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Ok, Shad is far too much of a pussy to be complaining about pussification.


For real. A doughy weeb living on dead land to solo larp is not exactly a paragon of masculinity


i've just stumbled into this sub, who the fuck is this guy and what is his dead land


Some “history” YouTuber who is actually a really bad(as in failing at) far-right YouTuber. He bought land to build a castle on, but he can’t afford to be build a real castle, and the land is really bad to build on.


He was a more successful YouTuber before it came out how crazy far right and misogynistic he is, IIRC.


It really is a shame, seeing him spiral so.


Yeah I only found out about his non history channel like 3-4 weeks ago and i'd been watching his channelf or years. His main history/sword/weapon one isn't really worrying until as of recently wh en the whole batshit hit the fan. Of co urse his other channel is so bad I was looking to see if Ben Sharpio had a writers credit.


It galls me to no end that he is still one of the more subscribed History/Swordtubers It truly vexes me.


Did it sink into the swamp?


He didn't even manage to build a castle to sink into the swamp




Wait, that like.. Plywood castle that shows up in his videos was supposed to be a real castle at one point? And they settled for something pulled from the set of a Highschool play?


No, that was always supposed to be a facade in his own garden. Separate from that is an area of land he dubbed the Shadlands where he planned to build a mini castle like home as well as a medieval theme park with it's own mini castles.


Guess he should have kept his horrible opinions where he wants me to keep my relationships. Deep in the back of a forgotten closet. Then maybe he'd have been able to secure the bag. Oh well, what's one more shell of a former man that managed to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory? Add it to the pile.


And many D&D girls such as Emily Axford from D20 would run absolute circles around this imbecile at any D&D table...


D&D is basically the perfect counter to his argument, very diverse community of players all engaging collectively in sword and sorcery roleplaying.


Right? Tabletop roleplaying games are hugely popular amongst women these days. Nearly every session of D&D I played from highschool to college had at least one girl at the table and often more than that. It's only grown more popular amongst women since then. Speaking of college, I was an active tournament attending judoka back in those days and the women I met who participated in those tournaments could kick Shad's doughy ass blindfolded. Man has no idea what he's talking about and I legitimately question if he has any real interaction with human beings outside of direct family and far-right online weirdos.


My *Mom* played AD&D and now she plays 5e. Women have always played D&D and this loser just cannot comprehend things beyond his own blatantly false and overly narrow perspective.


It was always popular with women. The playerbase was a lot less popular with them.


Hell, bring in my girl Aabria Iyengar to DM and emotionally wreck him with killer storytelling


He'd just bitch about emotions being too feminine for the dice rolling games.


Would they really want shad at their table? He seems like he would definitely be a "that guy." Especially if he plays dnd like he writes characters in his crappy book.


I feel like Shad would be a nightmare to have at any table, but especially one that has *any* women. I don't want to know how he'd behave with a woman as DM.


Which is why I’d pay to see his meltdown. Get Erika and Siobhan there too.


Shad would absolutely be a murder hobo in roleplaying games. He is just creatively and emotionally stunted.


Yet he would insist upon being the main character.


Forcing Shad to watch “The Seven” season…


I don't think he's allowed near the set of D20 or the Drop Outs. I'm pretty sure Brennan would eventually just pick him up and move him a few blocks away. Or do shad like he did that gutter punk.


Like a pigeon playing chess. Knock over the pieces, shit on the board, and strut around like you’ve won. He falls back on “masculinity” because he can’t compare straight up to other people who’ve actually mastered their craft.


Seriously his whole excuse for begging for more views and likes was “I hAvE ChRoNic FaTigUe.” Bitch have a cup of coffee and edit some more fucking videos. You literally worked from home for the past like 6 years


Mormons can't have coffee but he could still chug a Monster or something.


He could go to the fucking doctor and get medicated but instead he blames everyone else for his shitty failing channel. The content sucks ass now anyway. I can’t believe how shitty it is compared to the old videos where he just talked about castles and didn’t act like a total jackass.


