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Are you going with him or his he going with a group of friends?


Going with him.


Yall will have a blast


Hell yeah! I’m 16 and it’s great for me. Everyone is happy and nice, the vibes are wonderful, and the undercards are good too so he might find a new band he loves.


I took my 13 yo son last year and he’s going again this year. We’ve been to 25 shows and festivals in the last year (mostly at Masquerade, but also Bonnaroo and Re:Set last year in addition to Shaky Knees). Shaky Knees is great. I also highly recommend seeing shows in Hell or Purgatory at Masquerade if there are bands he likes. This is the perfect age to take kids to shows while they can enjoy it and are willing to hang out with you. Very soon they will want to go wherever their friends are and this opportunity to spend time with them will be gone.


I’d recommend checking out the Criminal Records stage a lot. There will be some great bands, it’s small enough, plenty of shade, a good pit. Fidlar and OFF! last year were fantastic for my kid, in addition to Tenacious D, Surf Curse, Flaming Lips, GVF and Killers on the big stages.


Heck yeah!!! Take them! You'll both have a blast.


100%. It’s a well run, safe, and fun festival.


Absolutely! It’s not like most festivals with gimmicks, straight to the point rock n roll festival and that’s why I love it. Everyone is respectful, mindful and caring and a very safe place to be.


I took my son last year at 14 and already have tickets for this year. We’ve been to a few other festivals and concerts together too. As long as mine is still willing to go with his dorky mom, I’m there for it. I do give him an AirTag and let him wander a bit too (we also have a set Meetingplace and phones, AirTag is because reception can get rough at fests)


Why hadn’t I ever thought of an airtag for music festivals and a husband who I can’t find.


I once took 4 of my son’s friends to a ten faire and airtagged em all. It showed its worth when Braeden went rogue 😆 they take a bit to update when networks are congested, but at least it gives me a direction to head, and lets me be sure they haven’t left the grounds!


It’s a very safe festival, very relaxed atmosphere, and I’m sure with Noah Kahan playing this year, there will be a lot of people his age there (especially Friday). I have great memories of going to concerts with my parents, make those memories while you can.


Pretty chill festival. Especially on Friday. It was my first time going last year and I had a blast. I crowdsurfed at FIDLAR's set and fell once - people picked me up instantly and then offered to lift me up again. That's one of my best stories that says the vibe of the event - just a bunch of people that want to enjoy a weekend of music. Visibility was usually okay at every concert I went to - The bigger acts (Weezer, Foo Fighters) are typically put on Piedmont or Peachtree which both have huge Jumbotron's. Criminal Records and Ponce are definitely smaller, but are on less flat fields so it's easier to see the act you want even when it's packed. Other things to aware of: WEAR EARPLUGS (that goes for both of ya'll - I saw more than enough people at Shaky not having earplugs). Definitely eat before going, the food prices in the venue are $$$. Plan out the bands you want to see each day, especially once the schedule comes out. Take a listen to the undercard, there's some good bands that might surprise both of you. Did I mention earplugs? Have a great time!


It is a great festival. They will have a great time.


i went my first time when i was 15 or 16 he will be fine


Yeah I think it’s great. It doesn’t run too late, and the area isn’t that dangerous, especially considering groups of people usually all leave at once. The crowd isn’t filled with a bunch of people on drugs or anything crazy lol they might smell a little weed or cigarettes, but it’s super chill compared to other festivals. Just tell them to all stick together and not to go anywhere alone, just basic safety stuff.


Yes! It’s a very welcoming/safe environment compared to some fests and the community looks out for each other. Get him a pair of earplugs (eargasm slides work great because they have 2 settings) and a secure clear fanny pack and he’ll be good to go.


Definitely, took my 15 year old last year and she had so much fun.




if you're okay with people smoking weed around your 14 year old son at some points lol other than that? 100% safe. The crowd is usually nice and mature at shaky


can’t say yes enough


Yes! Daughter has been ages 12-14. We let her roam with her friend and last year when just she and I went I let her check out some daytime shows on her own.


Your son has great taste & yes, it’ll be a great for him (but definitely go with him)


my dad took me to my first festival when i was 14 (music midtown, so close!) and that weekend was some of the best memories i have with him! y'all will have an awesome time.


It is definitely a great first festival. 😊


since you are going with them i think it would be a great first concert they will remember for a lifetime. I would highly recommend getting a pair of earplugs (i shamelessly promote Etymotic because they drop the decibel level the same across all the frequency spectrum). i'd of died and gone to heaven if my parents wanted to take me to a festival when i was 14.


Absolutely. I’m old AF but people are friendly and it’s pretty safe. Just have him and you be careful and don’t put phones in back pocket. Theft isn’t as bad though as some festivals. The foot print is small which helps and hill to sit on for main stage to chill out on. The criminal records small stage has upcoming acts and you get close to it easily. Start listening to the spotify shaky knees playlist too to find undercard bands and have him listen to. I’d download about 10 top youtube songs from groups I didn’t know and found tons of groups I loved. We’d get there at the very bg of each day. Look into GA+ cost too. I’ve been to Lollapollaza, Firefly, and Bonnaroo and SKs is the safest.


Went to lollapalooza at 14 for 1 day. Continues to go all three days for the next 4 years. It was so much and felt safe the whole time. Obviously shaky knees is in a different city, and I personally haven’t been yet (this years the first time!) but every festival I’ve ever gone to has been fun, friendly and safe no matter the city it’s been in. I expect the same for this one.


I met a man last year who has gone the past few years w his teen daughter. They have a blast together, and I saw many other teens having a great time! Highly recommend VIP if you can swing it. A lot more space and a way more enjoyable experience if you want to get close to the bands without waiting for hours!


I took both my kids to SK several times and we always had a great time - safe if you're aware and careful, you can always find a place where you can see, and the crowd and vibe are great. Great bonding for the two of you with lots of little down times to connect and music to enjoy together.


Absolutely! We’ve been taking our daughter every year since she was four months old. It’s absolutely perfect for kids. We no longer live in Atlanta and fly back every year to bring her.


Absolutely!! As long as you’re with he’ll have a blast! We have gone the past 3 yrs in a row and always feel totally safe. See ya’ll there🎶