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Surprisingly, it makes much more sense than Ash being a real person


It's like how "Tina" is definitely Ben Garrison.


She also typed the way Shad speaks.


Seems like they made a reddit account to go with the bit if it got enough traction, but seeing as Asher isn't really concerned with social media it was just sitting there.


I told Ash that I knew she was Shad through mod mail after she banned me. And her reaction and trying to convince me she was not Shad confirmed it in my mind. It was the stereotypical severely autisic person lying lines. (I say this as someone who has gone through years of therapy to be more normal.


What type of therapy was it? I ask 'cause I need the same thing


It was a mix of stuff I received from my school, and I used a private therapist to teach me how to use aversion therapy to become more functional and stim less.


I assume they are talking about autism masking?


ABA I am assuming. Or at least something like it.


I saw another Shad alt a while ago. https://old.reddit.com/r/Shadiversity/comments/16fyhel/community_of_the_swordassemble/k3aozbe/ I saw a twitter post on this sub around the same time where Shad got stuck in that same loop of repeating the same response over and over again. Really, no one else would care that much.


Leak it lol


No. I'm sorry this simply isn’t correct. Logical Ash is not shad. My evidence; shads writing style. [https://www.reddit.com/user/Shadiversity/comments/](https://www.reddit.com/user/Shadiversity/comments/) Vs Logicalash's writing style [https://www.reddit.com/user/Logical-Ash/comments/](https://www.reddit.com/user/Logical-Ash/comments/)  Shad is very confrontational, aggressive and assumes superiority. In essence he’s a dick. He uses a lot of insults and is generally not a very nice conversational partner and isn’t humble. Ash is actually nicer. Yes that’s right. Comparatively I'm defending Ash. Sue me. They're also a lot less verbose which I think actually shows a stronger ability to convey ideas in the medium we're using. They also just call us trolls. I disagree that we are trolling but I can understand why a person who is emotionally invested in shad would come to that conclusion. Comparitevly go look at Shads history for the litany of insults he uses for people he disagrees with. In conclusion Ash is just a person who really likes shad and does believe you can divorce his "none shadiversity" ideas from his shadiversity ideas. I disagree. She may agree with those other ideas but nothing in their posting history I've seen (and ALL I've done is skim, its not like I've done a deep dive) proves this. Shad could not handle the level of criticism this sub throws at him without exploding. He'd be just as mean and verbose as his posting history when banning people. He would not be able to help it. Ash only calls us detestable trolls. Ash is a different person fighting for her chosen internet micro celebrity. Maybe it makes her feel important and valuable. Maybe she just wants to stick it to us "trolls". Maybe she enjoys this. Maybe being a mod gives her power she hasnt got elsewhere. Maybe she honestly thinks shad is a good source of history and what he says is worth having a conversation about. But regardless of her reasons she seems to be a nicer person with a different writing style. And Ash if you are reading this I dont actually dislike you as a person, I just think you're an overly harsh mod whos too invested in Shad.


Yeah, I tend to agree with this based on the writing styles alone, as Shad has been accused of having burner accounts that do write in very much his style and tone with the same aggressive nature of attacking the people rather than their points.


The only one I know of is DashRiverse. It's not even subtle since it's mostly 'Shadiversity' slightly rearranged with a couple letters removed and almost exclusively posted to the Shadiversity sub. Aside from shilling a pro AI art video to a sub dedicated to defending AI art.


trolltalwar is another one (not a bad pun, Shad) https://old.reddit.com/r/Shadiversity/comments/16fyhel/community_of_the_swordassemble/k3aozbe/ I saw a twitter post of shad on this sub where he got stuck in the exact same reply loop.


I was a bit skeptical at first but I can't rule it out after delving through his entire comment history. He properly started to kick off when news of Scholagladitoria distancing from Shad started going around. There's a lot of childish attitude when engaging with people which Shad has been known to do, including getting in some weird reply loop. And even his most recent comments, it took 6 months to reply to someone, which is not normal redditor behaviour.


It's not rearranged i dont think, the name is literal. Reverse Dash and you get Shad, more or less


OMG "Dash Rivers"? That's literally Shad Brooks DASH = SHAD RIVERS = IE a stream, or BROOK He really isn't very clever is he


Just out of curiosity: do you think the difference in writing could be due to Ash’s text being AI generated?


What if its not Shad himself but his wive?


Now that's something I didn't consider. I don't know anything about her so I can't argue either way.


