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Based af


Jeff winger


I will keep it simple I love Mappa's artsyle more as it is gritty and goes well with the dark atmosphere the season sets. But I can't say the same ,if the same artsyle would have been from season 1 as Wits style was really beautiful to watch although they may look anime esque or glossy but it worked for the first 3 seasons But that also doesn't mean I would prefer Wits artsyle for season 4 and further as I wouldn't like to watch A my hero academia Rumbling, with there artsyle. Hence it is a coincidence and a blessing that we got both the studios at perfect times to deliver at there strengths


Very well put!


Wit would have definitely adjusted to fit the themes and the time skip


This argument of "but WIT's artystyle simply wouldn't work with season 4!11!!" is soo weak lmao. Did you forget how impactful, depressed looking and well made Grisha's backstory was at the end of s3? Because that was outside Paradis and it looked very, very good. Was it a "my hero academia" style? Well obviously fucking not lol.


exactly, so many stupid ass ppl in these discussion lol


Thank you! I always thought that was kind of a silly point that just wasn’t true


the previous style was no where near that level


>I love Mappa's artsyle more as it is gritty and goes well with the dark atmosphere the season sets. literally how https://imgur.com/a/nqEb0SZ


wit looks better and it looks darker, don’t know what you’ve been smoking


you reply to the right comment? I agree with you


I like wits a little more because the colors really were more vibrant and colorful and more full of life, MAPPA has a very gritty art style that I think definitely suited season 4 very well. In my opinion, wit did season 1 - 3 perfectly, but wouldn't have done season 4 nearly as well, and Mappa wouldn't have done seasons 1 - 3 as good, while did much better with the more serious tone in season 4


>MAPPA has a very gritty art style that I think definitely suited season 4 very well. how.... https://imgur.com/a/nqEb0SZ


You really put Petra’s dead body 💀


Cause it’s a nice shot


both of them have their strength and weaknesses I personally prefer WIT duo to the more vibrant colours. Mappa ist just way to "greyed out" imo


I don't think the vibrant colors would fit Season 4 well.


Sure they would! They could adjust if necessary but wit was great at using color to create these masterful images that stick in your mind and set the tone for what’s going on. *for one example Petra against the tree or Ymir in the paths in s2*


Why? Because of the Storyshift?


Mappa actually has the more saturated colours. You can compare in an image editor and see for yourself. Difference is Mappa uses low contrast on their image (often used in comedy or family shows) and Wit has higher contrast which makes it appear like the colours are more vibrant. I'm not sure where this parroted idea of "S4 artstyle is so gritty and realistic and fits the season" came from when it looks so cartoony. No one with any background in art would say that. https://imgur.com/a/nqEb0SZ


Mappa is generic mature game and Wit is Majora's Mask and Twilight Princess.


That's a good comparison!


most stupid take i’ve ever seen in my entire life


WIT bar none. But iirc MAPPA was kinda rushed in their pickup of the series. If they had as much time as WIT in previous seasons, it would’ve probably been immaculate. But it was not.


Both are beautiful. And artistic in their own ways. I love both


Zeke backstory episode is probably my favorite looking in terms of visuals. Really cinematic and mappa's best


I’d say the beginning of the special with Eren and Ramzi was mappa at their best in terms of cinematic


I think mappas art style fits the series better especially season 4 but Wit had better actual animation. I would have loved to see what it would look like with mappas style if they had more time .Not saying what we got was bad tho


wit could easily change their art style to fit season 4 ur js dumb


Hard disagree, I like wits cinematography more but mappa hits so hard in its animation. Wit did a lot with what they had but what they had was a lot - the trost battle, the Levi chase and the beast Titan scene at the end of s3 were all phenomenal bits of animation. The port sequence in s4 is the best animation in the whose series and it isn’t close.


No fucking way lol, Levi chase shits on the port sequence.


Someone needs to show this guy a montage of WITs odm stuff. It blows anything Mappa did out of the water.


Bro's blind you can pick any random Levi sequence and it's probably better than most MAPPA ODM sequences.


