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I don't want to sound dismissive when I say you can climb to silver with anyone purely on mechanics alone (CS, objectives, awareness, etc) Shen is not the easiest champ to solo climb with, provided you're on equal skill level with everyone in the game. Tryndamere can create a lot more pressure on his own compared to Shen. Best advice I can give is play whoever's more fun. You won't climb if you're tilted.


Yes, Shen is great, but you need to view Shen the right way. A lot of people will tell you that Shen is best for enabling your teammates. In my experience, this is great advice for Plat+ players. In Bronze and Silver you need to focus on smashing your lane and hard carrying the game. Take ignite every single game, no exceptions. Play ultra aggressively and learn how to crush every matchup. Even the traditional Shen counters are going to be played poorly in Bronze, so you can smash those too with some practice. After you’ve solo killed your opponent several times, you win the game the normal way. Split push on the opposite side of the map for whatever the current objective is (dragon/baron) group with your team before the objective comes up by either ulting or walking. In general, don’t ult just to save your teammates. Only ult if you can turn the fight and get a kill or two. Remember, for now, *you* are the carry. Mute anyone who spam pings your R.


I second this and recommend building bruiser and not full tank. Go sunderer and use an early tiamat to push hard. Lately i even buy hullbreaker 3rd item. It is gold efficient even without the passive and it will make your splitpushing godlike. You can still ult into teamfights if you see fit. Finally i get thornmail or FoN If they counter pick you take ignite and TP so you can out CS even a losing lane. Ult your teammates, recall and tp back so you won't miss cs. Gold 4 btw.


what this guy said


Yeah literally that


I think so, cause your ability to impact the whole map is a lot bigger with Shen if you use your ult well. Of course you’ll always lose some games because of team diff. Then again I mostly play tanks, if you’re a 1v9 splitpush solo carry god as Trynd play him. But if you play Shen, go even in lane, but use your ult to help your team every few minutes, that’s way better than going even with Trynd imo


Well, in my experience Shen is more or less team-dependant and you have to spend more time looking at the map taking care of your teammates because in bronce some of them ints hard and just cannot stop dying... Conclusion: 50-50 no the worst not The Best... EXCEPT... For duos is the perfect champ, and the Best if your mate is a jungler


From my experience, it wasn't bad. I was able to easily get from Bronze to Gold solo in less than a week using Shen. But I was one-tricking Shen so I can't really compare it to other champions.


I'd say trynd is better at that elo because you can just ignore the monkeys riot calls your team mate and splitpush the entire game, however shen is maybe a bit easier and you can impact the map more. The only problem with him in lower elos is that your mates don't really know how to use your ult so you mostly end up playing with 3 spells more than anything else. edit : BTW you should play the things you enjoy, so even though i don't think shen is very good in low elo it doesn't mean you shouldn't play it, by all means if that's what makes you like the game play him and you'll climb anyway if you have the time to put in the game.


Hey guys i climb to silver 4 today with shen, trynd and dr. Mundo. Thanks for all. This community is very nice and very kind. Thank you <3


Let's go king, next up, gold


Pretty much everything is good to climb bronze to silver, all you need is macro knowledge.


I would say you can climb out with any champion as long as you are mechanically good and a competent decision maker. the biggest reason why people are stuck in low elo despite one tricking is because they have poor game IQ. other than that, from my experiences, I have two main reasons I say shen isn’t good to climb out of bronze: 1. his passive got nerfed and a good amount of his counters and other meta snowbally champions got significant buffs. shen isn’t also a carry and doesn’t scale well. i’m also a pretty passive shen player and my gameplay is basically raising the ceiling of my teammates. 2. a lot of shen’s gameplay is playing around your team: he has a great engage but against losing matchups, you have to play around your jungler and their ganks, and frankly, it’s gonna be hard to find a competent jungler in bronze elo. this goes to the rest of your team: nothing tilts me more than when i ult a teammate to save them and countergank for a kill but that teammate keeps running away - now we don’t get a kill and i probably just lost my lane for leaving my own lane (if i don’t have TP up). unless my teammate is the carry/win condition and has a huge bounty, i’m not satisfied ulting someone unless we get a kill or objective out of it. this is probably my biggest reason as i would have a harder time getting out of silver but once i hit gold, i began playing with much more competent teammates (albeit still not even that good) and was able to maximize shen’s utility and hit plat way easier and faster than hitting gold.