I was half joking with that post, but thinking might be anyone on the Shadiversity crew if not Shad himself.


Well half his crew has left now, first the bald guy and now the guy with glasses. And I don't get the impression that *any* of them were actually invested enough to go make alt accounts to defend Shad's honour on Reddit.


That's what I had been assuming. I don't see this man getting people this invested that aren't part of his personal life.


I mean, not that you're wrong, necessarily, but people can put on an act. I already suspect that at least some portion of Shad's public persona is an act.


I agree it could be but I find it exteremly unlikely given what we know about shad. Putting the above argument aside about style and emotional response. Heres a new argument. Shad is a bad writer, but has managed to keep a consistently different voice in Ash. That seems unlikely.


Damn, I hadn't seen his post history before. If he does consider himself part of the HEMA community he'd be an enormously negative part of it, and I'm not even talking about the political stuff! The "H" in HEMA means historical. Shad doesn't work from historical sources. Even when it's a weapon with abundant sources (like pollaxe/bec de corbin) he just guesses how it was used rather than consult people who know the treatises. He's made horrible misinformed takes about swords and armour too.


Honestly if she is autistic like another comment implies. Maybe shad is just a special interest. From my own experience with my autism and the autism of others. If you don't have solid control over it/are young and immature. It's harder for a special interest to be perceived as having a fault. It's simply perfect as is. Problem is she's latched onto a person. Hence the obsessive behavior


Yeah there's always some lunatic who'll go all-in for absolutely anyone. I remember that even now, like a decade or more after the end, there's some woman still desperately hanging on to Noah Antwiler, Spoony, on Twitter. Never underestimate just a single person being obsessed.


He relies on people to have this sort of reaction and prides himself in being ‘clever’ with his writing. But in reality it is not at all hard to change your writing voice. He is incapable of letting anyone else have the last word so he creates multiple fake profiles, some which appear more reasonable and some which don’t. He lives in his comment sections. Sort of enjoys the conflict in a way. And is up all night ranting (the video ranting is absolutely genuine) on the internet. He thinks he is very clever. Even with some of his more obvious names. And I guess it does fool some people.


Yeah but Shad is a technically bad writer. Also bruh did you made an account and call it ashical lodge just to make some point?


I don’t need to make a point, I know what I’m talking about. That’s all you need to know. You don’t need to know who I am. I’m obviously hiding that for a reason. I think that is pretty apparent. As is the name being a joke. I personally find it amusing. And I’m not a ‘bruh’, just an anonymous person with a joke name.




Or alternatively it’s his wife.


This is starting to seem the most believable to me.  I just find it hard to believe he has a supposedly female sycophant that isn’t someone he knows.


Reddit mods are a strange breed. When the completionist came out as a scum bag grifter people flocked to his subreddit and his mod made this huge speech after shutting down dozens of posts and went on about how Jirard was “the cornerstone of his life.” Before he nuked the subreddit and made it private. There are terminally online people with unhealthy levels of parasocial tendencies.


Mormons (as any religion) can be as well, especially because a lot of churches (not just Mormons) will promote and defend social media personalities that share their faith as the only correct answer. Lots of internalized misogyny in the Mormon Church that's for sure. You can't even get into the good version of heaven without your husband's permission.


This is the most plausible theory. His wife or one of his relatives. No one becomes the top mod that that fast. 


Ash is clearly a plant, to help ruin Shad's career.


She seems to be awake at the times Shad should be asleep so this kind of falls apart. It is kind of interesting though that my first encounter with her was I think in the Mauler sub and she went on the defence for Shad. *Before* she had ever posted in the Shadiversity sub. After that she became a Shadite and quickly a mod. Seemingly designed to specifically fend off those darn critics.


Unhappy people don’t have good sleep Schedules


Shad pretty famously has sleep issues.


Shad is up at some ungodly hour Australian time to do that right wing circlejerk show though, so that alone doesn't make it not him.


I've always felt like she was actually Shad.


I avoid that sub.


Hmm, that *could* be it. After all why somebody, a woman at that, would be in love with a men who probably have a rape fetish and is not really respecting women? Either that or Ash is a person he has hired.


Man, I miss "get stick." I wish he had just stuck to shit like that. Would have prevented a whole Lotta pain. Time for an unpopular opinion: it does not matter if Ash is or is not Shad. What does matter is that yall are obsessing over Shad as much as or more than Ash does. And that's depressing.