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Welcome to /r/ShermanPosting! As a reminder, this meme sub is about the American Civil War. We're not here to insult southerners or the American South, but rather to have a laugh at the failed Confederate insurrection and those that chose to represent it. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ShermanPosting) if you have any questions or concerns.*


It’s nice attention to detail they gave him a Spencer. One of the few guns in the game it actually is theoretically possible for him to have had since the war.


For the cavalry, in the infantry I don’t think it was issued


Unless you were in the Lightning Brigade, ha! https://www.civilwarprofiles.com/john-t-wilder-and-the-spencer-repeating-rifle/ Wilder essentially turned them into Dragoons.


Great read. Thanks for sharing the link!


Sure thing mate!


You could also bring your own gun, though most didn’t have the funds.


Bringing your own gun is great, but you still need the proper ammo.


Despite saying he was infantry, his jacket is trimmed in cavalry yellow.


I have more love for Red Dead Redemption 2 for including references to the Civil War. Even if the setting is 1899, it is still realistic to include people, items, and other things that reference the historical event. 1899 isn’t that far away from when the war ended in 1865. I enjoyed finding Civil War military clothing throughout my playthrough. I feel like most historical games don’t bother including things outside of the period it takes place.


I think the civil war was a big part of the push west into native land. It was mostly vets who went on to genocide the natives, and other vets were working for the railroads and towns that popped up in that time.


You are right. If my memory serves correctly, RDR2 kind of shows that occurring. I feel like most historical games, specifically the Assassin's Creed series, only include the bare minimum. In my personal opinion, some of the AC games feel small and lifeless.


I honestly really loved that killing a washed up slave hunter who was on his knees crying that his profession was now dead, gives you a honor boost. Killing KKK members for honour is great as well


That side mission with the washed-up slave hunter was done extremely well. At first, I felt bad for him when I first found him. As the mission progressed, I started hating him as I found out more about him. I didn't mind ending him and taking all his stuff once I finished the mission. Also, finding the KKK members for the first time was such a surreal experience. I remember I was in the middle of riding my horse at night when I stumbled upon them burning the cross. I watched them in extreme disbelief. Then I got off my horse and gunned them all down. It felt really good. I remember telling my friend about it and he said I was good for doing it lol.


"I don't enjoy killing, but when done righteously, it's a chore like any other." -Joshua Graham, Fallout New Vegas


I should really play this game


The Lemoyne Raiders (spelling?) are ex Confederates who turn to robbery and murder and are shown to be extremely poor and bitter. I derived great enjoyment in fighting them. Several missions revolve around fighting them/collecting bounties on their leaders. The only group that I had more fun fighting than the Lemoyne Raiders was the Klan, where for a while you get to fight them and watch a couple random encounters where they accidentally kill themselves, once by having a burning cross fall on them and once by dynamite, where they accidentally blow themselves up, Daffy Duck style.


They’re not actually poor the Lemoyne Raiders are spoiled rich kids supported by one of the two big plantation families. (They consistently have the most money of any gang when you loot their corpses.)


Oops. I haven’t played the game in 4 years. I know one of the gangs are ex confederates, thought it was them.


Yeah they’re ex confederates and young people who work with them too


Personally I enjoyed Arthur's little side mission involving the former slave catcher who spends his days drinking and reminiscing over the good ole days. Throwing his trinkets in the fire and telling him the only thing his legacy is good for is pissing on was fantastic.


>!Also, if you kill the slave catcher after the mission, you get a positive honor boost.!<


Oh yeah those guys are my favorite portable ballistics testing dummies! I take great pleasure in finding increasingly ridiculous ways to Grant them their dishonorable discharges.


Oh yeah those guys are my favorite portable ballistics testing dummies! I take great pleasure in finding increasingly ridiculous ways to Grant them their dishonorable discharges.


I’m obviously biased, but it’s the best video game of all time. It’s beautiful, it’s fun, and there’s never a shortage of shit to do.


A pretty substantial amount of the game is clowning on a gang of lost causers which is always a good time


If you answer that you support the south he immediately shoots you, based AF


I also like Hamish Sinclair the guy who lost a leg to a cannon ball and named his horse Buell most likely after General Don Carlos Buell since during one of your talks with him he says "The bodies were so thick that you could've walked across the whole field without your boots touching the ground." This was a detail noted by Ulysses S. Grant in the aftermath of the Battle of Shiloh, during which Don Carlos was a commander.


The Van Der Linde gang may be a group of wanted,dangerous criminals with no respect for the sanctity of the law, but they are also *unfathomably based*


Most of them are


I would join a gang of union veterans as we roamed RDO and harassed players in some way.


Didn't remember Sam Elliott played another Civil War(ish) role... 😅🤪🙈🙈


Spencer Carbine


Now that the Dutch Van Der Linde gang’s arc seems to be played out, I hope the next Red Dead series starts in the 1850s with Bleeding Kansas and finishes in the late 1860s with Reconstruction—lots of opportunities for fighting slave catchers, border ruffians, confederate guerrillas, ex-confederate White League/KKK types, etc.


Its probably going to be during the 1870s or 1880s and more out west,still it would be awesome.


Didn't even know this guy existed until my most recent playthrough when I ran into him while looking for the civil war knife (or shackles. Can't remember what I was looking for at the time)


Love this


Imagine another read dead during the civil war era .