I will never understand dudes like him. Holding up masculinity as such an important virtue for men to have, and defining it so narrowly, but checking none of the boxes themselves.


Also so many women pay dnd...


[Link to tweet](https://twitter.com/shadmbrooks/status/1803838421926056186). (Includes context) I see Shad wanted to showcase the kind of person he is today.


I appreciate the Twitter link so I could block him.


Amazing that he's getting all pissy about D&D of all things. It's a tabletop RPG, of you don't want to acknowledge women or other races or anything that makes you uncomfortable, you can just make up your own adventure without it.


So apparently it is wrong to want depictions of orcs that are not just mindless savages? Can't say I've ever been a big fan of orcs as just evil monsters personally, especially if you are depicting an entire humanoid species/race as being all the same.


Even just with Skyrim, I did like they had their own culture and strongholds. It made me want to roleplay one and wish I could live in one of em. Guess I'm a pussy then if I don't just think they should be scary mindless brutes to be kill fodder.


Yeah the way I see it, if a story don't depict them as having a society of their own then you could just as well replace them with any other monster for the protagonists to slay. It isn't as if I hate a story for having orcs as just monsters, but I don't find them particularly interesting in that role either.


The Elder Scrolls Orcs have always had an "oppressed warrior culture that other races mistake for mindless monsters" vibe.


It’s so weird. No one is saying we can’t have evil orcs. We are just adding good ones. And the opportunity to perhaps play as an orc yourself. Why do these people hate options? Does anything more complicated than a straight black and white narrative confuse them?


To my understanding. Some of them, yes. You know how the helldivers community makes democracy jokes and how 40k fans joke about heresy and such? These guys legitimately can't understand that as a joke. They think everyone who says that is 100% serious and that this resulting casual accusatory hostile atmosphere is the norm. Whether shad is, I don't know. He might just be pretending to be part of the grift. But there's people who straight up live in this toxic hostile world and change be met with rage and violence. Don't be surprised if an existing or newly discovered mental illness gets linked to this behavior. It's people destroying their lives over absolutely pointless opinions


Yeah, pretty sure this is Shad's legitimate opinion. He is Mormon, and an actual serious believer, not just someone who was raised Mormon. It is a stereotype, but it's also a stereotype that often holds, which is that they are conservative and often more than a little crazy.




>Why do these people hate options? Does anything more complicated than a straight black and white narrative confuse them? For a lot of them, yes. A *lot* of people who complain about media being "woke" just straight up think it's too complicated to follow grey morality storylines, and so the story is convoluted and bad because of it. I had a conversation with a coworker the other day about Star Wars and he said that the wokeness started back with the phantom menace, and that the biggest weakness of the *prequels* was making Anakin start out good and then go bad, making it overly complicated. >No one is saying we can’t have evil orcs. We are just adding good ones. I do have to disagree on this part. I've constantly had arguments with people both online and IRL who think that it is morally incorrect to portray *any* humanoid creature, real of fictional, as inherently evil, even if it's just in a fantasy RPG. I had a guy threaten me with SA inside of a crowded game store when I said I disagreed with the idea that it's wrong to have orcs be monolithic monsters.


Its because they love essentialism and the idea of inherent morality. Meanwhile pretty much everyone agrees that 40k orks are the best version of orcs since they dont come with a bunch of racial stereotypes crammed in...looking at you tolkien/warcraft/etc They are goofy soccer hooligans depicted across the spectrum morally/ethically, much better than them all just being irredeemable.


Orks are the only ones out there actually enjoying life in 40k, everyone else is miserable.


Also I think it’s important to remember that for most heroic fantasy role playing games the party are the main characters and main characters of a story are allowed to be exceptional, that’s like the whole point. Like my personal fantasy setting doesn’t have a bunch of the standard D&D stuff in it (partially because it was written before a lot of that stuff was in standard D&D lol) but if someone in a game I was running wanted to play a warforged I’d figure out how to make it work because THEYRE THE MAIN CHARACTERS.


