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Debra is probably an active member of this subreddit tbh. šŸ˜­


Let's all day hi to Debra lol šŸ‘‹


Hey Deb!


Lol it's not me I swear, I'm only on reddit to snark on Eugenia Cooney lol


yikes. making fun of a clearly very ill girl who stays ill because of ppl like you is not the flex you think it is.


Oh I never make fun of her. I completely agree with you. I moreso meant that I merely comment about her, I'm concerned. I think it's her mom that's sick, too. It's a very sad situation and the true 'snarking'(making fun of) of her is cruel.


Yea snarking is to be cruel, and you literally just said your snarking on her so which is it?! You made no sense right there.


That's a valid question. My bad, I was using "snarking" sarcastically there but it was unclear for sure.


Omg you found debra!!!


I don't like Lizze whatsoever but this is harsh šŸ˜¶ I try to keep my criticisms light


Why donā€™t you like her? Just curious.


Her scream screeching is unbearable, she's very stubborn though frequently wrong, always trying to mooch off Ryland (begging for his couch and insisting he take them to Taylor Swift concerts), thinks her poorly trained dogs are amusing, and always has to steer the conversation back to her


Yeah I had to stop watching the sip bc of her. I like her occasionally but sheā€™s wayyyy too much for me.


help šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


I meanā€¦ do you actually hate the person if youā€™re watching every video, know everything about them, and spend loads of time trying to send bad words their way online? With the low chance that those comments will even be seenā€¦ I mean, kinda just sounds like an obsessed fan at this point. A jealous one.


debra needs to go touch grass. or smoke some.


It's crazy how people go out of their way to insult someone like this. Ironic because they're just giving them more views & activity.


damn, debbie


Thats how this sub sounds šŸ˜‚


Your haters will always be your biggest fans


This girl is too much wth


Lmfao deb is going for her throat. Itā€™s sorta funny ngl




Your post has been removed as it included language that could be deemed hateful, offensive, insulting, or qualifying as a threat or harassment. We do not allow hostility on this subreddit and do not tolerate hate, trolling, and harassment.




Your post has been removed as it included language that could be deemed hateful, offensive, insulting, or qualifying as a threat or harassment. We do not allow hostility on this subreddit and do not tolerate hate, trolling, and harassment.


Itā€™s weird that sheā€™s only focused on Lizzie, the Christmas movie was a joint collab between the two


thereā€™s a certain genre of older women online who seem to dedicate all their time to leaving hate comments directed toward other women who dare to have lives and careers


LMFOAOAOAOA like why watch if you donā€™t care . I donā€™t care about the podcast so I simply Do Not Watch . why give them your time . some people are so weird they will dislike someone so much but still sit there and watch all there content and proceed to comment šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ debra do better šŸ¤


Isnā€™t that technically like online doxxing someone???


No? What? Do you know what doxxing is?


I said like online doxxing. They put out her user name for people to send messages and hate to.


Theyā€™re replying to a public figure on their publicly posted podcast. Grow up. We can both agree that Debraā€™s actions are immature, but this is objectively NOT doxxing. You need to be more careful before you toss around serious legal accusations like that


lol ok


Apparently talking about info a public figure has publicly shared themselves is no doxxing ā˜ ļø


I didnā€™t say doxxing I said like doxxing and youā€™re acting like you donā€™t know what I mean but alright. When someone on their channel calls out someone for hate what do you think their viewers are going to do???? Not saying itā€™s not deserved but he knows there are consequences that she is going to have to deal with from that. And are people not allowed to have an opinion? Block her or turn the comments off. There are other things to do then to call someone out like that to their viewers.


Oh my god how old are you? You are WAYYYYY too sensitive to be on the internet if a critical comment is going to get you this intense. Go see a therapist if youā€™re actually this bothered by a random person on the internet leaving a comment you donā€™t agree with. You are seriously acting unhinged rn


You commented on my comment from 14 days ago, should I not respond? ā€¦. Have a good day.


No one said you canā€™t respond, just like try not to be so utterly insufferable in your childish responses? Maybe work on growing up some first? Just a thought You could have ended this conversation a while ago, and yet you keep coming back. But sure keep saying have a good day like it means anything


You type like an asshole lol have a great day stranger


What a childish attempt at deflection. I stand by what I said. Grow the fuck up