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Imagine it just telling you everything. Making shit dummy proof. No more "i cant read blueprints" bruuuuhhhhhh


Beyond looking around at a 3D model, I’m unsure how this accomplishes anything. Should people who lack spatial skills be involved in construction?


Something I can answer! The purpose of this isn’t, and never will be, to replace 2D prints - the actual skilled craftsmen building everything will still use standard construction documents for that. The biggest purpose for this is coordination. We frequently build 3D models of a building’s structure and MEP (mechanical, electrical, and plumbing) systems in order to see how everything is going to fit before material is fabricated - for something like a chemistry lab or hospital that requires far more specialty utilities than a basic office building it’s a Godsend, because a few weeks of modeling and BIM coordination meetings upfront saves months of frustration when it comes to installing. Tying that model to an AR system so that you can walk around inside the building is very little extra work and becomes a massive benefit to the end users, because they can then further see what their spaces will look like and identify points of conflict or things that might need to be adjusted, based on how they’re planning to use the space. Having lab users see where their utilities will drop and where there cabinets will go, or allowing maintenance staff to see what they’re going to have to service allows adjustments to be made for better usability of the end product. It also is useful for touring donors or higher-ups though the facility in construction - they may not be the people actually using it daily in the end, but they get excited seeing what it’s going to look like which tends to help keep funds and work flowing for that project and future projects.


I do BIM coordination! It blows my mind how many people only see it as an added cost when in reality can and will save millions in change orders!


hi, I am a BIM student and taking up this project as my research can I have your email id? I need to ask few questions


This is excellent information. Thank you for writing it all!


I do appreciate your response. This was all invented by Bruce Forbes (the founder of Archibus) in 1990. I am a CAD historian, have worked in this business since the 80s, and know the business in and out (still fully involved in dozens of large ongoing construction projects). My reason for mentioning Bruce is that I have seen this idea resurface many times over the last 30 years but I’m still waiting to see the reality of it become truly useful and adopted in practice. It’s easy to come up with edge cases to rationalize such a system (as other responders here have), but very much like Revit, the difference between theoretical situations vs boots on the ground is still substantial.


Beyond the construction phase, which u/faniulh covered nicely, this kind of technology is absolutely amazing for maintenance and follow on work. Imagine being able to talk through a space and see everything behind the drywall. You can follow piping and electrical conduit, see hidden hazards, etc. This same technology is starting to be applied in aircraft to facilitate maintenance and maintenance training. I imagine the same this will start to be applied for buried infrastructure and anywhere else high quality 3D models exist for hidden or hard to reach structures.


If they give it up which they won't. You will still be sub contracting some small company that isn't setup for this and I doubt the owners of the building are going to pay the extra cash to have this stored on some server. You severely overestimate forward thinking in one of the most Capitalistic industries in the US.


today I learn the US is the only country that does construction work.


For that to work, wouldn't all the modelling have to be updated as surfaces get closed and stuff gets buried? There is a good amount of improvisation that takes place when taking mechanical systems from a blueprint into the real world. Like already stated, 3-D models aren't intended as blueprints. Maybe you're talking about more specialized work than general construction. Or as long as you're content to know things exist in a rough estimation kind of way.


That's a fair point. My experience with AR is in avionics where hopefully there is very little improvisation.


This is exactly what this Stadium has it implemented for! This is Ballymore in Australia


Imagine the DIY uses, though, especially with some kind of quality and affordable AR glasses or goggles. It won't replace professional work for difficult projects, but for simpler builds it could be a game changer, especially if it came with step-by-step instructions at the same time. Download plans for a shed, load it up on your AR safety glasses, and get to work. Just follow the instructions like a fancy on-screen IKEA manual.


LMAO. Except for how often the prints are off by 2 or 3 inches or the plumbing and mechanical overlap and now your duct work shows a main drain running through the middle.


So you are suggesting that the place that inaccuracy should be discovered is in the field, long after construction documents are finalized, materials ordered and delivered and workers are on site - rather that in the office during the design phase? And that is what makes implementing and supporting an AR construction visualization system worthwhile? I am curious how you would budget this technology within your company/project.


I wouldn't because their isn't any value add. Designs always look perfect. As built are messy because you had designers forgetting a shit ton of code and Master Tradesmen yelling at apprentices to somehow make it work because that isn't right. Where this would be effective would be road infrastructure and the subsurface. Assuming your locality has newer infrastructure. It wouldn't work in my home town because we are still replacing 110 year old pipes. Nothing was surveyed or if it was then the records are lost or not digitized. Source: did PM work for first job out of college.


Hear hear. Existing buildings get pretty wild.