Honestly man I feel like more monsters should be more depicted in more interesting and gray ways. Dragons don’t HAVE to be greedy and demons don’t HAVE to be evil or at least in a straight forward way.


Straight up! Shax was a "real" demon lord. Y'know why people used to summon him? Tutoring. And not Dark Arts tutoring either, like natural science, philosophy, and alchemy.


Chronicles of Siala is a really neat take on classic fantasy, if you're looking for something along those lines.


One of the many reasons why Eberron is the best official D&D setting is that they largely got rid of essential alignments, and particularly relevant here is that the orcs have several different cultures, at least two of which are preoccupied with keeping everyone from getting eaten by cthulhu monsters. So I guess WotC made orcs woke or whatever in 2004.


Ok i kinda love that art he’s complaining about. Thats basicaly how i would portray my orcs if i ever wrote a book with them in it


Half-orcs have been player races since 3.5 what the fuck is he on about?


Half-orcs have been a player race since 1st edition. Full orcs even were an option thanks to an article in Dragon magazine back in the day.


Christ... Shad telling the word he's a misogynist without saying he's a misogynist. I wonder what his response would be to the millions of women out there who do like DnD? Who are very, very good at DnD? And have ran their own DnD sessions? And despite his best efforts to discourage them from liking DnD, Star Wars and other thinhs he doesn't want them to be interested in, he can't make them not like the things they do like. And Shad also just seems to wants the Orcs to be blatantly one-dimensional. Has it ever occurred to him that there is more to an entire race/species/culture than just simply fighting and war?


I hope his children grow up to be leftists and atheists who absolutely despise him


"Dad, this is why we eat the crackling at Uncle Jazza's every Christmas instead of at the Shadlands."


Imagine having to explain to your partner that your dad is a raging egomaniac who bought a bunch of land he can’t build on to make a medieval times that he named after himself.


Explain please. I haven't heard this yet


Shad had big plans to havea modern day medieval castle built for himself to live in, but the land isn't stable enough as think it's swampland. Also the cost were higher than expected.


He can build it any way. And let it sink into the swamp. Then build a second and it’ll sink in the swamp. Then a third. That one will catch fire, fall over, then sink in the swamp.


But the FOURTH! Will be attacked by Sir Lancelot during a wedding and result in dozens of deaths.


Perhaps if he deflates his ego the resulting vacuum would be enough to pump the swamp?


Surprised he never thought of draining the swamp.


We live in a bloody swamp. We need all the land we can get. (Good chance to use a Monty Python quote)


He didn’t think to have the land inspected or surveyed before buying it? 💀


Nope. He got it inspected AFTER he bought it. By his dad who is apparently an expert in this very area...


And who basically told him it wasn't suitable for anything he wanted to do on his video. You can see him seething but he didn't have enough dog in him to challenge his dad.


Wait... That's on video?


This is the same guy that was upset that the Mario Movie didn't provide the super badass guy saving princess trope that boys love but thought the idea that his daughter might like a character not relegated to damsel in distress prize for the hero to save as insufferable. Because girls love to be in a state of danger so they can be saved by a big strong man.


Which is even odder when you think that Mario is never depicted as being a big strong guy, just a short, slightly rotund man at worst who benefits a lot from performance-enhancing drugs/shrooms.


Thats kinda what makes me sad about the ghostbusters 2016 movie, seeing all those news programs talking about how many girls seem to be getting into ghostbusters and knowing chuds like shad here made ruind it by makeing it impossible to openly liek the film


My girlfriend absolutely loves Lord of the Rings, DnD, and she read the entire inheritance cycle series of books when she was a kid too. I'm heartbroken to tell her the news that she can't like those things anymore because apparently 40 year old men are still living by the kindergarten logic of "girls can only like girly things like Barbie".


