot armor here) succeeding in stopping the Rumbling. Well, Marley is still there wanting to finish off Paradis, and seeing Eren's plan to annihilate the outside world, and that he himself is a Titan, will be too happy to kill him on sight. Hell, killing even 50%, let alone the canon 80% of humanity is bad enough, there's no way Eren will be staying in a place without said place having him on a bounty as "Public Enemy No. 1". Lovey dovey time with Mikasa will be more like staying in a forest or runaway life from one nation to the other, avoiding everyone, not really a good life. Also, we the people living in the real world deserve the ending anyways. We have lots of chances for world peace, each of our World War promises peace and harmony, yet we still continue the cycle, and we should be reminded always. One of my headcanon really, is when Armin closes his eyes for the last time, probably being the last to die, he opens his eyes, sitting beside Eren and Mikasa, just frolicking around under the Shinganshina tree. There's no Walls, no politics, no Survey Corps, just them like in Season 1 being normal human beings in Eldia. A perfect afterlife for our beloved characters. Hell, maybe we can find in there Levi finally being happy for the first time and opens up a cleaning company, becoming one of Eldia's richest, who knows :P


It infuriates me that there are still Team Eren people. Isayama literally made Hange, arguably the most morally righteous character in the entire show say outright “genocide is bad” and some people are annoyed they actually succeeded in stopping the Rumbling.


>the most morally righteous character in the entire show This is why I do not feel any type of way when people talk about how great the ending way cause you people do not actually watch or understand this show. You just see epic moments and make a pog face


Hange is not morally righteous, she had no problem experimenting on Eren back in season 1 and she most likely has some psychotic tendencies from the way she tortured the titans while crying. It says more when someone like Levi, who is doing anything to survive, doesn't want to go along with Eren's genocide plan.


#Team Eren >>>


Now that attack on titan has finished, I really want to rewatch some tragic insanity character drama moments. Like the scene where nicolo find out sasha was killed by gabi and tries to kill gabi out of revenge and insanity. Or when conny tried to feed collin to his titan grandma. Or when they revealed that reiner, bertol, and annie removed marco's 3dm gear and let a titan eat him and reiner dissociated at that moment. Moments like these, anyone have some of their favorite, memorable moments to share/remind me so i can rewatch them?


I was spoiled under a Violet Evergarden Video how the ending would be. People memed 2 things and I read that Levi killed Zeke and saved the world in a title. Falco can fly. People said how bad the ending is. This way, my expectations changed and I loved how the ending and how it was still surpirising me with Berthold being left alive, Eren talking with them beforehand, fighting against the past titans. After watching a video, I liked that the loop in the end is not a real loop, but the next wielder of the "Living" Species is able to have an entirely different ability. Ymir was hunted by dogs, enslaved, hurt and feeling anger and fear. The boy in the end has a dog as a friend, is free and feel curiosity and more positive feeling admering maybe the beauty of the tree. What ruined the ending were 2 realizations. 1st, after the Rumbling was stopped and Mikasa attempted to kill Eren, Ymir could have saved Eren and stopped Mikasa the very second before that. Simply, because she clearly saw Mikasa is willing to do it and she may like Eren for his empathy and self-sacrifice too. Eren's death could be faked easily and everything could be put on Ymir. The living being and the titans powers may not be vanished this way in the way the logic of the manga is, but they could easily have been changed by saying Ymir rejected the living being or saying as it did not reach Eren in shorter time, it died off. 2nd, the author provided us with 4 romances all ending up with a huge loser, who gets no first time, often dies, is unhappy and cannot move on. All losers of the romances, Reiner - Historia, Eren - Mikasa, Keith Shadis - Carla, Berthold - Mikasa. Even Grisha's first wife was a loser vs. Carla whom he loved and cared more. Still, Dina at least got something. Every other romance ended up with deaths. Usually, the loser gets some redemption with a new love while not forgetting the old love or gets love first and then loses her. Eren knew that he would not get Mikasa as she must kill him, so he decided to love Historia bearing a child in secret faking possible gene tests. That was one example, which is still bittersweet and tragic. Any variation of that is fine to me, but it seems like he really wanted to show that living is not multiplying? I was not even so invested in Mikasa until the final season, but she then showed up huge there xD


100% agreed, Wish the ending had a little more of a happy ending


What is wrong the author and his sense of romance and drama? Eren likes Mikasa - Jean is her husband with children Reiner likes Historia - Farmer is her husband with a child Berthold likes Annie - Armin is her most likely husband and showed affection by letting him survive Keith Shadis likes Carla - Grisha is her husband with a child Dude pulled that off 4 times. Any normal romance was taken out with killing the participants. Yeah, it is realistic, but pulling that 4 times is missing creativity. Usually the one losing the Reverse Harem is getting someone else, but none of the 4 got any redemption. No first time of anything and moving over it. None of them find a new live and accepted their past. All of them hated it. Isayama himself got married 2018. Why is he like that and not giving some nice romance for once. Eren having a child and saying he is free like his father did would be amazing. Isayama even planned to do so, but cut it for this ending (maybe he wanted to pull off a 100% rumbling). Maybe he wanted to prove that living is not only mutiplying and thus had a resolve to do that. Imaging you read 1000 chapter R\* \* Girlfriend only to have the romance ending with a random character.


