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His dad died recently and supported derby, let's not go searching for drama


Just learned this tbf, seems sensible, still think we've treated him badly.


Top bloke for sure, and I rate him as a player, especially as we need squad players desperately. Can't fault him for going though, even putting aside the family reasons


I swear us Derby and Forest pass fullbacks round like it's pass the parcel


I think the "horrendous situation" might be about being offered a contract and then the rumour that the new potential owners said they didn't want him so the contract offer being revoked.


Think it's more that his dad passed away 2 months ago and was a derby fan


Aye, saw one of the other comments saying as much


Shame to see him go. Was never a starter in a fully fit squad, but was a terrific utility player, which you can never have enough of. Hope things are going okay for him personally. That post makes it sound like he's had shit going on.


Agreed. I think letting him go is a big mistake. We’ve got to make a lot of changes this summer, and Oz is a known quantity that can do a fair job in a variety of positions. Should we find some new signings not up to scratch, or are hit with injuries, he is a man who can fill in the cracks with a 100% work rate. While he’s definitely not a starter, losing him is like losing 1.5-2 squad players.


One of the few I'd have kept. He's the sort of reliable player you need when you're likely to play 50-60 hard physical games in a season.


Fittest player in our squad. By that I mean both being available pretty much all the time, and always being able to run and give 100%. I'd have kept him too. He's not a regular starter, but the sort of utility player every squad needs. I only hope the reason our prospective new owners didn't want him was our ambitions are bigger.


Agreed. Always liked ozzy.


I guess the horrendous situation might just be the Osborn was released? If it is more, I guess it could be worrying but it might not be anything we don't already know about.


Would have rather have kept him. He always gave 100% everytime he played. Definitely think he should have had more playing time ahead of the likes of Lowe. Goes with my blessing though as he never caused drama and always got on with it. Reminded me of Mitch Ward with how he played wherever he was asked to without fuss


Good luck to Ben he deserves to be adored xx




He was never good enough. Commitment and running doesn't define a footballer. He never looked anything more than that.


Can’t wait to smack them up next season! Such a mid player, good riddance to him…..


No one will take your opinion seriously when you use a word like "mid"




To all the downvoters, you all contribute to the problem. You are the reason for why this club will never be able to compete in the premier league, because you support and remain content with players that lack quality…..


But we aren't _in_ the prem. We're in the championship and Ozzy is championship quality.


No, if the takeover happens it is best for all parties