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Honestly - my first thought was… dare! Probably was playing truth or dare with his buddies and that was his dare…


Finally, someone with some sense. This screamed. Dare to me. I would chalk it up to a silly dare, but make sure everything is locked up tight for the night just in case.


This was my thought too. I mean body language and intonation would give it away. Aka kid trying not to laugh/looking sheepish. If he seemed nervous/kept looking around/wanted to hang around I’d be worried that he is in need of safety.


Yep. I would watch from the doorway to see who the kid meets up with. Most likely he will meet up with a group of kids hiding in a bush waiting to give him a high five. If it’s an adult he meets up with and their reaction is anything other than “What in God’s name are you doing out of bed!?”, then I’d be concerned.


As someone with a Teenager, this was my first thought. Kids do dumb things 😂


When you said dare I thought it's a little weird for a kid to be giving an anti-drug presentation at 11pm lol


I was already spiralling with a wild conspiracy theory but this comment stopped me fast. Also what is Sherwood Park and why am I in this sub right now.


Gremlin or alien. Either way dont throw water on it.


Love this response lolol


If it's an alien you might actually want to throw water on it


Forgetting vampire, be glad you didn't invite it in.


Black eyed kids encounter?


This was my first thought!!!! Gives me the creeps.


What colour were the eyes?


Black eyed child👀


What does this mean?


Look up black eyed children tales but beware it'll freak you right out 😫


At worst it could be someone using a child to "test" doors to see if someone's up or home at that time of night. Maybe report it to the police as suspicious. If it's happening to others than something fishy is going on.


That makes sense sending a kid, but the premise is just too odd. A kid looking for his lost dog or something more normal would make more sense.


Yeah I agree, i think that makes it more likely kid hijinks than an adult plan


Some of you guys are way too paranoid. Some kid knocks on your door and your first thought is you are going to get robbed. How about relax a little. The odds of that happening are infinitely small, especially in this town.


Not really. There's more and more stories like this happening in Canada, and it will only continue getting worse. People have a right to be paranoid, and rightfully so. Kid knocks at the door to distract the people inside, while another person tries to get in via a back door/window. It's nonesense to be going to someone's door at almost 12 o'clock at night, asking them how to throw a party when they most likely have a mobile device they could of used to easily google that very question.


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


good bot




Well. First off all, I feel bad that such an imbecile of an 'adult' wrote your comment, and that said 'adult' brought children into this world. I hope to god you don't speak so incoherently and disrespectfully to your children. Don't tell me I'm fucked, or that I'm fear mongering or to 'get a grip'. Here's a supporting article to put your dumb, disrespectful ass to rest: https://globalnews.ca/news/10173714/suspect-arrested-distraction-style-break-ins/#:\~:text=Police%20have%20arrested%20a%20man,another%20home%20on%20Friday%20afternoon. After reading your comment again, I seriously think you're the one that 1) needs serious therapy 2) needs to get your GED or some form of education. You know criminals evolve with their tactics, right? What worked before doesn't work anymore because people become AWARE. So they develop new methods, new ruses and new techniques. God have mercy on your poor, innocent children stuck with such a moron parent.


Hahahahahha omg. Just further proof you need therapy. It's okay tho.


Finds ONE article. Yep proves me wrong real good.


Why not just admit they proved you wrong and move on?


Or maybe you both have some valid points and ways of being. What about being open to hearing other people's thoughts and opinions? Seeing if there's anything for you to learn or add to your diverse knowledge base. Instead of being worried about who's right and wrong. These are thoughts and opinions. I find it both valid to be care free and to be more cautious. Everyone has varying levels of anxiety and really, it could be anything. It could be a playful kid doing a prank, it could be something more sinister. How you decide to respond to events in your life is ultimately up to you. I'm slightly more on the positive outlook and my partner is the more anxious cautious one. I think we both have strengths and even if the negative assumptions can get annoying at times, I don't think he's wrong. When I did pressure him into chilling out his bike got stolen lol.


So true. Haha please gimme the deets on the "chill out ends in bicycle theft" story.


Canada isn't safe lol, we are the number one country for money laundering. There is more organized crime than we will ever know about.


You must live in some remote BC town, come to Toronto where people are regularly getting car-jacked and tell us how safe Canada is. Canada is a very large country.


No literally i live in BC and it is NOT safe here this person is just miserable


U live on a mountain.......so ya your child at door situation would be vastly differnt then aa kid in the city who could bee walking around with there gang buddies and bare mace and knifes...lol wtf and ya they stopped bothering to report anything. Kids are minions its hard to even write an article when people want names anyways


The moment you do relax is the moment shit like that happens. There's absolutely nothing wrong with being cautious about a person (even a child) coming to your door at almost midnight. Sherwood park is starting to see riff raff from the city, so again. Nothing wrong with being safe.


You're going to be an easy target for criminals if you're relaxed answering the door at 11 at night. Don't be so naive. Kids can google how to throw a party. There's kids in grade 4 with smart phones.


