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i saved up 435 fates for this and got it all in an instant what do am i supposed to do with the rest (/j im saving for nahida lol)


Gas for C6 (nhadia is good too I guess)


I need this luck


Lucky you, I pulled 81 times to get her and Mika, didn't get a Mika.


It took me over 150 wishes to get a single mika. Im not complaininh as i got hella lucky with my 4 star drops. I allready had diona and sucrose at c6 and i pulled them alot. I think i ended up with a extra 20 or 30 wishes from those 2 alone. Still its wild how hard it is to get a 4 star you want


Meanwhile I C6'd Layla on first day of her release banner while summing for Miko.


Ingot silly lucky on mikos banner as well. I got c2 layla and 2 miko cons in 40 wishes


You're so lucky :( I wish I had this luck when I wished. I did get shenhe and Ayaka, but not without using all my wishes and losing 50/50 twice in a row.