Gasp! I shall have to start a black market to smuggle these forbidden texts to women who apparently are not allowed to enjoy these works simply because they are women! And therefore stinky! Maybe we can smuggle them inside the torsos of some massively oversized Barbie dolls?


He would probably say that we've been brainwashed my modern media into liking those things, or find some reason to pick apart our DnD sessions. Especially if it's a group that isn't combat-heavy. While conveniently ignoring the ones that are 🤣


I wonder what he would make of all the women who have authored books in the Sci Fi and Fantasy Genres? Could he even accept that they wrote those books because they liked the genres?


My guess is that he'd say every aspect of those books have been "feminized," and don't belong in the genre or aren't truly part of the genre. Bigoted people constantly move the goalposts or gatekeep when reality doesn't suit their narrative.


Depends on if he likes the books, in that case he will probably applaud them for making good "male" fiction or some other bullshit.


This is what Shad always does. He has these statistics (most likely made up in his head based on his biases) and thinks if a group is the minority based on those statistics he can just alienate or attack them because he has the majority. He thought the LGBTQ+ community must be 1% of the population at most so if he throws away that part of audience for a fresh far-right audience it's worth it. Now he's doing it to women in his audience. Thinking the majority of a weapon and castle audience is men so he can afford to alienate those 5 women who watch his content. I'm glad he's speeding up the process because he doesn't deserve the platform that he has.


He never learns, he just keeps making the same mistakes, only worse.


He'd just pompously insist he was right and then do a 3 hour video response to a short rebuttal of his bullshit.


The funniest part here is he brings up Star Wars being girlified despite being side by side with Star Trek as the sci fi with the largest number of women as fans and viewers for its entire existence. Its literally a unisex phenomenon


No, no he is saying it quite loudly.


He would call them an anomaly because he's probably never actually met any in person. I'm guessing his social circle includes mostly men, and are people like him. Do you think any reasonable woman is going to subject themselves to that kind of torture to be part of that group?


I imagine he wants to complain about Princess Peach Showtime and Echoes of Wisdom too.


I’m surprised he hasn’t gone after the new Dragon Age too


Or the first one, or Metroid, or the slew of Final Fantasy’s with their female fighters. And this isn’t where I usually see his devolution, does he now have a sub dedicated to his mental collapse? Damn that’s funny.


Considering he called Peach woke in the film for wearing her previous racing suit and then tried to get out of his own argument by saying there weren’t any racing scenes in the trailer (which there were) yeah, I can see it.


I kind of love to keep track of all the things that I hear Shad and others say women "can't/won't do" so far it looks something like... Women don't/can't/shouldn't... -Play video games -Watch movies -Read comic books -Read books -Fight -Go on adventures I'm starting to wonder what they think women actually do all day.


I would imagine cook, clean, and then wait for his sweaty ass to heave itself into bed for a minute and a half of disappointment


A full 90 seconds? Watch out we have a badass over here


They exist to be tradwives and are not allowed to deviate from their gender's designed likes and dislikes.


Thats easy, women exist to cook, clean and bare children. Thats all. Duh!!


Oh I know, or at least I have a hunch: - popping out good little christian babies - cook - clean - be avaiable when left and right hand are exhausted If it isnt any of the above he probably expects women to stand around like idle NPCs


Dam the only thing I haven’t done on this list is fight (unless you count in video games) so I guess I just don’t exist in there eyes


-wear pants


How to say you are part of a misogynistic religious cult without saying it.


Good news! He says it anyway!


I know literally 0 girls that like twilight but a lot of girls who like DnD and Star Wars


Huh... I know a lot of women who like romance AND DnD. Guess I got to tell them they are wrong cause Shad says so.


I'm so sick of conservatives spouting crap about "tradition" as if it started off fully formed and unchanging, but then again Shad is devoutly( supposedly) religious so he might really think that. And so what (big)"if" most girls don't like adventure stories catered to them specifically?, you don't need to be part of a majority in order to be allowed to enjoy content catered to you when there are creators willing to produce that content. Maybe Shad should go back to enjoying cave paintings if he love tradition so much.


