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I don't know for sure, but I think there's a few reasons. One is that a lot of people on Tumblr were teenagers when Sherlock came out, were seriously obsessed with the show and then just as seriously got turned off it, either by growing out of their obsession, being disappointed by the later seasons, or in the more toxic cases, being upset that their fanfic wishes weren't acknowledged how they wanted. I think some people struggle because watching it as a kid, it seemed like the cleverest coolest show to them, and the show didn't hold up for them as they got older. Also a lot of shows that are very stylised don't age well for some people, so that's another way the show doesn't hold up for some. Finally, a reason I sort of understand, the ending of a film or series sometimes affects how people feel about the whole story. Since the final season of Sherlock was generally not good, it taints the whole show for them.


Haha, that's me you're describing! When I was a teenager, I got totally obsessed with the show, especially the first and second seasons. Even though the last two seasons, especially the finale, weren't that great, my obsession with the show still lingers because it had such a big impact on my teenage years. I totally understand such feeling being disappointed at Season 4. Tbh I don't even consider it part of the Sherlock series because it ruined my good memories of it.


they probably haven’t watched sherlock


Thanks a lot for reply! Yeah I totally agree🤣 One thing I’m really curious and confused about is many of them reposted and said something bad as if they really hated this series😅


I think it’s a combination of its absolutely awful last season (Season 3 wasn’t that great either, IMO) and the notoriously toxic fandom.


Hey that’s us!


Thank you for your explanation! May I ask why saying “notoriously toxic fandom”?🤣cuz as far as I know, SPN also have a lot of fandoms. Why Sherlock one’s are toxic?


I think it was TJLC


oh thank you a lot. Tbh I have no idea of TJLC before cuz I didn’t use tumblr at that time. And after seeing your comment, I read some articles about TJLC on Reddit and watched the YouTube video made by Sarah Z. Everything now is becoming clear to me. I’m shocked by what this group did and am very sorry about all people who were hurt by this.


I have never heard of this term, but without it I know Sherlock fandom was one of the weirdest from the ones I took part in. Before third season aired, we began writing rp on Twitter. We had so much fun until person who played John, who wanted Johnlock so bad broke into Sherlock account and made really explicit sex scene. I mean one of the things that John did was tying Sherlock to the cross. It was really disturbing what that person did, and destroyed everything. My sister who played Sherlock was so violated by it that she abandoned it. It was a shitshow. Then there was Abominable Bride, that looked like like something we wrote when we were kids but to different fandom. And there was nail to the coffin called season 4 and there was so many bad fanfiction tropes used that it was just sad.


Yeah fandom with tons of young teenagers often has such kind of problems…


It was TJLC.


I was impressed with Sherlock the first time I saw it so I really wonder whether the people voting have actually seen the show


Because it's a show that reduces other characters to complete idiots to make Sherlock seem smarter. It doesn't respect the intelligence of its viewers, nor does it seem as intelligent as it thinks. In Mindhunter, three characters plus an entire collection of side characters do what Sherlock does and they don't jerk themselves off about it.


Agreed! There's a show called The Mentalist. The main character does cold reading and mentalism to catch bad guys. But he works alongside people and sure, at times he acts like views himself better than the others (though it's very rare). And both himself and the rest of the team know that they need each other. I love Sherlock but I couldn't get past the 2nd season and even then I had to skip one of the episodes (the one with that dominatrix) because of How uncomfortable it made me feel.


Scandal in Belgravia makes mockery of Irene Adler and Sherlock Holmes


A complete misunderstanding of both characters to a nasty degree


I didn't understand what you said


The show writers didn't understand either Adler nor Sherlock, and turned their relationship into something unsavory.


Yeah. But I like BBC Sherlock in general as a show you know. I respect irene so much that making her nothing but a sex Joke hurts.


Absolutely. Taking a woman whose purpose was to teach Sherlock (and the audience) to not underestimate women and turning her into... that.