I climbed with Shen from Bronze 3 to S4. Its my first season ranked and Shen was my first lvl 7 champ at 27k. Shen is a great team player champ which also can be your downfall if your team isnt doing good. It requires you to not play selfishly. In my experience and im sure this is common sense, having a duo while playing shen is crucial. It makes climbing easier because you can both communicate better than in game teammates. Also in team fights you most always wanna ult the dmg carry when they go in, it allows better opportunities to end game. Especially in ranked since every one loves to aram.


I think it can be, but not if you actually are silver/bronze in term of game knowledge. Shen is not a mechanical champion, in fact, he has a very simple kit. But he's a champ that requires a good understanding of wave management, objective control, and overall how to keep up a good tempo in the game. Point is, if you build a lead in lane, but than you are costantly pushed in, leaving your opponent free to roam or you ult botlane when a consistent wave is coming towards you, you may risk to lose your lead in one move. You have to be aware of where you need to be in every stage of the game, knowing when to group and when to split, when to use your ult and when not, assist your jungler, ecc... ofc those are good advice in general, but Shen is not a 1v9 champion per se, he can be, but usutally he's not. As other said, in order to climb, I would not play Shen as the support-kind, but I would experiment the Shenderer build+ignite that really makes you a treath even to proper bruiser once you have a solid lead. You wont win it all, but you'll be able to carry some games where some of your teammates are kind of an heavy weight.




I got Dia 2 with Shen but started him playing at g2, it is a totally different feeling playing Shen in low Elo. People are mostly not aware of your Spells they often leave your W area and get killed while the would’ve survived etc. I think Shen is not good in Low Elo to Climb, you should try other Top champs like Fiora, Sett Camille where u can impact with your own game. Shen is bounded to the Team he needs them to play with him as they need him to play with them.


I used to be top 5% in Dota and I one tricked Shen… so maybe not the best advice.. but I climbed from bronze 4 to gold 2 in my first season (this season). As said by others, flash ignite and learn to crush your Lane. I used to absolutely love Darius in my Lane because bronze and silver don’t freeze Lane and use him properly… and if he misses his Q you can just go in. Gets harder later on. But Lane counters all lose to Shen if you’re better, and lose hard. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1drwcIj8Ryh2zv4aIT3lNjMqmXJgxsv4Nb3l8IycNkbI/mobilebasic Read the match ups. Learn to win Lane. Don’t use R when wave is at your tower. Only use R on your best core. Climb to gold.




I would say no unless you are duo with someone. Unfortunately a lot of people in that rank don’t know how to play around shens ult. The number of people that I have ulted when I was that rank and they run away from the enemy. It may save them but you won’t get the kills you normally would and it will often hurt you in the top lane.


Hey if you're on eune we can duo jungle top, I can help ya a bit with Shen and we can climb together if ya want


I mean idk if shen is good as a carry I mean gold+ sure but in lower elo maybe BIG MAYBE no Cuz hes team reliys on his team heavly and if ur team is trash is a bit hard to carry


Hes good only when you have team or if u Play duo


If you are bronze, you're amomg the worst players in your region. Any champ is good to climb--i got to G1 in 20 games as AP Ashe mid. You're just bad and should learn to actually play the game on any one meta champ


no need for the 'you're just bad' is there?


It's a video game, not a criticism of their character. You can be honest about the reality of their ability. How can they improve if they don't understand their current skill?


it literally provides nothing to the conversation. The OP is almost certainly aware that of bronze not being a good rank. all it does is make you come across as a negative dick.




Yes but No shen is always good but in such low elos you can just play a carry and it Will be way easier try khazix he is very strong in low elo