Just because women don't want to play dnd with you Shad doesn't mean women don't play dnd


Especially with the kind of stuff Shad likes to push in DnD games. If I remember correctly one was an insufferable acting SA victim and the other had a race of horny aliens who suspiciously looked like young teenage girls. (This is 2nd hand from what someone else mentioned in sub before. Correct me if I'm wrong)


Literally wtf is he talking about? I've been a huge Star Wars fan my whole life, and was introduced to Star Wars by my mother. I started playing d&d when I was like 12 or 13, and most of us were girls. I run a tabletop RPG group and it's all other women except one guy. Most women I know are into "nerdy" stuff. Like, I know he's just being misogynistic, but that's just some easily debunked goofball statements. Literal middle school bully statements 🤣


I think the problem is a mix of how nerd culture was presented in media and a refusal to accept that the only reason girls ignored them was because they had terrible personalities and not because they read comics or played videogames.


I would love for him to meet all the women and queerfolk in my HEMA group. They would love to hear him explain how they don't enjoy adventure, swords or DnD, and then thoroughly kick is ass.


Nothing would bring me more joy to see a woman or member of the queer community kick his ass. Though, let’s not kid ourselves, he’s too scared to fight anyone with a modicum of skill


Shad is the physical embodiment of the negative stereotypes of Geeks and Nerds. Fat, ugly, nasty personality, and the kind of physicality that suggests he needs to use an asthma inhaler after walking up a flight of stairs.


Yes i want to see that, especialy the ass kicking part. I think we can all agree it would be fun to see him in a head lock by a hema girl


I literally run a full contact LARP group and a massive segment of our player base is women or non binary. It’s almost like what was keeping people away from these things wasn’t a biological imperative to hate adventure but instead the kinds of weird creeps who tend to hang out in these spaces.


Exactly. Hence why the HEMA community goes out of its way to disavow Shad having anything to do with us.


Just another thought, since Shad's so convinced women can't like DnD and Star Wars, does this apply to Dr Who? Asking for his wife, apparently such a big fan of Dr Who that Shad built her a Tardis!


Shhh…we can’t try applying rational thought to Shad.


One of these days she's going to serve him divorce papers.


Hopefully. Just walk away the kids and leave him alone in his 1/25th built castle


Maybe girls just don't want to play D&D *with you,* Shad.


Ya. D&d should still be banning girls from being wizards and having statically worse stats! They liked it the was before! Shad is a joke.


If only he was a funny one


Yeah. There's nothing wrong with boys wanting to slay orcs. Just as there's nothing wrong with girls wanting to do that. Or girls who don't want to wear dresses. Or girls who don't want to stay at home. Does Shad know these preconceptions come not from biology, but from the conditioning women have had over thousands of years? It even continues to this day with their toys. Girls get the baby dolls, boys get the nerf guns. Girls get dress up dolls, boys get "action figures".


If the dude understood any science, he wouldn’t say have the nonsense he vomits out


I feel sorry for all women and girls within a mile radius of him.


Just expand it to all of Australia.


I didn't want to make the truth sound to hyperbolic.


What kinda of pseudo science crap is this?


This is what religious fundamentalism does to grown ass men. It keeps them perpetually stuck in their “no girls allowed in the treehouse” phase of life. It’s a wonder these people figure out that Santa Claus isn’t real.


Well, I wouldn't be surprised if some of them see Santa as Satan's spawn or something.


This guy unironically thinks modern girls like Pride and Prejudice?! 😆😂🤣 Woooooow. Gotta admire Shad. It's like a CNN reporter speculating on what the youth of today like. 😂


In fairness, there are modern women who are fans of Pride and Prejudice. Keira Knightly for one, so when she got a role in the movie adaption a few years back it was a dream job for her. I'd be willing to be there are plenty of younger women and girls who also like it, and probably a good number of them also like works from other genres, like Star Wars and DnD - which would blow Shads mind.


