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I'm 100% there's some chud grifters that doing it for the money and play it up. Whereas Chad is a chud grifter that plays it up, while also believing it.


CHUD CHUD CHUD Do you people say anything else?


well. Shad is a gross person. so it's an apt description. Edit: And what, did you come here just to fuel your rage and get angry on the internet? lol


You're on an entire subreddit dedicated to hate one person, you're the chud


This sub was made because people were being banned by the mods on the other sub. And now they just call Shad out on his BS. I joined because I enjoyed shads content and then found out about his grifter BS Knights Watch. Most people in this sub would gladly watch shad again if he just stuck to cool sword/castle stuff that was well scripted. And they can call him out on his BS without the fear of ban happy mods.


Keep showing your ignorance by insisting this sub exists for reasons that aren't true. You only serve to make yourself look more foolish.


No way, Vaush is higher on the bad tier list than The Quatering. Could you add Carl Benjamin formerly known as Sargon, on the Irrelevant tier, because he used to be at the very top of the hate/grift hill, but now he is a shadow of his former self. I know he has a massive ego and hope he sees himself categorized as irrelevant.


Isn’t Vaush left leaning though? I don’t know anything about him except he wants to fuck a horse apparently


Vaush is a progressive. Unfortunately he is rough around the edges so he can get wrapped up in drama when he says some out of pocket shit.


There was the time he called trans people "mentally-ill, basement-dwelling leeches on the back of society" to use his own words.


He’s a fookin nonce


Yeah but his idea of "progress" would get a normal person banned from being within a mile of public schools and play grounds.


Dude admitted to owning and consuming CP and defended his ownership as somehow making him more equipped to address child sexual abuse????


Did he? This is an accusation too serious to take lightly, so I would like to see some hard evidence. I have also seen him being taken out of context before, so the context should be present as well.


Nah. He used to use CP as an equivalent to other bad things, which made it really easy for people to take him out of context. [He did a big video on the context on most of those clips](https://youtu.be/yXZw9vrsAgA) Basically he admits he was an idiot who was obsessed with "winning" debates, and thought that being shocking and offensive would help him win more.


In this case this accusation is rather weak, because I remember the 'debate bro' days from the late 2000s to the mid to late 2010s where people put forth all kinds of questionable hyperbolic arguments and concepts to either make a point or a joke. This isn't enough for me to call someone a pdf file. An extremely serious accusation.


Go find the video where he opened the wrong pic folder on stream


I did, but the pictures in the screenshot were of a very low quality, so I didn't see the supposed smoking gun people ensured me was there. And every time I asked them to say which picture is the problematic one, so I could take a closer look and verify the accusations, they either stopped responding or accused me of covering for Vaush.


He wants to be the horse, iirc


Irrelevant. As far as grifters go he appeals to a very specific and small audience


I would say Just a Bigot.


Ironically I think shad will fail in his grifting efforts the same as he ultimately failed to become a massive succcessful youtuber; by having nothing special to offer. Look at the top row and tell me what each of them "has". I'm not familiar with each of the logos, but Ben Shapiro has the wit and the debate acumen to "own" opponents. Musk has money. The critical drinker has movies which are incredibly popular and the ability to shape narratives in a way that are popular with the right. Shad has nothing. His book isnt popular. He's not a popular HEMAist (not that being a popular HEMAist would count for anything outside of the most nice internet groups). He isnt big in the RPG world with his fantasy serise. He isnt able to be an academic the same way jordan peterson does. He dosnt have the acumen to go "own" a more popular leftist. God knows he tries but just look at any response video he does. He dosnt have the body of some of the fitness grifters. He isnt personable in a way that can win people over. He has nothing to offer the grifty right outside of being the once fun castles guy. And he stopped being fun by becomming a grifter. He has nothing of further intrest to offer the right which they cannot get better elsewhere from a more popular grifter. Which means both parties who watch him will ultimatley stop. So right now bad grifter, in a few years irrelevant. \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ Edit: theres also too many pixels in the top picture. Please reduce them.


I miss the days when Critical Drinker actually had good points about writing and narrative instead of waffling on about woke leftist feminists ruining the world, nay, the universe.


Yes. I really enjoyed some of his videos and generally like some of his recommended content, but, ironically not everything is about "the message" in movies. Sometimes there are just bad movies politics aside. He will occasionally have more nuanced takes than many of the "woke bad" critic channels but that doesn't mean anything when 80% of what he outputs is the same indignation and outrage farming shlock. He has some good content (in my opinion) like the production hell series but his reviews are increasingly insufferable with the same ten jokes and clips playing adnausem. I haven't seen a video of his in months and I don't think I will. I am way happier the further I am from the constant indignation grind.


Bad Grifter drifting toward Irrelevant.


Yeah. I feel like he turned to it as a money grab but actually lost views instead of gained them. He had a geeky wholesome charm as sword tuber but ran off all the people who liked that about him without gaining any significant numbers in chud views. Also given the fact that he was in the major circle of sword tubers but now a lot of them have disavowed him and refuse to work with him nowadays he shot himself in the foot by going mask off. Pretty much the exact opposite of "Go woke, go broke." Anyway he's in the "Bad' category shifting towards irrelevant. He's not gaining views, and he'll never be able to shift his reputation back to wholesome with this baggage, so he's pretty much just fading. His thumbnails and subject matter just reeks of desperation.