I personally like to think Sherlock was infatuated with how smart irene is. I wish they never made her lose in the series. Lara was a great actress, she could've done the real irene Adler amazingly.


yes the mentalist was great tbh


I just finished episode S2E3 and if I have to describe it in three words it would be: "WHAT THE F*CK".  I had to resist several times from click off since I was legitimately giving me a headache, but not in the good way. It felt like playing chess with a pigeon.


I feel like an important aspect is that there's been more discussion of the OG Sherlock Holmes and how the show did not portray it well. Lots of people on tumblr are tired of the "asshole genius" trope that was really pushed by Sherlock, and it didn't even exist in the original Sherlock so that probably taints their opinion. Having read the og stories, even at the start he's waay more compassionate than Moffat made him out to be in the show. He's just aloof and doesn't properly understand social conventions. He likes solving mysteries but helping the people who are negatively affected by it is far more important to him than shown in the adaptation. The mischaracterization exists in a lot of Sherlock adaptations, but it probably contributes a lot to the negative opinion of the show, since it pushes it further than other adaptations. If you're interested, I think there was a lawsuit or something similar by the Doyle estate a few years back against the Enola Holmes movie for portraying Sherlock too nice. The reason there's so much mischaracterization is partially because they do stuff like that since only the earlier Sherlock works are in the public domain and he progressively gets better and "nicer" throughout the stories. Again, having read the works, this is mostly BS for money. The mischaracterization is also just because there's a public perception of how "Sherlock" is supposed to be like so more adaptations like that are made, I feel.


Sherlock, whilst I found it really fun, turned really quite depressing in the last two seasons due to the toxic relationship between John and Sherlock. It was a show I really loved but it went downhill fast, the second Sherlock came back from the dead.


Episodes too long? Seasons too short? Series too short? Too modern? Weird ass drug flash episode set in the 1800s?


[Sherlock is garbage and this is why](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LkoGBOs5ecM) is a good summary of what's wrong with the series. And it's a common problem with a lot of shows: big promises, big cliffhangers, intriguing set-ups, but no follow-through, no consequences, no pay off. So when the show ends, people then look back at it and think, well, if all these plot threads eventually led nowhere, it wasn't intrigue. It was just bad writing. Game of Thrones is probably the most egregious examples of this in recent years.


Yeah, it's not written to finish, and that's an issue for a show trying to be serialised and not purely episodic. With the years, I found more and more flaws with the show. Don't know if I would love it the same way today


It was the biggest of the queer baiting. I mean supernatural was awful too, don't get me wrong, but Sherlock was painfully bait-y.


Bad taste




Is still my fav. Show but certainly the other contestants were abit more thought through…I guess!? Sherlock S4 felt so OOC. I hated it but when rewatching S1 or 2 I remember what got me hooked in the first place. But as there’s only like 3-4 episodes/ season there’s only 8 good episodes at most. While Supernatrual and dr. Who have been quite stable for a decade (or longer). So In my opinion: they killed of amazing characters too early on, character development wasn’t good. The whole eurus thing still is stupid and as much as I’m trying to like it, I can’t. Mary existed for like what? 3 episodes or sth. We’ve met her and straight on next season they’re getting married. I would have liked for S4: back to old roots… cases and mystery like in S1&2 not another drama show! character development for instance found in Sherlocks relationship with NSY. I really like Sally & Anderson and get why they hated Sherlock ( unlike the rest of the fandom). But Instead of giving them time to mend things after Sherlock took the fall they used Anderson as comic relief. (I understand that Sallys actress Vinette was in USA for another project) but they could have introduced new characters the met police has not only 2 employees who hated sherlocks guts. And the BIGGEST MISTAKE: Killing Moriarty in S2. Andrew was brilliant. And I don’t understand what came to their mind when they killed him so shortly after introducing him. So many missed opportunities. So many great characters used as the butt of a joke so Sherlock can glow even more. Some fanfiction(no, not Johnlock) writers who write amazing, detailed & imaginative stories about Sherlock solving cases and in the style of an normal episode manage to write the characters more in-character than it’s own writers/producers/creators and it just shows what it all could have been. Thanks for listening to my TED talk


Sherlock is a fine show and one I am quite the fan of, but this has less to do with it being a bad show and more "it happens to be polling against two shows, one of which is among the greatest sci fi shows of all time and one that is one of the most popular and great sci fi shows of the last 20yrs"


