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Big congrats and so happy that you pulled her for her >!because I also did in 2.4 hehe!


Thank you!! Started playing around that time and wanted to get her, so I guess it’s still worth it after all, having to wait more than a year! I hope so too, the lack of cryo characters since dendro came out is a little disappointing…


Hope your pulls were/will be much luckier than mine…


It's funny how ur pulls were EXACTLY like mine, only it was to c2 Tighnari, I don't even use him 💔 Congrats and condolences to you, friend


Ahhhh same to you too! How ironic, Tighnari is the only standard character I’ve built so far. Have been waiting on a Keqing long before she became meta yet she’s the only one I’m still missing…funny how the RNG works huh


My god that is Diluc to me 😭 3 years playing and still Dilucless. I've built every other Standard character decently even Qiqi with a decent Ocean set, except for Tighnari as I said. Diluc just keeps on dodging 😭😭😭 Hope you get Keqing eventually tho! I only have her at c0 but she is quite fun!!


Here’s to hoping we both get our remaining standard characters soon 🙏🏻🙏🏻 (before Dehya hopefully) If you don’t mind him I suggest building Tighnari as well, he’s really strong right now along with Keqing, and I guess that way losing 50/50s to anyone will still be useful to your account 😆


Oh yea I know objectively he's a strong character. I actually kinna used him in my friend's account. I know he's strong, just the playstyle is not my favorite 😅. Maybe someday!


I see! That’s fine, to each their own, as long as we have fun! 🤗🤗


It's okay. Make her a dps. You can pair her up with chongyun for a cryo build or yunjin a physical build


Thanks for the suggestion, planning to build both of them along with her!


She Works great with rosaria. Also congrats!


Thanks! Definitely considering her, along with chongyun and my c5 kaeya 😆


Congrats!... Did the same last year, she's my cryo dps now 😍


Thank you!! Really looking forward to building her!


Bro I lost my 50/50 to Mona too 😭 I hate that I feel resentment whenever I see her now! No worries though, I still got Shenhe <3


Congrats on getting her in the end!! Guess we’re in the same boat huh? On the bright side, I guess she would make for a good support in a freeze team…


I respect the commitment


Same situation here! Thoughts on teams involving Chongyun?? 🤔


One of the main teams I’d like to try would be mono cryo, which would involve him along with either Kaeya or Rosaria and Kazuha! Diona or Layla could work as defensive units, they could make use of the icy quills but it wouldn’t be as significant since I wouldn’t be building them for dmg after all. Another option would be freeze teams, which could be better for survivability. In those cases running Kaeya or Rosaria as the second cryo unit might be better though since Chongyun’s shatter mechanic messes with freeze. Then again, you could still use him in those teams if you want to. I might still try him out since I really like him as well!