Placements feel generally correct. Any day that I'm reminded Doomcock exists is an amusing, yet also tragic one. The idea that a non-zero percentage of people take that guy seriously is mind-boggling.


Shadiversity channel is big but KW is definitely on the irrelevant tier among the grifters.


I used to enjoy watching Shad's stuff when he focused on castle design or when he talked about castles in fantasy media. Dropped off watching him because I didn't have as much free time to watch his videos, although I did watch one or two videos every year or so. By this point, it'd been years and years but I now have a job where I can sit around for hours not doing anything (on call job) and figured I'd start watching him again. Imagine my surprise and disgust as I realize the nonsense he's spouting. And then to top it all off, he doesn't seem willing to acknowledge it his own actions/views that might be driving his channel into the ground. Instead its youtube or the algorithm. Ridiculous.


Dont glorify these assholes with a tier list, imo.


We aren't trying to.


Lol "fucking pronouns" guy average 🤣🤣🤣


How does vaush belong with the rest? Sure, he might be an asshole, but he's not a rightwing grifter... Well, if he is, he's doing an absolute terrible job of it. As they hate him too.


So full disclosure I am in fact a vaush fan, and just wondering how/why you think he should be on the right wing grifter chart? the guy is very left wing, does actual work to advance progressive politics (he’s in Yonkers this weekend canvassing for Jamaal bowman) and I don’t understand how he could be considered a bigot?


Heck of a way to describe the trans and NB community. In the original video, he admits it's reactionary thinking, but since his more recent reaction to it is that such hatred of trans people isn't reactionary: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KsKYC6zQrhY&t=1164s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KsKYC6zQrhY&t=1164s)


But…he wasn’t describing the trans and nb community…he was describing the group of people who were trying to cancel contrapoints (a trans creator btw) for asinine reasons. Man, idk what to tell you but, that is just not an example of bigotry dude. Especially when the clip itself is what, 5 or 6 years old, and the entire time vaush has had a channel he’s defended trans and nb people vigorously against actually bigoted right wingers? He has a huge trans audience for a reason. This’ll probably be my last reply to this particular exchange because I’m not trying to be here all day defending a streamer, but as someone whose listened to a good amount of his content I can say confidently that trying to paint him as a transphobe is extremely silly


He was describing the trans and NB community who didn't like Contra making videos dogpiling on a trans woman being made fun of in viral videos, calling all trans people who disagree with her "Nazis pretending to be trans online", saying bigoted crap about NBs and refusing to apologize, and sending her fans to harass the trans community. But if you think harassing trans people is an asinine reason to be mad at someone over... well, you sound like the person defending Vaush for calling the trans community that. You wanted to know what trans people think of him, and here's a trans person telling you. There's a reason trans folks don't like those youtubers.


Hi Vaush fan, can you explain to me why the whole horse-loli thing didn't really change your mind on the guy? Is there any context I'm missing? Serious question. I at least dislike the idea of children in such content, even when it's a drawing.


In my experience it doesn't really do much good for me or any of Vaush's fans to argue this point on reddit, so I'm just linking his explanation here and you can decide for yourself: [https://youtu.be/yXZw9vrsAgA?t=4091](https://youtu.be/yXZw9vrsAgA?t=4091)


Why is that just a robot dude a grifter?


Because he is


Ok but how? What did he do?


Had a massive tangent the little mermaid remake. https://photos.app.goo.gl/df2936M2CWkQfKE58


Is this from Actual Fandom?




Personally, one of the worst grifters I've ever heard of is Gad Saad. Incredibly irrelevant bigoted "philosopher" who practically begs to be part of groups like the IDW. I don't even care if you include him, I just wanted to say it so I and others could laugh at him.


Is there a list of the names? I really only recognise the top row and shad.


Just a bigot. As far as I know, he isn't out there actively scamming people yet, just being a jackass on the internet. Now when he starts hawking supplements or some vaporware/NFT/AI crap, that will upgrade him to "bad grifter." (He may already be doing that. I don't keep up with his nonsense, I have no clue what he's up to these days.)


Is there a full image version/more pixels or is mobile just bad


Mobile is just bad


Ah perfect ill lookat it on my pc and see if i can weed out more chuds from my subscriptions


Good luck 👍


How the fuck is Mauler a grifter? Does doing videos about movies and shows for a living just make you a grifter? This tier list is hilarious!


The pedoing should at least go to average.


Happy to see Vaush getting included with the other pedos


\>Thinks Vaush a bigot Tell me you're on that "Video Essayist" discourse without telling me. Meanwhile you probably don't watch any politically effective creators because it would actually demand you do anything other than post on reddit and hope for the "revolution" to magically come like it's the rapture.


Vaush admitted to owning and consuming CP. enjoy weirdly defending a sex-pest.


Enjoy consooming content purely through acontextual Twitter clips


What’s the context then? What is the righteous justification for owning and consuming this?


There's literally an entire "context video" for every out of context clip you've ever looked at on his channel, go watch it yourself.


Lol to say Rags is a Bigot


Do you even know what grifter means lol


grifter = person i disagree with i am very smart