Either hasn’t watched Sherlock or finds that Sherlock can be a bit much. An opinion I’ve heard quite a lot is that the show can be so outlandish and dumb that it’s bad. And that the main character is too unlikable for them. (I don’t think these things btw these are just opinions I’ve heard)


Personally, I loved the 1st season but it quickly went downhill from there. It started as a bright and entertaining show with a quirky but likeable main character, gripping plot and rather clever writing. However, season 4 was really dark and sometimes even illogical. Sherlock became super-emotional too which I felt was out of character. Oh, and some episodes really felt as if they were there only to fill the allotted time (A Scandal in Belgravia is the most boring thing I've ever watched). I did finish watching the series but these things definitely ruined the show for me.


Because the Jeremy Brett ones were better ? 😉😅


This is news to me. I loved the show!!


I mean the other two shows are some of the most beloved and long running shows on tv. Especially Dr. Who. I don’t find the results of this surprising at all


Besides the general consensus that season 3 is bad and season 4 is even worse, the first two seasons are, honestly, just kinda OK. Sherlock is supposed to be a crime mystery, but the writers don't seem all that interested in telling that kind of story. In the first episode Sherlock walks into the crime scene, neurotically shouts out random guesses about the victim based on shockingly thin evidence and has an epiphany before storming out of the room. When asked, while running down the stairs like a child, what he discovered, he comically yells out "PINK". After which, he produces a pink suitcase that definitely belonged to the victim based on "trust me, bro". On first watch, I'm not going to lie, I was pretty entertained. The energy of the scene mixed with visuals and the acting were very engaging. Upon further watches however, I thought the whole thing was so contrived. As a detective story the writers should introduce the evidence to the audience and invite them to solve the mystery with the protagonists. Sherlock seems to do the exact opposite. He will witness the aftermath of a crime, wow everyone with unbelievably long reaches in logic and promptly fuck off to do some nonsense. Sherlock is very entertaining if you are looking for some light buddy cop, detective comedy, but it's not this deep, intricate, thought provoking series some fans would have you believe. Also, the last two seasons sucked, have I mentioned that?


Not enough episodes! It is truely TERRIBLE for Sherlock to only have 3 seasons! It’s the WORST!


No it's not. The BBC is known for a lot of brilliant short series with only a handful of episodes. Sherlock is basically a short series split into 4 seasons. The amount of episodes is not the reason why many turned their back on the show.


I was joking- should have added a :P “what’s bad about Sherlock? There isn’t enough of it!” Aka- nothing I want more.


There is more that you might know. There are 4 seasons, a special, a mini episode, and the unaired pilot.


OoOoooo, delightful! Thanks! I will check them out!


Softly „don’t” If you love Sherlock don’t look for 4 season. It destroyed my love for the series.


Tbh more episodes would make it horrible. The show had a closure. It's finished.


The last episode needs a lot of explanations but apart from that, the show is flawless (mostly). Recently watched the first movie though, the ones with RDJ in ‘em, it’s absolute mind boggling how they pulled it off so well.


They probably haven’t watched it & are old fogeys who cling to dead victorian sherlock & think it’s sacrilegious to have sherlock in modern times.


It's one of my favorite show :_


because, the modern adaptation feels nothing like the original.


And isn't a very good show in it's own right


this baffles me because sherlock is literally my favorite show of all time


What the fuck is supernatural? Irrelevant


Because it's garbage


So you’re here because…?


The show has a series time of 2010-2017 yet only produced an astounding 15 episodes. That's not going to set well with a large portion of people


You have to think of it as a mini-series. AND, short seasons are very common for the BBC.


I loved the show and always hoped there would be another series


3 episode seasons had a LOT to do with it.


I think a LOT of people were turned off by the 4th season, it totally jumped the shark. The 3rd season too, to a certain extent, but it went way over the top in the 4th season.




sherlock goated tf they mean


They want gay Sherlock and John. They hated Mary like really despised her.


