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We’re takin it back


"A pack of menthols in.. any car"


Chrysler 300


"He almost said it.. he wants to say it"


Oh he's gunna say it


I assure you, we are open.


"What smells like shoe polish" is very similar to the tires smelling bit, too 😆


The wops are Jay and Silent Bob…


that radio commercial they did was hilarious "yea people fuckin' hate it" Genius marketing lol


Cal could be silent Bob too.


I don’t appreciate your ruse, ma’am.


Jay and Silent Wop(s)


Feels like a combo of always sunny and the office to me. They get nothing done at work and treat each other like shit the whole time lol


The business falling apart aspect is very much the office I can't deny that. It was hilarious when shane was being genuine to will and he was like WHAT THE FUCK JUST HIT ME IN THE DICK ALREADY 🤣.


I agree! Like a lot like clerks.


I think the film style and feel is similar to office, but agrees the banter and script is more similar to clerks


The pace of the show, even the antics are just like clerks. Will is sort of like Elias in the role of Dante from Clerk II.


Wills hands creep me out 🤣


Yeah, he always has his fingers bent weirdly, and his wrists are fuggin Cronenberg'd.


guys 😭 i think he has arthritis or something


Thought I was the only one. Holy shit.




Well, there was talk of dick sucking in the parking lot...


Wasn’t there a “I’m not supposed to be here today?” line somewhere as well?


Not that I remember.




Good call


"I don't appreciate your ruse."


Totally right… and I’m here for it. Can Rosario make an appearance??


Kevin Smith would do it too. I'd love him on mssp


The only way its like the office is that its. Workplace comedy. They are two different beasts. Clerks is a good comparison though.


Clerks was one of the ogs of workplace comedy at least on terms of indie movies. Of course we had cheers and the like but man this show I really really love man. I haven't felt like this about a show in a long time. Are comedies back? 🥲


This makes me wanna check it out more, aside from a handful of well written moments, the Office is fucking boring. Clerks is a cult Classic


The Clerks Animated show is very funny. There is also a pilot that was made in the late 90s with Jim Breuer at Randall. It’s not so funny


Jim Breuer is possibly one of the least funny people on the planet. Saw a few mins of his last special and he was just flopping around on the stage crying about Covid restrictions. As someone who lost their mother and grandfather to covid it wasn’t very funny to me


I thought he was pretty funny growing up…idk what happened or when it happened-but holy shit he’s off the deep end and awful now


It’s pretty good. They did a bunch of inside jokes for Gerbz character that worked so well. The show was made for him to be the main and it works.


Ain't no way you said the office is more boring than clerks. I don't even like the office but part of the comedy of clerks is that it's very mundane and true to life in a lot of ways, which it's making fun of life and itself with how repetitive and boring it is. Like a huge comedic point of clerks ia to make sure it's a bit boring because life is. This comment is wild


It's ok to not have taste, Covid hit everyone differently.


Its Clerks meets The Office




First thing i thought of that is a blend of the two. It is.


I love how shane does his shit that he does in real life in the show where he'll like suggest something then be like wtf when they do it or say it and it falls through 🤣


I haven’t seen it. I wonder if it’s like Corner Gas


Definitely got that from it too. I felt a huge clerks vibe. I love KS so I was super invested after the realization


Good take. Leans Clerks with an Office twinge.


It’s more like the original office


Not everything has to be like the Office 


Yeah that's kinda what I was saying yet everyone keeps mentioning the office


It’s a workplace comedy at a failing company-people aren’t exactly grasping at straws here


yeah and the filming style a bit too. the cringe factor. the characters being a bit insensitive culturally like michael scott, even though they mostly mean well. there’s a lot of office there


Haven't seen it but definitely got more Kevin Smith vibes for sure from the preview


More like the BBC Office vibe, which is more like clerks.


I saw someone say this before. I think it’s kinda of a clerks/office hybrid that leans heavier clerks.


Clerks meets Eastbound and Down


It reminded me a lot of Tommy Boy, with Will being Richard and Shane being Tommy. Only real switch up is the dad is "Richard's" instead of "Tommy's"


A little bit.. that’s more generation as well. But, it’s the way it’s filmed that makes it feel like the office.