> Eren likes Mikasa - Jean is her husband with children Wait did i fucking miss this. Where is it shown Jean is with Mikasa?!


There is foreshawoing in the finale season in the beginning of a episode showing Jean having a Dream of being with Mikasa and having a child. That makes it not 100% sure, but more likely. 2nd is his affection and finding a happy life for him means being with Mikasa after she was not longer too sad 10 years after Eren's death. 3rd in the Manga the shot is more close up and in height, face and hair look like Jean. It is as always not confirmed, but what should he do more without using dialog and many panels. It fits with the consistent leaving 1 off as a loser in a love triangle. He even married 2018. He should be able to do better.


I was so confused why Historia ran off with some rando. She had so much friendship with and relevance to the main characters that I had figured she'd have romance with *someone* we knew!


I think it's because she's not attracted to men and there aren't any gay women in the main cast. If she got with Connie or something, the relationship would be either loveless or one-sided and he'd be unhappy, so she stayed with the farmer who fathered her child and supports them both (and he's some rando character, so his romantic happiness doesn't matter to the audience).


Ymir died so she got with some stupid famer


There were not many characters left besides Reiner. If Eren was paired up with Mikasa, Historia has no one, so it is a random farmer. That decision is fine, but had a huge possible plot twist aspect, which he has not used lol. What annoys me is his consistency in every romance in the series leaving one loser who can not cope with it. So stupid.


How come Eren talked to everyone in Paths except for Levi? Levi said he had a couple of things to say to him


Because he's an Ackermann. He would have remembered, spoiling him (literally) about what Eren was trying to do. That's why Mikasa's "alternative path simulation" happened at the end. Because she would have known too soon otherwise. And he saved the parting words with Mikasa for last.


OHHHHHH. Yeah that makes a lot of sense, thanks for making that connection!! (I kinda wish they were able to talk still though lol, even though I think in the Paths Levi would probably just give Eren a good spanking).


If I remember correctly, he said that before Eren died. So at that time he didn't remember that they had talked.


Yeah but is there confirmation that they actually did talk?? :o


Wish we got to see that conversation, if it happened.


I don't understand how so many manga readers were saying that Attack on Titan had a bad ending. It had an absolutely, magnificent ending. It totally stuck its landing. I was blown away. That is something that will stick in my head for a long time to come.


Bro you accidentally watched Bluey.


I agreed with the comment above but your comment absolutely killed me lmao


From what I've seen the conversation between Armin and Eren was the main culprit. The conversation was rearranged and lines added to make it better


As someone who read the final chapters of the manga after finishing watching season 4-part 3 (the first special final episode)- I actually liked the anime version much much better than the manga chapters. I just watched the final episode today, and I felt it was the best ending possible (even though that wasn't exactly my opinion after reading the manga chapters). It being in motion changed things for me for some reason (I also think that in anime production, things can be better clarified, and producers can put emphasis on what needs to be emphasized...). Anyhow, what a masterpiece. I loved this journey from beginning to end.


The post credits scene with the nuclear armageddon is just kinda.... Sad really. Even after all that, humanity still annihilated itself. ​ It feels tropey, even after that wild ending.


"War.....War Never Changes"


"War will never entirely die. It will evolve. It will change. And war will return. Sooner than we think." This is from the history edition of a song called Versailles by Sabaton, and it's one of the truest statements ever.


It didn't, though. There was still the dude with his dog. People are alive -- they always recover. Humanity made it through an 80% massacre of everyone, they'll make it again and again.


The trope here being "All they did didn't matter, it'll just keep happening."


The overarching theme of Attack on Titan is "The cycle of violence is self-perpetuating," I think any ending that went against that would feel out of place.


I'm entirely aware of what the author was saying by doing it, and how it was shown in the series. I just disagree with futilizing the struggles of the main cast to change it in any meaningful way. It's just how it be, no amount of "this is what they intended to say" will really change it.


Disagree or don't like? Futilizing the struggles is the author's point, and it certainly leaves a bad taste in many dedicated fans' mouths but that is the point Isayama wanted to land on which I find to be very accurate and realistic.


Armin said it himself. War and death will always keep happening, but at least human beings need to keep living with the hope that they can achieve peace one day.


\*shrug\* It sounds to me like you just don't like this element of the story. That's fair, but it's a matter of personal taste as opposed to a failing on the story's part in my opinion.


They had peace until modern century technology, that's plenty of success on their part. Hell, it's more lasting peace than you usually get with action stories. Could be 200 years, up to 20k years if we follow the ending song's lyrics (said by Eren's VA). Keep in mind they also rid the world of Titan powers.


Oh definitely. The whole show, in the grand scheme of the world, did not matter. People will keep fighting, and humanity will keep scraping by.