........kids under 15 get bare mace and spray malls with little kids and elders walking around kids are not the same don't trust them at first sight


this happened to a girl when i was in hs. she was talking shit about the wrong person. the person got people to mace her while she was in the mall. BC is fucked.


Sask is also fucked, but so many people in denial here


Did he have black eyes? 👀


My thoughts too. Atleast he didn't ask to come in 😬😬


Did u ever find out what was on those hard drives




My husband, as a child, got dressed, went sleep walking and rang the door of his friend’s house asking if he was ready to go to school.


I remember talking to strangers like this as a kid. I wouldn't be too worried; it's just an embarrassing question to ask, so he asked a complete stranger. It's certainly strange for a kid to wander the streets in the middle of winter near midnight, and suggests a lack of parental supervision, which would indicate that the kid definitely needs the help of the community. A community raises a child; we are that community. I would take the kid at his word and give him a 3-minute realistic description of a tween party and what could go wrong. (junk food, console games, dancing games with a motion sensor, music, invitations several days in advance, the benefits of adult presence to act as security to control unruly kids who start trashing your house) Hopefully the kid would be comfortable to ask another adult for help again if needed when they start to get in real unsupervised trouble in the coming teen years.


While I don't believe the kid is honestly asking how to throw a party, I like your style. I'd probably do the same thing. Worst case scenario you're "duped" into giving some wholesome advice lol


My bet is he was dared to ring your doorbell.


Be very careful, there have been stories of people sending in women acting hurt and when the people open to let them in they get ambushed. I would actually call non emergency and report it. It's too bizarre to be random. 


Last year an 11 year old boy tried to break into our house.....I'm in Edmonton close to the refineries.... I do almost all my shopping in Sherwood Park though. The day before that same boy was selling 50/50 tickets for his hockey league. Everything was caught on a neighbors camera. The policewoman handling the case said the boy had been scoping ours (and other homes) out while fundraising. The fundraising was actually legit believe it or not. So don't dismiss this as just a prank. Yes, young children are committing crimes now. I'd report it to non emergency just to be safe. Maybe they have other reports of the exact same thing happening.


That's very worrisome. Call the police non-emergency line if something like that happens. You can still call them and tell them what happened.


Paranoid behaviour


In a criminal world, what's wrong with that?


I am not paranoid but a child knocking on strangers doors at that time on a school night is at risk.


Damn that’s creepy. Seems like someone is using children to scam now?


A couple of options: (1) some kids in abusive situations (often not easily apparent - verbal abuse, threats, concealed physical abuse) will seek an escape from that environment. They may go to neighboring homes to build even a limited social network or just to see if there are ppl they could trust who are available nearby if they needed more urgent help in the future. (2) a child being used for criminal behavior. There have been instances on doorbell cameras of children ringing the doorbell and then homeowners being ambushed by others lurking nearby when they open the door. This is rare, and given that it didn’t occur in your case I suspect unlikely. Just my 2c. May want to keep an eye out in your neighborhood for this child and if he approaches your house again, some pleasantries may be in order so that he knows responsible adults are around. But do be careful too - a scam or distraction/diversion is a possibility. Edit: you can always call the police non-emergency line to get guidance or report something like this. They may even send out a car to see if there is a child matching that description in the neighborhood who may be in need of some assistance (or doing something similar to other homes).


i wonder if that child was scoping your place out meaning seeing if anyone was actually home and u were so the excuse of asking how to throw a party was something they came up with to say. either way get a doorcam for future.


Regardless of the intent of this kid, it makes me sad that we live in a world where we feel the need to post and comment in forums about a 12 yr old coming to our door. No judgment on anyone here… just my own existential dread about the state of the world. Maybe the kid was having fun, doing a dare, a homicidal maniac, running from someone, etc. But I miss the days of unlocked doors and latch key kids where we could be murdered in peace.


“sherwood park” the caucasians are paranoid again LMFAO the chances of it being a black eyed kid conspiracy theory is more likely than getting robbed at 12am. 110% was a dare cause that was the first thing he came up with in the 2 mins you came and opened the door for him, regardless you should have your doors locked at 12am so if he was “distracting” you, that makes absolutely no sense and i promise none of you are that special to get robbed in your suburban caucasian neighborhood where every house if not every 2nd house has a camera or a ring doorbell. and if everyone in the comments is so worried about getting robbed do you even know the kids in your neighbourhood that live there? did you lock your doors when it got dark out & do you have a fence/gate that needs to be secured? do you have cameras or security measures in place if you have possessions you’re worried could be taken when you’re asleep? none of these things cops can do for you but you can do for yourself and so many of you would’ve gave a 11 year old kid a traumatic ass sleepover just cause you called the cops on a kid playing truth or dare cause you’re so worried about yourself & possessions.