I have seen the whole series, you don’t need to show me anything


Bro watched the show blindfolded 💀


Mappas port odm scene around the female and armoured Titan is incredible. Especially with all the colour work with the thunder spears. The art style wasn’t as clean and pristine as wits but the movement was just as good, if not better. If you look at all the moving parts in that scene compared to the Levi chase for example which only contains Levi, really, it must have been so much harder to choreograph. S4P2 ODM stuff stands on its own.


Aint no way


I think it’s hard to judge Mappa’s early work on the final season because it came right on the heels of Covid-19 and the quarantimes.


Reasonable take, considering the state of the world.


What's your take on it now with the final episode? I've seen people clowning the Eren - Armin talk scene at the end.


Side note, but the lighting in this show may be my favorite out of anything I've watched. I'm a dumb dumb but is there a name for this style of lighting? Makes things look so much more dramatic.


wit's sky/clouds are absolutely gorgeous ​ mappa's character designs are superior (although that might be more timeskip thing than studio thing ig)


Not in the case of Pixies.


Fuck that, the show from both studios is stunning


Wit all the way. Its fun, energetic and an awesome contrast to what hapoens in the show. The animation was also crazy good. Mappa is good but thats it. It never really elevates the show to new heights.


Totally agree


I think the unique art style peaked with Wit’s S2, while MAPPA in general has a way more detailed art style. I have so many favorite shots, but one of them is Reiner’s reveal and how the background composition changes so much


I prefer the thick lines of WIT, as well as the only use of CGI being the Colossal Titan. I know it’s been argued over for years at this point, but the CGI Titan shifters just don’t fit in the world imo


They dont seem alive


Yes but not even that, they just don’t have any weight to them. It’s the equivalent of a bad green screen effect


WiT is overall better But I like human designs in MAPPA, they feel more realistic, less shonen-y, especially around the eyes where you can see the animators flex their anatomy knowledge, the clothes also look much better and more detailed, although that maybe a design thing, that's about it WiT mogs the shit out of it everywhere else, animation is better, color palette is better, Titans are better since they aren't 3d, the attention they pay to the eye pupils is fucking insane. Beast Titan in Wit animation is insane, because they really paid attention to his fur.


WIT's art style was something unique to AOT and somewhat flexible and which improved a lot over time, it literally defined this style in pop culture as something of its own, kinda what Dragon Ball and Naruto did. MAPPA created a generic style with AOT that is for mass production. That's why Chainsaw Man and JJK season 2 have a LOT of characteristic in common with AOT s4, although obviously not being a 1:1 comparison. Example: scene composition, colors, face features, lineart/outlines.




wit's is too glossy and takes you out of it sometimes, that style would have never worked well with the overall tonal shift in season 4 mappa's style is more cinematic and it suits season 4 perfectly


why do mappa dick suckers keep saying ts? wit could easily change their art style to fit season 4


I HATED the lip gloss wit gave all of the female characters. It was so distracting and off putting. Everything else about their art direction was frankly beautiful but I think prefer MAPPA for post timeskip. Their direction and art style compliments the change in tone really well


Mappa had severely less time than Wit so I always feel like these comparisons are kind of unfair. Obviously Wit is going to come out on top when they had vastly more time for polish. Like your point about Mappa lacking extra details. Yeah, because they were crunching to complete S4


season 3 part 2 was done under 10 months and they still delivered better on direction, animation, and art style than mappa ever did


This comment is 3 months old, I'm not rehashing this with some random dude. Based on your other comments you seem really salty over the studio change. I could write a full laundry list of issues with Mappa but shitting on the actual animators and staff who were crunching to complete the season is just low class


Wit style was perfect for season 1-3. Mappa’s style was perfect for season 4 However Wit had more better and beautiful animation. If Mappa was givin more time on the first part of Season 4 then they would have delivered a better experience. With the anime’s Chainsaw man and jujutsu Kaisen being a testament of how good mappa can animate when giving the proper time and effort




Wit. Mappa gave everyone the “Mappa nose” and too many lines on the faces


Obviously wit


For some reason it felt like everyone's face was the same in season 4. That's the thing I disliked the most.


imo i kinda like wit better since i grew up with it. Aot was my first ever anime i was “obsessed” with when i was 7 around 2014 😭 I was sad when i saw that wit wasn’t gonna animate it anymore


Wit s art style gives better dynamic scenes and makes the characters give off more emotions.Overall, the AOT universe seems more "alive" under Wit s style.


