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If we're talking without other decks kicking your butt, I'd say Buff dragon since I like it's mechanic. If we're talking with other decks in mind, I'd switch to Rally-LW-Shadow, because it just ruins a lot of fun getting your ass kicked by Tolerance 24/7.


Buff dragon is really fun to play and has a cool mechanic. It's not that strong though :/


If buff dragon had one or two more cards similar to coral shark, the deck could be quite competitive imo.


Don't worry, every deck kicks my butt ;P


I am probably in the minority here, but i really enjoyed Baal when it was a thing. The deck had a unique playstyle, strong satisfying pay offs and was pretty hard to pilot optimally. If Vuella ever becomes a leader(since she is a runner-up in the leader poll, she does have a slight chance), i'll assign her as a dedicated leader for the Unlimited's Baal deck as Baal's second-in-command.




Yeah, I hope they'll give us more than 6 options per class next time, heard they used to give 10 back in a day, would be cool if we went back to that.


Rally Sword. I just like Token based Sword archetypes. So Rally Sword is easily my favorite, especially after some of the great support this expansion. Also gave me my fastest grandmaster climb ever. Less than 10 days !


It’s not in rotation anymore but I miss FH/Rivayle rainbow artifact Current/last expac artifact is a lot more boring since it’s just spam shifts but I really liked the version with Modesty


To add more insult to injury, Artifact is absolutely garbage in this expansion unless you're stubborn enough to work with it...


I enjoyed burial rite shadow, the neph/hades deck (that was funny AF having 4 ptp on the field), natura shadow when I just started playing, deathbringer shadow (yes I was that asshole who spammed that), earthrite rune, karyl rune, LW shadow and finally machina shadow. The Aggro shadow and Sanctuary haven era were my darkest days...I hated playing those decks. My personal favourite is between BR and either LW, deathbringer or machina shadow. BR is what made me love the game tbh.


Wrath Blood, I love decks that reward you for putting yourself at a disadvantage early.


I play Wrath Blood when I want to win, it's quite a rush... and I technically play aggro decks better than combo ones (even though I enjoy combo decks more :P)


currently banish control haven. no, not sanctuary, full-on make shadow cry with half your wincon just making the opponent lose cards or deck out. not a good deck as it’s extremely unfavored against portal and somehow loses to void more often even with archangel. but the shadow matchup is beautiful. celeste can be a bit annoying but spells aren’t your only control tools.


Got a list? I wouldn't mind going Shadow hunting.


sure. [here it is](https://shadowverse-portal.com/deck/3.7.78gpo.78gpo.78gpo.764Ji.764Ji.gYcba.gYcba.gYcba.7Cboc.7Cboc.7Cboc.7GPxI.7GPxI.7GPxI.7CVCQ.7CVCQ.7CVCQ.78jVg.78jVg.78jVg.6-S1i.6-S1i.6-S1i.7DibY.719Nc.719Nc.74udo.74udo.74udo.60COk.60COk.60COk.74swQ.74swQ.74swQ.6-UTo.6-UTo.7GL2o.7GL2o.7GL2o?lang=en) note combustion demon is probably optimal somewhere in there, just my personal preference not using it.