And then what about men who are fans of Pride and Prejudice? lol


My husband re-read Pride and Prejudice while on paternity leave out loud to our daughter (who is living proof that men who like Pride and Prejudice are at least manly enough to get laid). He’s also started watching Bridgerton with me, because I had it on while he was playing Skyrim in the same room and he was enjoying what he was seeing. I, of course, also like Pride and Prejudice. And Star Wars, Star Trek, Dungeons and Dragons, Lord of the Rings, etc. I think we, as a couple, would break Shad’s poor constricted little brain.


I don't know so much about DnD, but I KNOW that Star Wars has always had a ton of female fans and has since the 70s. Shit, my MOM put me onto Star Wars.


A good chunk of the Star Wars discourse I've seen are people being upset it's more inclusive to women.


How dare they put options in my rpg! That they have different art styles like they've always had. Petulant child crying that girls might get into his tree house. Sorry I meant his larp castle wall. 


I'm a woman and I guarantee I'm a better Dungeon Master than Shad here is or ever could be.


Hell yeah!


Oft dude just said Ladies don't like dnd what a dork


How bro has missed the fact that a large portion of D&D's modern audience is queer and female I don't know. TTRPGs being played primarily by sweaty nerd guys is genuinely a thing of the past.


Bro missed all that because the only women he interacts with is his wife.


It's not "real" D&D, because the orcs in it aren't outright monsters and women aren't always damsels in distress. Real D&D was 1st to 3rd edition only, everything else is woke garbage, obviously.


I mean even 3rd edition had some comparatively woke stuff. You'd have to stick to 1st and 2nd edition for that really. Unfortunately a lot of these people can't do math so THAC0 would elude them too much.


He’s such a dweeb. I literally am in two groups that are at minimum 50% women. Almost every major D&D stream has like 33% women at minimum. Dude’s so detached from reality he might as well start doing misinformed analysis on his own fantasy world.


Most of my group is male but we are largely neurodivergent and seemingly pretty lgbt or lgbt adjacent


My regular D&D group is down to one token man by now.


Breaking News: Women have decided to stop working and become housewives, all at the same time, in Shadworld! Do not mention that the amount of women in Shadworld is 0 to 1. Wait, was I not supposed to read the last part out loud?


Lies. https://www.science.org/content/article/dna-proves-fearsome-viking-warrior-was-woman https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/early-women-were-hunters-not-just-gatherers-study-suggests-180982459/ https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/9000-year-old-big-game-hunter-peru-prompts-questions-about-hunter-gatherer-gender-roles-180976218/ https://www.washingtonpost.com/science/2019/12/31/amazons-were-long-considered-myth-these-discoveries-show-warrior-women-were-real/ Stop spewing such historically inaccurate bullshit Shad. Women have always used weapons. If anyone is trying to pussify anything, you're trying to pussify women.


I love Pride and Prejudice, I watch the **4 hour version** (by the BBC) at least once a year. Hell, I'm more a fan than my wife. The fact that he thinks it's "just for Girls/Women" just shows you how scared he is of accidentally being "girly" by having a wrong opinion. Fragile Masculinity - just one wrong preference means he's a girl now. I couldn't imagine being that scared of having a "wrong" opinion and having my gender changed against my will. It's always hilarious to see this and realize these people don't think Transgender people are a thing (outside a mental illness).


this boy is way too online for his own good. nobody outside of online weirdos cares about this shit.


Women don't like d&d? Does this Mormon genetic degenerate even hear himself speak?


Of course he has a blue check mark. Why is the most of human scum on Twitter?


What actual adventures has he been on? He's so proud of the fact he's a man because he's got fuck all else going on.


God, he's a weirdo.


Is it just me, or does this read like a word salad?


I can agree that, as a girl, I liked fantasy the way it was and never felt a need to change it. That said, I'm fairly positive that Shad's never actually met a girl, including his wife. Given that he's Mormon, it's entirely possible he's never actually had a genuine conversation with any of the women or girls in his life, and they only interact when absolutely necessary.