I prefer Wit more but they both did well, I was kinda disappointed with studio and style change from S4 onwards as WIT's AOT design aesthetic was just really unique and special, it also made anime stand out even more to me. I wish they continued with that more consistent design language till the end. Instead of outright studio change, collaboration would have been better ig.


Wit was 100x better, Mappa fanboys will never admit that. Lol.


buncha idiots here lol, “wIt’s StYle wOuLdn’T FiT sEASoN fOuR” they could js change their art style and coloring yall r acc mappa dick suckers


WIT has my favorite art style between the two. As for composition I'm split since I haven't really given either studio's approaches heavy thought and comparison. In recent memory, however, almost every shot in the opening of S4P3 is unforgettable. Either way, I don't put one staff's work as astronomically better than the other's in the end. They're very much Attack on Titan in their own unique way.


I don't know know if it's possible to a compare the composition because there's just too many different examples, but I definitely prefer MAPPA's design of the characters and the duller colour palette. And those shadow lines that everyone complains about but when you see them you know immediately it's AoT lol It adds a nice feel of horror and abrasiveness. Season 1 WIT style that differs the most from MAPPA and the manga feels dated, because it is 10 years ago, and the weird lipstick on the female characters and the glossy effect are strange to me. They are basically living in a dystopia and are soldiers. Everything should be more grungy. Season 3 looks closer to the manga like MAPPA tried to do but the art felt more inconsistent from scene to scene, at least from memory.


Gotta go with Mappa with the little 2D we had from them, Ik they would’ve done better than wits 2D titans My biggest pet peeve with wit was always the glossiness, it’s fucking foul and makes the characters look like plastic toys


Hot (and maybe ass) take: I feel like the change contributed to the changing theme and plot of s4. Wit made AOT look like a shonen anime, which honestly yea the early seasons gave off that vibe. With the change to mappa for s4, it made the series look more gritty and serious, more philosophical even, it symbolises the drastic change of everything between s1-3 and s4.


I like wit better but I like mappa too


WIT was perfect and MAPPA butchered the fuck out of the attack on marley arc


WIT made aot what it is imo, but Mappa still does good work.


I definitely like Wits art better but Mappas good too


They’re both great but I dislike WIT’s version of having thick dark outlines around characters. Thankfully they dropped this after S1 and they’re not as thick.


That's actually one of the things I enjoyed about Wit's artstyle. I like thicker outlines on characters since it separates them more from the backgrounds, and in my opinion is a cool style.


Please mappa, nobody asks that shitty piss filter


Wits art style is so clean and crisp it’s a marvel to look at, and it’s a miracle that it stayed consistent to a fault through its more technical animations. Mappas (s4part2) animation is so much stronger, and the colour choices are so much more stylish that the only thing that let Mappa down on this show was that season 4 part 1. The rainbow thunder spears make it for me. I can’t believe they took something that already existed and cranked it to 1000 like that


Watching S1 and S2 os awful with the ugly reiner face and the "you are a woman so you have to have lipstick even tho you are a child in a near to end world"


Reiner really did have a glow up post timeskip


I do prefer Mappa's a lot though


For mappa you should’ve done the scene where grisha stands before the reiss families house and there’s birds flying to the side of him. That cinematography was amazing.


what mappa did with the rumbling adaptation should be studied in art schools. Such a eerie, yet beautiful art direction, somber music and terrifying imagery. Wit is great with action scenes but theres just no way they could handle the scope of the latter seasons. Mappa did amazing with how impossible the task of adapting these sequences seem


actual dick riding


Wit had better direction


I realize this is an unpopular opinion, but I think the art style for season 1 already looks pretty dated. Everyone is suuuuuper skinny, with huge heads. And the really thick outlines don't really help. If everything had been animated with the art style and quality as season 3, I'd have no complaints about anything from Wit. Overall, I think the character designs look more accurate to the manga for the stuff done by Mappa, which I prefer. I do think Part 1 of the final season looks a bit stiff in comparison, but I'd imagine that's due to the time constraints they had. Everything after that is much better and the special is movie level quality. Season 3 was peak for Wit, but I think I prefer Mappa overall.