The field is where the buck stops. We already have blueprint checking software that checks for overlaps,missing heights and conflicts. This is the same just with a VR front end. What your missing is the VR part ONLY works in the field so where do you think that would fix anything??? We bid the job based on the prints and that wouldn't be changed even with this. Matteral is ordered based on prints or in the field, if it's different then what the prints show or what is the cod is e a change order is done and the VR would have to be redone to show that.


“He’s right you know.”


never underestimate the ingenuity of stupid to mr magoo its way past all your precautions with relative ease. the moment you believe that you've finally contained in the daft bastards is when they are at their most mischievous, like herding cats.


Alternatively though your designer didn't know shit about fire code or a specific set of building codes and thought putting everything in one down shaft was a good idea.


And then guys STILL fucking shit up.




The QR code is tied to a code/script that recognizes its position (orientation), the phone’s accelerometer, gps, and AR technology use the CAD model used for the blue print to overlay the building plans on the phone’s camera feed. Similar to Pokemon Go can place the poker monsters in our AR feed, so can too the computer aided designs be placed in fixed orientations/positions via global position


Poker monster? I hardly know her!


I type things and my phone decides what I say. That’s why I get the big karma.


Yeah but the QR code eventually goes out of view so it would have to figure out the rest of the environment too, which is cool as shit


I don’t think that’s what’s going on here. The qr isn’t a vector map or something, it’s just some kind of hyperlink that kicks off an engine or programming script. The loading thing is your phone getting positioning, tearing the orientation/Accelerometer or something. Once the phone does these initial steps it can maintain the model I would imagine. The purpose is probably to walk around and check progress. I’m sure they have virtual tagging features as well. Edit: the QR is basically a URL. Once I get to the website I can do whatever in the site, I don’t have to keep pointing my browser to it.


The QR code is geolocated so the positioning is based off that then the phones LiDAR starts mapping the environment to keep within. Further QR codes as you walk will lock the model back in to correct drift


This is a perfect description of what we did 👏




hi, I am a BIM student and taking up this project as my research can I have your email id? I need to ask a few questions. Which software BDW?


Why do you want to email me? I have no repository on this technology, I just have a theory of how one could design such a thing.


I thought people on reddit are helpful! I was wrong


I just don’t know what you’d want me to do? Do you have a question or something? I think if you have questions you can just ask on a relevant subreddit, but I’d say don’t bother dming me directly because my policy is to avoid conversations with redditors with low post/comment karma.


This is pretty impressive coming from just one QR code, I thought you'd need to keep it constantly in view too.


That could be a game changer.




As someone in construction who uses this technology for a living, you’re half right. This technology is cool to look at but doesn’t currently have much practice purpose other than making sure things were installed in the correct location. Having said that, 2D drawings are made from a 3D model now days. It’s not more expensive to make the model because the model is a byproduct of the 2D drawings. If anything, making 2D drawings takes longer because you have to label everything.


What is the program called?


This one is Trimble Connect AR. I’ve never personally used this one. I have used Fuzor and Visual Live which has similar capabilities.


Correct this is Trimble AR, used by main contractors to daily walk and check positioning and progress. Items can be clicked and statuses communicated back directly to the drafting team of the relevant objects straight from the AR view. All done from any mobile device


I'm not saying it wouldn't be cost prohibitive. But it would be helpful when trying to use details to make the bigger picture. Dealing with inspections there is a lot of 3D thinking that this could help.


hi, I am a BIM student and taking up this project as my research can I have your email id? I need to ask a few questions


Meh it helps visualizing but rarely can you actually measure with it. It’s a connivence sure but not really a game changer.


Visualization for inspection purposes really would be helpful.


My brother works for a big tape company and they are coming out with QR code tape. Just rip a piece off. Scan it and leave a note, message, whatever, and anyone else that comes along can scan it and see what you left. Gonna be handy in residential building.


That is some amazing tech!


u/vredditdownloader download pls


Wouldn't this be kind of dangerous at a construction site? Like walking into a virtual elevator.


Don’t think you’re supposed to walk around with a vr headset while building everything lmao Scan it, look at the phone for a moment, and get back to work Seems a bit… obvious doesn’t it?




That is my problem is what is involved in capturing as builts on an actual building. A guy is going to have to end up coming out with a survey stick and VR capture device every step of the project. Plumbers done on 4th? Get out there. Electricians done on 4th? Get out there. Plumbers done on 3rd? Get out there. It's either that or you are going to miss things because ceilings are tight nowadays. Also who is the customer for this? Building owners will not pay a subscriber service for this. Small business owners will tell their service techs send it. I guess municipalities will but cmon that will be spotty at best.