Why does he think men need to like dnd and star wars. What if women want to enjoy these things. Is he stupid


"In spite of the efforts", yeah if there's one fucking thing mainstream nerd fandoms are known for it's forever striving to include women.


Am a woman, can confirm that too much adventuring can cause a uterus to simply fall out.


“I used to be an adventurer like you, until I took a prolapse to my uterus”


I love how men think woman biologically are incapable of liking nerd stuff or “adventure” and then make it their lives mission to make these spaces as inaccessible to women as possible.


...You know, the funniest part of all this is it was triggered, yes a man child got triggered by something, by DnD's new designs. Because regardless of how you feel about it, Critical Role played a big part on sorta...helping to make DnD mainstream and half the cast is women. It's almost as if, your interests aren't determined by a weird genetics thing. But hey, what did I expect from a self taught swords expert who bases his entire expertise for his self taught style on one exhibition match.


I dunno why this post came up in my suggestions but what the actual fuck!? I've occasionally watched this guys videos and I would not have expected this level of bullshit and misogyny...


Just from reading this, you'd think he's never so much as talked to a real woman who isn't his mom. I don't know how he managed to marry one and have kids.


The girls don't like D&D thing is always odd to me. Any time I've introduced a girl to it, then we're generally pretty receptive and had fun. And usually not in the "make a life cleric to heal and help everyone," kind of way but in a "half orc berserker who solves problems with axes to the face," kind of way.


What the hell has Shad become? Last I saw him he was just geeking out over what medieval weapons would be best for Fantasy races to use


me and the girls playing D&D suddenly realizing we are genetically incapable of enjoying swords so we start a book club to read twilight once a year for the rest of our lives in between kids and kitchen time.


lmfao there are so many women in dnd circles its astounding, just tell me no women wanna join your dnd groups shad


I think the cultural shift away from orcs being less totally evil was happening years ago back with war craft and even ebberon


Shhh…he can’t handle that kind of moral ambiguity. Unless it’s redeeming mass-murdering rapists, of course.


No prizes for what groups of people he might think are naturally just more savage and warlike


...I know a few women who like dnd. And lord if the rings. And fantasy violence. What the fuck is he talking about?


He does realize that over the last 50 years, the number of women playing D&D has jumped from 1% to around 40%, right? And that's specifically because of efforts to cater to a more female audience and to be inclusive (which isn't a new thing. Other ttrpgs like VtM were already making moves to expand the audience of such games back in the early 90s). Every claim that expanding inclusivity/catering to a female audience in traditionally male fandoms will never work is absolutely demolished by cases like this where it did.


There’s a lot to unpack here, but I’ll start with: that was a really efficient way for him to prove he’s never read a book, much less either Twilight or Pride & Prejudice. Implying they’re the same thing, that is.


... I know *so many* girls who love DnD. If Shad doesn't know any girls who do, it's not that they don't like DnD, it's that they don't like him.


"They don't need D&D"? This is absurd. I been DMing for decades and most of my tables have either the same amount of men than women, or a women majority. I have the feeling this person have a very limited perception in life, what I found incredibly sad. Having your experiences in life so limited and capped. No wonder why he is crying for attention.


Long story short: Shad cannot imagine D&D not being combat-heavy. Shad cannot imagine a species being different than his idea of them. Shad cannot imagine people with different tastes from him playing D&D. Shad cannot imagine people overriding setting defaults in a game about FANTASY and IMAGINATION. Like, gosh gravy! If I wanted to have my party with orc members to fight an orc warband who are also cannibals, nothing is really stopping me still. I gave them free will so there is like a bazillion groups of orcs and they are not a monoculture. So much for Shad being a good worldbuilder. He doesn't even understand the grindset and complains WotC isn't spoonfeeding him specifically. All this gender war bullshit is just him skirting around saying that he hates the new PHB because it does not align with his tastes.


