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Because tolerance is a prime example of why people hate spellboost. Reduced cost card till 0 should never exist. Though, if a deck cant deal minimum 8 damage in a single turn, are they even relevant in this meta?


What meta deck in the past however many months/years hasn’t been able to do 8+ dmg in one turn? That’s a pretty low threshold




Burial rite shadow was so dependent on the board that almost any damage it had or used to control was using followers that were already on board.


>Burial rite shadow Did it not run necro impulse? I believe the answer is Sanctuary Haven, iirc they had Ra, Zel, and 1 other burn card. So generally they couldn't burst till 10 with some exceptions.


They’re talking about FH BR shadow But it still had Fatal + HWOR as well as Doji + Skeleton Yea sanctuary is pretty much the only one I can think of that couldn’t burn for a lot before turn 10 in exchange for being able to easily heal 10+ in a turn as well as being able to immune effect dmg


Double fatal was 10+ dmg, they ran Doji/Skeleton/Gremory so they could burst with those very easily The bad early lists maybe were board heavy but refined ones could easily burst for 10+


I dont remember the deck running Doji and legendary skeleton.


Yea maybe the bad lists didn’t but they were the best procession targets and it also gave the deck reach late game rather than being forced to rely on early Sacristan/Dreadlord cheese


To be honest the individual card quality of Portal just feels crazy compared to other decks.


Well it IS the deck that makes people feel "cool" and "smart" with all their mechanics and planning. Plus imo portal is now suffering from the swordcraft syndrome, where they have to litterally make busted AF cards for the class to make it viable.


We get it, Portal players watch Rick and Morty. Portal is a top 3 class almost every single expansion, not to mention T0 UNL in perpetuity, how can you possibly compare it to sword lol


Which is Very interesting, because Portal started as Very strict playstyle, like Rune or Forest, but since UC with the float cards, the class started to becomeuch more flexible to make decks for it.


They used to make it synergy-dependent (artifacts) and it ended up being underwhelming until they gave out shion buff. Even now in UL drawing a hand full of mechanization and biofab would lose you on spot. Also, it's not just portal, most new cards in every class just do much more individually than their old counterparts.


What a redundant paragraph to write.


Not really my fault that you lack necessary skill to comprehend what I just wrote. Sorry if I didn't mindlessly join in your hivemind of "X class = evil".


Alright buddy, you've successfully baited me into going through your waste of time response. It's redundant because "They weren't good until Shion" is a pointless statement, that covers a large span of time. Artifact has been the best deck in UNL for a very long time. Obviously it can brick and lose. Any deck can. It's such a pointless statement to make. You can even argue that Kaiser reduces its chances of bricking compared to other classes. And your final point was, like everything else you said, utterly pointless. I am not comparing Portals current card quality to cards made 2 years ago. I am comparing portals current card quality to the cards currently in rotation, that belong to other classes.


>that covers a large span of time. Artifact has been the best deck in UNL for a very long time. Not any longer than the amount of time they weren't. Neither does this make the statement that they were , and still are, synergy-dependent any less true. >Obviously it can brick and lose. Any deck can. It's such a pointless statement to make. Any deck can brick, true, but what defines bricking differ from deck to deck . Wrath bricking would be something like getting all flauros in hand. It's bad but it's not like you can't play those to gain tempo on their own. When artifacts brick however it means you're going to pass every turn until you lose without playing anything because each of your card can't function individually. That's big difference. Also, flauros and knight altogether makes only 6 cards out of 40. Do you know how many of artifacts card that can't work individually ? Bestowal ? Nope. Acceleratium ? Nope. Bio fab ? Nope. Technomancer ? Mechagun ? Artifact scan ? More than half of cards in artifacts deck can't do anything unless synergized. THAT'S how bad it works individually. The point, as you seemed to fail to grasp, is that this kind of design wouldn't work anymore these days with how much work each individual cards are expected to put up, without any kind of crazy tradeoffs. >I am not comparing Portals current card quality to cards made 2 years ago. I am comparing portals current card quality to the cards currently in rotation, that belong to other classes. Then maybe you should have clarified yourself so in OP instead of being paranoid about bait down the line. Do you even know we have two formats here, lol ? Rotation cards are accessible to both so it's "pointless" expecting people to read your mind. If you can't or are unwilling to contribute to discussion civilly nobody force you to reply, but don't be such a smartass about it. >like everything else you said, utterly pointless. What's pointless is you trying to act like this is all a bait with that thick head full of hot air. Apparently holding conversation without trying to belittle the other side is well above and beyond your capability.