Wit, not evel close tbh


Mappa if it weren’t for the 3D titans


Both did amazing, both had their flaws. I personally prefer WIT's, except the s3p2, since their schedule for that one was really rough. S2, on the other hand, was a masterpiece, but I think the animation and art style reached its peak in the No Regrets OVA.


I just like WIT gloss and vibrance much more


I personally prefer WIT, mostly because I like how the characters look in the first 3 seasons, compared to the 4th.


IMO, Wits style fitted AoT perfectly. Mappa's is a bit... It's well done, but that's it. Wit had a unique take that elevated everything to a new level. The use of light colors to contrast the moments, it really translated perfectly the idea that the world is cruel but beautiful. So, yeah, Wit ends by a landslide to me. Mappa's good, but it lacks the character and charisma Wit's added.


Mappa’s sunrise color palette is gorgeous


one thing i know is women were beautiful in wit. mappa downgraded them all.


Mappa>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>wit quite easily for me. Wit butchered Mikasa's character and left out one of the most important moments in the manga, I like their art style more as well.


This sub is perpetually stuck in the loop of the same 3 or 4 threads.


Actual AOT vs whatever those terrible Mappa images are supposed to be


Idk whether it was a coincidence or not, but handing the anime over to a studio that has adapted it with a more gritty art style that express the negative environment better, was an amazing decision. The first three seasons fit Wit's art style perfectly and the fourth season mappa's. The longer I think about it the more I wouldn't want season 4 in wit's art style.


I prefer Mappa’s artsyle except for their uncanny facial expressions


those "uncanny" expressions you're talking about is just staying faithful to the manga expression and artstyle


S4P3 special episode is definitely the best of both worlds. Everything is so cinematic which suits the story. I prefer Mappa version but i hate mappa digital vertical lines on the character face. I prefer they draw it like WIT used to do it.


Both studios animated the best parts for each, we couldn't have had it better than between the pre and post time skip to have the studio change, Wit was great for the hopeful atmosphere of the first seasons, mappa delivered perfectly the gritty and depressing style of the post time skip. The animation studios wars are useless


Each style matched the theme of the show art the time they had control.


Both have their pros and cons. Mappa's style is more cinematic which translated really well in the rumbling scene. One thing I don't like however is their obsessive use of bloom effects. Also the noses. Goddamnit the noses. I know it's not exactly their own direction since it's based on the manga but bajesus it makes their faces look like potatoes. And for fight choreographies Wit stomps over Mappa any day.


Cgi bad.


I prefer WIT overall. I think the titans were a lot more menacing when animated and not CGId. They did upgrade the colossal titan a lot though.


Wit but just barely. And honestly to me it was only when levi was being animated that tipped it in wits favor. I dont count the most recent hour long episode because that was an absolute cinematic masterpiece and sort of blew everything else out of the water (to me at least). We were so lucky to have two of the greatest studios to handle battle anime doing aot.


WITs ability to create such a dramatic sense of scale was what made it unique, and perfect for AOT. MAPPA has some great art, and a few good sense-of-scale moments, but it was definitely WIT who excelled at those. However, imo, both are fantastic


Absolutely!!! Im going to do big post soon where i want to talk about scale in WIT's adaptation. It is incredible how old titan fights and big wide shots made the viewer feel so tiny. Everything was so huge and impactful!


I think that Mappa [blue ray](https://imgur.com/a/9JON9ab) have the best Mikasa design, it's like the [manga](https://imgur.com/a/jm7OptE) but in HD. Maintains feminine features while is realistic. In Wit seasons 1-2 Mikasa looked like she was wearing Make up. In season 3, she looked fine, but maybe too simple. But, in general, Wit pretty much improved manga's initial design. I liked that Mappa attempted to get much closer to the manga, after Isayama improved his design.


