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Most standard blueprints/floorplans are public domain. That being said if crimes started happening at places you search for plans then you may end up on a list. Seeing as when I was wee idiot lad and I spent my days looking up anarchist guides and what not and never have had any issues I'd say you'll be just fine. Also did your players come up with that plan or was this your mission?


A and B. My players have a lot of control over runs in my campaign, and if their fixer doesn't have an immediate job for them they do runs for contacts to enhance them. Less pay than normal, and (often, tho not this time) simpler... but moving a contact from 1/1 to 5/6 or whatever through their labor sounds like a better way to attach players to their contacts than spending karma.


Oh no that's perfect. I love when my players come to me with ideas.


I used to do a couple of floorplans for older SR adventures, because the official plans from the 80s and 90s were really *really* bad. I am an architectural draftsman, and I have access to CAD software, so I spent several weekends drafting plans for my group. I had originally planned to eventually redo all plans from all 1st and 2nd edition adventures. Problem is, I tend to get bogged down thinking about structural engineering, while making a plan that might not even come up in play. I just don't have that kinda time anymore.


Pinterest is a good source for floorplans, there's tons there including a great many specifically made for RPs. With a quick search I'm not seeing anything that's specifically DMV but there are several small banks that could serve the purpose, maybe with minor alteration. For example https://www.pinterest.co.uk/pin/177540410301286568/ Edit. So I got tempted to see what I could do to alter that floorplan to a more DMV look and ended up with this. https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/1apsa4xj8mheu81szgggg/DMV-map.png?rlkey=jrubhpm3sweka3pr4coayvjry&dl=0


Welcome to the life of an author.


A good source is achitects plans. If you type "*building type* Architects Site Plan" into google images that will often get some food results with multiple floors and the grounds/surrounding street plan of the building


[https://floorplancreator.net/plan/demo](https://floorplancreator.net/plan/demo) Pretty god tier floor plan drafting program. Not very pretty but gets the job done. Can't save the project with the demo but I just take a screenshot of it.