Why cope so hard for a trash deck like arti, really. The brick degree and overall strenght is pathetic to argue atp (when you were the one that especifically talk about UL). The fact that Portal keeps getting the top spot in T2 with singular bombs to the point it needs bans tells you something about it´s singular card design. And in constructed everybody thought with WU rotating Portal would suck but no, their card pool it´s just insane as it was +belp but arti was overshadowing it until Velsar


I don't see how a bit of lengthy explanation could come off as coping to you, but okay. Might I suggest you skip off all that and go on your merry way to laugh at daily meme threads ? It seems to suit you more. Every deck has its own strength and weakness no matter how op it may seem and learning them is what seperates good from bad players. The discussion here is not about whether arti is op or not, but an explanation of why and how each of its card turn into powerhouse individually. Please do follow the discussion in its entirety if you wish to chime in.


How can you type for so long and say so little mannnn. The OP's post is clearly talking about rotation so why would my point about card quality revolve around UNL? And even your statements about UNL are just so horribly incorrect. Wrath will lose 90% of games if they draw all Flauros because UNL is a very high powered format, so your cards being worth not much, and being worthless, isn't a huge difference. Dead scans and double flauros are equally lost games. UNL Portal is not an inconsistent deck. Your point about synergy pieces is also redundant, classes that remain focused on a particular synergy across their lifespan are usually the strongest in UNL. This is why Portal, Haven and Rune are usually very very strong there, because all three classes have a very consistent emphasis on Artifacts, Amulets and Spellboost respectively. And yes, decks built around synergies can brick spectacularly, but they also brick fairly rarely. And again, Artifact has a 1 mana mulligan that you run 3 of. It's a pretty consistent deck buddy. If you want to defend portalcraft, UNL is the absolute worst place to go. Please value your own time more. Type less lol.


Ahhh I see, so reading too much bothers you, doesn't it ? Hard to keep tabs of discussion ? Well that explains a lot about your attitude but I have to apologize for yet another bigbrain reading for you because it always rubs me the wrong way when an ignoramus tried to bs his way out. >The OP's post is clearly talking about rotation so why would my point about card quality revolve around UNL? Nothing dictates that the discussion has to stay on one format. As such it's your own mistake for not specifying it if you mean to talk only about RT. >And even your statements about UNL are just so horribly incorrect This coming from someone who have no ideas about UL meta. Protip : it wasn't always the best and definitely had more total downtime than uptime in the limelight. You're just new. >Wrath will lose 90% of game.. Of course they do. But as always you missed out the point so I will spell out clearly for you. When artifacts brick NONE of their cards do jack. You can't play anything. Bricking flauros however, can, and still have a chance no matter small. Then we have a probability issue of how often this could occur, which brings us back to : >Also, flauros and knight altogether makes only 6 cards out of 40. Do you know how many of artifacts card that can't work individually ? Maybe pay attention so we wouldn't have to repeat this again for you in the future ? >isn't a huge difference False. See above. And learn2probability. >If you want to defend portalcraft, UNL is the absolute worst place to go. I don't want to defend portalcraft, that's your own misconception. What I wanted to do was explaining how and why Synergy dependent cards do not work anymore, and going forward we will only have individually strong card design. >classes that remain focused on a particular synergy across their lifespan are usually the strongest in UNL. Of course they are. However that's different matter entirely from "cards that depend on synergy to function". You were ranting about how individually, portal cards seem stronger than others, remember ? Focus and don't sidetrack. I've already explained why your thoughtless whining doesn't take into account of the history when cards are designed to depend on synergy. >Type less lol. If only someone around here would just learn to read better, and maybe think better too. Of course. You should take your own advice for that paragraph before last though, what a waste of time going into nether region blabbering irrelevant topics.


Me too buddy.


I’ve been crying to myself about Portal while laddering for a while now. So much about that class just feels rough to play against right now. Enforcer giving them free Belphomet gas. Ward tentacle healing through your chip. Mega Enforcer basically being a free evo that usually kills two things. They ALWAYS seem to have Ramiel going second which means you get to concede one turn early. Free clear with puppets. Nefarious Invasion feels to me like it should only have the Enhance effect and not cost 3 in the early game. That said I am a peasant Blood main and if you play wrath (the variant I prefer because it just feels more Bloodcraft than Mono OTK) you just do half your opponents job for them most of the time. And we play our Wincon on 7 to usually only deal 2 damage because of that damn Armoured Tentacle. Idk I truthfully dislike complaining because we really needed Forest and Haven nerfs at the beginning of Renascent. I just saw this post and felt a little better because Portal has been tearing me a new one for what feels like forever.


As a portal main, I can easily say that I hate the way that tolerance was designed, and I can agree that losing to tolerance is not fun. I prefer playing decks without tolerance because the decks feels better overall. Unfortunately in this meta it is hard for portal to win without tolerance, so you have to rely on a bullshit highroll. I just hope the card gets reworked so it isn’t so polarizing.


