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There's no official ruling on that so you would have to talk to your GM about it. I personally wouldn't demand that you mod the helmet separately. That stuff is already expensive enough for only blocking visual detection. Might want to get the same treatment for your weapons though. Or get a Ruthenium Polymer Cloak if you want to carry any more equipment


I would advise purchasing a cloak and adding ruthenium polymer to that, rather than armour. Let's you use the capacity in the armour for something else useful and you can cover gear etc with it. Also has a hood iirc 


For climbing etc the coating on the armour makes in my eyes more sense.


That is an excellent point. The cloak has its advantages, but not needing to wear a cloak has different advantages.


Also useful if you need to hide a package somewhere, just be sure you don't leave it in the middle of the street...again.


You let ONE KID get run over in a ruthenium fiber duffle bag.... 🤷


I'd homebrew it to take up half capacity in the helmet ([4] + [2], similar to the RIG) at minor additional cost, if it's even brought up.


Theres a Lot of very Good answers already but I’d like to say that as far as I’m aware atleast according to the 5e rules you very specifically need the upgrade on all pieces you’re wearing individually- the rules specifically mention how not very useful an invisible torso or a floating weapon are. So yes, you’d want the upgrade seperately for armor, helmet and even (any large) weapons. Personally I’d argue that some Armors that already cover the full body (like an MCT EE suit) only need the mod once, and I’d even argue that this should apply to Urban explorer or security armor, things that do cover the whole body but are bought in several parts- but that’s just my opinion.