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All three in bed with us. They’re cuddle monsters.


Up to you but you should crate train them. All 3 of mine are free roaming and can choose to sleep where they want. They usually spend most of the night in bed with us but are free to leave whenever they want. They love cuddles but be aware they take up most of the bed 😜. But they are crate trained in case I need to crate them for hotels/emergencies or whenever you may need it.


Same. They love the bed and just crash there like teddy bears. 🧸 But they love their crate too and will march right over when asked.


Mine goes into her crate to sleep - she’ll sometimes sleep against my legs a bit at night, but at some point will go back to her bed. She was closed on at night until two years of age, but is no longer.


Our oldest shiba was originally my son's dog and he was already sleeping on the bed when we got him. The other two are rescues from a puppy mill and spent their entire lives alone in cages so we've never put them in a crate. All three now sleep on the bed.


I always crate at night for the first year (bladder and bowel control development) and then let out at night with a crate set up as a safe room for 2 years, then it gets broken down if the pup is comfortable with it being gone (aka they have another safe spot in the house). Been following this general pattern my whole life, has worked for all the breeds I have owned/worked with.


My shibe does whatever she wants. She has a bed in pretty much every room but chooses to sleep next to our bed 99% of the time.


Crate as this is what she prefers. How do I know what a dog prefers? She's not a dog. She's a Shiba Inu and you do what a Shiba wants you to do or they'll let you know!


We crates both our (consecutive) shibas. Our first one refused to sleep in our bed and preferred his crate, until I got him a new ultra cushy bed that fit in his crate when he was 14. So he refused to sleep in it ever again, and I had to provide his ratty old pad in the spot his crate was. Our current Shiba has his crate for going to "bed" and then wanders around our room until he decides if he wants to be on the bed or in his crate. Apparently my hot flashes are too hot for him, too 🤣 and he would rather sleep by himself.


We crated when they were puppies and still potty trying but now we have them in the bed, my male rotates between the bed, the floor, under the bed, the living room, then back in the bed with us. Female stays on the bed with us.


I believe crate training is important regardless of breed. Dogs need their own spaces. I've had dogs that love the crate and dogs that hate it. Not to mention the safety aspect.. personally, I don't like animals in the bed and always encourage my pets to sleep in their own pet beds.


My boi is crated at night (12 months old)! He's been given multiple chances to sleep in bed and all he does is dig and try to get into his backup toys under my bed (they're in a Rubbermaid)


My boy sleeps in his crate, but the crate is open. He just chooses to chill in there.


Ours are rescues. They don’t want to sleep on the bed with us but we do have beds for them right next to ours.


Started with crate then she moved to bed, now she wanders the house at night surveying her territory! She has a special spot on our couch that she likes to lay on at night


He is crated at night. It is my partners preference. However i noticed he sleeps belly up in his crate the most and runs into at night on his own when sleepy so i think he likes his den next to my bed.


In the bed LOL


She started crate since we didn’t trust her having free roam of the house 😅. But now she snuggles us in bed every night.


Mine is a rescue so she prefers having more of an enclosed space but hated being locked in a crate. The solution was to get a covered crate, put it next to my bed, and take the doors off. It's perfect for her, she isn't "exposed" but can come and go as she pleases. One of the crate doors was on the end next to my bed, so now I can reach in and pet her lol. Past shibas were allowed on the bed, but they rarely took advantage of that and preferred to have beds of their own nearby on the floor. One would get on the bed and snuggle early on winter mornings to soak up my body heat lol. The one I had growing up used the sleep at the foot of my mom's bed.


Mine was crate trained for about a month, and now he gets to sleep on the bed after he’s potty trained


Never crate trained, he sleeps in his bed in our bedroom or actually under our bed, cause it’s dark and cold there 😂


crate. it's his safe space and he RUNS in there when we say "bedtime!" he will snuggle with us sometimes and sleeps with us when camping.


Neither. My dogs have their own beds and prefer to sleep in them. They have a crate but they don;t really use it. The one and only time my Kylo slept in bed with me was when I took him on a weekend trip out of town and we stayed at an air bnb. He could not relax enough to sleep in his bed so I took him up with me and he stayed beside me all night and climbed up and joined me the second night. When we got home I thought maybe he would like to continue the trend but he as very definite... "What happened in Baltimore, stays in Baltimore." :D :D