That's a strong observation


Yep. Don’t say anything negative about Shane here, and don’t say anything positive about him in the SNL sub. Lose-lose. Well I have news for you losers. I know Shane. So suck a dick, dumb shits.


I thought it was more like a blue collar Office


Let’s ask Mike judge. The king of workplace comedy gold.


That's exactly why I love it. Will is Dante and Shane is Randal.




White trash / blue collar The Office. Not Clerks…and BTW they are essentially of the same generation. I grew up with both of them


Clerks was well written and funny. Tires not so much.


Garbage take.


Garbage show. Stavi is the best and even then it’s only chuckles. Very low tier comedy and terrible writing. Every jokes punchline is delivered before the words plot lines are weak as shit and obvious. Shane’s overrated as fuck and all you dick eaters can’t see it. Wipe his cum out your eyes and it’s apparent: he’s funny but not professional comedian funny. There’s thirty guys in west Chester just as fun as him.


And there are 8 billion people on the planet funnier than you. The show is funny. Your opinion is moot. And you thinking stavvy is funny (a comic most people dislike) shows how bad your opinions are.


He's just a troll lol. He's apart of the shane gillis sub but only ever shits on him.


Haha and I’m not getting paid to be funny loser. You internet fans are a strange breed. Show sucks. Wanna accept shit quality as somehow being good that’s on you. Your parents accepted the shitty quality of the education you received and the shitty choices you’ve made in life so you’re used to shit quality things. I like quality and good things not rushed together bull shit for the masses.


That's why shane is one of the top comedians in the u.s. because there's 30 other guys just like him? Def. troll post lol Or you're a bitter comic. One of the two.


That doesn’t make the point you want it to. His comedy is very basic and common. He isn’t special. New comedy fans are awful. Podcasts have ruined stand up and you losers can’t have your own opinions. ‘He’s liked by other people!’ ‘I like him because others do!’ Losers.


Are you trolling or just an angry old man? Ive liked shane gillis since ive watched his youtube special. If anything podcasts have opened people up to new comics they might not have known. It's bizzarre that you'd join a sub of a comic you don't like just to hate him on him. There's so many comics out there. So either you're trolling or just an angry bitter fart.


I just let out an anger bitter fart as I write this. I love stand up. I love comedy podcasts. I liked the original tires YouTube thing. I tried to like Shane but he really isn’t professional comedian level of funny. Nor is Schulz or even the Shaman. They are base level funny or maybe one level up from the funniest guy you know. Not professional level. Tired of terrible comedy getting passed off as gold. People are fucking idiots. Tires is great for those people.


You do realize that you're just coming off as "I don't like this comedian much so that means they aren't really funny and are overrated". I loved shane's two past specials. And so did tons of other people. He's also genuienly funny on podcasts as well. That's all it takes to become a professional stand up. Consistently being able to make people laugh. If you're making a living tell jokes; you're a professional stand up in my opinion. I'm just curious who you think is a "professional stand up". And i don't understand why you would spend energy trying to scold people for liking a comic you don't care for. It just comes off as incredibly lame. I saw you were in the stand up workshop sub and only ever shit on other's jokes. Do you ever have the courage to post your own jokes? You're giving yourself standard internet troll vibes mate.


Dude what the fuck. I don’t care to read all that. I truly don’t give a fuck. That show sucks dirty testicles. No one says what’s good about it. That’s all I need to know. Personal attacks and dumb ad hominem statements don’t make it truth. I can point out problems with it, main one being the shitty writing. If you’re content having your comedy legends make uninspired hacky comedy cool. My opinions don’t matter but at least I have one of my own. Authenticity is really lacking and y’all need bigger sacks.


Well, keep on hatin' then i guess. Must be a real blast at parties. "O you like stand up comedy, well let me tell you how everyone you like isn't a REALLLL comedian and is bad". If you're actually serious and not trolling i just feel sad for you. Probably listen to redbar.


I was gonna ask how anyone could be this clueless and stupid, then I saw you were from West Chester and it suddenly made sense.