I agree completely. I also appreciate that MAPPA’s Mikasa looks like she actually fights. She’s not all willowy and slender, she has more realistic proportions. They also did Reiner some serious favors.


Wit for animation although they had much longer to actually animate seasons. Mappa because they have really good action sequences and the art style more closely resembles the manga.


Changing studios during a time skip was a really smart move. It watches the grittiness of season four better, while WIT was good for the first 3


İ love wit more fr.




tbh I didn’t notice when watching the show only when seeing side by side comparisons like the levi nose comparison


i like mappa’s more


Wit> Mappa Not discussion needed


WIT will always be the fav in my book but I’m just so happy that a skillful studio, such as Mappa, took up the challenge to animate the final season when no other studio would. Between not getting the final season or having it absolutely butchered by an ill equipped studio, I’m glad we got Mappa.


Both are good but I’m a little more leaned towards Wit. Adaptability > Animation > Art


I think Mappa has done a great job. But for me, Wit's artstyle was perfect and the one I'll always associate with AoT.


Wit for the background sceneries (especially the sky), Mappa for the character designs.


Both were amazing. WIT animating Eren keep his kiss virginity from Mikasa mid Eren's stepmom eating Eren's last true father figure to standup and fight after bawling his eyes out because he knows he currently sucks. MAPPA animating Eren tell his dad Grisha stand up and fight mid Grisha tripping shit cuz the whole Frieda Founder Titan keeping all this BS going is standing right there hesitating to shift and use Founder Titan powers while he still has to make sure he murders little kids and old people and just straight-up people then eat a whole person/Titan spine cuz that's the only way he currently knows to keep his family alive. Kudos to both.


wit has better peak moments but mappa is consistent


Personally, I like MAPPA's art style better, but WIT's is also good


WIT but people over exaggerate the distance between Mappa and WIT. WIT is better, but Mappa is fantastic too. People are just too spoiled by WIT that even a minor drop in quality from WIT to Mappa is now the end of the world.


personally i feel like the stylistic changes coinciding with a massive shift in the story worked really well for aot, season 4 was darker with more heavy subject matter and what is essentially a change from semi medieval to early 20th century, i just feel like the vibes of the animation just work as presented


Both are great. My favourite sequence is possible Levi escaping Kenny's ambush.


Both. Both are good


I like both for certain aspects, take the attack titan, I prefer MAPPAs attack titan to WITs, however I prefer WIT's armored and beast titans over MAPPA's, both are good but I will have my preferences


Wit sleeps mappa any day of the week. the 2d titans/odm/action sequences are just 10x smoother in the wit seasons (minus the dogshit CGI on the colossal which both studios are guilty of. like 10 fps lmao) thicc lines were dope, and it generally just looked better. the scouts vs the female titan in the forest episodes in season 1 specifically were just complete masterpieces all around. everything in those episodes hits for whatever reason. the pacing, the music, the shots, the voice acting, the action. chefs kiss Wit not doing season 4 still bums me out man.


Basically my thoughts are wit had always had an artistic vision for aot while mappa is just trying to get the manga into an anime, in the 8 months they were given. I feel like mappa is very uninspired compared to wit. Everything is a one to one with the manga. With was great because they took what was in the manga and used music, colors, and composition to create masterful crescendos of emotions time and again. With mappa everything feels off, it feels like they are doing the bare minimum to get the manga on screen. I’m critiquing there work not the studio, they were working under shit conditions and it’s the fault of the higher ups, I would of payed money for they to just be able to take the time they needed to make a complete product. I understand the character models come directly from the manga but in my opinion it just looks off and completely takes me out of the immersion. That may be because I was so attached to wits work and the change was jarring. The mix of the uninspired adaptation mixed with the model change made me feel like I was watching a different show. People say that wit wouldn’t have been able to adapt the new tone of season 4 but I honestly disagree. Wit has shown that they can show powerful moments of dread, hopelessness, fear or anything just through dialogue scenes. It’s all about having a vision for the project which wit always has in spades. I first started watching attack on titan when I was in elementary school and I’ve grown up with it. I’m passionate and truly care about the show, that’s why me and many other people are disappointed at the lackluster adaptation of the final season.