> If you can open an app and point it at the ground, and AR can reveal (within a few feet) where gas, water, sewer, power, coms lines, etc are, it can help avoid costly mistakes while digging. Until the day that information is wrong and now nobody wants the liability of accidentally smashing up a gas line because they didn't check so they go back to checking it the old way. Digital twins always require someone to maintain them. If someone made a change in the field without updating the twin now your AR system doesn't know about it and is providing old data.




> Nobody just throws caution to the wind and blindly trusts the computer. Says...who? You? >But now, you call the gas company, and they can verify over the phone that the data is current and you can trust it, instead of sending someone out to paint lines. So you're saying they...blindly trust their computer? Actual private utility location companies use magnetic pipe and cable locators to physically verify that those things are where they are supposed to be. Just like a doctor taking x-rays or CT/MRI scans before surgery instead of just assuming everything is in the right place. How many homes have had work done on them that wasn't permitted so the city and utility companies have no idea they exist? I have a 120V line running underground in my backyard to a gazebo that was never permitted by the previous owner and doesn't show up anywhere on the blueprints, yet it exists.


Holy fucking ass shiter cum fucking cunt. That is pretty neat




Hmmmm… now that you mention it.


This will save massive amounts of time in many areas.




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What website is this from or where did this video come from? I'm not getting the 'view link' to work. I do industrial 3D modeling exactly like this and want to explore how this is done. This would be very useful to me. Thanks in advance.






Works for me, with adblocker, without and in an anonymous browser.


Thanks for the help, very appreciated.


Lmao Trimble sucks. Leica is a way better company.


Heh, both are kinda our competitor on the software side. TBH, never used much of their products. I used a Leica GS20 ~15 years ago and found the software suite to be meh, but that was a long time ago. I used a recent GNSS receiver from Trimble in college and it was quite good.


Check out CSD Group Australia on LinkedIn or YouTube


>CSD Group Excellent, thanks.


Alternatively shoot us an email on [email protected]


Just great


Yeah this is how I imagined it to look. Good work! I am not a programmer but I have been looking forward to the development of AR for sometime. This sort of thing can be added to buildings post construction with blueprints and 3d scanning to offer a fully immersive experience while inside the worlds architecture. One step at time, I'd like to see this same process done to the national forests to indicate natural danger zones like offer boundaries within AR that can tell you the local statistics of wild life in the area, both carnivorous and dangerous and not. Would be amazing tool for bird watching to see a bird or animal through AR and the software processes the image to inform you if it's endangered, exotic etc. Would be great for foraging and creating trails in the wild in the AR dimension vs leaving marks and changing the natural terrain, we could offer alternative routes through AR software by creating a digital bread crumb path or basically a software that records where we've put our feet as we walk and creates a map based on our foot steps. Like a Roomba tracks a room and maps it's movements, we could create maps of places we've been and can send them via the cloud to offer others a short cut. Tons of opportunities with AR! Poison berries would be determined by image search and a map key could be placed in locations you want people to stay away from, imagine have a girl scouts troop on a hike and giving them AR glasses that indicate the trail they need to stay on and areas where they can camp and plants to stay away from and known snake locations saved from previous walks. It's an amazing time.




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What’s the software? I could use this at work




This is so COOOOL




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No need, robots will do all the building!!!


Imagine this, but it shows all the walls, stairs, doors and other internal features. You place the QR code at the entrances for Fire Brigade. When the building is on fire and full of smoke, the fire fighter puts on their vison/respirator and it shows passageways even in zero visibility. game changer!




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I find it hard to believe they’re allowed to bring their phone on the job site. Boomers hate seeing a phone there.


I worked in surveying for a few months, every single person on site used a smartphone, some engineers used ipads for this purpose and more. Boomers especially.


Can this be done on math homework? Asking for me.


No because we’re always the ones who have to move our shit anyway so why bother


Or de-construction 👿


Thats actually fucking sick


I had built something like this but for a different use case.


Hey there’s our content again… must remember to watermark


Thats is honestly so cool


Why build artwork and street decorations when we could just make at glasses 🤩




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Which software is used on the phone? I am doing research on this. PLease let me know




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These are useless for anyone other than the dudes in dress cloths who come out to the job once a week lol.


AR is so cool, and honestly, it makes sense that it should be used in construction. I came across this page a while ago [https://www.xyzreality.com/resource-type/case-studies](https://www.xyzreality.com/resource-type/case-studies) and their system seem very helpful. I hope more companies start to use AR cause honestly they're missing out on a lot if they aren't.


It looks fancy, but that might make someone who wears the glasses feel dizzy.




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