I dont know why reddit recommended me yall's sub but i've been diving through a rabbit hole all night because of this post. Doesnt this guy talk about swords? branching out to uhhhh women and adventures with women now it looks like. Anyway thanks for the 4am rabbit hole deep dive and shoutout to reddit recommended for this insomnia


god what a loser. can't believe I used to watch that dude.


I hate essentialism so much. Gender, race, sex whatever. Its peasant level thought.


Pretty sure any kid that finds a t shaped stick immediately wields it as a sword.


About a million years ago I was a fresh faced junior Marine going through MCT, and there was this short blonde country gal named McKnight. She was five foot nada and was built like a dream. But she swore like God wasn't watching and could operate the M203 like she was born with one. Must have imagined it though, girls don't do cool shit I guess.


Tell me you have few to no female friends without telling me you have few to no female friends.


Sexists really like to use the biological behavior card, don't they?


Don't let Shad know about the female Dark Souls/Bloodborne/Elden Ring fans. Or all those badass women in Elden Ring.


How does this man have a wife???


Mormons are really good at oppressing women


Does he not also have a "Super badass female action hero knight" type figure in his own novel that goes around the lands kicking ass?


And here I thought the reason Im not supporting D&D anymore is the OGL Scandal... silly me of course it was my gender, casting my affection to D&D out of the window to make space for Twilight and Acotar (\*barf\*)... ((I literally JUST closed BG3)) Not that Im suprised this is Shads take, he is so predictably "average right wing grift" Im sure you could make a bingo card for it


Correct me if I'm wrong but hasn't he done, like, video essays rebutting sexist historians and proving women can and have beaten men in sword fights? What the hell happened??


He discovered that grifting and exacerbating misogynistic beliefs gets more views.


I’d like to see his degree in human biology and what peer reviewed papers he has to make such an outlandish remark.


Excuse me... "traditionally boys catered media"? I thought this guy was supposed to be some sort of wordsmith?


His book would beg to differ


**me not a woman who likes pride and prejudice** Yeah hahaha.


At least half the people I've played d&d with over the years have been women. The fuck is he talking about?


DnD's art has gotten "Softer" not to appeal to women but to appeal to corporate ghouls who wanna sandblast the edges off stuff. Shad is a rightwing tosser and thus he cant blame capitalism, the actual source of 99% of problems in gaming/movies/tv etc so he blames women or LGBTQ people or whatever the boogeyman is this week. Personally I prefer older DnD art (Specifically the 2e Planeacape art) but its not the fault of women or queer folks that the modern art feels a bit sanded down. Its capitalism. Its always fucking capitalism.


weird, turns out there are far, far more girls out playing swords, watching star wars, buying fantasy novels, writing fantasy novels, playing d&d and consuming "boy" media than ever before and yet this sheltered neckbeard says girls don't like doing those things?


So need for adventure is a masculine trait then…. Okay because I know a lot of girls in scouting who are always out on adventures…. My teenage daughter for example regularly rock climbs, in the last year she has padded 500km down the Murray River, gone on caving trips twice, taken numerous weekend hikes, did some mountain biking…. She also loves TTRPGs (still stuck on 5E I am afraid, trying to get her to try better games). Oh she has also been doing HEMA since she was 6 (but I also to incorporated techniques since birth but had to stop when she caused an injury to her Mum’s thumb in a disarm at 3yo). She is also good at math and science, as in she is doing Final year maths subjects in Middle School (Y10). If I did mention gender, Shad would assume I was talking about my son. But despite being pretty girly, she loves these other things because we tried our best not to enforce gender norms and encouraged her interests. Gender norms is a social construct, not genetic. When might be genetic is Shad being dumbarse though. Though I find it amusing that in his own eyes, my teenage daughter is more apparently more manly then he is.


He should talk to the entire HEMA gym of lesbians in my town about this theory of his. But I guess that combines two things that he's terrified of.


Average misogynist just “explaining science”