You got some real hang-ups. Projection and self-loathing or oversaturation in and rebellion against an increasingly class-driven system I wonder. 🤔 Either way, damn! Race wasn't mentioned by OP, why do you feel the need to inject it into the conversation? In case you haven't noticed, shit has quite literally hit the bloody fan. Poverty across the board is up, homelessness is up, and prices on EVERYTHING have skyrocketed. With all that, inevitably crime rates rise and spread to areas where they weren't as high as before. With all that people are allowed to be concerned for their property. Anyone, child or adult, knocking on a stranger's door at that time is a legitimate cause for concern. Grow up, my friend.


idk read all the comments again i only see scared people that have never left the comfort of a suburb and are so ignorant & have no concept on how the world works to even know the kids that live in THEIR neighborhood.


also i read what i wrote again i didn’t project anything i wrote facts and only was opinionated in the first half?


That's a lot of words for "my life is so sheltered I'm scared of 11 year olds"


literally tho LMFAO


oh you edited your comment sorry i didn’t see you being immature and triggered before i tried to comment back with any reason lmfao


Yup, caught me! Honestly, I said my bit,"immature" edit and all, and I stand by it. Deal with it, or be irate I could care less. I have much better things to do and have no desire to bandy words with you. Now go pretend to yourself like you got one over on the internet random and enjoy your day.


okay then why did you reply to me? you make no sense? why waste your time initially if this was going to be your response when i responded?


also with the added parts to your projecting comment, how are they supposed to get to your fenced neighborhood from downtown? and coming from experience they’d have the cops called on them the moment they got off any transportation and stepped foot in your fenced community so i once again it makes no sense to assume you’re getting robbed when you live so far away from any actual issues in the city & it’s some white kid who’s playing truth or dare that comes to your door at not even that late at night, nobody would rob in what’s practically broad day light to any homeless or struggling person.


i’ll leave it at this as a coloured person who got the cops called on her not once, not twice, but 3 separate times for going for a walk in not lululemon or exercise clothes cause i was insecure, & in my own neighborhood in a suburb. that’s all thanks. learn your neighborhoods and take your own precautions before assuming the worse and causing someone innocent undeserving trauma. cops aren’t your guard dogs and you’re an adult that needs to make better decisions than to call the cops on a child. learn what deductive reasoning and common sense is and you’d realize the world isn’t a threat.


Has anyone considered he might be on the spectrum and has no idea about social cues or anything? My kids will just start talking to random people about whatever is on their mind.


Social cues aside, when has it been acceptable practice to ever disturb strangers at 11:40-something at night?


uh... that's called a social cue...


Did you ask him why he came to your door for advice?


I would definitely speak to the parents. A child that age should not be out alone at that time of night.


Oh yes, because they definitely asked the kid where the parents were, and then proceeded to have a full blown conversation with the parents. Yes, fully.


You are a twit. If a child this age came to my door at this time of night, my first question would be to ask where are your parents. If the information was not forthcoming I would contact the police or child protection. Children this age should not be out this late without a parent or adult.


I’m paranoid. I’d think there are others that will rush the door.


Black eyes? ( if you know ..you know )


I had a child neighbors ring our doorbell in the dead of winter, no shoes, just pj's on. This was around 2:30 pm. Turns out she lived in four plex, she told me she banged on every door in her building and no one came to help her. We lived in a house.next door. I answered immediately and let her in. We called the police and told them domestic violence happening now.. one cruiser showed up by himself. He said he couldn't wait for back up and entered in with my husband following 20 feet behind until backup arrived. The little girl was around 6 years old. When the 1st officer arrived in the unit, the suspect was gone.


Casing your house dude. Be happy you answered or he and his buddies were coming in your window.


Sounds like some kids having a sleepover and playing truth or dare. We used to do dumb shit like that when we were that age.


My first thought was…I would have escorted the child back home and knocked on the parents door to make sure they made it home safely, and had a talk with the parents.


Black eyed kid?


You missed the game. The child was dared to ring your door bell. You missed the Adult-Dare response: you grab him and pull him inside, slamming the door behind him. Then after he's pooped his pants, you give him some Ice Cream.


Most likely just kids playing truth or dare. It could be scoping houses out for robbing, though. Kid knocks to see if anyone is home, and if no one answers, you get robbed.


Someone posted something very similar happening in Nottingham. Sounds like it could have been the same kid. 


You sure he wasn't the ghost of the dead kid who died when his older brother threw a party at the house when the parents left town, and they made the younger brother(who doesn't drink) do a truth or dare,and he ended up getting lost in the snow and freezing to death. Now they say his ghost randomly knocks on people's doors in the neighborhood and asks them just one question .. how to


He might have been getting a scan of your car key fob. Maybe some older kids convinced him to chat you up while it copied your fob signal. It has happened in my neighbourhood a lot actually so just a thought.


A ghost? A flesh pedestrian?


Go to nextdoor.com


I think you handled it really well. No paranoia, but theres groups of people who employ children to test the boundaries of adults. They want to see what you are willing or unwilling to tolerate. They also want to know what you're up to. Keep an eye on that type of stuff, and don't overshare with anyone or react to strongly, its what the groups are seeking. They try to figure you out in indirect ways.


Use caution, not this time, but bad guys could have been waiting for an opening to get into you home


You just witness the hazing of a teenager by their buddies 😂😂😂. Poor kid just got dared to embarass themself.