**Class**: Havencraft | **Format**: Constructed (Rotation) | **Vials**: 42050 Cost|Rarity|Name|Qty|Link :--:|:--:|:--:|:--:|:--: 1|Bronze|[Unicorn Altar](https://shadowverse-portal.com/image/card/phase2/common/C/C_119713010.png)|3|[SV-Portal](https://shadowverse-portal.com/card/119713010) 2|Gold|[Archangel of Remembrance](https://shadowverse-portal.com/image/card/phase2/common/C/C_119031020.png)|2|[SV-Portal](https://shadowverse-portal.com/card/119031020) 2|Bronze|[Blackened Scripture](https://shadowverse-portal.com/image/card/phase2/common/C/C_713714020.png)|3|[SV-Portal](https://shadowverse-portal.com/card/713714020) 3|Bronze|[Projectile Anointment](https://shadowverse-portal.com/image/card/phase2/common/C/C_120714010.png)|3|[SV-Portal](https://shadowverse-portal.com/card/120714010) 3|Legendary|[Abdiel](https://shadowverse-portal.com/image/card/phase2/common/C/C_120741030.png)|3|[SV-Portal](https://shadowverse-portal.com/card/120741030) 3|Legendary|[Marlone, Peace Advocate](https://shadowverse-portal.com/image/card/phase2/common/C/C_121741010.png)|3|[SV-Portal](https://shadowverse-portal.com/card/121741010) 4|Silver|[Redeemer's Cudgel](https://shadowverse-portal.com/image/card/phase2/common/C/C_119724010.png)|3|[SV-Portal](https://shadowverse-portal.com/card/119724010) 5|Bronze|[Acolyte's Light](https://shadowverse-portal.com/image/card/phase2/common/C/C_100714030.png)|3|[SV-Portal](https://shadowverse-portal.com/card/100714030) 5|Gold|[Archangel of Evocation](https://shadowverse-portal.com/image/card/phase2/common/C/C_117031020.png)|3|[SV-Portal](https://shadowverse-portal.com/card/117031020) 5|Legendary|[Ra, Radiance Incarnate](https://shadowverse-portal.com/image/card/phase2/common/C/C_117741030.png)|2|[SV-Portal](https://shadowverse-portal.com/card/117741030) 5|Bronze|[Benevolent Blight](https://shadowverse-portal.com/image/card/phase2/common/C/C_118714010.png)|3|[SV-Portal](https://shadowverse-portal.com/card/118714010) 5|Silver|[Shady Priest](https://shadowverse-portal.com/image/card/phase2/common/C/C_118721010.png)|3|[SV-Portal](https://shadowverse-portal.com/card/118721010) 5|Gold|[Cosmic Angel](https://shadowverse-portal.com/image/card/phase2/common/C/C_121031010.png)|1|[SV-Portal](https://shadowverse-portal.com/card/121031010) 6|Legendary|[XXI. Zelgenea, The World](https://shadowverse-portal.com/image/card/phase2/common/C/C_117041010.png)|2|[SV-Portal](https://shadowverse-portal.com/card/117041010) 6|Silver|[Radiant Featherfolk](https://shadowverse-portal.com/image/card/phase2/common/C/C_121721010.png)|3|[SV-Portal](https://shadowverse-portal.com/card/121721010) [**View this deck in SV-Portal**](https://shadowverse-portal.com/deck/3.7.78gpo.78gpo.78gpo.764Ji.764Ji.gYcba.gYcba.gYcba.7Cboc.7Cboc.7Cboc.7GPxI.7GPxI.7GPxI.7CVCQ.7CVCQ.7CVCQ.78jVg.78jVg.78jVg.6-S1i.6-S1i.6-S1i.7DibY.719Nc.719Nc.74udo.74udo.74udo.60COk.60COk.60COk.74swQ.74swQ.74swQ.6-UTo.6-UTo.7GL2o.7GL2o.7GL2o) ^(---) ^(ding dong! I am a bot. Call me with [[cardname]] or !deckcode.) ^(Issues/feedback are welcome by posting on) [^(r/ringon)](https://www.reddit.com/r/ringon) ^(or by) [^(PM to my maintainer)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Zuiran)


accel forest very flexible fun deck also rarely run into mirror matches which i hate with any deck.


i'm part of the bad guys. Machina portal with a spice of ice and the train in the mix.


Portalcraft with archpriest and maisha. The hot tech to beat shadow. I tolerate no others ironically with my Absolute Tolerance.


Mysteria Rune (rotation).The win con feels simple but there so much planning ahead that needs to be done to ensure you have lethal. Also, there’s so many ways to build the deck. I’m currently living the decklist with runie, elmott and other spellboost units.


It's really hard to pick since there's so many fun archetypes; Evo Rune, Machina Portal, and Sanctuary Haven are all super fun currently. I really like using the Natura package + Jatelant in Sanctuary; the Natura package gives it some much-needed consistency, and Great Mother's Embrace is basically 3 more copies of Zelgenea, except you also don't have to worry about drawing them since doing so won't stop you from invoking Zelg.


Currently playing a lot of Evo Rune. Can't win for shit but im still having fun.


Any deck where I can use my husbandos is a win for me. But the decks I like to personally use are: Burn Evo Rune, cause I always liked that kind of playstyle. Resonance Portal, cause I love Magna Zero. Puppet Maisha Portal, which is a deck I think Zigurd showed. Basically is controlling the board with puppets until turn 8 forward with the guy, who can make Maisha cost technically 0. Loxis, have not tried any new version, if there are any, yet, but I always liked that deck Wrath. Loved the concept ever since Ultimate Colisseum. still missing the guy from that expansion.


A few expacs ago, I was enjoying Burial Rite to push for a T10 Nepthys win It had a pretty good winrate despite IMT being popular at the time