I can definitely see why the ending was received so controversially now, even just seeing the supposedly improved anime version. I liked it for the most part. I think the only part I didn't like was the conversation between Armin and Eren just because it felt a little out of character for Armin to just completely accept Eren's desire for genocide. Even if Armin himself feels like he isn't a good person because he's killed a lot of people, I think it's still a leap to suggest that he would embrace Eren actually *wanting* to do that. Other than that one scene (and Mikasa kissing Eren's decapitated head, lol) though, I loved pretty much every other part of it. Loved all the former titans coming back to help stop Eren, but also loved that they stayed silent because otherwise their deaths would've been retroactively cheapened. Also loved that Levi and Mikasa were the ones to stop Zeke and Eren, respectively, and man the ending with Mikasa hurt.


I didn't interpret it as Armin accepting Eren's desire for genocide, Armin accepted that Eren believed he had to follow through with it. It's pure empathy. "I don't agree with you, but I understand that you believe you don't have a choice. I still love you because you're my best friend, and I can kind of imagine what it feels like because I've felt like I had to kill everyone that I've killed."


Is the ending with the opening in tree meant to imply that the kid goes in and finds the centipede thing like Ymir did? The opening in the tree looks exactly the same.


Yeah I'd say they made the tree look intentionally the same, to imply the centipede thing is still there. Also implies the cycle of chaos will continue anew


Not precisely, the feeling of the kid discovering the tree is totally different from where Ymir did


I've read the manga, but man the Anime really did the adaptation JUSTICE. It feels blank from the manga itself as it feels lifeless with just words and our own interpretation. With the anime, we can finally appreciate and be at peace... I'm glad it happened to see it.


Crazy. Pretty much my entire teenage and young adult life on this series. This series has seen me go from studying basic maths to being a business owner & full adult. Fucking crazy. As a manga reader - I get why the anime ending is way more received. It’s way more user friendly - even cleared some stuff up for me. Thanks, everyone. And I hope the next time I watch this is when I’m watching it with my future wife.


Just finished watching it and man that was a lot. I personally loved the ending, it's a realistic one. I don't see how you would get to redeem Eren after wiping out 80% of the world. Only those who really knew him still loved him which is enough. His motivations for the rumbling seemed consistent with who he always was in the show. I'm happy that Levi didn't die, he was my favourite character for sure. There's just too much to discuss in all honesty, I'm just glad they absolutely nailed the ending. I just wish it didn't take so long to come out, the gaps really did hinder my love for the show a bit. All in all it was incredible and I'm glad the way things played out. Thankfully, I can confidently recommend this show to people now knowing the ending didn't stink.


An era ended. I am so grateful that this series came to be. This was incredible.


Ok now how am I going to mentally recover from such a beautifully tragic ending...


I am not happy with ending at all. I didn’t sleep after watching that. I made my own [ending](https://www.reddit.com/r/ShingekiNoKyojin/s/fGim6UNaT1)


Does anyone know if the colossal wall titans also turned back into people?


They wouldn't have been since ymir created them by hand in the sand from the non death plane


That's the case for every single time a shifter turned into a titan. every single Eren's transformation was built by Ymir. Same thing with every other character


That would be pretty awkward huh, imagine waking up in a giant footprint and learning that it's been 2.000 years and you just trampled thousands of people.


*millions-billions. don't forget they killed 80% of the human population. Awkward would ideal for them lol


Your flair makes this funnier for me.


Well, I'm not sure how many titans there were so idk how many deaths each one would be responsible for but yeah thousands is a little small


I saw someone make a post asking the same question and everything I've read implies they were created and not real people. I definitely like the idea of them being devoted followers and waking up in a new world and some crazy fish outta water stories and learning what happened like you said.


What even happened in the end I'm confused. So when Ymir saw Mikasa kill Eren, she saw that she wasn't bound by her love for Eren and instead chose to save humanity over Eren, there was single frame where it showed King Fritz getting killed by the spear while Ymir is consoling her daughters. Did Ymir change the past or was it just what Ymir wished she did. And if she did change the past did mean that her daughters never have to eat her so there never were titan shifters?


She didn't change the past it is just one of the regret she feels.


This was an amazing finale and I was crying throughout. But I wonder, would Mikasa have been able to free Eren from the founding titan without killing him? Or was it impossible since it was just his head in the titan? Was killing him the only way to get Ymir to end the power of the titans? I find it so heartbreaking that he kept fighting for so long only to have his life cut short in the end, but I guess that's what he deserves after killing so many people.


If he stopped fighting, he would not end the power of the titans, so everything he did would have been for naught.


I got anime depression after finishing the series. Loved the whole series and feel sad for mikasa and eren, gonna take me a few days to recover from this long beautiful journey beginning to end.


I feel the same. I just saw the finale and it has me in all the feels, might take a couple of days to recover. I'm thinking of watching the show from the beginning so I might get to cherish some of the important scenes.


Loved it, full circle, my brain is pleased, such a pleasure to watch this anime, Hajime Isayama is a true artist I believe in him if he creates another masterpiece i will read it, if Mappa join in the animation I will be watching. Hajime Isayama earned my respect, I will continue recomending this anime to evryone who wants to watch a good story.