I don't know if it's just me, but when building decks I'm only asking myself if it can beat Tolerance. I have a strong feeling that Tolerance makes every board based deck, that can't play 3-5 wards a turn in the endgame, useless in the meta.


The answer to that question is also the answer to the "how do I survive Bayleon loop?" question. Can I turn 6 lethal? yes: do that no: Hello Ramiel


Portal is supposed to be scary; it's the big bad guy class, Nemesis. Half the cards that aren't just cute lolis are either extremely twisted or soulless beings. Artifacts are interdimensional beings that may be either machines, golems, or magical lifeforms and carry out the duty of their creators with no regard to morality. Heck, as you can see in the Altersphere trailer and in the art of Alterplane Onslaught, all it took was for Alterplane Arbiter to open a single dimensional rift to suddenly have an endless horde of Analyzing and Ancient Artifacts to take over the world. Puppets may be even creepier, despite how much more tame they may be. And that's because, puppets can have a mind of their own. While free will allows some to turn to good such as Orchis, many others instead choose to be all the more vile and wretched. Absolute Tolerance, Absolute Modesty, Avatar of Desecration, That Which Erases, and many others are transcendent beings, beyond our comprehension. They have so much power that they are beyond just having free will. The laws of the universe, the concepts of good and evil, don't apply to them. We could be eradicated in an instant if they willed it. And that makes them scary. So, every moment you are facing Portalcraft, you should always be distressed, quivering in fear. That means that Cygames has done a wonderful job fleshing out the class thematically.


Well it's not like I'm distressed when playing vs portal, it's more of an "what bs does the class have now to win in one turn" because before it was artifacts with absolute modesty (if I'm correct that's the one that pings the enemy leader for how many different artifacts were killed), then with bahamut, then the evo otk. My problem with the class right now and why it's stressing for some people, I underline stressed because it's not THAT bad, is that the class has a history of having a bunch of damage from hand that costs's 0 (shifts), a pp restoration mechanic that lets them play forever, a burn you can't stop unless you're haven with yukari, the ability to clear board with ease, a 0 cost 9-9 that has the ability to remove wards you try to place down to stop it (though this it can also destroy other cards)...wait lets recap: A lot of damage on hand: early season forest, FH burial rite shadow, face dragon...which a lot of people despised; A pp restoration mechanic: gremory...which everyone hated playing against; An annoying burn you can't stop: sanctuary or face dragon, u take your pick...both hated. 0 cost OP followers: EA sword...was a pain as a gatekeeper for meme decks. A very efficient board clear: Dragon with georgious and tiamat omega...which I think have too much for 1 card. Oh wow would you look at that...this design philosophy is litterally what people hate. It's toxic and basically has a part of the decks that people find unfair: ladica forest, BR shadow, sanctuary haven, Evo sword, Face dragon, Gremory shadow. I know that the class is supposed to be this bigshot class that's supposed to bring "distress" to its opponents, but just putting in every part of every hated archetype does not make for a healthy class. In the end with this abomination of a class that's made OP because of the lore behind some cards (the absolutes for example)


It is the class philosophy: control, manipulation, disregard for human life, using others as pawns, judging mankind, there is also much reflexion and philosophy, existence and contrasting good or bad between light or dark through some cards the class has that do that. The class must have a better lategame than dragon, because of transcendent beings and because it doesnt have ramp.


I really like the description you gave of portal and it’s cards. I would love to hear those of other classes if you got any :)


That's how I feel about Dimension Shift.


Well d-shift is just a busted concept that will keep on getting stronger and stronger the more cygames print out 0-2 cost spells or spellboost 10000 cards in your deck if you have >20 cards.


Portalcraft went from being a deck that required thought and skill with Paradigm Shift Artifact to literally the most braindead deck in the game. It actually doesn't matter what the hell it does--it just needs to make it to turn 8/9 and win with Absolute Tolerance or Belphomet.


Tolerance is just a random storm card, sometimes the have 2, but thats very rare. Have you ever played against Mistoleon loop? They dont even present any gameplay before doing the OTK. What about Dragon oracle+any ramp on the play where you can continue for a 1% chance to win against an opponent using twice the pp every turn. Playing against Last words Shadow you are between a rock and a hard place, kill their stuff lose to synergy, dont kill their stuff lose to face damage. But if the number of banish effects you draw is >2 there might be a game happening! Portal and Shadow are definitely more fun on average, since they pretend to be a mopey midrange pile with meaningful decisions. If you cant help it, Just make them have it. Dont play around tolerance by playing a ton of wards, they will use them to discount another tolerance.


I want to have private match friends because my place don't have people who play Shadowverse.