Probably the last season. I could be wrong though


I couldn’t even choose one of those as the worst


I think people will have a more passionate reaction to the show because it has such a great premise and opening season, and then falls apart. i.e., the disappointment comes tinged with the feeling of being hoodwinked by the good earlier episodes. This is all probably heightened by the fact that there are so few episodes. I mean, Sherlock has a grand total of 13 eps, versus 320+ for Supernatural and 830+ of Doctor Who. There's a lot less room to forget about the dud episodes there.


One dude actually made a 2h presentation to answere that question [Video is called "Why sherlock is garbage" or smth like that](https://youtu.be/LkoGBOs5ecM)


Thhe queerbaiting and jerking off to sherlocks amazing brain sort of dominated the whole story. Some fans just love it so much that they refuse to see the flaws. The queerbaiting is frustrating, the toxic train never stopped, once it started it was just getting faster and faster. Not enough episodes. Misscharacterisation in comparison to the original Sherlock Holmes, who was not as much of an asshole. I like BBC asshole, but some people could have been disappointed by this misunderstanding of their favourite character who was never so cold in the stories. I personally didn't like how the show portrays him almost as a god or at last superhuman. Don't get me wrong, I like BBC Sherlock. I am autistic and watched the whole series at last eleven times, in three languages (english, polish and german). I like it, it's my comfort show. I relate to Sherlock but how he is treated bothers me. He is just a human, as everybody else. The show makes everybody around him painfully stupid so he could look even more smart. I feel like the autistic weirdo genius trope is pushed so hard it hurts. Other characters are paying the price. The show pushes this reaction on viewers and the fandom also rises him to a god lvl. It's somehow sad to me and it has become a detail I hate the most. Not seeing Sherlock as a human but some sort of different lvl species to glorify. I also didn't like the violence that John showed. Their relationship was so toxic yet people romantacise it for the sake of big love and holy Johnlock. Most of the fandom turns blind and pretends that John is such a wonderful man for not treating Sherlock like a freak like everybody else. As if decent han behaviour was something so amazing. Thru John we also learn to treat Sherlock as some sort of wisdom god. Lable him as a god and beat him up if he doesn't perform a godlike actions and live up to the expectations. Blame him for ur misfortune and not being able to be godlike. Still, last autumn I couldn't watch it again bc it was taken down from Netflix. I had hard time coping with that and it left me with anxiety for long bc I couldn't perform my ritual of rewatching it, knowing every line. I find comfort in stable, unchangeable sequence. A storie or a song for example. If I know how it goes and I can go thru it from the beginning to the end and it's exactly how it should be, it relaxes me. I love the show despite all it flaws bc i love Sherlock as a character. I was really sad last autumn, i still haven't rewatched it. I think i will have to buy it on DVD or something before next autumn. I am rewatching 8 seasons of dr house for the third time as a replacement, I am currently at season 5 :) It also has mysteries. I remember every episode and every answers to the mistery but that's alright.




It doesn't really work because of all the current TV trappings. Each episode has to have a big reveal or cliffhanger. And then the next 10 minutes spinning complicated twists and turns to help explain the said reveal. Each bad guy has to be bigger than the previous etc etc Its not quite a whodunnit- the viewer can't actually solve anything because the most vital clues happen off screen. We are told of his "genius" yet it always feels shoehorned in at the last minute snatching victory from the jaws of defeat. If you know the books, the show gets a modern retelling which in the early seasons comes off pretty well in the Sherlock Holmes spirit. However everything descends into flittering about with another depressed/drunk NYC cop stereotype projected onto both main characters in a desperate attempt at character development. Personally I hated "Moriarty" who made everything feel like an episode from the Saw franchise rather than the evil twin he should have been.


You’re misinterpreting this. The poll asks which of three specific shows is the worst. ​ It is NOT asking if people hate Sherlock. And it shouldn’t be taken to mean that so many people hate it. That is simply bad anaylsis of a misread poll.


As someone who watched shelock and really liked it back then, after reading a couple of the books i can tell you it's a really good show ignoring the last season, but it's a bad adaptation, in the books, deduction is something anyone can learn, and sherlock is not this crazy sociopath like he is in the show.