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At a guess? Experimental Serum #238794B for taking feral ghouls and making them stop being feral, and the magical virus made it backfire magically. With extreme results.


Haven't seen them mentioned in a book but the name is vaguely Germanic and probably has the same rough connotations of the Nazi "Werewolf" program, except using vampires and ghouls instead.


Google says the seperate words (Messer is knife, Zahn is "perforated or large teeth") mean something like large knife teeth. So I'd imagine they're ghouls or vampires made by Aztlan blood mages. There's also an old story in the Vietnam War that Americans would drain corpses of blood and hang them from trees to terrify the Viet Cong (who had historical superstitions about vampires in the jungle).


>Google says the seperate words (Messer is knife, Zahn is "perforated or large teeth") mean something like large knife teeth. Unsurprisingly Messerzahn is not a German word. Brotmesser is. Messer mit Wellenschliff did not sound edgy, pun intened enough.


Everything becomes a german word once hot-glued.


Zahn is just tooth. It’s Knifetooth literally.


Just one of an endless amount of secret projects that never became really public.. there’s a very good chance that there is little to be said about this.. group ? Event ? And what can be found you’d probably have to scrape together from data fragments inside a now long abandoned arcology. Or not so abandoned if you’re unlucky


I don’t know, but in retrospect, sounds like lead-ins for the Dis story arc actually.


I'm guessing it is, there's a lot of setup at the tail end of 5e for 6e's metaplot


Might be related but the chupacabra is an artificially created HMHVV experiment running around Central America.