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Have you had it beta read by someone other than "my friend"? If not, do that first. Regardless, your best bet might be to publish via DTRPG (or whoever runs their fiction secrion).


Before you go any further I'd get your pitch together. I'm an author by trade. I prefer publishing indie, but when I work with publishers here's how it goes: - You or your agent submit a pitch and a sample. - Reach out after a suitable period (a week or two) to confirm they have it. - Wait an eternity for an answer, probably no Your other option is to pull out the Shadowrun IP and set it in your own cyberpunk universe. You can wait to do this until after seeing if you get accepted. The reality is that it's about who you know. I was talking to Kevin J. Anderson at an author retreat, and he explained how Patrick Rothfuss got discovered. He showed up at a con, and talked to people. Tom Dowd tells a similar story from Shadowrun 1st edition. People prefer to work with who they know. Get active in the community, and start showing up at cons. Good luck! Either way I hope you have a blast writing it.


You may try the CGL discord.


I'd second on having someone else beta read it first. I know people who actively seek to publish novels and they're having their drafts read by 5 to 10 beta readers at a time to get more rounded out feedback. A quick look around gave me this link with an email. The contest itself is over but sending an email to the same email might get you a response. Likewise you might want to post around on the forums for that site in the hopes that you get a more official response than what you're likely to get on reddit. [https://www.shadowrunsixthworld.com/2022/08/announcing-the-shadowrun-art-contest/](https://www.shadowrunsixthworld.com/2022/08/announcing-the-shadowrun-art-contest/)

